
Harry Potter Ascension

A soul without memories of its past except the memories containing the fictions that his read throughout his life, meets a goddess who give him 5 wishes due to the karma of his past lives. English not my fast language and this is my fast story

The_Great_Sage_ · Movies
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Chapter 5 Mind Arts

After the revelation he just had when he went through Tom Riddle memories, he decided to walk on putting protection around the mind.

He decided to put five layers of protection around his mind to its protections from other telepaths and psychics.

The first layer consisted of building a giant death star from Star Wars and made the whole thing bit by bit using adamantium. The whole process was exceedingly difficult, but he used giant impenetrable black castle built by Voldemort with the help of the dark hold in his mind as a reference and blueprint for his death star.

The second layer of protection he put up if the telepath had some how managed to pass through the defences of the first layer. The would be transported to a dark maze filled with dangerous magical creatures such as nandus and basilisk.

Harry managed to put in scary monsters and aliens that would be found within horror movies and books from his past life. Another protection that he added in this section was that as soon as an individual enters the maze.

A link would be created to the person mind that would allow me to bypass their protection they might have over the mind with the individual even realising it. The longer the are in the mind the more access I would have to their memories and thoughts.

If the individual manages to get through the second layer, they would be sent to my mind scape. The mind scape consists a utopia like world, with beautiful green forests landscapes and mountains. It has a golden clouds and light blue sky.

With the middle of the mind scape there is a beautiful silver palace which acts as the third layer of protection. Within the palace it contains a giant library filled with books that has memories that have been heavily censored and fabricated and not afraid of others going through them.

The library consists of three main sections. The first in which contain the section for magical knowledge and contains sub sections within it for example charm, transfiguration, potion and etc. It also contains example how to perform spells and make potions throughs memories of certain wand movement and cutting certain ingredients.

The second section contain the knowledge of the non-magical side and contains the sub sections such as science, math, technology etc.

The third section is a special section that contain trivial memories of day-to-day actions. Such as waking up, playing with rose or even taking walks around the town and talking to people. The memories in this section have been censored and certain memories have been removed.

In an area between the second and third section in the library, there is a book and when the book is pulled, a section opened up that show's stairs leading to a banker downstairs which is the fourth layer of protection.

The fourth layer of protection contain a flat screen computer within the middle of the banker. But before an individual can even think of using the computer they are faced with their worst fears and are required to conquer the fears to even be able to look at the computer.

Even if they manage to, they manage to conquer their fears and approach the computer they would have to try and work out a really complicated and long password and would still not be able to access the computer as it would require his unique soul signature. And the password is only a distraction.

The last layer he decided to add is a barrier around the death star that would alert him when other people attempt to get into his mind.

After he had finished putting protection around his mind, he found that he got benefits off having cleared and sorted out his mind. He managed to get perfect recall and was also not only capable of parallel thought but capable of thought accelerations. Due to the mind palace that he created in his mind. As a reference from the one Voldemort built in his mind with the help of the dark hold.

Harry then soon began with training in his telepathy and empathy by trying it on the people around the town. He first started with getting in the mind of one person then two and finally until he was able to enter of the mind of 10 to 15 people simultaneously. Using his parallel thought to talk to person while also going through their thoughts.

He practiced in in speaking in the minds of other, placing certain thoughts and ideas in their minds making them thinks that they are the ones that came up with the ideas. he was even able to possess people for a certain amount of time as it takes a lot of power and puts a strain on his mind.

He further explored his powers by practicing and compelling people, erasing certain memories of individual as well as projecting illusions with in the minds of people.

While exploring his empathic powers he found that he was more in tune in the emotional world and more sensitive to things other people would not think about. He found that he could read other people easily and able to pick up on the energy others making him be able to easily tell when someone is lying to him.

Another thing he found through practicing is that his able to turn negative energy into positive energy able to easily make an angry person calm or making someone who is sad happy. He found that when that him able to channel and immersed himself in both positive energies causing him to be in a state of either constant happiness or love.

He had to be careful when channelling emotions because he managed to get high when channelled the emotions of love and happiness which left him in a state of giddiness liked he had been smoking weed.

When practicing this he found that depending on the emotion his channelling its able to increase the power of certain spells. This was further reinforced when he remembers him the movies and books how the Patronus charm require the emotions of happiness and love to cast, all while the killing curse require the emotion of anger and hate.

He also discovered when experimenting with powers that his able to change his aura. He changed it to make his aura inspire awe and hope while compelling loyalty and love. When done this found the way people talked and looked at him changed.

Harry looked at himself in the mirror. Seeing that as it has been a year since him been in this world. He had red hair followed by beautiful light emerald green eyes. He had jade like skin and cute face, he seemed to posses an air of majesty and awe and gave off a charismatic aura that compelled people to love and follow him. He looks like the book cover.

He that found now that his been able to properly assimilate Voldemort memories as well as master occlumency placing strong protections around his mind and getting control of his telepathy and empathy powers that it was time he begins proper training.