
Harry Potter: Stuck

Harry Potter has been in love with his best friend, Hermione Granger, for quite a long time but managed to hide it. He thought she wouldn't feel the same way for him as she looked to be infatuated with his other best friend, Ron Weasley, but the Horcrux hunt they were currently in said otherwise. Now, the issue was not about Hermione returning his feelings but what to do with the knowledge. Looks like he'll be stuck with two choices: loving Hermione or protecting her.

Uchiha_Midato · Book&Literature
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39 Chs


Warning: Language and mild sexual situation!


Harry and Hermione sat on a couch in front of the fireplace. Winter has just started and Christmas was right around the corner. They couldn't even get each other gifts since they were still on a mission. At this rate, it won't be an exciting Christmas but they weren't complaining. After all, they still have each other.

It was late at night but neither teen could sleep. It was a quiet night, actually. Quiet and peaceful. It was as if Voldemort never existed. Unfortunately, he does indeed live... 'But not for long,' Harry thought.

They cuddled closer into each other's warmth. Though they were silent, they were comfortable in each other's company. There was rarely any awkwardness between them. But as the silence ensued, their minds were working. They were thinking about their next moves. It was clear that the last Horcrux they needed to get was Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem.

It was a relief to both of them- the thought that their hunt was nearly over, that they were much closer to making Voldemort mortal again... that the war was almost over. And that they were still alive.

"Hermione?" Harry whispered.

Hermione mumbled her response, her face buried in his chest. Harry smiled softly.

"I... I was thinking... maybe we should go to Godric's Hollow," he said in an uncertain voice.

Hermione looked up at him, deep in thought. She knew why Harry wanted to go there. Sure, he might say it's because there's a possibility that one of the Horcruxes was hidden there but deep in his heart, she knew he wanted to see his parents. Their graves to be exact.

'It's time for Harry to come home,' she thought wistfully.

"I think it's a good idea, Harry," she replied, her support for him seeping into her voice.

Harry smiled, looking like a boy excited for Christmas.

"Really? You think so?"

Hermione smiled back.

"Sure, Harry. I mean... we both know we might find something there. But other than that, I want you to find your parents. It's time you met them."

Harry had a solemn look on his face.

"But I won't be able to meet them in the flesh," he said in a wistful voice.

Hermione sat up straight, grabbed his face, and looked him straight in the eye. "No, you might not be able to meet them personally... but in a sense, you're going home, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "That may be, but... I feel more like you are my home. I'm just going back to the place where my parents lived and, for a short time, where I lived. I want to go back to where it all started but I don't consider that place my home. I might have before, but not anymore. You are my home now, Hermione, wherever you may go, I will follow you. I love you... so much."

Hermione's face brightened and her eyes blazed with all the positive emotions one could think of.

"Oh, Harry..." she sighed then pecked his lips. "You're my home, too, Harry. And I love you, too. I love you so much I don't want to think of a future without you."

And with that, she pressed her lips to Harry's once again but this time, prolonged the kiss. They started out with a tender but passionate kiss which then intensified until their hands were roaming each other's bodies. Sighs, moans, and whispers filled the room.

They kissed each other with all they had- kissed as if the other was going to disappear any moment and they wanted to savor every second of it.

At some point, Hermione had laid back on the couch with a bare-chested Harry hovering above her, his shirt on the floor beside the couch. He had his lips on her collarbone, sucking like a hungry babe, with his hands under her shirt, caressing the skin of her stomach and occasionally brushing the sides of her breasts beneath her bra which he had unclasped when she arched her back due to a particularly vicious suck.

"Harry... please," she whimpered. Her mind was getting hazy and she could feel heat pool in the pit of her belly. She was barely coherent. All she could think of was that she wanted more. She didn't know what she wanted. She only knew that she didn't want the glorious feeling to stop- she wanted it to intensify. She wanted more.

"H-Ha... more... Harry," she said in harsh pants.

"More what, Hermione?" Harry whispered against her ear and licked on her earlobe, making her gasp and arch her back.

"I... I don't... please, more!" she babbled incoherently. She pulled his head towards hers to kiss him deeply, her head tilted for more access. She arched her back and moaned in the feel of his body brushing against hers.

Harry chuckled in response. "Okay..." he said.

Pulling her up, he removed her shirt and her bra. He gave a pause to look at her fully. She had pert breasts and dark pink, dusted nipples. She wasn't too big nor too small, in fact, Harry thought her breasts would fit in his hands perfectly.

Hermione blushed under his scrutiny and moved to cover her breasts when Harry grabbed her arms and shook his head.

"Don't. You're perfect," he breathed.

Hermione reddened some more but smiled shyly. "Th-Thanks."

Harry smiled back then took her breasts in his hands. Hermione gasped at the contact and threw her head back, a long, drawn out moan coming from her mouth. It felt... good. Harry began to fondle them, Hermione's moans became louder and longer. Afraid that her moans were going to someone up, he planted his lips on hers to kiss her. She grabbed his hands to bring them closer to her breasts while she kissed him aggressively.

Harry's pants were becoming tight as Hermione's moans reverberated in his being. Blood rushed south as he devoured her mouth and caressed her breasts. His fingers were now twisting, pulling, and pinching slightly on her breasts.

Breaking the kiss due to the lack of oxygen but not wanting to part from her, he latched his mouth on a breast, licking and sucking. Hermione fell back on the couch, her hands wildly grasping anything she could touch as pleasure coursed through her. Harry followed her movement, his mouth never detaching from her breast. He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked which made her cry out. To lessen her cries of passion, she bit down on her arm.

Harry fondled her neglected breast while he paid attention to the one in his mouth. A few seconds past and he switched breasts, making Hermione cry into her arm.

Just then, a cough was heard.

Harry jumped back, falling from the couch while Hermione grabbed her wand and a cushion to cover her breasts. When Harry landed on the floor, his hand found his shirt which he quickly put on. Hermione, on the other hand, had her wand pointed on the intruder behind the couch.

"Ron..." she hissed menacingly. Ron had the worst timing in the world. Hermione's hand that was holding her wand was shaking in rage and humiliation.

The redhead in question merely raised his eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. He had a half-eaten sandwich and a glass of pumpkin juice in both his hands.

Harry stood up and in his anger, accidentally slipped into Parseltongue, "Bloody hell, Ron!"

Ron shivered at that but he gave them both a reproaching look. "You do know this is my brother's couch, right? Merlin knows the number they did on that. You have a room all to yourselves, you know? Be grateful I was the one who caught you, not mum." He had a rather smug look on his face.

Hermione slipped down on the couch to wear her bra and her shirt. "What in the bloody hell are you doing eating at this time of night?!" Hermione said through gritted teeth.

Ron gestured to himself in a "do-you-know-me-?" gesture. Hermione roll her eyes and vanished his sandwich and his pumpkin juice with a flick of her wand.

"Bloody hell, Hermione! I wasn't done with that yet!" Ron cried.

"Go to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow," she said, grabbed Harry's hand then dragged him up to their room- to sleep, mind you- and leaving a gaping Ron in their wake.