
Chapter 2: A Whisper of a Secret

Harry slowly began to feel himself wake up. The moment he woke up he knew he was in some sort of hospital and he almost let out grown. "I hate hospitals" complained Harry. When Harry opened his eyes he saw both his parent sleeping against the railing of his bed. He guessed that they stayed up waiting for him to wake up. Then he heard whispers in the corner of the room, there were three men the first two were Sirius and Remus, but the third man Harry didn't recognize. He was fairly tall about 6 foot 3, was around the same age as his parents maybe a little younger, he had straight long black hair that was pulled back by into a pony tail. Harry could tell the man was well off in terms of money, the dark dragon hide robes he was wearing must had cost a fortune. He was too far a way for Harry to make out his facial features or what the trio was whispering about. But then the whispers stopped the he heard both Sirius and Remus yell…


At the abrupt sound of them both calling his name, Lily and James immediately awoke from their exhausted sleep.

"Come on you two Harry just woke up!" yelled Sirius as he ran.

"Oh! Thank Merlin! You have no idea how worried everyone was sweetie" Lily cried as gently ran her hand through his black hair.

" She is right pal, I think you very nearly gave me gray hair" said James.

But Harry noticed the glances between Remus and Sirius they seemed to say to each other "Well that is the greatest understatement of the year" Harry could only imagine how his father and Mother had acted when he have been taken away and while he was near deaths door. Then Harry suddenly remembered the cut on his neck that was caused by the dagger. He could now feel a bandage around his neck, it was rather itchy. Just as he was about to move his hand to adjust it Lily gently held it back. Harry gave her a confused look as if to say "why are you stopping me it itched".

"Harry, sweetie you can't touch it, I know it hurts but you need to let it heal first" said Lily. She said it in a most desperate voice that it worried Harry considerably. Then it hit him as to why she was worried, the curse that was on the dagger probably prevented any magical healing so they had to resort to the muggle way of stitches and hope it would heal on its own. Harry heeded her desperate plea and lowered his hand back to his side.

Then the stranger that was talking with Sirius and Remus earlier came into his view. Now that he was closer Harry could see his facial features clearly now and he was a little shocked at what he saw, the man looked very much like Sirius, same eyes and their faces have pretty much the same shape. The only major physical difference was that Sirius was al least 5 inches shorter then his look alike. But the biggest difference that Harry could tell was that the man wasn't very carefree as Sirius was, the man looked like he never laughed or joked at all, in fact he had the haunted look in his blue eyes that reminded him of the Sirius from his old time.

The man seemed to notice him staring because he came closer to him and said " I am glade to see you getting well again young Mr. Potter, I must say I was not sure if you were going to make it when I first found you at the Riddle house" said the stranger in a aristocrat voice that reminded him of Malfoy Sr. It almost made him shudder. " This is the man who got me from Voldemorts house? I wonder who he is" thought Harry curiously. Sirius unknowingly answered Harry's question.

"Harry I would like you to meet my younger brother Regulus Black, he it the one that got you out of the house and took you here" said Sirius with clear relief on his face as he recounted what had happened.


All of them were in Dumbledore's office and it was just chaos. Lily was crying hysterically screaming for someone to save her baby. James looked like he was close to joining her for there was tear falling down his face while he held Lily tightly. As if if he let her go she would disappear like Harry had. Remus was talking gravely to Dumbledore trying to think of possible plans of rescue. Sirius was pacing back and forth near the fire place half listening to Dumbledore wile the other half of him was trying to stop him self from blindly running off to fine Harry. Just then Snapes head emerged from the floo and his expression was very grave.

"Any news Severus?" asked Dumbledore.

"The worst I am afraid headmaster, the boy is with him as we speak"

Everyone started yelling and crying after that, both James and Sirius were shouting

"Well get him out of there! What are you waiting for!"

Snape glared at the both of them before he replied.

"Don't you think I have already thought of that!? The dark lord told us all to leave him and the boy alone, he probably suspects a spy some where in his ranks and doesn't want to risk an chance at a rescue attempt".

Dumbledore sighed heavily, his old age becoming increasingly apparent. This wasn't how he planed it at all.

