
Ch. 106 Harry's Future

The last day of my sixth year came.

'Last night was eventful to say the least, but it ended well. Now just gotta figure out the Sirius situation.' I thought as I headed towards the Headmasters office.

I reached the old man's office and simply walked in to find him and Sirius there.

Sirius looked a bit better now that he wasn't on the run and had hope. Looks like he cut his mangy hair to be just below his ears, bathed enough to get rid of the dirt and grime, his grey eyes held happiness but also hints of nervousness, his facial hair trimmed like in the movies and his outfit replaced with some simple black robes and pants.

"Ah, Aedan you've come. Good, now we just need to wait on young Harry." Kindly welcomed the Headmaster with a happy smile.

"Of course I came Headmaster, you asked for me." I simply reply with a little eye-roll and give a nod in greeting to Sirius which he gives back.

"Yes I know, but it is still good." Said the chuckling man.

"But I am honestly surprised you wanted me here at the same time as Harry and Mr. Black. I thought you would want a private discussion over matters, for them and me." I honestly said to the old Professor.

"Hmm, that would usually be the case yes. But, today's discussions will involve you in a not so insignificant manner, so I thought it appropriate for you to come as well. We will have our own discussion another time." Answered the old man with a kindly smile on his face.

"So it's going to be about that situation is it?" I just ask plainly.

"Yes, it is about it." He simply nods in acknowledgement.

"Why does it feel like you two are on the same level and I'm just a spectator." Suddenly asked Sirius as he watched the exchange.

"My apologies Sirius, young Aedan and I simply have a favorable rapport between us, making us used to each other." Said the Headmaster as he realized we were being a bit rude.

"I am sorry as well Mr. Black, just understanding the situation I find myself in at the moment." I also apologized calmly.

"I'm not insulted, it was just surprising to see you, Headmaster, interacting with a student like that. You usually just act mysterious or kindly lead them towards something." Casually responded Sirius with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Well, young Aedan is the most gifted student to ever walk these halls. And he also has particular views on life and the world which I find quite engaging." Happily replied the Headmaster.

"Thank you for the compliment sir. I do gain a lot from your experience myself. Always good to discuss ideas with a gifted mind." I reply with a smile on my face.

"Most gifted ever yeah? I saw that article about you and your friends. Did they really make a new grade just for you? Sounds a bit much." Questioned Padfoot skeptically.

"If you had seen my OWL's you would understand. I even spent most of my time teaching the examiner during the Muggle Studies one." I answered with a chuckle myself.

"I heard it was quite the sight. I was told you had a most interesting piece for your Charms exam as well. An entire musical song and dance routine was it?" Asked the joyful Headmaster.

"Yes, I was inspired by a muggle musical and thought it would be fun to reenact it using the apples provided." I answered with a happy smile at the memory of everyone's faces.

"You did that? Sounds like a right laugh. You ever thought about going into pranking? I bet you'd be unrivaled." Tried to tempt Sirius with a surprised laugh.

"Do try not to make our best student follow your example Sirius. Besides, you already have a pair more than willing enough to take up the mantle." Lightly scolded the Headmaster.

"Yes, I do believe Fred and George are more than enough when it comes to pranks at Hogwarts. I think I've even heard them talking about opening up a joke shop. Those two being brilliant as they are have tempted me into investing." I add on joyfully.

"Oh ho? I would like to meet those two then if they have both of your recommendations." Said a now curious Sirius.

With some small talk between the three of us, a knock finally came on the door.

"Come in Harry. Come in." Welcomed the jovial Dumbledore as the teenage Harry walks in.

"Hello Professor, you wanted me to come." Said a slightly nervous Harry.

"Yes. I think we will need to have a discussion amongst all those present." He answered with a gentle smile.

"Alright." The kid just nodded.

"As I told you last night, I was made your godfather by James and Lily, making me your legal guardian as soon as my innocence is restored. So with that, a few things need to be decided." The slightly nervous Sirius.

He seemed to really be hoping to be able to look over Harry, but he's still scared of rejection due to guilt. Even after the discussion last night.

"Is this about living with you?" Asked an excited Harry.

"Yes Harry. This is about your living arrangements and some things which need to be said." Answered Dumbledore with a bit of a sigh.

"Aright. But if that's the case, why is Aedan here? I mean, I'm really grateful and happy that you helped me so much during the last two summers. They've been the best I've ever had, but it doesn't seem like this involves him much." Asked a confused Harry.

