
Official Wand & Heritage

[M.C.s POV]

I vomitted on the carpet and just in front was mother. at that point I knew I messed up. She scolded me for 4 hours for dirtying the carpet but later she hugged knowing I came back home safely. I was happy that she cared so much about me.

While I was teleporting I found out about the other two materials. One was Jörmungandr's teeth and the other was a Sacred wood from India.

I kept the elder woods safely in my room. and was thinking of going to Ollivanders when I thought I just emptied my mana reserve, I will have to do it again. I told my parents that I will be going to Ollivanders a week later and be there for at least 5 days. To which they agreed as it was in London itself.

a week later,

I went to Ollivanders and he told me whether I was ready to make the wand. I replied yes and took out the teeth and wood to it to him to add in my wand. he agreed and not asked many questions since he has seen many things like this on me. The process was same as Wolfe with the remaining egg shell to make it sturdy and vials of blood and bowls of blood and terrifying amount of mana.

Although he knew, but was still shocked to see the amount of reserve that I had.

I fainted while an explosion rang out. It was a 13½ long straight wand. and it flew into my chest. Ollivanders took me to his son's room covered me with a blanket and went out.

I woke up after 3 days this time. He understood that I spent a lot of mana. He gave me the wand for free as his student. The wand appeared in my right hand thinking about it. and disappeared when thought of it. the tattoo also disappeared. Ollivanders said the same things about my wand as Wolfe.

I thanked him but he said this for his student no need to for a thanks. I told him I wanted to go to Gringotts for some work. I told him I will be returning to work after 3 days. I made my way towards Gringotts.

I entered the bank and saw Griphook. I told him to inform Ragnok. He respectfully nodded and went inside. I think Ragnok told him about my inheritances. minutes later, he welcomed me to his office. He gave me a few rings ,"Lord these are your heir rings, I saw the Prince , emrys, Kenway, auditore, Slytherin and peverell family rings with their sigil on it. As soon as I touched them, they got absorbed into the God's ring.* yes I'm wearing it* The ring turned crimson Silver after that. The design was the same but when I thought of the emrys ring, it the emrys sigil appeared on it. I tried other and result was the same, if I think of the sigil it will appear on it. I tried thinking of malfoy sigil and it did not appear proving that the ring needs to be absorbed to do so. And I will only be able to do it if I am the heir.

Ragnok looked shocked seeing the my ring. but he would expect no less than the inheritor of 3 restricted vaults. I told him to take me to the Slytherin vault.

the insides were similar to emrys' vault. but there was only a parchment of paper along with a vial. The paper was heavily restricted but the vial was grabbed by me. Ouro's voice rang in my head," Brother, this is the basilisk blood. it can awaken some of my basilisk inheritance." I told him, " I will give it to you later " to which he complied.

I did not go into the other vaults as I thought I will enter them next year. after that Ragnok told me that can transfer money from the vaults only when I turn 17. I can only take out money till then.

he also told me that if I wanted to transfer money from gryffindor, ravenclaw and Hufflepuff vaults I have to ask the heirs. I told him to invest some money into fiebolt and nimbus company in the name of House of Morningstar and to send a fiebolt at my address. He took the money and kept it. He then told me," lord your nature magic increased." I asked him how did he know. he said " goblin sensitive towards their knid of magic which I felt when I first saw you. it's even purer then a goblin. I didn't ask you then it's good to see that you improved."

I bade him goodbye and I will see him in 4 years. he nodded and went back to work.i returned home and I just need to go to hogwarts.