
Hogwarts Building the dungeons

I have a lot to build as I don't just want to build Hogwarts but also the Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade (Which I can hopefully add humans), kings cross train station (I will be the first person to create a train) and of course diagonally , Triwizard maze and a high quidditch area.

My progress on the castle is going smoothly especially with my new wand it helps a lot. I have currently been here for 1 year and only built the dungeons with Slytherins dorms that have connected with the lake so it's an underwater view.

The Slytherin dungeon is located behind a wall in the dungeons of Hogwarts and a password is required to enter you need to tell the password to the wall.

If done correctly a passage will be revealed leading to the common room.

It is very cold in the dungeons and it will be very hard to navigate around as it seems like a maze even to me it's a creator.

The Slytherins common room is fitted with beds and other necessities especially a fireplace to keep nice and warm there are windows that give you a good look at the emptiness of vast look of the lake depending on how to see things.

The walls Are huge and have nice detailed patterns on them giving them a stunning look. The common room has jet black sofas above them are lights (I will need to use magic for these to work as electricity has not been found yet).

One detail I am very impressed is around the dungeons and especially in the southern common room you will find engravings of a snake with a bright green eye that looks like it is following you around.

At night if you turn off the lights and look out of the windows near the lake it illuminates a bright green colour.

So far this is my first room but I need to add more detail such as chairs, games and enchanted objects such as painting but I want it to look like the original castle so the paintings will most likely be near the stairs.

It has been 2 years and a few months and so far the dungeons and Slytherin area is complete it is time to build more.

So far I have built below the ground floor is a dungeon cupboard (a small room off the dungeon corridor), Death party hall, A potions classroom with a potions basement and a very important one the philosophers stone chambers.

The philosopher stone chambers are a series of rooms underneath Hogwarts that serves as a defence surrounding the philosopher stone and there is a total of 7 chambers.

I have upgraded the dungeons holding cells so that it is difficult to break out. But now an important detail I forgot has been remembering and that is the chamber of secrets!

The chamber of secrets is further down under the dungeons and created by Salzar Slytherin but this time it is me which is getting me very excited.

I know this is hard to believe but I have found a way to create the basilisk that sleeps in the Chamber Of Secrets.

The Chamber of secrets was deep underneath the dungeons and was like a hall of fame for snakes

as the chamber was a hallway with snakeheads coming out of the walls.

The floor was covered with water and at the end of the hallway was a face coming out of the wall that looked like an old man with his mouth open but it can be shut by using parseltounge.

This Chamber may be useless as I don't think anyone except myself can speak parseltongue and it took up 3 years of my long lifespan.

So far I have been building this Castle for around 6 years and haven't even reached the first floor of my castle.

But I have an idea to create this wonderful creature I need a chicken egg that will be hatched beneath a toad and this would produce a serpent of extraordinary power.

Before I left that night to find a chicken egg and a toad I used an Anti-Disappariton jinx ( I made it if people without a letter from me can enter my whole area from the mountains to the Great Lake and the deep forbidden forest such is a lot of areas.

That night I left without a worry that someone may take my land or it is destroyed the next few nights I travel far looking for a toad and a chicken egg that I stole.

I came back home and headed straight to the castle and went right to the Chamber of secrets I needed to be fast as the egg would hatch now or in a few hours.

I put the egg down on the hallway with the toad sitting on top like a proud King it took a few hours and finally the time had come to the egg started cracking and inside could be seen.

A few seconds passed and what had been born was a green snake it seemed to understand me as I spoke "I need you to sleep inside that mouth until the time you will be released"

The snake obliged and slithered into the mouth of that old man the mouth slammed shut and just like that my first magical beast had been created.