"That is because young Aedan has a more objective view on this matter. He knows my reasons, as well as your circumstances and both of your desires, so a perfect moderating influence." Explained Dumbledore.

"What do you mean Dumbledore?" Asked a now cautious Sirius.

"Well, This has to do with why even though my family and I were more than willing to shelter Harry during his summers, I had to bring him back to those horrid muggles." I decided to answer for the Headmaster.

"You said it's because I needed to, for me to be safe. But you never explained properly." Then came in Harry, remembering my words on the topic.

"What do you mean?" Asked Sirius with narrowing eyes.

"When Lily sacrificed herself on that night all those years ago, she also activated a very old form of magic. Her powerful love and desire to protect Harry formed a protection on him which allowed him to survive Voldemort's visit, leading to his scar. This protection is still there, and will continue to be there until he has become a man. But he needs to be around his families blood and home for it to work." Explained the Headmaster.

"Basically, as long as Harry's 'home' is the one with his only living blood relative, Voldemort or his fools can't touch him. He's safe. But he needs to live there." I summarized quickly.

"What?! That's why I had to live with them! That's why I never knew anything!" Exclaimed the hurt boy for not knowing.

"Yes Harry. I could offer no better protection than the love of your mother. I could not risk it. So I left you with your aunts family. I am truly sorry for the pain this has put you through and that is why we are here. To discuss the future." Said a truly apologetic Dumbledore.

"You left him with her? She hated Lily and James. She didn't even go to her own sister's wedding! Lily was so distraught over it we had to comfort her for days!" Roared an angry Sirius.

"You have every right to not approve of my decision Sirius, but what could I have done? The boy needed to be with his family. He needed to at least grow up normally. And with Remus unwilling to raise Harry due to his condition and you in Azkaban, I could not leave him to anyone I could trust." Explained the old man.

"Aedan, you knew?" Asked a blindsided Harry.

"Yes, I figured most of it out after I checked you over in your first year. I confronted the Headmaster and he agreed that things could not go one as they had, so I did everything I could to give you a proper place for you to feel welcomed. But I also promised that this conversation would be for the Headmaster to decide on when it should be held, so I did what I could. That's the reason why I had you return to the Dursley's even though I hate them, and why I could never let you go out on your own." I explained clearly to the boy.

Although he did feel a bit hurt that I hid these things from him, he can't be angry at me because I have done everything I could really.

So although it was a slightly bitter pill to swallow, he understood.

"Yes, I saw that in my way of keeping you protected Harry, I forgot to keep you safe. I am sorry for almost wasting James and Lily's sacrifices." Apologized the old man again.

"So what now Dumbledore? You can't seriously think I'll be letting Harry live with those people do you?" Asked Sirius after calming down a bit.

"This is what we are all here to discuss. My hope is that Harry can truly be safe. And even though it is the most unpleasant option, living with his aunt is still the best protection I can think of unfortunately." Answered Dumbledore with a weary frown.

"I can keep him safer than any ward can, plus the Black properties are all heavily protected!" Countered Sirius with passion.

"You mean I get to choose?" Asked Harry in between the two men.

"Yes Harry, you get the choice. But I would like to hear your voice in the matter Aedan. You know my reasons, Sirius' as well, and know Harry well. What is the best in your opinion?" Asked the Headmaster, making everyone look at me with a variety of gazes.

"I believe that I could actually help secure Harry's safety away from his blood now Headmaster, but this would have to happen after some things were done." I answered calmly and with certainty.

"Oh? What do you mean? You found a stronger defense?" Asked the Headmaster with true curiosity.

"I managed to create a new form of protection. It is the purest defense spell ever made, rejecting all forms of Dark Magic and creatures. I believe that with a little tinkering, I could make it into a self-sustaining ward to stop Him and his followers. I'll give you my notes on this later sir." I answered simply.

"How marvelous. A completely new spell." Said the man in a jovial tone.

"Yes, it can even stop the three unforgivables." I say with a grin.

"Impossible!" Yelled out Sirius, also leaving the Headmaster stunned.

"Unforgivables?" Asked Harry in confusion.

"They are the vilest of the curses one can cast at another. The Imperius curse, the Cruciatus curse, and the Killing curse. The last of which is impossible to block." Answered Sirius at the question.

"You can try it yourself later. But it has very strict requirements." I add in.

"Remarkable. But you mentioned other things would need to be done?" Asked the Headmaster, getting things back on topic.