"Very well Severus inform me of the result later" he said tiredly.

"Of course Headmaster" replied Snape before disappeared from the fireplace.

At that point everyone in the room began to panic.

"No! my baby! No! please I want my baby back Dumbledore ! There must be something you can do! Please bring him back, my baby, Please! I want my baby back!" cried Lily as she collapsed on the floor and began sobbing.

James was leaning against the wall his head was down keeping his face from view, his hands were clenched into fists and he was shaking. Sirius had never seen James so distraught before not even after he found out his parents had died in the middle of there 7th year of Hogwarts.

Both Remus and Sirius put comforting and supporting hands on their friends shoulders, for James it was all it took for the last of the emotional barriers to crash and at that point James didn't care if he was sobbing on floor of his old headmasters office, all that he knew was that his only son could be about to die and there was nothing no one could do about it. It was killing him to know that his little Harry was in the same room as the monster and he most likely wouldn't come out alive.

Just then Severus's voice came loudly form the fireplace.

"Albus! Answer me dame it!" he yelled.

Dumbledore was at the fire place in a flash.

"What has happened Severus?" he said.

"He is gone! The dark lord is dead!" replied Snape.

"Are you sure Severus?" asked Dumbledore.

"Yes all that is left of his body is a pile of dust and.." he stopped and looked in the direction of the Potters before he continued.

"And the Potter boy has been taken to St. Mungo's he should be there by now" said Snape.

Dumbledore seemed to hold his breath for a moment and asked his next question.

"What was his condition before he left Severus?"

Snape again looked at the Potters, clearly this was the question they wanted the answer to.

"He should have been dead but some how he was still alive before young Regulus took him" he said surprisingly calmly.

Dumbledore looked like he wanted to ask more but the Potters, Sirius and Remus were already scrambling to get out of Hogwarts and to St. Mungo's as quickly as possible.

"I will talk with you later Severus" said Dumbledore disappointedly. It was clear he wanted to know exactly what had happened.

Everyone had quickly used the floo to get to St. Mungo's and were taken to where Harry was being treated. The doctors told them that Harry would be fine in a few days but he would have nasty scars on his forehead and neck. Dumbledore couldn't help him self he had to ask .

"Why can't they be completely healed?"

The Healer sighed and said "Because they are curse scars, neither of them will heal completely, especially the one on his head it took us quite a while to stop it from bleeding and not that it's important medically but the one on the forehead is in a particular shape, no one is sure what to make of it" he explained.

"Maybe I should take a look" said Dumbledore as he and his company walked into the room where Harry was. When Dumbledore saw the lightning bolt shaped cut he seemed almost shocked before he turned around to the Healer and said " Tell me when he wakes up" and he left.

James and Lily refused to leave Harry's side for even a second, not that Sirius or Remus could blame them so they both went to the cafeteria to get everyone something to eat. On the way they ran into Regulus and after awkward silence Regulus explained everything to Sirius form how he regretted becoming a Death Eater to finding baby Harry laying in the middle of the dark lords hall and covered in his own Blood, and also how shocked he was when all he could find left of Voldemort was a dust pile.

They spent the next few hours talking. Sirius even introduced him to James and Lily.

Hours had gone by and finally Harry had woken up.

(End Flash back)

"Sirius! Hello…..PADFOOT!" yelled Remus.

"What! Oh sorry Moony drifted off a bit. What were you saying?" said Sirius sheepishly.

Remus sighed, "I was just saying someone should go and tell Albus that Harry is awake" he said.

"Oh yeah some one should" said Sirius absently. Although he pretended he didn't notice all the stares on him until…

"PADFOOT!" yelled James and Remus.

"Alright! I'll go just because I need to clear my head" said Sirius as he stomped out of the hospital room. As soon as he closed the door he could hear snickers coming from inside which caused his to smile. "Finally things are going back to normal" he said to himself.

A few minutes later Sirius came back with Dumbledore, who immediately went to see Harry. He examined the scar on his neck and the one on his forehead he seemed to think for a second and then did something that almost caught Harry by surprise.

