
27: Orion, and Encounters

[3rd Pov]

After the Enchanted Emporium opened its doors, the shop quickly gained popularity among wizards and witches of all ages. Some were drawn to its intriguing reputation, while others simply found the building charming.

As the days went by, the shop's reputation continued to grow. People were captivated by the high-quality items it offered, all at affordable prices. News of the shop's fantastic value and enchanting merchandise spread like wildfire. Before long, a steady stream of customers flocked to the store, eager to browse through the wonders within its shelves.

The man behind the counter, a rather handsome middle-aged one, was reading a letter with the Hogwarts stamp on it.



-First-Year Examination Results-

PASS GRADES: O: Outstanding; EE: Exceeds Expectations; A: Acceptable.

FAIL GRADES: P: Poor; D: Dreadful; T: Troll.

Alaric Gellert Grindelwald has achieved:

Charms: O+

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O+

Herbology: O+

History of Magic: O+

Astronomy: O+

Potions: O+

Transfiguration: O+

PS: Due to your never recorded outstanding achievements, a new grade was created to classify your exams.


Alaric couldn't help but smirk as he looked at his grades. While he knew he wasn't as gifted as Lysandra in potions and herbology, the first-year examinations seemed almost laughably easy compared to the extensive knowledge he and his sister possessed. The required level of understanding for those subjects was relatively low, allowing them to breeze through the exams with confidence.

He was certain that Lysandra had also excelled in her exams, achieving top grades, particularly in her favorite subjects. There was no doubt in his mind that she secured an O+ in those areas.

"Excuse me, sir," a young man, not older than twenty, approached Alaric, who was currently disguised as Percival. In his hands, he held a blue candy, one of Alaric's latest inventions.

"Yes?" Alaric responded, turning to the customer.

The customer hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Could you please explain what this... Language Lozenges does?" he asked, holding out the candy for Alaric to see.

Alaric took a moment to compose himself before reaching for a flyer in a nearby drawer. He handed it to the customer, explaining, "Depending on the flavor you choose, consuming one of these candies allows you to speak a foreign language for a duration of 20 minutes."

With a flick of his wand, the flyer transformed, displaying different flavors and their corresponding languages. "However," Alaric added, "once the effect wears off, if you have no prior knowledge of the language you spoke, you won't remember the exact words you used."

The customer examined the flyer, his eyes scanning the various flavors that promised the ability to speak different languages. "It says here that the French one tastes like garlic?" he questioned.

Alaric nodded with a slight smile. "Indeed. Just as the Italian flavor tastes like tomatoes, the British flavor like peas, and many more," he explained, providing further details on the unique characteristics of each language-infused candy.

"How much?" the man inquired, reaching for his pouch.

"2 galleons each," Alaric replied, stating the price of the Language Lozenges.

"I'll take 10!" the customer eagerly declared, handing over the required amount.

Once the customer had departed, Alaric settled back into his position behind the counter. Before long, a tall and thin man entered the room through the door leading to the workshop.

"Boss, I've got the last batch," the man announced, holding a box filled with various items.

"Put them on the shelves, Orion," Alaric instructed, gesturing toward the empty display space.

Orion nodded, his wavy black hair swaying as he walked, and proceeded to arrange the contents of the box on the designated shelves.

A few weeks prior to the shop's opening, Alaric found himself on his way to the underground dueling club in Montmartre. Along the path, he encountered Orion, a man with a shabby stand positioned by the side of the road, offering an array of self-made magical objects.

Despite the usefulness and intricate enchantments of Orion's creations, the sorry state of his stand and his disheveled appearance deterred potential customers from approaching him. However, Alaric recognized the hidden potential.

Each item on display showcased exceptional craftsmanship, a testament to Orion's skill and dedication.

If not for the unusually big scar on his face, Orion could be fairly handsome. His dark hair and striking gray eyes combined with his haughty looks gave him an air of 'casual elegance', with a vestige of aristocratic beauty.

Seeing beyond the facade of Orion's self-transfiguration, Alaric acknowledged the scar as nothing more than a magical creation. However, he couldn't deny the skill required to maintain such a meticulously detailed transformation for an extended period of time. It was evident that Orion possessed considerable talent apart from enchantments.


The tinkling of the doorbell resounded, capturing the attention of both Alaric and the few other customers present in the shop. Their gaze shifted towards the entrance, where a new arrival had stepped in.

The wizard who walked in had an average stature, a pale, pointed face, pale blond hair, and cold grey eyes. He carried a sleek walking stick, its handle adorned with a silver serpent's head. Clad in black wizarding robes, his expression conveyed a distinct sense of disdain.

Following closely behind him was a young boy, unmistakably Draco Malfoy, bearing the same features as the man.

"What a lovely shop you have here," said Lucius with contempt in his voice, as he approached Alaric.

"Thank you. I'm quite proud of it," responded Alaric, as he, under his Percival disguise, looked at the man with an unreadable look.

"It has been — what? — twenty years since a new shop in Diagon Alley opened," Lucius said. "Quite the surprise I had when I heard a new establishment opened its doors here,"

Taking out a black rectangular box from his expanded pouch, Lucius placed it on top of the counter. "I was wondering if you also buy. Artifacts, that is,"

"I do consider purchasing certain ones, yes," replied Alaric, his voice maintaining an air of professionalism despite the undercurrent of tension in the room and his hate for the man in front of him. He glanced at the black box that Lucius had placed on the counter.

