

Lucius looking at this development, looked around and with a look full of disgust left the house,

-This is not over Tonks, I don't know what kind of shit they cajoled that brat with, but you better get him out of here, many others are after that child and they will not be as nice as me, And you know it, I doubt that Dumbledore wouldn't have told you about the dangers of having him here, when you get tired you know where to look for me

Standing outside the house the blond haired man was staring at Lucius's back

Returning inside, Tonks looked at the boy sitting in an armchair in front of him with an expectant look.


-Hi sir, my name is Arcturus, I'm sorry for the previous show, it seems to me that we have not presented ourselves

As Mr. Tonks entered the house, I set out to find answers, and the one who would give them to me would be Mr. Tonks himself.

-Hi Arcturus, my name is Ted Tonks, I am Nymphadora's father and my wife is the sister of your mother Andromeda, as you should already know, she left your family.

He looks at me with a somewhat complicated look

-Things are not so good

As he walks in he looks at me

-Dumbledore told me that if possible, don't tell you anything, but strange things have been happening since you appeared, very strange rumors have been spreading, when they brought you here even I was surprised by what I saw, I did not think you were real, But look at you, a half dragon child, you know that now they are looking for you.

While saying that he takes a newspaper from the table and hands it to me, the word reads large on the cover


New breed discovered? Or survivor

Dark magic, the ministry asks for answers

Potion recipes will be possible


Conflicts between ministries for the possession of an exotic species



-People are always afraid of what Arcturus does not know, but the truth is that you are a mystery, many seek you not only for your wealth but for your body, they want answers, the worst are the Chinese magical schools that went to speak to the Hogwarts himself for answers, since according to them you are more than a child with horns, they say that your existence is dangerous, and they demand your custody, they want to study you, and ...

For a moment I look at him, things are very complicated, at the end of everything it's just me

-I don't know very well what to do either, I have a duty that I can't speak about and I have to return, as you will see, it's complicated.

I start to turn my hands, ted's gazes are fixed on them

The wind swirls and I guide her through the house, it's a little breeze, but it's under my control

With my hand I lift the necklace


she gave it to me

I will not disappoint her

Never more

-If people want answers I will give them answers, I will not hide and I will not wait for them to see me as a phenomenon.

When I finish my words a sound comes from the door

Tok tok

-Hi, I hope I didn't interrupt an interesting conversation.

Said with a smile an old man

He had a lush beard, wore a very comfortable dressing gown, and had a gentle smile.


Said ted as he stood

-I'm very sorry to have to appear here like this, but, as young Arcturus said, people need answers, many answers

As I entered the old man looked at me with great curiosity

-Hi Arcturus my name is Albus Dumbledore, actually I have more than one name, but I know that many find it tedious, so you can call me professor, I am also the director of the Hogwarts school of magic and wizardry.

When he finished introducing himself he sat at the other end of the room

-I know you have many secrets, we all have them, so I will not force you to tell us, much less I will force you to do so, but you have to understand that your security will be greatly affected, although with that physique I doubt that is what most amount.

-For now you can tell me, if you were born like this or if something changed you

-No teacher, I was born as a normal person, at home we found a certain magical device that upset me. or to tell the truth I save myself and as an addition I change.

-Mmmmh so who have you been living with up to now

-I was raised by the house elf kreacher professor, no one else has taken care of me, I have been in a certain part very independent

-Oh I'm so sorry

-You do not have to regret it teacher, I would not like to give problems to others especially raising a son of crazy hahaha

It seemed that my sarcasm did not like much to Dumbledore who was looking at me with some concern

Next chapter