
Harry Potter and the World Event

When a world-changing event happens in the Harry Potter universe, what do you think happens when nothing is ordinary anymore? I don't own Harry Potter. This is my fan fic story.

silkjo · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Side story 2 Meeting the ministry of Magic

Ministry of magic representatives:

Minister Fudge


Amelia bone

alabaster Moody


Barty Crouch Sr.

Lucius Malfoy

Madeye Moody

Guild master:

Badass and Petunia


Cloak and dagger (twins)


And 10 other representative

"On behalf of magical Britain, we would like to thank you for protecting us from this unknown threat." Minister Fudge spoke in gratitude.

"We appreciate it but this has been happening since 1986. It just the first time it happened inside hidden magical areas."

They couldn't fathom the truth. They all looked on uncertain what to say to that.

"We are guild from all over Britain. We train to fight threats of all kind. Didn't You all pay attention to the face in the sky? Didn't you notice dangerous door and cave popping up or abandon building becoming battle tower?"

"We thought it was a large scale Prank." Minister fudge spoke honestly. After all there have been many prank of that kind with the cheering charm. So we Just brushed it off he thought.


'SERIOUSLY!!!' They all thought.

"Lost cause here." And 10 Guild left

'There just Muggles. How dare they?' Umbridge said outraged thought slipped threw her carefully school visage. She didn't like being near these people. They look too different from her taste for her to keep up appearances.

"It seems you have blood status issues. But for you all being wizard you just talk 10 top magical guild away because of one statement" Badass spoke amuses. He caught her expression just like the rest of the other guild leaders that remained. Badass continued to speak. "Your community couldn't even protect itself. You all would be non existent if it wasn't for Petunia."

'Why is she here she isn't a guild leader?' Umbridge thought smugly.

"In case your wonder why Petunia is in attendence of this meeting it is because she is qualified. She turn down the position of Guild Master. Something about not allowing her nephew or her family to become a lazy unaware stagnant wizard just like the rest of hidden wizarding world that thinks they are better than everyone." Badass was very amused. Petunia wasn't wrong. And the had to have plenty of beat down pride because of that quote. Umbridge certainly looked like she had been smacked.

Everyone was quiet. What could anyone say about that. Aurora we sent to assist the healer for getting in the guilds way.

"Humans have progress in technology, magic, and more. But you all have been so secluded that the world has lift you behind." Rigger spoke calmly. They were wizards and witches witch hunters were real things just like slavery. The past can still be seen and felt today, sadly. Rigger continued speaking. "The ministry if magic has a choice to make. We don't do witch hunts, difference is a matter of choice. I suggest Minister of magic learn about all that you have missed out on or send you auror to learn from the not so mundane society that you are cut off from." With time your whole society will have to step up and learn what you all will learn threw continuous interaction."

It was the truth, children at the age of 11 are taught how to fight and runaway from danger. Because the danger was just that high. The economy as a whole has shifted drastically. The learning curve lift a scar and it must never be forgotten. A1 was in America when it happened and he has never been the same. He was always calculative and a genius but now he was broken and pretty close to insane at some points.

"You seem pretty badass. How about you be the one to learn about the lost time. and even do some training at the guild." There was a twinkle in his eye of Badass.


"Don't go jumping the line. Cloak and Dagger is an assassination guild. They really wanted to recruit Madeye looked like there type.

"and you" A1 spoke up. "He walked to Lucius "I have the ability to read protential and see status."

"You have a slave mark. I can get rid of it and teach you to to protect yourself and family coward." A1 whisphered.

Lucius was shaken on the inside but his face was passive even looking bored at A1. A1 chuckled. He like breaking people. It gave him great pleasure to break there pride, image and perceptions. He had a grand ambition with wanting to utterly destroy whatever trigger this bullshit. And having back up on the same level. Of course everyone didn't have cream of the crop potential or insight. but hard work and being open-minded was just as good. And sometime instinctual trauma worked wonders. A1 was mental. But smart crazy and calculative. Maybe even a broken genius with control and godly patience.

