
Harry Potter and the Phoenix

On the day Voldemort attacked the Potter family, Harry unlocked the power the Dark Lord knows not. Lily's sacrifice of her own life grabbed the attention of a powerful being, which took interest in the Boy-Who-Lived. This is a HP/Marvel FF. Will focus on the HP side in the beginning before moving on to the Marvel side. Since this is a FF, the years would slightly different. Example, here Harry was born in 1999. Yes, he is a zoomer.

firechicken · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Chapter 1

4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. A 6-year old boy was violently thrown in the cupboard beneath the stairs by an obese man.

"You are staying there for a week, you Freak!" The man yelled out in anger, not caring the slightest how the boy's arm was bent in an angle that wasn't normal.

The boy silently sobbed, knowing that if he was loud, the obese man would beat him until he was unconscious. But the pain was too much. Everything hurt, especially his right arm. He wanted to scream so badly and went to the only place he could do so safely without others hearing him.

He entered his mindscape and screamed. Screamed as loud as he can. It didn't help with the pain, but it did make him feel slightly better. A bird made of fire flew next to him and wrapped her wings around him. She cooed in a soothing voice and sang for the boy, trying to make him feel better.

The bird had been with him for years now and was his only companion. The only one that cared for him. His first memory of the beautiful creature was when it appeared and burned something with its flames. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that the bird had protected him. From what he didn't know, but he always felt safe with the beautiful creature around.

The boy cried and screamed, but no one was able to hear him here. Or so he thought. The head of a bald man with a weird contraption on his head appeared in his mindscape. The man looked around and observed the mind of the boy. It was split in two. On one side, there were massive cobwebs with gigantic spiders staring and looking at him like he was prey. The place gave him a feeling of death. On the other side, there was only fire and nothing else, but for some reason, it didn't feel dangerous, but rather peaceful. Finally, the man looked at the screaming boy, who was hugged by the firebird. The creature was singing to the boy, but kept an eye on him, watching him carefully.

"Hello, child."

The boy stopped crying in and looked at him in surprise. He could feel how shocked he was by his presence. How he never expected that someone could do this.

"Who are you?"

The bald man didn't even have time to answer when the boy asked him another question.

"Are you here to learn?"

Again, he didn't get to answer before he was flooded with 5 years worth of memories. Ever since he was young, the boy had the ability to hear the thoughts of other people. It took him a few years to understand what exactly he was hearing, but after that, he started entering the minds of others, and he learned a lot. That was the only way he could learn from other people, and he thought the bald man was here to learn from him. So, the boy shoved all of his memories to him, thinking it would be easier for the bald man. After all, that was how he had learned about himself and his family.

The obese man and his son didn't know much, but his wife did. Petunia was his aunt, and from her, he learned that his mother was called Lily Potter. She was married to James Potter, and he was their child, Harry Potter.

Petunia was mean to him, and he didn't like her, but at least he was able to learn about his family and who he was. His aunt never liked his mother. Ever since she was a young child, strange things happened around Lily. She was able to move flowers without touching them or make them bloom. Petunia was jealous of that, but when Lily received a letter from Hogwarts telling her that she was a witch and that would be studying there, things escalated. His aunt wrote to the school's headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, asking to study there as well, but she was refused, and she hated his mother since then. That hate was transferred to him when Petunia found him dropped off in front of her house with nothing more than a letter. Every time something strange happened, either she or her husband would beat him and call him Freak.

The bald man looked at Harry with saddened eyes. The boy was only 6 years old, yet he had lived a harsh life, hated by his family. No, his relatives, they didn't deserve to be called family. He was born from mutants, who called themselves wizards and witches, and like them, he was also a mutant and a strong one at that, considering his distress call was heard all the way in New York. Most likely, all the telepaths in the world had heard him screaming in the mental world.

One thing the bald learned was that Harry was hated where he was. He didn't want to be there, nor did his relative want him to be there. His next actions were already chosen, but he still had to ask.

"Would you like to come with me, Harry?"