"He is using Legamency on me! What the hell Dumbledore!" thought Harry angrily as he scrambled to conceal his memories of the future and quickly pushed resent random memories from his baby selves mind out in the opened for Dumbledore to find. It seemed he found what he was looking for because he pulled away and started explaining what thought what had happened with him and Voldemort.

"After examining the cuts on Harry I have concluded that they are in fact curse scars, but they were not caused by the same thing. The one on his neck I would say was caused by a cursed magical blade which explains the inability for it to heal magically. Now as for the one shaped like a lightning bolt, it is one of a kind, I have never seen one quite like it before and as I looked at it's magical aura I knew why. Harry was touched by a Very dark curse and I believe now that that curse was the Avadra Kedavra killing curse" explained Dumbledore.

Everyone stared at him as if he were crazy. They all seemed to be thinking "then how is Harry still alive!?" Remus was the one who voiced this question.

"But Albus if Harry was hit by the killing curse how is he still alive right now?"

"That is another story for another time" said Dumbledore thoughtfully. "But I will tell you this, Harry will grow to be a very powerful wizard, maybe even exceed myself in magical strength. All you need to do is treat him as you always have, like a normal boy. But keep an cautious watch on his magic as he gets older and if you must teach him how to keep his emotions under control. It would very dangerous for himself and others around him if he lets his magic get away form him" said Dumbledore as he looked at Harry with his piercing blue eyes. Harry locked his gaze and refused to look away. After what seemed like an eternity Dumbledore looked away for a second before whispering….

"Good Luck Harry Potter"…...

Five years past by very quickly for Harry. Life was great, he just let himself be a kid and have the childhood he always wanted with his parents and many family friends. It was a absolute blast hanging out with Sirius and his Father they were hilarious with their jokes and antics. He loved talking with his mother about everything she was really smart they able to have a conversation for hours if they had the time. Although it saddened him sometimes, his mother reminded him so much of Hermione, who he missed very much. He had also of course formed a close relationship with Remus or as he now called him "Uncle Moony". Remus taught him many techniques on how to control his magic when he got mad or scared so he didn't accidentally hurt anyone. Not that he needed the lessons but it gave him a chance to spend with him and talk about things that might be on the others mind. Surprisingly he also formed a close bond with Regulus, Even though Sirius and him were brothers they were exact opposites. Sirius was always there for a good laugh and provided him with a way of escape when he got to tiered to plotting his next move. With Regulus, he was always someone he could go to when he had a problem or just let his built up emotions be allowed to just run free with out anyone fussing over him. Regulus just calmed him down when his emotions became to much for his six year old body. Harry was always very thankful to Reg but he just waved off the praise and said " As long as you feel better Harry, that is all the thanks I need".

So all in all life couldn't have got any better for Harry, but you all know what they say about good things, they all must come to an end sometime and in the case of Harry Potter it is definite. So it should come to no surprise that evil was beginning to set its eyes on the Potter family.

It all started when his parents organized a picnic near a forest on top of a hill that gave a beautiful view of the surrounding land. It was in the middle of May and everything was in full bloom. Everything was really fun especially once his Father and Sirius started a prank duel. A prank duel was simple, only "funny" spells were allowed like for example a colour changing spell to make your opponent change different colours of skin, hair, or even clothes. Any spell that could change the appearance or the voice of the other opponent was allowed as long as it didn't impair their dueling ability. The loser was the one who could no longer say any spells because they were laughing to much at their opponent. In this duel however the spectators were getting all the entertainment out of it. No one could hold back their snickers at the sight of the two. James suddenly found himself with curly pink hair, impossibly long eyelashes, a big Snape like nose, huge purple fish lips, and his robes had been spelled to glow neon green. As for Sirius he just looked look a clown from hell, His shoes were about ten sizes to big and had equally as big pink bow ties on them, his trousers had been transfigured to grow so now he looked like a giant spinning top. His hair was now frizzy and was changing all the colours on the rainbow. His voice was also charmed to sound like a teenage girl and every once in while he would say "I love Severus Snape". James had nearly collapsed from laughter after the first time Sirius said that. Even Regulus who never laughs lets out a small chuckle at that.