"Yes sir. First is that Mr. Black would need to undergo extensive physical rehabilitation. 12 years of Azkaban will not disappear over night, with Madam Pomfrey informing me of your physical condition making me certain of this. The second is that a proper living space needs to be secured for the two of you. All Black properties you are likely to have access to have been nearly abandoned since the war. You will also need to have proper finances and/or employment to ensure you can support Harry. And I will need to have someone else ensuring you are raising Harry, not the image of his father. You are too emotionally compromised in this area Mr. Black, and it would be detrimental to Harry's own development if you constantly pressure him to be the man." I say as i explain my own conditions and requirements.

"If these conditions can be met, I see no issues letting Harry live with you. But until then, his life would be in a constant state of danger with you." I plainly state, letting my own logic ring in their heads.

"I do believe these are more than reasonable conditions to ensure Harry has the best possible arrangements. And I am more than certain Remus would be willing to help you raise him, cooling your passion a bit." Nodded the Headmaster.

"But Harry will still have to deal with those muggles!" Sirius said as he tried to deny my words.

"Honestly hasn't been that much of an issue due to me taking Harry to my place for most days. But we certainly need to have a talk with them because of last years incident. Don't we Headmaster?" I countered, whilst also asking the old man.

"That we do Aedan. But I think we should ask young Harry what he thinks. He has heard all of our opinions on the situation and should be allowed to decide for himself the way he would like to live." Agreed Dumbledore, but threw the decision to Harry.

"Sirius, are you really ok? I know Aedan, he's helped me recover too. But do you need time to heal?" Seriously asked Harry.

"Of course I don't need any..." He tried to deny, but looking in the kids eyes he faltered. "Oh alright, yes. I do admit I probably should see a healer, but it's nothing. I can easily make do." He admitted but still tried to look strong.

"And you have a place for us to stay?" Asked Harry once more.

"House Black has many places to stay in, so of course I have one. They might need a bit a fixing and I should get my wand back to get in, but apart from that I'm sure we'll be fine." Tried to reassure Sirius.

"I won't be a burden on you right?" The kid then asked shyly.

"Never. And even if you were, I would gladly carry that burden for you. I couldn't do it before, but I'll sure as hell do it now." Answered a determined Sirius.

"Alright. Then get healed up and ready, then you come take me away from my aunt and uncle. I'll be fine for one more summer as long as I know you'll be taking me away after that." Declared a determined Harry.

"Harry are you sure? I can more than take care of you now. You don't have to worry about me." Sirius attempted to persuade the kid by saying.

"No Sirius. I don't want to only be a burden. And if I am, I want it to be as light as possible, so get yourself fixed up and then help me. I'll be counting on you." He said with a brave smile, stunning the passionate man.

"I am proud of you for making such a mature decision Harry. I'll make sure your summer will be just as good as the last. Plus, the Quidditch World Cup is happening this summer and as a major sponsor of the national teams I have tickets for any game I desire." I say with a large grin on my face.

"Really!!?" Exclaimed a now starry eyed Harry, getting a chuckle from the Headmaster.

"I can easily take him to the cup myself." Mumbled Sirius as he saw the excitement Harry felt.

"Then Mr. Black, i sincerely hope you can recover physically and economically so you can take Harry yourself. I know he would love to share this event with you." I say with a gentle smile.

"Then I guess that shall settle things quite well. I am happy we could come to an arrangement. Aedan, I will like to see this new spell of yours to understand your confidence in its abilities. Sirius, I shall be helping you clear your name and have you admitted to St. Mungo's for treatment as soon as possible. And Harry, you have done good, thank you for not holding everything against me, and I believe Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger should be eagerly waiting for you in the Gryffindor Common room." Declared the Headmaster, letting the three of us know that this meeting was officially over.

"Well then Headmaster I will prepare everything on my end and see you on my birthday as agreed. Mr. Black, I hope for your speedy recovery. And I'll see you in a few days as usual Harry." I say as I excuse myself from the office.

'That was easier than I thought. Now to prepare for next years events and my ritual.' I thought as a made down the castle halls.

Not sure if I did Sirius right, but I think I did ok. Tried to also let Harry be able to make more mature decisions when it comes to people he cares about, a little self sacrifice.

My Dumbledore does feel guilty about what he does, but has legit reasons.

And trying to fix some issues with Sirius actually being able to act as a guardian for Harry.


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