
Traveling through Harry Potter

Anna held a kitchen knife, focusing intently as she sliced sugar cubes into perfectly equal-sized cubes.

The sugar cubes were then mixed into milk-infused coffee and slowly stirred. Anna couldn't help but mutter, "Perfect."

Carrying the tray, she tiptoed like a nimble cat, silently ascending the stairs. Anna gently placed the tray on the table, making no sound, and stared blankly at George's back.

"Finally done. The Felix Felicis potion is truly deserving of its reputation as the most difficult to brew. No way to shorten that six-month brewing period." George couldn't help but feel jubilant as the six-month brewing process finally concluded.

"Sorry, Anna, I didn't notice you there." Putting away the Felix Felicis and tidying up the tools, George finally noticed Anna and the now-cooled coffee.

"When you're busy, you're completely absorbed, which is a trait of a great wizard. But even great wizards need rest and regular meals." Watching George sacrifice sleep and meals for his magical pursuits, Anna felt a mix of pride and concern.

"Also, don't forget, tomorrow is Hogwarts' enrollment day. Aside from the prepared books, materials, clothes, and items, think about what else you need to bring?" As a perfect maid, Anna wouldn't forget the most important details.

"Indeed, thanks for the reminder, Anna. Otherwise, I might have forgotten." Magic was captivating, and brewing Felix Felicis required a full six months. With the start of Hogwarts looming, George couldn't afford any distractions and was grateful to have completed the potion before enrollment day.

"The luggage has been checked already. The only thing left to bring is you, Anna. Otherwise, we won't see each other for a long time once we're at Hogwarts." George picked up a pastry and stirred it in his coffee, answering earnestly.

Hearing this, Anna covered her mouth and chuckled softly, her eyes crescent-shaped with amusement. "You really know how to make someone happy, but Hogwarts doesn't allow maids." Distracted by George's teasing, Anna's mood lifted, easing the melancholy of their impending separation.

"After I go to Hogwarts, Anna, I'll trouble you to take care of my grandmother and make sure she doesn't worry too much about the bookstore's business. Making money is an easy task for me now." Finishing the pastry in a few bites, George added another instruction.

"Understood, Master George. You're only 11 years old, so try not to act too grown-up." Anna wiped George's mouth with a handkerchief, tidied up the dining table, then carried the tray downstairs. "Remember to rest early tonight, Master. Don't stay up reading too late."

Exiting the living room, George traversed the corridor back to his bedroom, gazing at the poster of Sophie Marceau on the wall. Tomorrow, he would be off to Hogwarts, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of deja vu. He had been in this world for 11 years now.

Originally, he was just an ordinary 11-year-old boy. In his previous life, George had just graduated from university and started working. However, he was caught in the economic stagnation that followed China's economic boom.

House prices skyrocketed due to the previous economic boom, making them unattainable. Meanwhile, wages plummeted due to the recent economic stagnation, barely enough to live on. Working long hours alone in a big city was difficult, and he planned to work hard while young, exchanging health for money. Once he had enough money, he could trade it for health in the future.

Unfortunately, George's luck ran out. As a homebody, his health was a concern. During a week of consecutive overtime, he collapsed and his heart stopped beating. His plans to exchange health for money had barely begun when he died prematurely.

When he woke up again, he had become someone else, also named George, but called George Soros. A second chance was always a good thing, and upon discovering that he had returned to the 1980s, George was confident that, with his knowledge of the next few decades, he could surpass the wealth of the original George Soros.

Crossing time with decades of foresight, George felt that he should be bestowed with titles such as "Hollywood Godfather," "Prince of the Film Industry," "National Husband," "Fashion Titan," and "Capitalist Magnate," not to disappoint himself in this time travel.

So when George could speak and walk again, he began to think. How could he influence his parents with prescience without being too strange so he could embark on the path of a capital magnate in investment and stock speculation?

But when George's grandmother enlightened him, telling bedtime stories, she unexpectedly recounted the history of the magical world. George realized that his path to becoming a Hollywood godfather, prince of the film industry, national husband, fashion titan, and capitalist magnate seemed to have taken the wrong turn.

He had crossed into the 1980s, but instead of returning to his original world, he had arrived in the world of Harry Potter. Or perhaps Harry Potter also existed in his original world?

The history of this world was exactly the same as his original world, except for the addition of a magical world of Harry Potter.

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