There was no hesitation within the boy. Someone was willing to take him away. There was no way he wouldn't accept. Plus, the bald man was like him. Or at least he thought he was like him. So far, no one else had spoken to him in his mindscape.

"My name is Charles Xavier. Just wait for a few more days, and I will come to take you away."

"Please don't leave." The boy pleaded. This was the first person that wanted to talk with him. He didn't even care about the pain anymore. He just wanted to talk with someone badly.

Charles nodded. The two talked about random things, mostly about where he would be taken before Harry drifted off to sleep.

A few days later, Charles and a black-skinned woman arrived at Dursley's house. The woman had white hair and was beautiful beyond belief. Even though she was wearing a simple suit, she looked like a Goddess with the way she held herself and the aura that surrounded her.

Charles didn't even need to use his powers to convince the Dursleys to take care of Harry. Normally, he preferred not to take such actions, but he wasn't going to leave a 6-year-old boy to be abused by those people. The Dursleys were more than happy to give the boy away, however. After signing the necessary papers, Charles became his legal guardian and took him away to the United States.

On the way, the white-haired woman who introduced herself as Ororo Munroe, spent her time hugging him and gently running her fingers thought Harry's messy hair. She had a harsh childhood herself, but seeing how the boy had been treated, she barely kept her emotions under control. The fact that they were taking Harry away from his abusive relatives was the only reason her powers hadn't obliterated their house.

When they arrived at his new home, Harry stared at the place in amazement. He was going to live in a mansion! The place was so big, and he was even going to have a room of his own. He wasn't going to live under the stairs anymore!

The next few years of Harry's life were the best he ever had. Ororo treated him like he was her own son and spent as every possible chance with him. She prepared a special healthy diet for him and taught him languages. Ororo was multilingual and was fluent in so many languages. From her, he learned how to speak French and Spanish, and he was learning Arabic as well. He also loved spending time in her arboretum and helping with her plants.

Harry also met a short man with wild hair called Logan. The man was brash, but Harry knew better. He was able to hear his thoughts and knew that Logan meant him well. Harry couldn't enter his mind since he had some form of telepathic resistance, but he didn't need to. Logan's thoughts were loud enough for him to hear and know what he was thinking. Plus, Charles had told him that entering other people's heads wasn't good since he was invading their personal space.

Logan kept Harry in good physical shape. He couldn't do much since he was still young, but he forced him to run in the mornings and do simple exercises like push-ups. Logan also taught him Martial Arts. Harry wasn't that good at it, but he kept trying hard to impress the wild man. That was something that Logan appreciated and liked about the boy. He treated Harry like he was his nephew.

Charles mostly helped Harry with his telepathic powers and how to control them. He was still able to hear the thoughts of other people, but he was getting better at it. Charles was also quite worried about the Phoenix in his mind and wanted to do something about it, but after Harry argued how the bird had kept him safe, he chose to do nothing about it. Still, he kept monitoring it from time to time, making sure that the Phoenix was not manipulating him in any way. Charles also helped him with his Telekinesis, but he wasn't able to do that much since his own was pretty weak. The best he could do was tell him to train it like a muscle and just use it regularly, which the boy did.

However, that wasn't everything Harry was capable of. Harry still had another power that he had inherited from his parents. Charles initially taught they were mutants, but after reviewing the memories carefully, he came to the conclusion that they were, in fact, not mutants. Still, he didn't know how to help Harry with Magic. The power seemed so farfetched, but he had to admit that it was there. Especially after he saw the flowers in Ororo's arboretum bloom in seconds when Harry was staring at them. Or when Harry was playing tag with Logan and the boy suddenly teleported away with a crack before he was caught. Charles tried making head or tails of Harry's Magic, but the only conclusion that he came to was that they were connected to his emotions.


Minerva McGonagall, a professor at Hogwarts, looked at the letter in her hands. She stared at it for a moment, thinking that her mind was playing tricks on her, but the address on it didn't change. The first room on the second floor, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York, United States of America.

"How?" Minerva couldn't understand how the Boy-Who-Lived was in America of all places. She clearly remembered that he was left with his relatives in England. Had they moved there? She didn't know, but she had to inform the headmaster of this.