But the fun soon came to a sudden stop when Sirius cast a spell that made James fall over and what Harry heard next would always send a shiver down his spine.

"Hisss Ssstupid Human! I'll Bite you! ssss". But before Harry could do or say anything his Father yelled in pain.

It took a second for everyone to realize something was wrong and James wasn't playing anymore.

"James! What wrong?" asked Remus worriedly.

"I..I don't…." James let out a shocked gasp as he saw a huge snake clamping down on the back of his leg. "A snake!" he yelled as he took out his wand and banished to snake off of him and limped away from it. "The snake bit me" he said.

Harry could now seen the snake and recognized it immediately, it was a magical species that Voldemort had used in battle. They were deadly and the only way a bite victim could be healed is when the snake that bit them willed it to be so. Harry paled at the thought.

He turned to Remus and allowed the child part of him ask the question he already had the answer to, he only hoped he was wrong. "Uncle Moony is that the type of snake I think it is? Please say no"

Remus paled as he looked a the coiled up snake and could only whisper "Oh Merlin".

They both looked at James and Harry could tell he was already suffering from the effects of the venom. At the rate it was going his Father would be dead within the hour.

By this time everyone's attention was on James accept Harry, his focus was on the snake, he stared into its eyes and he knew what he had to do there wasn't any other choice he began walking towards the snake.

"Hissss…. come any closer and I'll bite you to child" hissed the snake as it poised it's head getting ready to strike. Harry was about to reply when he heard his father shout.

"No! Harry get away from it! There is nothing you can do! Please move away from it slowly, Please! Harry we can't have you being bitten to." he yelled desperately.

Harry smiled a little before he said " Who ever said anything about me getting bitten?" and Harry stepped closer to the deadly snake.

"Hissss….. You should have listened to him child" hissed the snake as it moved its head to strike.

"No!" yelled both his parents as they saw the snake move. But Harry was ready.

"Hissss… Ssssstop!" Harry hissed.

The snake halted in mid strike and stared at him in shock. "Hisss.. You can speck child?" it asked.

"Hisss…Yes" Harry answered.

Behind him he heard surprised gasps from his family.

"Harry?" said Sirius as if he was unsure if that was really Harry or not. But Harry choose to ignore them for the moment.

"Hisss… Oh great serpent I as a humble Wizard request a favor of you" hissed Harry. This was a very delicate process so he needed to follow all formalities to the letter.

"Hisss… State your name young speaker and I may consider a small favor to you" hissed to snake in replay.

"Hisss…. My name is Harry James Potter"

"Hisss… Ahhh the one who brought the downfall of Lord Voldemort Heir to the Great Salazar Slytherin?" asked the Serpent.

"Hisss…. Yes, How did you know about that" asked Harry. Dumbledore had decided not to tell the wizarding world exactly how Voldemort had been beaten just that he had been.

"Hisss…. Child there is not single snake in this world that doesn't know what transpired that night at the Riddle House and for that I thank you, Lord Voldemort would have surely turned my species into his own personal slaves if he had not been killed" hissed the snake.

"Hisss… Well um your welcome" hissed Harry as he blushed, he had never been thanked by a snake before since that day at the zoo.

"Hisss…. State your request youngling" hissed the snake.

"Hisssss…. Great Serpent I Harry Potter ask that you undo what has been done to my Father, James Potter" hissed Harry

If it were possible the snake would have sighed. "Hisss… Child to do that I require a great amount of magical energy which it something I do not have at the moment" hissed the snake.

"Hisss…. take mine then, I will give my own magic if you would use it to save my father" hissed Harry determinedly.

'Hisss…. Very well child, but you do realize you will be magically and physically exhausted for a number of days?" warned the snake.

"Hisss….. Yes I do realize that, but I would much rather be a little tired then having my father dead" hissed Harry.

"Hissss…. You are brave child, alright take me to him" Hissed the snake as she slithered her way up Harry's arm.

Harry turned around to see the shocked faces of his mother and uncles. His father seemed to have passed out during the time he was talking with the snake. The deadly venom was already taking its toll on him. Harry immediately started walking towards his father only to be stopped by Sirius, Remus, and Regulus.

