
Harry Potter: Stuck

Harry Potter has been in love with his best friend, Hermione Granger, for quite a long time but managed to hide it. He thought she wouldn't feel the same way for him as she looked to be infatuated with his other best friend, Ron Weasley, but the Horcrux hunt they were currently in said otherwise. Now, the issue was not about Hermione returning his feelings but what to do with the knowledge. Looks like he'll be stuck with two choices: loving Hermione or protecting her.

Uchiha_Midato · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

The Final Battle - Part 1

Harry made his way towards the castle with Hermione, Ron, and Luna trailing behind him. He looked around and saw the destruction Voldemort's followers had cost. Parts of the castle had collapsed, his comrades surrounded by the bodies of the fallen, both from the light and the dark. Harry's pace quickened, he couldn't bare to see the corpses, some were merely students.

They made a beeline for the Great Hall where everyone sought refuge. The dead covered by white cloths were separated from the living. The cloths were only partially covering the dead, the upper portion folded towards their torsos to show their faces. As they passed the dead, Harry couldn't help but look out for those he would know amongst them.

A couple, a man with sandy blond hair and a woman with dirty bubblegum pink hair, who lay beside each other caught his attention. An middle-aged woman who held a baby in her arms was knelt beside them, weeping. His eyes were immediately trained on them, not noticing Ron dash towards his family who gathered around one of those cloth covered bodies with Luna trailing behind him.

Hermione was about to follow them when she noticed Harry heading towards the opposite direction. When she saw where he was headed, she let out a pained gasp and followed after Harry, grabbing his arm. Upon closer inspection, they recognized a sobbing Andromeda Tonks and the baby in her arms was Teddy Lupin, Harry's godson. There lay beneath their feet the bodies of Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin. The last of the Marauders had finally been reunited with his brothers who had gone before him.

Harry fell to his knees beside Remus with Hermione following him and wrapping him in her embrace. The werewolf had multiple wounds on his face. Harry couldn't help but notice that in death, Remus had finally found peace. His face was devoid of the wrinkles that usually marred it. He glanced at Tonks and noticed the same look on her face. Dumbledore's words echoed in his brain.

Death is but the next great adventure.

"She wouldn't have left him alone." The voice of Andromeda Tonks cut through his own musings. "Remus wanted her to stay at home... but I know my daughter very well and I sometimes wish I didn't. She always stood up for what she believed in. She wouldn't have been able to sit still if she knew Remus was fighting for his life here."

Harry looked up at her. "I'm sorry, Andromeda."

She gave him a sad smile and shook her head. "Call me Andy. Being my grandson's godfather has earned you the right to call me by my nickname, don't you think?" She glanced at the baby in her arms then looked at Harry with a meaningful twinkle in her eye that reminded Harry of Dumbledore. "You want to hold him?"

Harry was taken aback. "W-What?"

"Don't you want to meet your godson, Harry?"

Harry gulped nervously. He'd never held a baby before in his life! What if he dropped him? Hermione could sense his hesitance and smiled at him. She then looked towards Andromeda, saying, "May I?"

Andromeda handed her the baby and Hermione cradled him in her arms. She cooed at the baby. "Hi there, Teddy. I'm your Aunt Hermione but you can call me Auntie 'Mione, I know my name can be a handful." She then turned to Harry, smiling at him. "See how I'm doing it, Harry? It's not that hard, one arm is enough to cradle his whole body. And you have to support his head since he can't do it by himself yet. Here, you try."

She showed Harry how to do it, gently transferring the baby into his hesitant arms. Once Teddy was secure in Harry's arms, he smiled. He could've sworn he could actually see a mix of Tonks and Remus just by looking at the baby's face. Deciding to imitate Hermione, he gently cooed at the baby.

Hermione and Andromeda looked on at the scene with tears in their eyes.

After a while, Harry turned to look at his girlfriend. "Hermione..."

Hermione wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffed before saying in a shaky voice, "Yeah?"

"I... I have to get to the Headmaster's office."

"Sure. Andy..."

Harry shook his head. "No, you stay here. Andy and Teddy need you here more than I do."

"And what about you?"

"I'll be fine, Hermione."

"Maybe... but you know well enough I won't be able to sit still without you around."

"Hermione, please..."

"No, Harry. I'm coming with you whether you like it or not. Have you forgotten? We're in this together. Always."

Harry gave her a grim smile. "Fine, you win."

