Hey, my dear readers, how's it going?

As the title reads, my new Percy Jackson fanfiction has been released. I'm doing a mass release of my stock-pilled chapters before starting with a normal schedule. 

Now, for the question you've all been asking yourselves? Is Alaric's story over? Hell nah! But I will take a break will I write the other story. I'm a bit stuck on what to do right now, and some of you probably have noticed that by how I've been dragging the last few chapters, and how the schedule is all fucked up.

Anyway, it doesn't mean I'll stop writing this. It's my first real story and holds a special place in my heart. I'll finish it eventually, but need to take a break first. And to prove to you I won't be dropping it, I'll be releasing a monthly chapter until I return to it full-time.

So, yeah... that's about it. Give my other story a try if you like the PJO universe!

See ya soon!
