
Harry Potter Ascension

A soul without memories of its past except the memories containing the fictions that his read throughout his life, meets a goddess who give him 5 wishes due to the karma of his past lives. English not my fast language and this is my fast story

The_Great_Sage_ · Movies
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Chapter 8 Time Skip

In the months Petunia managed to find Lily books that she used in Hogwarts and after looking through them, I started guiding both her and Rose into learning the learning the theory and gaining a proper understanding of what magic is and the laws of magic required to be followed before attempting on doing magic because you do not what might happen.

I guided her and Rose through basic meditation techniques that I created using force meditation as a reference. I did this so that they would be able to not only get their accidental magic of which there have been a lot of, under control.

These meditation techniques also act as a way of founding their magic core but also creates a foundation in the mind arts. Its not take long to find their core due to how talented and powerful both of them were.

When they managed to find the core, I then taught them into using magic core feel the magic within themselves and let them learn basic first year spells as well as household charm getting them used to doing magic spells without using a wand. This will also help in the development of their core and as well as creating a strong and stable foundation.

I also told Petunia about the potential she has in both business and politic and managed to convince her into hiring various tutors that specialise in their fields of work, such science math and etc. this way me and rose would not be required to attend school as we would be home schooled, Petunia will be able to get a proper understanding in business and politics and I gain the knowledge and experience of various professional that specialize in their field of work.

(5-year time skip)

A couple of years have gone since Petunia explained to me and Rose about the wizarding world and I began teaching them about magic. During these years I managed to travel around the area in which we are living looked for martial art schools and dojo in order to gain knowledge and experience of the masters of the schools and incorporate it into my training in the use of the force and magic.

From training with them and their students I was able to become an intermediate level master in various fields of martial arts. From hand-to-hand training to training in using various fields of weapons and It seemed to come to as though it was second nature to me.

I was also able to successfully master basic and intermediate force powers incorporating them into my arsenal which included powers like force sense which allows me to sense danger as well enhance my strength speed and durability. Force clouding which allows me to hide my true nature in the force, force concealment and etc.

With the use of these force abilities and the versatility of magic such as the notice me not charm; it would allow me to better accomplish a lot of my plans. After training and gaining understanding in martial arts and weapons training, I started training my lightsabre forms and master form 1 to form 5 adding in martial arts movement and weapon techniques to create my own unique form.

During this when Rose managed to further advance in her magical studies, but I made sure that she focused more on understanding and identifying various potions and plants. As she seemed to not only have a great talent for that, but so that we slow down as I do not want anyone one burning themselves out.

Rose and I are still young only six, I might have the knowledge and experience of Voldemort, but I am still six not matter how mature I act. I have no memories of my past life only that of fiction that consumed and the common knowledge of the world. Furthermore, the Harry Potter I merged with was only one year old and Rose as smart as she is, she still a child and I do not want her spending the whole of her childhood studying.

So instead of consistent studying and practicing magic I called for a family meeting and informed Petunia of my idea of building a garden as a family as a way of not only spending time together to relax but would also be a great help in dealing with plants and their different uses in potions. With that we spent three to four times a week working on the garden together as a family allowing us to train and deepen out bond as a family.

Like that when three years went by and behind Evan manor, they were a beautiful garden that was now filled with different flowers and plants that have been planted looked after in the previous five years.

With Petunia, she managed to quickly absorb all that she was taught by her tutors and with only a few months she took control of the drill compony. She quickly changed up the whole management with my help we managed to find those who talented and made them loyal to us. Under the management of Petunia, the company was quickly expanding within Britain and Europe with more branches being built in American.

Gaining a monopoly and foothold in the drill market as well making connections various people whether they be high ranking politicians or CEO of companies and using my telepathy and empathy to copy their knowledge in politics and to subtly make them loyal to me. slowly expanding my influence and information network in the non-magical world.

Harry was sitting in his room next to the window as he looked outside the garden at the back of the house, where Petunia was using wandless magic to water the plants. While Rose was off to the side playing with the animals in the garden, happily running around in her white dress.

The garden has grown more beautiful filled with various flowers and plants that he, Rose, and Petunia had planted over five years ago. Although he was six years old and seven in a few days, he physically looked 10 to 11 years old and had a lean swimmer physique that was packed with muscles.

'Hm I cant believe its already been six years since I got here.' He thought

He had burning red hair that has grown longer reaching his shoulder blade and been put in a loose ponytail using a green ribbon that has been given to him by Petunia who said that it belonged to his mother.

He had jade like skin and chiselled features with vibrant green eyes that give off a dazzling glow, able to overtake anyone soul in an instant with their sharpness when they looked at them.

"Rose and Petunia have come a long way in their development in magic." said the boy who lived

'Rose had shown great talent in potions and charms. While Petunia made excellent progress in transfigurations and healing. With the way's things are going its not going to take a long time for them to become masters in their fields of works.' He mused

As he was lost in his own thoughts, he suddenly had a flapping of wings. He looked a looked up and his green eyes met that of the hawk. With his empathy he was able to feel that the hawk tired and hungry.

So, he created some food and water for it before he took the letter that was tired to its feet and read it. From the letter he found out that it was a summons to Gringotts on the morning of his seventh birthday so he can claim his heirship for house Potter.

Before writing a reply, he looked through Voldemort memories about the laws of the wizarding world, found that because the age of seven is when a wizard or witch has their first magical maturation. If they are from a they belong to a noble house, they can go to Gringotts and receive their heirship depending on requirements of their house.

Another law is that if they the last of the line of a particular house they can claim lordship of the house and set a regent for them in the Wizengamont until they become of age. When he found this out, he quickly wrote his reply before he tired it to the hawk and sent back to Gringotts. he made sure tell Petunia and Rose about the summons to Gringotts.

He then telepathically sent a message to Petunia and Rose telling them about the letter and summons to Gringotts on his birthday.