
49.flying class, hero saves the beauty

Alex now entered the grounds with other first years but he looked at the gazes of all girls and boys and looked helpless. He don't know that charm would've this much effect. Even the passerby seniors which he don't know greet him and some are even bold enough to through pink notes with their kiss on it.

Alex is also embarrassed while the 3 girls glared at them. Susan isn't here as Hufflepuff and ravenclaw has another class together. Or else she also would've glared at them. Alex goes to the training ground while Harry comes to his side and asked in low voice," what did you do? Whole Hogwarts from freshman to 7th year students are taking about you. How did you change in such short time?".

Alex looked at him with wry smile and said," I don't know, I slept and woke up then I became like this", Harry looked at him suspiciously and didn't ask any further. Madam Hooch arrived at the pitch.

For a few moments she also looked at Alex enchnated. Alex has chill run down his spine while Hooch coughed and said," good afternoon class. Today is your first flying lesson. I don't want any reckless behaviour. Flying is fun but that doesn't mean you can have all the fun when flying".

She looked around and said," for flying you need a broom stick or any other flying apparatus. The first step is to hold your broom. Everyone step beside your broom and say up".

Before she can finish saying Alex who is beside his broom stretched out his hand but he didn't expect the broom to jump into his hand immediately which made him dumbfounded along with others. He already gave them two surprises today now there is another one. All boys glared at Alex as the girls looked at him with stars in their eyes.

Madam Hooch looked at him with wide eyes. Harry grumbled in jealousy while Ron admired him and Hermione seeing him she tried to call the broom but it just rolled on the ground and made her frustrrated.

Alex looked embarrassed from all gazes and Hooch coughed, then she said," come on, say up and get your brooms", after a few moments many got their brooms and those that didn't kicked their brooms into their hands.

Ron's nose is beaten by the broom which made many laugh. Then Hooch instructed them to fly whoe nevile incident happened. Alex took out his wand and used wingardium leviosa to stop Nevile's fall and let him slowly down.

Madam Hooch took nevile into infirmary while giving a warning to everyone not to fly wuth their brooms. The process went as usual while Malfoy taunted Nevile calling him the coward saviour. Harry became angry and asked him give him back the remembrall.

Alex looked at harry and wanted to see if he can really become the seeker again in this timeline. The scene is exactly like the movie except Malfoy called Harry, round glasses. Harry also caught the remembrall in front of McGonagall.

Alex smiled when he saw this but then he heard a scream and looked back and then grumbled. Looks like his presence did something again. He saw Hermoine directly flying on the broom while screaming.

Alex got she is in trouble and immediately flew into the sky to her. Hermoine lost the grip and fell down while Alex caught her. He pulled her onto him while Hermione who is frightened wrapped herself tightly around him.

Alex landed on the ground while Hermoine is shaking while holding him, though she is also red from embarrassment that she is hugging Alex. Looks like she is really scared. Harry ran to him while a scream sounded," what is happening here?".

McGonagall took Harry with her as for Alex she only said professor Snape will take acre of this matter. Alex now don't know what to do if he gets into the quidditch team his father at home and snaoe at college will trouble him. His father will trouble him for being the seeker of rival house while Snape will trouble him thinking about his father.

Alex sighed at this while Cassandra's voice sounded," are you planning to hug Alex forever miss Granger?", Only then he remembered Hermoine is still in his hug. Alex looked at the affection meter with wide eyes it jumped to 85 just like that.

Alex is very scared now if this continues he don't know when he is going to be abducted by a girl with love potion. Alex shivered even at the thought. Hermoine awkwardly get down from Alex with a red face and looked away from him while other girls looked at Hermoine with jealousy.

Cassandra glared at all the girls as she sensed other girls gaze towards Alex. She, Daphne and Pansy hugged him and declared superiority on him. They have smug looks that say,' he is mine bitch '.

Alex looked at the wolf like eyes of the girls and don't know what to say. At this the system notification appeared :

[ Host, I wish you have good luck to escape from all this girls. ]

Alex cursed and asked," you're enjoying this aren't you system?", The system said sarcastically :

[ Who is the one that asked charm more than anything at first? Charm that is upgraded to the max level is deadly even to the gods. Now enjoy your time dealing with the problems of max charm dear host. ]

Alex said,' fuck you system', the system then replied in wet tone :

[ Sorry, host not possible, this system don't have a body ]

Alex :"..."

System :[...]

Alex : I'll pretend we never had this conversation.

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