Andy chuckled at the scene, taking her grandson from Harry's arms. "We'll be fine, you two. You have a world to save. And a piece of advice, Harry? Hang on to this one. She's a keeper."


Turns out Harry did need Hermione after what they just saw from Snape's memories. They tumbled out of the Pensieve and onto the carpet of the Headmaster's office. Harry chanced a glance towards Hermione. Her eyes were unfocused but underneath the external appearance, he could see how troubled and distraught she was. He understood, that was what he was feeling too.

Harry sighed. "Hermione..."

Hermione shook her head, her whole countenance screamed of pain and denial at the sound of his voice. What exactly can she do to fix this- to prevent the love of her life from dying? She couldn't help but feel hopeless. No. Not Harry. Please not Harry, she thought desperately. We just found each other. I can't lose him!

Aloud, she said, "No. There must be another way."

"You know what Dumbledore said."

"No! I refuse to accept it. He..." She finally turned to look at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I can't believe this." She stood up and paced around the room, her eyes lost in thought.

At this point, Harry had already stood up and grabbed her arms, looking her in the eyes. "Hermione..."

"What, Harry? Do you really think I should just let you walk out to your death? Do you really think I could stand idle while my boyfriend is sentenced to his death just to save the whole damn world?"

"Yes, Hermione!" Harry had raised his voice for this, catching Hermione and himself by surprise. He then sighed in defeat and repeated in a lower voice, "Yes."

"Harry... no."

"There is no other way. You know I have to be-"

"No, don't... don't you dare say it, Harry!"


"NO!" she screamed this time. "No, you can't die, Harry! I won't allow it!" The tears she had so desperately tried to keep at bay began to flow steadily down her cheeks as she sobbed. Everything had come crashing down all at once. She had been set in denial at the fact that Harry should- but when Harry had apparently accepted it... it was all too much for her. She threw her arms around his neck and wailed against his chest.

Harry embraced her as firmly as she held onto him. Tears had also flowed down his cheeks as the gravity of the situation finally became clear to him.

He was a Horcrux. A piece of Voldemort was inside him... and he had to die to get rid of it.

Why did this always have to happen to him? However, he was more worried for Hermione. What would happen to her if he was gone? They had promised each other a future after this war... only to find out that future seemed so far out of reach now.

His face buried in her hair, Harry murmured, "I love you."

Still sobbing, Hermione gasped, "I love you, too... but Harry..."

"Listen to me, 'Mione, and listen well. I love you with all my heart. You know I do. If I don't make it out alive, I want to tell you what Sirius told me in our third year."

With this, he stepped back from their embrace and looked into Hermione's eyes, his emerald ones glowing. "The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them..." he placed his hand above Hermione's left breast, where her heart was beating through her rib cage. "... in here," he continued in a low voice.

After he said this, Hermione managed to conjure a shaky smile then wrapped her arms around his neck once again to give him the most passionate kiss they had yet to give each other. Harry wrapped his arms around her petite figure, never wanting to let go. He was content to let himself enjoy what would be their last moment together. He kissed her back just as passionately, her lips salty from her tears.

They stood like that for a few moments, locked in a passionate embrace that seemed to last for an eternity. Finally, Harry reluctantly pulled back and rested his forehead against Hermione's. "I really wish it didn't have to end this way, 'Mione," he whispered.

Hermione nodded solemnly. "I know, Harry. But I understand now. No matter what, I'll always be here for you... until the very end," she declared in a whisper.

"Until the very end," Harry repeated.


They returned to the Great Hall together, their hands intertwined, and walking in a slow pace. They searched for Ron and Luna but did not find them anywhere, not even with the Weasleys. Harry couldn't bring himself to approach them knowing it was going to be his last time seeing them so he contented himself in looking at them from afar, memorizing the faces of the people he knew as his family. Hermione gave him a sad smile and rubbed his arm before gradually urging him out of the Great Hall.

They continued walking from there towards the stairs to the entrance hall where they saw Ron and Luna huddled together on one of the steps. The latter couple turned around as they heard their friends' footsteps. Harry and Hermione sidestepped the rubble littering all over the stairs and stopped beside them.

Ron stood up with Luna following his example. "Alright, Harry?"

Harry's lips twitched upwards. "I should be asking you that, you know." He hesitated then, not sure if it was right to ask. But it only took one look at his face before Ron understood and replied to his unsaid query.

"It's Percy."

Harry grimaced. Sure, Percy had been a right git towards them but it was only because he was misguided. And he had changed for the better, Harry saw it himself. For the Weasleys to finally be complete again, only to lose one of them in return. It really was unfair.