"Please you must trust me, I know how to fix this, Let me get to Dad" said Harry desperately.

"But Harry that is the snake that bit your dad in the first place. How can you trust that it will help him now" asked Sirius.

"Because I asked it to, and this is the only chance dad's got, look at him Uncle Padfoot he won't last much longer without this snakes help" pleaded Harry.

"I don't know Harry, what if it only makes things worse" said Sirius.

Remus decided to answer this. "Sirius how can't get any worse? James is dieing right now, something needs to be done and if this the only way I believe we should let them do what has to be done"

"Thank you Uncle Moony" said Harry as he saw both of them let him through to his Father.

"Harry?" said Regulus.

Harry stopped a second and turned to face his uncle.

"Yes uncle Reg?" asked Harry.

Regulus kneeled down, stared directly into Harry's eyes and asked "Will you be Okay?"

Harry shivered slightly, He hated it when Reg always knew when he was putting his health in danger. He could do nothing more then to simply nod his head and turn back toward his dad.

"Hissss… Set me down beside him and have someone help him sit up" instructed the snake.

"Mum help him sit up right" said Harry as he lay the snake beside his father.

Once James was sitting the snake slithered its way onto James's lap and reared it head and back making it self look very cobra like.

Then the snakes scales that ran down the length of its body started to glow with magical energy. The magical energy seemed to seep into James and he soon began to glow a golden colour just like the snake. It was at this point Harry started to feel the pull on his magic, the snake was seeking entrance into his magic supply. He took a deep calming breath and he let the snake take what it needed. It happened quickly James and the snake were suddenly flooded with magic, making them very bright after another thirty seconds no one could look directly at them they were so bright. Then as quickly as it happened it was over, the magic faded and the snake slithered away.

Everyone crowded around James as he opened his eyes and looked around at everyone when suddenly he asked " Where is Harry?"

"I…I a.. am… right h.. here" said Harry quietly from behind them. He was out of breath like he had just finished running a marathon.

Everyone was beside him in seconds.

"Harry! Harry what is wrong? Are you Okay?" asked Lily worriedly.

" I'll be fine, just tired" said Harry faintly.

"Harry you look like your about to pass out, what happened?" asked James as looked at his son, he had no color in face and it looked like he was having trouble standing up.

Harry just ignored his questions and simply stated "I am just tired, I only need sleep" as he said this he began to slump forward no longer able to hold him self up. Luckily Regulus stopped him from falling right on his face.

"Harry!? Harry? Wake up and answer my question then you can go to sleep, alright?" said Regulus.

To tired to argue with him Harry nodded his head.

"Okay Harry it is important you tell me the truth alright?… What happened between you and the snake? Tell me exactly what happened" said Regulus.

"I asked if it could heal dad, it said it would but the process to do it would take more magical powers then what it had, so I said that it could use my magic to do it" explained Harry.

Lily was in tears as she hugged James with a smile on her face. James stared at Harry in shock for a second and then with gratitude. His six year old son had saved his life.

Regulus smiled down at the brave boy in his arms before he said "That was incredibly Gryffindor of you Harry"

Harry retuned the smile and said "You better believe it, and proud of it to" just before falling into an exhausted sleep.

Everyone let out a small chuckle and James said "Now that's my Harry".

"We should take him to Hogwarts, Poppy can look over him just to make he is alright while we tell Dumbledore what happened today" said Regulus as carefully passed Harry over to James.

"Oh yeah, I suppose so" James said with a sigh as he looked at Harry who was now sleeping soundly in his arms.

"Whats wrong? You don't sound very sure." said Lily as she cast a concerned looked at her husband.

"Oh I don't know it probably just me, but it doesn't seem right that we have to tell Albus every odd ability Harry has, call me paranoid but Albus seems to be scared of Harry or something, ever since that night with Voldemort Albus has been asking us tell him about Harry, how he acts, how well he controls his magic, and also tell him all about Harry's unusual abilities, like that time we discovered Harry was able to turn invisible. It looked like he was about to panic about something and then he just left. Its like he is putting together a puzzle, we're handing him all the pieces but he won't tell us what he is putting together" stated James with frustration in his voice.

