43 Chapter - 43 : Resurgence Part - 3


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"Not quite, but similar. There are actually dozens of circles of stones built along those lines, it's just that most of them are inherently unplottable, so unknown to muggles." Harry agreed. "Stonehenge is known because it's broken. So it became a tourist trap instead of a power tap."

Luna walked up to a standing stone, put her arm on it, then turned back to beam at the group. "You have to admit, there is a certain appeal to magic objects you can carry with you, like wands, rather than travel cross country to visit, like large stone rings."

"Convenience trumps quality," Harry agreed. "It always has, and always will."

With that simple statement he crossed a part of the clearing to behind some bushes. Coming around to see what he was up to, the girls saw one of those large tortoises, the really large kind rather than the petshop 'hold it in your palm' variety. This turtle was one of those big enough to ride, probably larger in mass than all three children gathered there around it.

Then they realized that it wasn't a turtle.

"Actually, it's a Fire Crab," Harry answered for them, seeing that the jewel-like shell had tipped them off. "They're native to the oceans around Fiji, and have to be protected not only against muggles, but against wizards who are tempted by their valuable shells, which make highly prized cauldrons - prized for very good reasons, I might add."

"I've read Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them," Hermione interjected primly, sucking in her bottom lip as she stared at the massive creature. "So I know about them, and that a few each year are exported as pets. But how did you get the special license needed?"

Luna gave both of her companions a curious look. "They only export newly hatched ones. This one has got to be at least four hundred years old, by the size of it. Harry? Would you care to explain?"

The boy mentioned simply shrugged. "I have a contact within the Department for the Disposal of Dangerous Magical Creatures. Fire Crabs this big qualify, as even the littlest ones can shoot flame, and this one is so massive it could probably destroy a house in one blast. Anyway, it got discovered during a raid about a month ago and the wizard who owned it did not have a license for it. So, rather than see it chopped up and disposed of, which was what our ever-idiotic Ministry had eventually decided to do, I had him route it to me instead. And, yes, it came with an appropriate license for me to keep it."

Luna lofted an eyebrow at him curiously. "Considering that whoever wanted it chopped up almost certainly wanted its shell for a cauldron, that must be some contact."

"Quite," Harry agreed.

"Would you care to elaborate?" she asked, as Hermione looked on, curious.

Harry shrugged. "An ex-Death Eater who somehow escaped charges. I had evidence of his crimes. A simple case of blackmail, really."

Hermione's eyes shot wide. Seeing their gazes on her, Hermione shook her head. "No, I'm not actually surprised at the blackmail part. I think you did the right thing to bring this creature here alive, rather than see it destroyed. It's that Death Eaters are allowed to work at the Ministry that has me shocked."

Then she huffed a sigh, letting her hands fall to her sides. "Since Dumbledore is in charge there, as well as here at school, I shouldn't be surprised at that, should I?"

"No," Harry shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid that's the norm for him. He employs 'former' Death Eaters as a matter of routine. Don't ask me why. Say, on another subject, how would you like me to show you how to feed and clean a fire crab without getting burned?"

"Are you sure it's safe?" Luna cast doubtful eyes at Hermione, who stiffened in response.

"Not normally, no," Harry agreed. "However, I just happen to have a genius who follows instructions perfectly, and a budding magical creatures expert here with me; while I, myself, am already familiar with the procedure."

He waited a moment, and smiled at them still hesitating. "Plus, I've got some fire protection potions, and burn healing paste, should we need it." He held out two bottles to the girls.

Accepting one while Luna took hers, Hermione popped off the cap and asked, "Harry, why are you carrying this? How could you know we would come with you today? I almost didn't, you know. I left behind some fascinating reading."

The boy shrugged, taking his own. "You know those traps we encountered on the third floor in our first year? They convinced me that it might be a wise idea to start carrying some extra potions about, and I've been brewing since early summer."

"Oh?" Luna blinked. "What do you carry?"

Once again Harry shrugged, handing around tools to the girls. "I have four general categories: medical potions, enhancement potions, utility potions and weapon-like potions."

"Some examples?" Luna inquired softly.

The boy grinned at her. "Well," he drawled slyly. "I'm not done mixing them all yet, but for medicine I intend to carry various antidotes, blood replenishing potions, boil curing potions, bruise healing paste, burn healing paste, calming draughts, cough potions, drought of peace, invigoration draught, oblivious unction, pain reliving potions, pepperup potion, various remedies, skele-grow and wound cleaning potions."

Hermione choked on her fire-protection potion. Coughing a bit, she sputtered, "But Harry, WHY?! You sound like you want to carry everything Madam Pomfrey stocks in the Hospital Wing!"

"Exactly," he told her calmly, eyes steady. "And why does she stock them? To deal with any emergency," he answered his own question. "So why would I feel like there might be emergencies when Hogwarts has always been so safe and secure for us?"

Hermione blushed at the inanity of her own question as the girls giggled at his sarcasm, then followed his lead and went to work, feeding and cleaning his giant magical pet.

"You mentioned weapon-like potions?" Luna inquired calmly as they worked.

He nodded, then explained, "When we were mixing a swelling solution last year I threw a firecracker into Goyle's cauldron to create a diversion. Where the solution splashed people's arms, noses, eyes, etc. were enlarged grotesquely. Goyle's eyes got to be the size of dinner plates before Snape gave him the antidote. But how many people, aside from myself that is, carry deflating draught as a matter of routine? Even Snape only has his in a supply cabinet in his classroom, and then only when he thinks he might use it. So it struck me that the next time I'm attacked, if I were to splash this over my enemies, it ought to really make it easy to get away from danger."


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