

I had given them a letter and the location to Hogwarts I will be waiting to greet them as I want to see their faces when they see my castle.

The letter allows them to see and come inside hogwarts.

Many families arrived especially the Bennets that I was waiting for.

One by one they arrived by water at night as Hogwarts looks very beautiful at night especially when you're coming by the lake.

The boats halted to a standstill as they all got off the people that came were the leaders of their witch covens accompanied by their wife's or children.

I stood there with something that looked like a suit but was made in 1262 many people wondered what I was wearing as it gave off a vibe of importance.

I escorted them smiling all the way towards the great hall. The great hall was lit up by thousands of candles floating in midair the tables were and with glittering golden plates and goblets.

They looked dumbfounded as they started up in amazement as the ceiling is also enchanted to look like the sky above.

I gestured for them I sit down I put my wand on the table they looked at me as I was crazy for putting a stick on the table.

"Do you know what this is?"

I already knew the answer as they didn't but I was going to introduce it ONLY for special cases they looked at me blankly.

I stood up and started walking slowly around the table gracefully each stride showed pride.

"This is called a Wand and can be used by Witches to use magic more efficiently I have a proposal for you all"

I waited for someone to ask a question but I guess not so I continued.

"This castle of mine Hogwarts I want to use it as a school for helping witches around the world BUT not just witches other species one thing k can promise that can come from this and it's protection"

Someone that looked like a young man raised his hand to ask a question.

"So your saying is that you want to teach magic and bring together species such as them vile werewolves?"

As soon as he had asked his question many people gathered there started whispering among themselves but I didn't show a lack of confidence and replied as sincerely as I could.

"Do not worry here at Hogwarts it is heavily protected, filled with knowledge and most of all it is a place species all around the world can come together and not be judged"

They seemed very pleased with that answer and quieted down until someone else put their hand up at this I felt like a facepalm is coming on.

"What does this Sacred Twenty eight mean?"

Wow, a useful comment I thought my worry disappeared and I was back to being confident.

"The Sacred twenty-eight will consist of you 28 families being Pureblood witches that remade up of your family that doesn't have any muggle blood in your family"

They didn't understand it seems k have a lot of explaining to do.

"A muggle is someone who can't use magic is there any more questions?"

A woman spoke up.

"When will this Hogwarts school be up and running ?"

"This school will need teachers to teach the students but if you can help me gather teachers I suggest a month at most and you need to be the age of 11-18 to go to this school"

After that gathering, I have been sent eager teachers that are wanting to work at Hogwarts and will need to be taught what to do and where everything in the castle is.

I have sent out invitations to werewolves, witches and newborn vampires that don't know what to do as they have been recently turned.

The students won't need to bring anything to the school but a pet, clothes and verification letter is required but not compulsory as they will get everything they need when they arrive.