
The Band Back Together

So here I am, wondering for the life of me why I'm sat in a grimy wizarding pub looking across the table at the infuriatingly smug smirk of a Malfoy. A friendly Malfoy. Lord, what has the world come to. And to think, I do this multiple times a week!

"You" Malfoy drawled over the top of his butterbeer "are screwed".

He seemed happy about it too.. ugh..

"Well what can I do?" I replied. We've rehashed this topic for what seems like the 100th time. "I'm a damned talented Quidditch Player, but all of the offers I get are all just for the team to have 'THE' Harry Potter on their team. I want to show that I can compete and succeed with my own skill." I threw my hands up in defeat. "All these offers are just for the teams to have good PR!"

Malfoy shrugged. "The top teams only care about ability, but they won't give you offers yet because you need to show that you're a serious contender in the lower leagues first. Just form your own team"

I scoffed at him. Yeah right.

"With what squad? With what funding?"

Malfoy sent a glare my way.

"Ok fine maybe the funding side of things wouldn't be too much of a problem... But what squad?"

Another shrug "You're friends with plenty of pro level players or close enough to train them up anyway."

I decided the play along. "Alright then let's make a team then. I'd need Wood as my keeper, hands down. He's the only one with proper pro experience plus, even though he's already playing for a team, the last time we spoke he wasn't happy at puddlemere."

Malfoy nodded along as if this was a serious proposition.

"Next up is one of the biggest problems. The best pair of beaters we've seen were Fred and George right? But that duo is now just George. So I'm pretty sure that one is out."

The blonde git waved that problem away "We'll burn that bridge when we get to it Harry, move on. we've got 3 chasers and a seeker spot to fill"

I had an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. "Well I'll be the seeker. Obviously"

The prat stared back at me.

"I actually think you should be a chaser".

Why did it feel like he wasn't joking?

I took a sip of my own beer to stifle the outbust of profanity that threatened to come out.

I took a deep, calming breath. "Draco, why the fuck would I be a chaser?"

Damn. I tried.

His cool gaze looked back at me looking suddenly all too serious. "You have a huge talent at this sport. It's true. Yet you've been placed in a position where you don't have any effect on the rest of the game at all. Think about it. We were there at the game where Ireland beat Bulgaria even though Krum caught the snitch! If your chasers are that good, then you can run away with the game before the seekers even come into play" The Malfoy heir was getting rather animated now.

What was even more irritating was that I could see his point. the Idea wasn't half bad actually.

"Alright" I said, much to his apparent surprise.

maybe I'm usually a little more argumentative.


"But if I have to change to chaser, then someone has to fill in the seeker position..."

I stared. He blinked back.

"No. NO. No way. Not happening Harry!"

I felt my lips pull up into a grin as I saw him getting flustered so easily.

"it's your idea so you have to play!"

"I'm not even good enough to compete at that level!"

I rolled my eyes at that one "Oh come on, the only reason you lost against me all the time was because your creepy slitherin mind was busy thinking of ways to dust dumbles rather than on the game"

Malfoy grimaced. "I know we took this 'forgive and forget' policy, but really?"

I shrugged "It's fine, you failed anyway so..."

If looks could kill right now...

"Besides, what else have you got to lose? All you do is waste your time looking after your father in the house because he's too proud to admit he was wrong. We need to get you a proper job!"

His stare was still trying to kill me...

"Anyway" I felt like we were getting a little off track. "That means we have two chasers to find, as well as either one or two beaters -we're still unclear on that point-"

I flashed a grin at my unlikely friend across from me.

"It looks like we're getting the band back together"