Lucius raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Excellent. I have items I wish to... dispose of. They might pique your interest," he said, opening the box to reveal a collection of delicate antique jewelry, each piece emanating an aura of elegance, but at the same time, dread.

Alaric studied the items with a discerning eye, his curiosity piqued. "These do seem intriguing. Cursed objects of this level are quite rare," he said, his tone measured.


[Alaric's Pov]

After some back and forth with the older Malfoy about the price, we finally reached a conclusion.

"I have a better offer," I said, willing my wand to quickly float to my hand. "How about I dispel the curses in half of the jewelry for you to take home, and I keep the other half? For studying purposes,"

"And how are you willing to pay?" Lucius couldn't help but lean closer to the counter, definitely interested in my offer.


"A third of the price," I said, faking a concerned expression. "You must understand that such curses are quite taxing to get rid of,"

They really weren't.

The soon-to-be-scammed man pondered for a bit, before looking at me. "Deal,"

With a flick of my wand, the simpler curses were dispelled.

"Is it done?" he asked, completely oblivious to the different spells I added in the place of the curses.

Nodding my head, I willed my part of the cut to float into the workshop, while Lucius closed the box and called Draco.


[3rd Pov]

"Diagon Alley!" Hope exclaimed, disappearing in a swirl of vibrant green flames.

She reappeared at a local fireplace, swiftly joining her family and friends who had already used Floo Powder to travel there.

Harry looked at Hermione and his sister, asking, "So, where's this shop?"

"Lys told us it's right in front of Ollivanders," Hermione replied, accompanied by her parents.

The Potters, Weasleys, and Grangers had organized a small family outing to purchase school supplies for the kids.

"We've been there before, it's genius," George said.

"Bloody brilliant," added Fred.

"I think we should take some notes, Fred."

"Oh, we definitely will, George."

"You will do no such thing!" Molly Weasley smacked the two in the head before she approached the Potter girl. "Hope dear, aren't Alaric and Lysandra coming?"

"Lysandra said she's busy," Hope responded, looking downcast. "And as for Alaric, I don't think he likes us."

"He's a Slytherin, after all," muttered James Potter.

Sirius, who had decided to tag along, rolled his eyes. "Don't be so close-minded, James. You know better than anyone that the kid is alright."

James sighed, acknowledging that Alaric was a good and intelligent boy. However, he still held onto the hope that Alaric had been sorted into Gryffindor.

'Who knows what those bigoted brats might try to instill in his mind,' he thought. The last thing he wanted was to see a kid like Alaric end up in Azkaban.

"I doubt Isadora would let their ideals influence him too much," Lily whispered to James, attempting to soothe his worries.

The group continued to walk in silence, with Arthur occasionally explaining to Hermione's parents the dos and don'ts of Diagon Alley.

"We've arrived," Hermione excitedly announced, gazing at the golden sign bearing the words 'Enchanted Emporium'.

As they approached the door, Lucius emerged from the shop, crossing paths with them.

"Lucius," James said, his voice stern.

"James," Lucius spat back, his words filled with the same venom. He glanced at Arthur and his family, a smirk playing on his lips. "Always associating yourself with the wrong crowd. What would dear Euphemia think?"

Sirius's hand instinctively moved toward his wand, but James intervened, shaking his head.

"Keep moving, Draco. We shouldn't linger near wizards who fraternize with..." Lucius's gaze shifted to Hermione, now with a scowl. "...mudbloods."

Arthur almost jumped into a fistfight with the man, but Fred and George held each arm of their father.

The group entered the Enchanted Emporium, the bell above the door chiming cheerfully. They were greeted by the sight of a bustling shop filled with a wide array of magical items and supplies. Shelves lined with books, artifacts, enchanted robes, potions, herbs, and various trinkets stretched out before them.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" exclaimed Ginny, her eyes wide with wonder.

Fred grinned, his gaze scanning the assortment of items on display. "Looks like they've got some interesting stuff here brother!"

George grabbed some Language Lozengues and his eyes gleamed.

Harry's attention was drawn to a section displaying flying-related items. "I could use an upgrade before the next Quidditch season,"

Hermione, ever the diligent student, headed straight for the bookshelves, her parents following close behind. "I wonder if they have any advanced spellbooks or new editions of Hogwarts: A History,"

Hope delicately traced her fingers along the glass cases, admiring the jewelry on display and occasionally glancing at the labels to learn more about their unique properties. As her curiosity piqued, she made her way toward the counter, searching for something else that caught her eye. However, her attention quickly shifted as her gaze locked onto the person standing behind the counter.

Hope tilted her head, her eyes fixed on the middle-aged man with black hair who was engrossed in reading The Prophet. A peculiar sense of familiarity washed over her, causing her to continue observing him intently.

Noticing her prolonged gaze, Sirius, with a touch of concern, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Is something the matter, pup?" he inquired, his voice gentle.

At that moment, Orion came from behind the workshop. "Those curses are quite nasty boss. No wonder—" As he tried to speak, his eyes hovered over Sirius.

A momentary pause hung in the air as Orion's mind seemed to go blank, and he stood frozen in place, his expression caught between surprise and realization.


A/N: Already planning the horrors Lockhart will have to suffer. >:)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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