
shirou emiya

Shirou emiya was not having a great day,

at first, he had finally managed to send away his sister, miyu to another world where she would not be pursued by Julian and the fake Gilgamesh, but was then attacked by the said fake heroic spirit,

during the battle, the fake had done something really stupid and threw him in a spacial displacement without a set destination, the result was him being thrown into a different dimension, in Britain no less,

then he met a strange man carrying a baby like creature that called itself Voldemort and said that if he helped him, then he would give him anything he desired, jokingly, Shirou said that he wants to travel to a different dimension, back to his home, but surprisingly, Voldemort agreed, but said that he would only do that if he helped him capture a boy, Shirou was about to refuse, but then thought back to his own sister and how Julian may find a way to attack her, he reluctantly agreed,

soon enough, Voldemort was able to capture the boy, he wanted to kill another boy who came with harry called Cedric, but Shirou managed to save him with Rho Aias, it was then that Shirou started to doubt the man called Voldemort, but soon his suspicions were confirmed when the man lied through his teeth,

just as he was about to engage and kill the dark lord, Shirou smelled pure power, mixed in with blood, ether, and lightning,

suddenly, a pop was heard a handsome man materialized out of what Shirou recognized as the kaleidoscope,

the man then turned towards Shirou and mumbled with familiarity,



ryan simply did not understand why his ancestor was here, and why he looked so young,

he still remembered clearly that the Shirou emiya of his world was an old man that had no choice but to forcefully extend his life lest he becomes a counter guardian, he was one of the many reasons that motivated ryan into destroying Alaya and Gaia in his universe, so that his ancestor could finally die in peace and reunite with the servent he fell in love with during the fifth grail war,

but watching the young man in front of him, ryan concluded that he must be another version of Shirou from a parallel world, and if his whitening hair was anything to go by, then he must have already understood his true magecraft, his reality marble,

"Who are you?" Shirou said as he got into the familiar stance full of openings while holding Kanshou and Byakuya,

"relax Shirou emiya, i know that you do not belong in this dimension, just stay there for a minute while i take care of the pest, then i will send you back to your world" ryan said as he turned towards Voldemort, only to find nothing but air,

Voldemort, being the expert in survival he is, immediately fled the moment ryan was distracted, but no one could actually fault him for his actions, ryan was the bane of his existence, and as long as he was around, Voldemort was guaranteed a tragic death,

seeing that his target had escaped, ryan turned back to Shirou and asked,

"How did you end up here?" to this Shirou replied by telling him what happened, he did not want to lie to this man who was his only way back to his world if his usage of kaleidoscope was anything to go by,

sometime later, ryan managed to locate his world and sent Shirou back to his world, when Shirou asked how he can repay him, ryan said cryptically,

"Consider this my payback to you for all of the sword lessons you had given me," he said to which Shirou showed a confused look, but before he could say anymore, he was already in the kaleidoscope,

he then turned towards harry with a deadpan face,

"Why do you always end up in trouble with that scaredy-cat Voldemort?" he asked to which harry shrugged,

(line break)

it had been some time since the incident where Voldemort's return was announced to the upper class of the wizarding world,

right now outside the castle of Hogwarts, we can see ryan and fleur sitting beside each other as ryan held on to her,

"so you will be leaving today," ryan said to which fleur nodded,

"yes, now that the tournament is over, i have to go back to my school, but i expect to see you on the weekends' or else," she said seriously to which ryan laughed as the two shared one last kiss,

soon, the Beauxbatons got on their flying carriage and the Durmstrang boarded their ship,

thus the fourth year at Hogwarts came to an end, but unknown to anyone, the next year would be when ryan would be forced to face his demons that he had avoided till now