
Harry Potter: Stuck

Harry Potter has been in love with his best friend, Hermione Granger, for quite a long time but managed to hide it. He thought she wouldn't feel the same way for him as she looked to be infatuated with his other best friend, Ron Weasley, but the Horcrux hunt they were currently in said otherwise. Now, the issue was not about Hermione returning his feelings but what to do with the knowledge. Looks like he'll be stuck with two choices: loving Hermione or protecting her.

Uchiha_Midato · Book&Literature
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39 Chs


Ron climbed up the stairs, every step he took felt more difficult than the other. He knew he couldn't the pending conversation that was sure to be waiting for him when he reaches Harry and Hermione's room. He could only hope that Harry had Hermione's wand before the brunette could hex him mercilessly. Despite the fact that he deserved whatever she'll do to him, he still wanted to live and amend his mistakes.

He had reached their door now. Bringing his hand up hesitantly, he knocked twice and awaited his fate.

The door was opened by Harry who had a blank look on his face. Ron grew very anxious. His mate couldn't have given him any indication as to what he should be expecting. He had the kind of blank look on his face that told them he wasn't sure what to do with the matter himself.

"Hey, Harry. Can I come in?" Ron said, smiling shyly.

Harry nodded and stepped aside to let him enter. As soon as he was in the room, Harry closed the door and waved his wand, muttering softly. He could barely hear the incantations of the Muffliato and Confundus charms. Ron raised his eyebrow in confusion.

Harry saw his expression and merely nodded to the side. Ron followed and looked to the window to see Hermione leaning on the pane, her arms crossed, her face blank, and her whole figure tense. He could've sworn he saw her fingers shake. Oh, he was in for it now.

'Here goes nothing,' he thought with a sigh. "Hermione..."

"Stuff it, Ron. I'm doing the talking here," Hermione cut him off, her voice as cold as Voldemort's heart. That's a lot of coldness.

Ron's eyebrows rose in surprise but he nodded silently. Harry, meanwhile, had moved to stand beside Hermione, showing he sided with her. Yup, he deserved that. But it still hurt, though.

"Look, I'm sorry-" Ron started but Hermione cut him off with a menacing glare that would match Voldemort's. He shut his mouth immediately.

"What you did was unforgivable, Ron. And I'm not talking about when you left us to fend for ourselves in the tent when we both promised we'd always stay beside Harry," Hermione said in a low voice that shook Ron to the core.

Ron turned confused. What did he do now? "I have no idea what you're talking about, Hermione, but I'm sorry anyway."

Hermione threw her hands in the air in exasperation, laughing mirthlessly. Then she marched towards Ron but before she could do anything, Harry grabbed her arms and held her back.

"Let me go, Harry," she said, her voice full of steel.

"No. Let him explain first. I mean... look at him, Hermione. He doesn't know what we're talking about here. Let me try," he whispered in her ear, rubbing her arms up and down to soothe her. It worked but she remained tense.

"Fine," she said through gritted teeth and stepped aside.

Harry turned to Ron. "Did you or did you not feed Amortentia to Hermione?"

Ron's eyebrows rose up into his air. "What?!"

"Just answer, Ron."

"Wha- No! Of course not! I mean... have you seen me ever make a decent potion? I'm bollocks in Potions. You both know that. Wait... Hermione was fed a love potion?"

Harry turned to Hermione with a raised eyebrow. Hermione shook her head, her eyes focused on his.

Sighing, Harry said, "Ron, we want to believe you but-"

In a flash, Ron pulled out his wand and raised it. "I, Ronald Bilius Weasley, swear on my magic that I have never and have never had the intention whatsoever to feed Hermione Jean Granger love potions. So I say, so mote it be," Ron said in a heartbeat.

A white light glowed on Ron's wand but he was still standing which means that what he said was the truth.

Harry and Hermione gaped at him. "Ron..." Harry started.

Ron shook his head. "Look, I understand that you guys have no reason to trust me now because of what I did to you but I swear. You have been my best friends since first year. I would never do something like that to you. Out friendship is too special for that. I mean... I know I haven't been acting like a best friend to you but you should know I won't go that far. You're practically family to me now- do you really think I'd hurt you or do anything like that to you?"

Hermione faltered and sighed. She hung her head, ashamed. "I... I-I'm sorry, Ron. I just... how could I have known it wasn't you when you've been acting like a git to us?"

"I know and I'm sorry for that. I guess I shouldn't blame you, really. What with my actions towards you guys, you'd assume it was me."

Harry, who had stayed silent when the two started talking, had dropped his tense form and smiled, obviously relieved. He sighed. "I'm glad it wasn't you, Ron. I don't know what I would've done to you hd you been the one to potion Hermione," he said, approaching Ron and giving him a manly hug.

Ron hugged back, patting his back. "I know, Harry. If someone had fed my Luna with love potions, I don't know what I would've done, too."

Harry stepped back, blushing. Hermione, who was behind him, turned away from them, blushing as well. Ron smirked at them. Oh; how he loved to tease those two. Speaking of which... "So... you two, huh? I should've known."

Harry coughed. "Y-Yeah, well... it happened after you left, okay? Not when we were still together."

Ron nodded. "I know." He then laughed. "Merlin, mum almost had a heart attack thinking you two were... you know... during a war. She confronted Hermione and asked her if you used birth control potions. You should've seen Hermione's face!" He continued to laugh.

Harry turned back to Hermione and raised an eyebrow. She smiled shyly and shrugged.

When Ron had calmed down, he said, "Well... I think we should continue this tomorrow. I'm knackered." He turned to the door. Before he could open it, though, he turned back to them with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, and Hermione? Next time, try not to make it look like you wanted to devour his neck. We almost thought you strangled him- with his neck bruised and all."

Laughing, he exited the room, leaving the two blushing beet red. But as they parted, only one thought crossed their minds, 'If not Ron, then who did it?'