
Harry Potter: Mind Control

Octavius Black, a wizard born into the prestigious pure-blood family: The Blacks. Son of the Black couple: Druella Black and Cygnus Black III, and brother to three beautiful women: Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa. His training nights with his sisters were always exhausting, and he wouldn't allow them to marry into any other noble house; no one would have control over their bodies except him. Malfoy? A weak and dull wizard who follows another weak guy; Edward? A Muggle-born who doesn't deserve his sister's hand; Voldemort? Too weak to be a Dark Lord, so he would assume the position masterfully.

Monk_of_Souls · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Dreams and Prophecies

"That was amazing," Octavius said to the beautiful naked blonde who was now lying next to him.

"I can't feel my legs," Pandora said. "You could go slower," she smiled with her hand playing on his chest.

"But who was asking me to go deeper and harder?". He smiled at her.

"That was really good," she said sensuously, "I didn't want to stop."

"Will we have many more nights like this?" She asked Octavius.

"Of course we will, your body has me hooked," he replied as he stroked her hair.

"That's nice," a sweet smile appeared on Pandora's face.

'We'll have many nights, some shared with the other girls,' he thought.

His sister Narcisa, who sent letters because she couldn't bear to be away from him any longer.

Sweet Amelia, who still hadn't had her first time with him.

There was Molly, who just wanted sex and more sex non-stop.

Teachers Minerva and Sibilia, who liked to scrutinise his body.

'Really living the life of a happy man'.

Octavius' weeks were going to be really busy.

That only involved the girls he had relationships with.

He had to study how to use the Diadem correctly.

Lucius Malfoy's growing search for followers for his great master who defended the purebloods.

'Many, many tasks to be solved'.

Kissing Pandora goodnight, their unforgettable night came to an end and they both fell into the world of dreams.

Lost in the darkness, Octavius heard something calling him.

"Octavius... octavius," a whisper echoed in his ears.

Slowly opening his eyes, he realised that he wasn't really awake, but it felt like another place.

A place where he wasn't asleep, but wasn't awake either.

A meadow with gentle winds and a pleasant climate.

"Octavius," the voice called out again.

Turning round, Octavius saw who was calling him.

Helena was standing there waiting for him.

But not the translucent ghost that everyone saw in the corridors of Hogwarts, but a beautiful black-haired woman with a real and very sexy body.

In a blue dress with black details.

"How?" He asked.

"It's a kind of mindscape," she explained. "My mum once explained it to me"

Her Persuasion skill had a strange connection with ghosts.

And now it seemed that he really had opened up something of a path to this landscape.

Helena ran towards him quickly.

And hugged him, something she couldn't do as a ghost.

"Thank you, thank you," she said gratefully and held him tightly in her arms.

"You're welcome, my dear," he said as he touched her black hair.

Helena died before she had any more intimate contact with another man, only the Bloody Baron, who had pursued her on her mother's orders, was the closest man she had ever had and that was when he killed her.

She raised her head and looked into Octavius' eyes.

His lips held an irresistible fascination for her.

She moved closer and closer until their lips were practically joined and she couldn't resist the temptation.

This was the man who had completed her request and recovered what she had stolen from her mother and then impregnated with dark magic when she was tricked by a young sonserin.

Her lips joined his.

And a passionate kiss took place.

Octavius felt her warm, soft lips and his hand tightened around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

He felt her beautiful, soft breasts pressed against him.

His hand moved down from her waist, squeezing her glorious buttocks.

His penis hardened.

Helena noticed the bulge in his trousers as she broke the passionate kiss and gave him a sensual smile. She used her hands to feel his hard member while also unzipping his trousers.

Feeling now with her bare hands how big, thick and firm it was.

She knelt down and pulled his penis out of his pants.

Revealing everything to her.

Seeing that it was as big as she had imagined, she slowly opened her mouth while looking at it.

And finally she swallowed.

Every centimetre passed her lips and went deep down her throat.

Glup... glup... glup...

Her own saliva was swallowed as she kept his penis in her mouth completely.

Octavius was loving the sensation, it was different from the other women who had a slight difficulty with the size of his penis in their mouths.

Helena was a perfect fit.

A few moments enjoying the sensation of being in pleasure heaven.

"I'm almost there," he announced.

"Humm... ohhhh..." she moaned in response, unable to pronounce the words correctly.

Octavius made one last thrust. He grabbed her head with his hands and thrust his hips to push his cock even deeper into Helena's throat. 

And he poured his cock down her throat.

She swallowed it all in huge gulps.

Glup... glup...

Glup... glup...

"You're incredible, you got so much out", she said sensually as she finished swallowing it all. 

But it seemed that they would have to finish their activities.

Since, in addition to their bodies shaking with excitement.

The mental world also shook.

"Looks like we're running out of time for today," she said as she realised the situation.

"I want to meet after you wake up, I want to talk about the boy who tricked me and stole the Diadem."

"I'll come and meet you," he said as he caressed her face tenderly and returned to the darkness of his dreams.

After a good night's sleep.

Octavius woke up in high spirits.

He had his encounter with Helena in the mental realms where she revealed a completely new side to him.

In her fleshly body Helena was truly a stunning woman. A sexy body and a seductive voice.

And her ability with her mouth was mesmerising.

Coming out of his thoughts, he felt a movement beside him.

He noticed Pandora next to him, naked and still tired from the previous night's activities.

He saw her beautiful blonde hair and angelic face.

Octavius remembers the second dream he had during his sleep.

He was sitting in an office at Hogwarts.

But he was older and seemed to be wearing a teacher's robes.

While in his office, three beautiful young women entered his office.

One of them really looked like a version of Pandora.

All three seemed to have an adoring look about them.

The girl in the middle had long, curly brown hair.

And the last girl had platinum blonde hair.

All with beautiful body figures.

"We wanted to thank you teacher, my aunt told me about the adventures she had with you," the platinum blonde girl said.

"Yes... for defending us from Voldemort's attack," the auburn-haired one added, looking shy but with a clear desire in her eyes.

"My mum told me about the rewards you like," the girl who looked like a younger Pandora said.

At this point the girls removed their cloaks. 

Leaving the three of them in beautiful little underwear. 

Showing all the beauty that their bodies possessed.


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