"I know what you mean, I once asked Albus what the point was in all this and you know what he said?" asked Lily.

Everyone sighed and they all said "That is another story for another time" in their best Dumbledore impression.

"So dose everyone agree that we not tell Dumbledore about this? At least not until he starts giving us a few answers" said James.

They all stared at Harry who was still sleeping in James's arms and said "agreed". They all knew Albus wanted to manipulate Harry into his "top secrete" plans, and the more and more they all got to know Harry the more protective they all felt for him.

Minutes later they were all back at The Potter Manor and tucked Harry into his bed. Just to make sure he was okay Lily preformed a spell on him that would tell her all his vital signs. Everything was pretty level accept his magic and energy levels, but they already knew that and his levels would rise soon enough with some sleep.

Harry slept well into the next morning, it wasn't until 10.00 o clock did he eventually wake up. As he made his way downstairs to the kitchen he heard Dumbledore's voice coming from the living room.

"Are you sure Harry will be okay I am sure Poppy would be more then willing to look over him" he heard Dumbledore say.

"No thanks Albus, there is no need, Harry only has a little flu bug we gave him sleeping a potion to help him sleep it out" said Lily.

"Wow! They're lying to him! When did they decide they were going to start doing that?" thought Harry to him self.

Just as Harry was about go back up to his room and think until Dumbledore left he felt the familiar presence of Dumbledore's magic radiating out of the room. He quickly turned around and saw Dumbledore using his powers to see the memories his parents had of the night before. Harry knew he had to stop him, he trusted his parents had a good reason for lying to Dumbledore and he would be dammed if he just stood by let the man rob them of their right to privacy. So he focused his magic on the front of parents memories and then he quickly made up new memories of him being sick at the picnic and his parents carrying him home then giving him the sleeping potion. Exactly as his mother had said. Dumbledore's magic then drew away and he said "alright I hope he gets well soon, have a good day James Lily"

"Yes you to Albus" said James as they saw him to the door.

Harry quickly made himself turn invisible and bolted back upstairs he didn't want them to know he had been eavesdropping on them, plus he may be able to make fake memories for other people but not for him self.

Harry waited up in his room for a few minutes before going back downstairs and meet his parents in the kitchen.

"Harry your awake!" exclaimed Lily as she ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Mum! Do you want me to pass out again?" gasped Harry as his mother continued to hug him tightly.

"oh! Sorry sweetie" Lily blushed as she loosened her hold.

"Are you feeling better now Harry?" asked James.

" As good as new" Harry replied with a smile.

"Good, now Harry we need to talk about what happened yesterday, with the snake" said James.

Harry sighed and said " Ask away!"

"Okay first, How did you know that that snake was my only chance?" asked James.

"Uncle Moony and I read about them in a ministry classified dark creatures book, it said the reason most bite victims die is because the snake that bit them is the only snake that can use it's magic to neutralize it own venom in the victims system. So it makes sense really, when a venomous snake bites it intends to kill so why would they waste their valuable magic to cure something they wanted dead" explained Harry.

James looked at Harry a second longer and then smiled before he said to Lily "You know he sound a lot like you when he talks like that" said James jokingly.

Lily slapped him playfully in the arm and said "Be serious James"

"Oh right of course" said James as he put a serious face back on.

" Alright one more question Harry, how were you able to convince the snake to help me then if it indeed did want me dead?" asked James.

Harry gulped, he was afraid that question would come up.

"She helped you because I asked her to, as a favor to me, she said that there isn't a member of her pieces that doesn't know my name because of what happened that night with Voldemort. Apparently Voldemort threatened her race with slavery and I stopped it from happening by causing his death" said Harry with big sigh, he still didn't like the idea of being famous even if it was only amongst the serpents. There would always someone or something out there talking about you behind your back.

"That's all? It didn't ask you for your magic in exchange?" asked James.

"What no no you misunderstood she didn't take my magic for payment she took it because she didn't have enough magic to heal you her self so I let her take what was needed. I sure she would have healed you herself if she had enough of her own magic" explained Harry.