Harry woke up with a smile on his face. Today was his birthday! He couldn't wait to see what Ororo had planned for him.

'Happy Birthday, Harry!' A red-haired girl spoke in his mind and gave him a telepathic hug.

'Thank you, Jean!' Harry replied and hugged her back.

Jean had recently unlocked her powers as a mutant, and Charles brought her to the mansion. She was very similar to Harry, having telekinesis and telepathic mutant powers. Jean was also touched by the Phoenix as he was, but unlike Harry, she felt people's emotions rather than hearing their thoughts.

The moment Harry and Jean met, they became inseparable. The bond between them was something special. Even when they were apart, the two always kept a telepathic connection and kept talking to each other.

The moment Harry stepped out of his room, he was assaulted by a red blur.

"Happy Birthday, Harry!" Jean giggled.

"Thank you, Jean." He smiled fondly. They just had that same conversation in their mindscape, but that didn't stop them from repeating it in the real world. Plus, the two liked hugging each other. When they were together, they felt whole. Like a missing part that they didn't even know existed was returned back to them.

"Today is going to be a blast!" Jean exclaimed happily.

"Aunt Ro helped me plan the whole day! First, we are going to eat at McDonald's." They knew that was junk food, but it was tasty, and they weren't allowed to eat it normally. "Then we are going to the Zoo. And finally, we are going to go and watch the new Transformers movie with Aunt Ro. She already bought us tickets."

"That was supposed to be a secret, Jeanie." Ororo made her presence known as she smiled fondly, seeing the happy faces on both kids.

Jean stuck her tongue out and hugged Harry tighter.

"Come now. Let's go and have breakfast." Ororo beckoned, and Jean tugged Harry towards the dining room while happily chirping how great the day would be.

After the rest of the residents of the mansion congratulated Harry, they sat down to eat their breakfast. The two kids were talking about what animals they would like to see in the Zoo when the three telepaths sensed someone suddenly appear outside the mansion gates.

"Logan, would you please come with me to see who is our visitor?"

Logan grunted in response. He stood up and pushed Charles' wheelchair towards the mansion gates. There they encountered a tall, thin, and very old man, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak that swept the ground, and high-heeled, buckled boots. The old man was looking at the gate as if he was lost, but once the two exited the mansion, his blue eyes focused on them.

"Greetings. I'm Albus Dumbledore, and I'm here for young Harry Potter." He introduced himself.

"Why are you here?" Charles asked, even though he was aware of why Dumbledore was there. He recognized the man from Harry's memories. Albus was the one that left the boy with his abusive relatives, and Charles wasn't fond of him for that.

Xavier had taught Harry how to look through his own memories, and the two had found out how the boy's parents were killed by a madman called Voldemort. They also found out that the man had left a piece of his soul in Harry, which was shortly destroyed by the Phoenix. That was the reason Charles believed that the powerful being meant no harm to the boy. Still, he kept an eye on him to make sure that's the case.

Harry was traumatized after he saw Voldemort killing his mother, and Charles offered to block those memories for him, but the boy refused. He wanted to keep them and treasure what his mother had done for him. From there, the boy was taken by a black-haired man named Sirius Black before being given to a half-giant named Hagrid. Then Harry was delivered to Dumbledore, who left the boy with the Dursleys.

"As the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I'm here to deliver young Harry Potter his acceptance letter," Dumbledore explained. "The young boy is a wizard as his parents were. I'm here to take him to England, where he will learn how to use his gift."

"Whether he comes or not, that will be his choice," Xavier said with narrowed eyes.

"Logan, please bring Harry while I talk with Albus."

Logan grunted in response. After coldly looking at Dumbledore, he turned around towards the mansion to bring Harry. Albus let out a sigh of relief. Logan might have been at least a head shorter than him, but the man had a frightening presence. He was sure that he was a Muggle, but that didn't stop him from being scared by the wild-looking man. He turned towards the man in the wheelchair, who also had a weird feeling about him. Logan had a powerful physical presence, but Charles had a great aura of his own.