"A1 already has his pick of this bunch."

"Goddess is correct." Petunia scrowled and A1 chuckle.

He could absolutely see to much.

"I have a family to attend to I don't know why you wanted me here." Petunia was giving Badass a glare it couldn't kill. But sweat was forming on his brow.

"Because you are a War Mage. It was you who saved then." He answered honestly

"Goddess would have left then to be slaughtered." A1 laughter chimed pleasantly. " How delightful? she doesn't like coward sheep manipulative pieces of...

The Petunia was in his face. "Should I send you home A1."

"I'm not ready to go to hell." He spoke with glee. He was completely unfazed but Petunia split second appearance.

The ministry was fazed. She didn't say a spell or wave a wand. Can't have pride in your ability when someone shows you effortless control over there magic ability.

Next thing hands reach from space.

"Love come home" Vamar's voice spoke strongly in a slightly seductive manner. Before his while body stepped threw hugging her. All the women hearts slammed in there chest. And all there thoughts were saying 'DDDAAAMMMNNN!"

"A1, She really will kill you."

the Ministry could only look. Vamar wasn't just hugging his wife that embrace was a restraint. It calm Petunia to the point that she was even aware of the touches secondary purpose. He didn't have any pressure or force or fight for control. she was calm just from his presences.

"It would be beneath her heritage dear king." A1 stated facts. They were again shaken. She could kill easily. What would the consequences be?

"Not God"

"I don't do men"

Vamar found A1 to be comical. Petunia frown. A1 one would be ok to be around . She would preferred him to be quiet and less attentive. It wasn't completely his fault he is like this but still a person could wish.

They ministry's group listened carefully. They learned a lot from just listening to the guild's banter. Killing like breathing seemed to be a things.

Vamar disappeared with Petunia.

Now lets get down to business and create a time table visiting guild. You all have a lot to learn." Rigger spoke

"You all seem to kill easily." Dumbledore stated

"At this moment children are being trained to protect themselves in their changing world. Cat and dog have become creature different from how they were. Things are more dangerous in our world. insects are scary thing. Trees along with there fungi can migrate to better climate . The oceans are full of a billion unknown things that just going to the beach is a new learning experience. Birds and dragons and other flying creature tend to be a threat. You all hide but now thing will start happening more frequently. As of this moment Our 13 years old are more capable than your Aurors."

"Your worried about how easily we kill. life is sacred and we respect it." Dagger spoke clearly. "Mind and soul reader, truth potions, and mental viewing crystal will lay a persons soul bare to be judge in a crime. And Our judge are soul bound and unable to except bribes or rule on there own emotions."

"We deal with life and death everyday. Sympathy empathy are things we have. But our society has no tolerance for evil or stupidity. We have laws and a government and people with skills knowledge and abilitites to keep law and order. They train and fight. "

"You don't leave enemies alive to become bigger problems." Cloak stated plainly. A1 nodded as if this was just plain known knowledge.

Dumbledore couldn't understand them.

Lucius was thankful hie wasn't born in there society. Looking at them like a bunch of barbarian. But they were more technologically advanced, with different studies on both magic and technology. Rich with an abundance of resources and knowledge. Even having seem Harry Aunt use her abilities had given him much to think on.

"Let us make a schedule to follow."

"exchange of knowledge. We also plan on sending some of our aurora for training."

Dumbledore was thinking about the advance abilities of some of the muggleborns. A new class may be needed to update the school at the last minute. Just maybe the muggles born study class needs a change. Dumbledore excused himself and contacted Petunia. There would be a change this year. While the government made choices trying to get the most out of this meeting but failing miserably.

short stories in between.

Because life goes on and There will be certain things in the short stories that are important to Harry's story.

silkjocreators' thoughts