James smiled, relieved. Giving someone or something your magic for payment was very dangerous for a wizard or witch especially a child as young as Harry. For some reason that method of payment damages the magical core and if done enough times could cause magical failure, meaning the wizards magical core would shut down, leaving them no different then a muggle.

"Alright now that's enough of this serious talk. Harry you must be hungry, I'll start making lunch" said Lily it was clear she was happy the conversion was over.

"I'll help you Mum" said Harry. It may have been many years now since he was the Dursley's slave, but he recently discovered he missed cooking and managed to convinces his Mum to let him help her prepare the morning and evening meals. She was hesitant at first, because of his age and she was afraid he had inherited his Dad's abilities in the kitchen. Last time she had let James cook he nearly burned the house down. But he proved his talents to her on mothers day by making her scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast in bed that morning.

"Alright thanks, I am making my special veggie soup, you know what to do" said Lily with a mysterious wink.

"Your special Veggie soup? You only ever make that stuff when it's a special occasion like a holiday or a Birthday, or.." James paused and suddenly disappeared down the hallway.

Lily rolled her eyes before saying "No its not our anniversary either".

James walked back into the kitchen with a sheepish look on his face and said "I knew that".

Harry laughed at his fathers antics, it really drove his father crazy when Lily knew something he didn't. Though he had to admit it he was curious as to what this soup was for any way. He continued to think of the possibilities as he carefully added the exact amount of spices into the now boiling pot of water.

"Come on Lils I am begging you what is so special about today and whatever it is I am sorry I forgot about it" begged James as he got on his knees and gave her his best puppy dog look.

Lily was trying hard not to laugh as she cut up the veggies that would be going into the soup. "You will just have to wait until after dinner just like everyone else" she said.

"Mum the waters ready" said Harry as turned temperature on stove down a notch.

Lily walked over to check it and smiled. "Perfect! Just like always Harry" she said as she took out her wand and levitated her cut up veggies into the hot pot of water.

An hour later Harry got the first bowl of the soup but only because hadn't eaten anything since the day before. And always it was the best soup he ever had. But this time it tasted a little bit different he couldn't put his finger on it but he knew his mum had made this soup for something really special he just couldn't figure out what.

For the rest of the day James begged Lily to him what her big secret was. But she wouldn't budge, she said she would let everyone know after dinner, and she meant everyone, Sirius, Regulus, Remus, the Longbottoms and even Professor McGonagall who had become close friends with Lily, were coming over for dinner. Everyone was curious as to what Lily's surprise was, so that's why they were all eager to get dinner started and over with

"Alright Lils, no more stalling, now out with it!" said James as soon a everyone had finished eating.

"Alright.. I was going to tell most of you while the picnic yesterday, but because it was cut short so I didn't get a chance. But I think telling everyone this way is better.' Lily paused apparently enjoying the suspense she was creating.

She then grabbed on to James's hand pulled him up next to her and said " We're going to have a baby!"

Everyone began laughing and saying their congratulations, but they all stayed where they were waiting to see James's reaction.

He stared a Lily in shock for a second and said "Really?"

Lily laughed and rolled her eyes " Of course James! I wouldn't tell everyone if I wasn't sure"

James said nothing for a long time, he just stood there and stared at Lily with a unreadable expression on his face.

Lily then started to feel worried maybe James didn't want another child she thought. "James? Whatss…."

Lily was interrupted by James as he gave he a very passionate kiss.

Everyone then cheered as they kissed, happy that the couple both wanted the child.

After they finally pulled away and James cupped Lily's face in his hand gently and said "Oh I love you!"

Then they both turned to Harry still teary eyed with emotion.

"What do think about becoming a big brother Harry?" asked Lily.

Harry seemed to think about is for a bit before saying "Well its about time I had almost given up on ever become an older brother!" he said it with the biggest of smiles on his face.

Alright that's the end of this Chapter. Wow I don't think I have ever typed so much. Any way be sure to tell me what you think. And what to expect in the next chapter?

Lily has even more news.

Soon after Lily gives birth Dumbledore finds out they have been keeping information from him and dose the unthinkable.

Can Harry help his parents stand up against Dumbledore's manipulations without getting caught himself? Find out what happens in the next chapter. Will be up some time next week!