
Harry Potter and the thunder lord

a story of a boy who got chance to be reborn in world of Harry Potter. witness the rise of new strongest wizard. in clash of giants like Dumbledore and Voldermort. the Wight lord and dark lord a new lord emerges the rise of thunder lord. no harem. fanfic . wanted to do something new. my English is handicapped and grammar is on ventilator so please ignore my mistakes. thanks

razegnoy · Movies
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4 Chs

ch2. rebirth

It's been three days since I awakened my magic . And I got my memories .

Also some how I am able to talk to birds .

But whatever. It's not important.

What important is that I am reborn in a megical family. In India . My grandfather and father are two of strongest in Asia.

And influential too .

And also that soul examinar sir tricked me . I also have memories of my past . I mean I remember everything.

It's like parallel world but with slight change of time and magic .

If you ask how do I know . So let me tell you . My parents grandparents even family all are same . But they exist in magical side of world .

In my old world I belong to barahath family. A royalty though after independence of India we also became normal family but we do had small influence. But in this world we still stand at top . And my grandfather is king of magical mewar . And is vice chif of international confendration of wizard . Second to Dumbledore only .

But the catch is why the hell we only have wather and elementel spells in our library and that to is ristricted for me why .this bad luck still left me alone . Daman

Ok . So today my mission was to secretly enter palaces library without allerting anyone but I failed terribly . Mom found me and I am grounded for rest of the day . All I can do is talk to birds at the window . Dame it .

Next day after acting helpless and with spice of some puppy eyes I was able to convince mom to let me study books about magic . Though she still said I am to small to understand it . But in return I have to attend etiquette, Griffin riding, politics, buisness, kalaripayattu classes,

So hence I bacame bussy. How can I not be bussy after finding out I can do magic.

You guys understand magic real magic .

And I am to intrigued .

So from morning to afternoon I hade royalty classes which was somewhat simple cos I also had learnt etiquette, politics, buisness and kalaripayattu in my past life . And Griffin riding is somewhere same as horse riding just this guy fly's and is dame entertaining.

After that I spent some time with my family. And in evening is studied magic and before sleeping I prectice magic cantrol by trying to make pen in my plam flote and that's how I spent most of my time .

On my 9th birthday my father and grandfather told me which school I want to study in and told me about family secrets of why we only have wather spells and elementel spells in our library.

My grandfather told me that our family is only family in world which can turn into magical being . And due to which we have strong elementel magic .

After some thinking I said I wanted to go to Hogwarts. And return to my room .

I have dicided long ago what I wanted . I know it's safe to stay in Kingdom sand study in our magic school but . Hogwarts is going to became center of magical world . Also there is Dumbledore

And Voldemort. What is best place to learn and discover magic than there , also there will be lots of fighting experience. I don't want to be just a wizard no I wanted to became strongest wizard . And I don't care if story line changes . And even though magic is interesting I can't say it's easy at list not the advance magic which can neither be casted or cuntroled without research. Not like some basic spell shown in movies which can be done with correct incantation and wand movement, for advance magic you need theory understanding , imagination, intent , and capacity. Which can't be given you have to earn it . By prectice. And I am going to do it .

After 2 years

I turned 11 and it's almost a weak since then and I am dame excited and egarly waiting for my Hogwarts latter . Though it didn't come . So again I started focusing on training . And two days later it came .



Headmaster - Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin first class

Chf.warlock , suprim magwamp ,

International confd ... of wizards )

Dear Mr. Avinash singh barahath

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry . Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term starts in September. If you accept plese send application with owl before that .

Yours sincerely

Minarva McGonagall

Deputy headmistress


After reading I was on seventh sky . I hurriedly run and told mother about it and she was also happy about it so is rest of my family.

My grandfather said he will come with me to London and healp me buy equipment at diogan Ally . Cos he retaired and now my father is appointed as king and is in office so he can't come.

After that I sent my owl with application.

Though my family still wanted me to attend . Takshshila University, world's oldest school but I rejected and insisted to go to Hogwarts.