"My name is Charles Xavier, and I'm Harry's legal guardian. Whether the boy comes with you, that would be his choice. I hope you understand that."

Albus was taken back by that statement. "Aren't the Dursleys his legal..."

"The abusive relatives you left him with? Leaving nothing more than a letter to explain that his parents have passed away? No, they are not." Charles cut him off.

"Abusive?" Albus asked with a flinch. "I'm sure there is some kind of misunderstanding. They are his family, after all."

"A 6-year-old boy was beaten until his arm was broken. He was left without food for days. He was forced to do all the chores in the house. Do you call that a misunderstanding?"

Albus was rooted in place, not knowing how to respond to that.

"After his parents were murdered by Voldemort-"

"How do you know about that?" Dumbledore asked in shock. No matter how he looked at it, the man in front of his wasn't magical. So how had he learned about Harry's parents then? He was about to use Legilimency to find out more when Logan returned with the boy in tow.

The first thing Dumbledore noticed was that the lightning bolt scar on his forehead was gone. The second thing was that the boy was staring at him with cold eyes. Wanting to know why he used Legilimency to find out. That was a mistake in his part.

Harry was one of the strongest telepaths Charles had ever encountered. At the age of 6, his mental cries were heard by all the telepaths in the entire world. After 5 years of being trained by Charles, the most proficient telepath in the world, Harry's mind was forged into a weapon that scared even Xavier. Plus, there was also a being of power that nested and guarded the boy's mind.

The moment Dumbledore entered Harry's mindscape, he was greeted by fire. The cold eyes of the Phoenix stared at him, and before he knew it, he was covered by the flames of the bird. Dumbledore was ejected from Harry's mind with a look of terror on his face. Had he stayed there for even a second longer, he knew that he would have turned into a vegetable with a broken mind.

Before anyone could say a word, a smooth stick, with an unadorned shaft and a handle formed from two conjoined spheres, flew out of Dumbledore's robes. It floated in front of Harry, who grabbed it in his hand, unconsciously knowing that he had just become its owner.


"No!" Harry refused to return to England. He refused to return to the Dursleys. His home was right here, where he was accepted for who he was.

Dumbledore looked towards Charles with a pained expression. After the little incident at the gate of the mansion, Harry, Jean, and Ororo left to celebrate the boy's birthday. While Charles invited Dumbledore to the mansion to discuss Harry's situation. Albus learned the hard way how strong a mutant could be, and knowing that Xavier was a telepath with more skill than Harry, he was actually scared of him. Then there was Logan, who had a terrifying presence that felt like a wild beast.

And finally, Ororo. When he first spotted the African woman, he was startled by her magical presence. She was frightfully scary. Albus was sure that Ororo would be able to contest against the strongest of wizards and witches without a problem. Hell, she might be even as strong as him. He learned that she was also a mutant, but he wasn't sure what her mutant power was. However, he knew that she was powerful beyond belief.

Charles let out a sigh. "Learning how to control your magic is not a bad idea."

"But I don't want to go back to England. Can't I get a privet instructor? Or go to a magic school here?" Harry protested.

The Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was, in fact, located on Mount Greylock in the northwest corner of Massachusetts. Harry could just as easily go there. Or he could get a private instructor. Wizards throughout the world would jump at the chance at teaching the Boy-Who-Lived. However, Dumbledore wanted Harry to come to Hogwarts, where he would be able to guide the boy and prepare him for his destiny.

The three started a discussion that almost sounded like an argument. Several hours passed, and Harry was persuaded to attend Hogwarts after Dumbledore was forced to tell them about the prophecy.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...."

Dumbledore explained that Voldemort was more than likely still alive and that he will come after Harry. Albus wanted to train the boy to become a powerful wizard that would stand up against the Dark Lord, especially since Harry was now the owner of the Elder Wand. Knowing that there was a dangerous man, who would be willing to hurt and sacrifice innocent people, Charles and Harry finally accepted. They agreed that in a few days, Dumbledore would return to bring him back to England. But not before promising that Harry would not be returning to the Dursleys.

Don't hate too much. Have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just winging it. I'm a firechicken, after all.

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