"W-What happened to him?" Harry asked.

Ron sighed. "It can wait, Harry. Let's finish this bloody war first and I'll tell you all the stories I know. So... what now?"

Harry couldn't bring himself to look at Ron. Confused at this, Ron turned to look at Hermione only to be surprised at the sight of her eyes glistening with tears that threatened to spill.

"What's going on?" Ron demanded. "Harry? Hermione?"

It only took Luna a few seconds to figure it out just by glancing at Harry's rather unnatural scar. "It's you, isn't it? You're the last one?" She was talking to Harry.

Harry nodded solemnly, still not looking at Ron and Luna. Luna began to sob at his admittance, tears streaming down her face.

"He's the last what? Luna! What in the bloody hell is going on?!"

"He's a Horcrux, Ron!" Hermione couldn't help but burst out loud as she found herself crying once again. She may have accepted that her love was a Horcrux but it didn't make it easier for her to say that fact out loud.


"It's true, Ron," Harry rasped.

Ron stepped back as if he was slapped, his face held an expression of shock. "No... it's not true. Harry, tell me that's not true!"

"I'm sorry, mate..."

"NO! Wha... oh, Merlin. Not you... please, Harry, not you too!" he was screaming at the end, his voice cracking slightly. He was crying as he launched himself at Harry and they gave each other one of those rare hugs that men give each other. Harry wept himself at the sight of Ron crying for him.

Harry extricated himself from Ron but held him at arm's length, his eyes trained on Ron's blue ones. "Ron, listen to me. You have to be strong now. I'm sorry this had to happen but there's nothing we can do about it now. Just... promise me something."

"A-Anything, mate."

Harry embraced Ron once again, his mouth near the redhead's ear in an obvious sign that Harry's words were for Ron only. He said in a low voice, "Take care of them, Ron... Luna, Hermione, your family... especially Hermione, Ron. Look after her for me, please?" He stepped back and fixed Ron a serious stare.

Ron, steeling his resolve, said in an unwavering voice, "I promise, Harry."

Harry gave him a small smile. "You're a good man, Ron."

He patted his back then moved on to Luna and hugged her as well. He had some words for her as well as they saw her head bobbing up and down. Harry gave her a smile and a kiss on the forehead after that.

He returned to Hermione's side. "It's time," he said.

Hermione embraced him tightly, her tears still flowing down her face. "I'll go with you," she said in a broken voice.

"Hermione... we talked about this."

This only caused Hermione to sob harder and cling onto him tighter. Harry looked to Ron with a pleading look in his eyes to which Ron nodded. He placed his hands on Hermione's arms and started to pull her away from Harry.

"No... Harry!" She locked her arms around Harry's neck in a panic, not wanting to be separated from him.

"Hermione... come on, let go," Ron whispered next to her ear, still pulling at her.

Harry took Hermione's arms from around his neck and slowly pushed her away with her still yelling "No!" As soon as Harry walked back to create distance between them, Ron wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist.

"I love you with all my heart, Hermione Granger," he said one final time to Hermione, who was struggling and pleading in Ron's arms.

And with that, he turned his back to them and walked away, Hermione's continuous yells of "No!" and "Come back!" felt like a knife stabbing his heart repeatedly. It took all his willpower to keep walking away, not even attempting to look back lest he run towards Hermione, take her in his arms, and never let her go again.


Even as he was a good distance away, Harry could still hear Hermione until she gave one final shout of "Harry!" and everything fell silent. Harry did look back this time but he could not see them anymore. As a tear slid down his cheek, he continued his trek towards the Forbidden Forest.

Harry put his hands on his pockets and felt something round and hard in the right one. He pulled it out to find the Golden Snitch he had caught at his first Quidditch game. He remembered Hermione saying these things had flesh memory. He once again read at its inscription.

I open at the close.

A thought came in Harry's mind and on impulse, he held the Snitch to touch his lips, muttering, "I'm ready to die."

There was a click and the Snitch opened up and a small stone fell into his hand. It was oddly shaped like a small, wide pyramid, and had the symbol of the Deathly Hallows within it. Harry instantly knew what it was: the Resurrection Stone.

Harry turned over the Stone in his hand three times. After the third time, Harry looked up to see four figures standing in a semi-circle in front of him: his parents, Sirius, and Remus. His throat clenched and he couldn't find the strength to speak.

Sirius spoke for him, smiling, "Long time no see, pup."