
Harry Potter And The Order of Merlin

This was made by  VashonBeader. There is an ancient Order out there far older than the Order of the Phoenix. What happens if Harry Potter is rescued by said knights? How will this change him? Change his world? Mentions of plural marriage, but none take place. Harry MOD long enough to help. No Sirius' will be hurt permanently in the making of this story. AU. A bit of Dumbledore bashing.

byjeed · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 25

"Not Guilty". The verdict had been clear for hours, but they just couldn't release him! Severus had even seen the headmaster of Ecole Merlin the day before, but they wouldn't let them talk. Compromising witnesses or some such.

Not guilty. He was free. He looked at his arm. A priest from the Order offered to remove the near invisible mark. No reason to keep the reminder of his dark past.

If he did, he could even enter the wards of Hogwarts now, unlike his friend Lucius. Friend! Pretend friends, pretend life.

Snape was tempted to take a position at Ecole Merlin just to prank the Potter boy. But the chaos twins had not been quiet about transferring as soon as they were of age, and Snape had no desire to be anywhere near the Marauders Mock II.

Severus Snape was free. The only thing holding him back now was the cleanup. He needed to report to Monseigneur Brown just as soon as possible.

Free. And he didn't have a clue what to do with it.


The newest werewolf in Scotland came up to the green-grocers in Hogsmeade. He looked terrible; underfed if not starving, and clearly sick.

Remus was summoned back from Rome, and knew it was important.

"I'm sorry sir. I had heard that you sometimes had tasks. Far away from people. Work?"

Remus Lupin smelled it on him, Fenrir Greyback. He turned to the other workers in the store.

"I'm taking a break, ladies. Be back in a few." Remus waved the man to the stairs. "Come with me."

Remus led him to nice quarters upstairs. He quickly warmed up some homemade soup from the pantry that had been in stasis.

"Remus Lupin. What's your name, lad?" And he extended his hand.

"Benedict Rowle. Yes, of those Rowle's." His grip was sure, even as he looked down.

"When?" Remus knew that this man would smell the wolf on him. They always knew one another.

"Not long ago. Last full moon. My family owed Malfoy's money, and they couldn't pay. So they gave me to Lucius Malfoy." The young man said, not much older than a teen. "I'm not much magically. Passed all the OWLs in the non-wanded arts, failed everything else.

"I understand."

"Malfoy gave me to Fenrir like a Christmas present! I'm supposed to help attack the school this Saturday. A bunch of werewolves are coming. Lucius said he had a way in, but I smelled it. I think Fenrir did too. He's lying. I think he wants us dead. We're 'inconvenient.' Greyback said.

"You don't have to run with him. You can run with others. With us."

The young man nodded. "I'd like that. There was a very young boy, looked Hogwarts age. Sounded like he didn't get his letter. I didn't expect mine. Did he make it? I haven't seen him."

"I'm sorry. No. That death is on Fenrir. Not enough magic for the change." Remus said sadly.

They closed their eyes a moment in sadness.

"This soup is very good. First decent meal I've had in a while."

Remus gave him a small bag of coins. "You can stay with me for a time until you get your own place. We have a warded place to run on the full moon. And we have wolfsbane. It helps. Let me tell you some of the things we do, and see if any spark your interest."

"As long as it's honest work sir, I'll be happy."

"That's good to hear."

"I'm sorry I couldn't rescue the boy."

"Me too." Remus said. "I thought I had. I'm sorry too."


Aurors were far too late to try and arrest Zora Zabini. After their mirror connection was broken, she sent an elf with a message about Neville. Sir Hector replied back using the same method had given her strict orders to lock down the manor and get herself back to Ecole Merlin.

Manors could be replaced. People, not so much.

Charles had gotten bad vibes from Augusta Longbottom just from her letters. What was wrong with this woman? There was a potion that could be used to detect people under the imperious curse. That's how Andromeda Tonks was discovered.

Wanting to split himself in twain, he had unshrunk his broom and made for the Hogsmeade house. Curse fire must have hit Fred's mirror when it was open, and seemed to disrupt their wrist communications for the moment.

This was out of control, and he needed help. Dragons. Neville kidnapped, and he had no way to talk to Rock except through a Patronus.

And what he had to say wasn't for public.


Harry was trying not to panic, but was having trouble.

A huge monster of a dragon was chained far away from the contestants. But that chain was on a wench that would unwind once the contest started. He had only a few minutes, and his friends would be in danger of fire. Moments after that, they'd be in danger of being eaten.

Not one hostage. Four. His four best friends, and only one seemed awake.

The large posts carrying his friends were spread far about in a wide semi-circle. Each one looked like giant fruit skewers serving up his friends as appetizers for the beast. At least they had very pointy on the ends, maybe that would slow dragon down from just chomping them.

The poles were dropped in about half-meter-deep holes that had been prepared. Harry saw Millicent had already managed to loosen her ropes a bit, but hadn't managed to fall off the pole as it was floated in. She had scooted down, and wound up with bent legs once the pole was in place.

The others woke as one, and blindfolds were removed.

Harry thought that he knew that he loved Hermione. Seeing her in danger like this nearly froze him in place. He couldn't lose her due to his inactions. She was far too important. The others faded out in his vision.

Harry had to save the girl he loved.

The announcer started sneering to put Snape to shame. Gee, Harry was worried about not having fans in this country.

"Welcome to the third task. Sir Harry refused to choose just one hostage, and chose four to show off his skills! So, lets cheer for the Great Wizard, Knight of the Order of Merlin, Sir Harry Potter!"

None of his friends were left in the stands. It was clear; anyone smart was getting out of there. Only jeering adults stayed. Since this wasn't Ecole Merlin's task there was nothing Harry could do about it.


Harry went straight for Hermione, as Millicent was grunting and trying to stand still attached to the pole. Neville did something, and had disappeared from his bonds, leaving nothing but ropes. While Joseph was struggling with his.

Hermione was untied in a flash of sword and Harry jumped high into the air with her, calling for a nearby Buckbeak. He didn't come, but Hermione was wearing her moke-skin bag. Harry summoned her broom, got them floating. Next he summoned the roast then the flame-freeze potion. One roast later, and the dragon was coughing. Good. No bright flames.

Harry raced to the front doors of the castle, and Hermione hopped off.

"Get in there to an interior room and ward the doors! Dragons!"

As if he beloved hadn't seen the great beast, but Harry was more than a little unnerved at this point.

Hermione pecked his lips, but their other friends did not have time for them to stay and kiss all day.


The brightest witch of her age had been trained since she was little to think in situations like this. Not panic!

Hermione loved wards, and was very good at them. The chalked sequence was nearly perfect, a typical third-year attempt.

It might ward off a cranky niffler.

But the secret in this ward was underneath it. A sort of detection of evil. Anyone with ill intent for her would cause it to flash.

Hermione wished she could help her friends, but realized that the danger wasn't the dragons. Those were a weapon. A tool.

She wasn't sure where she had been kept before the task, but it was close, and there were dangerous people about.

She had her dissolutioned wand in one hand, and a potion vial in the other.

Hermione took calming breaths, and waited.

She might have played the maiden in distress for a time, but she wouldn't stay that way for long!


"Neville's been kidnapped by his grandmother, who will blame Zora according to her. And they served Gabrielle on a pike for a dragon, but the sister rescued her?" Sir Romano demanded.

"Yes sir. It happened too fast for me to help. One of Fleur's guards looked dead, the other was injured but she managed to port-key them all out as soon as Fleur was through. Madam Maxine left this morning in the carriage with her other students. Complaining loudly that she would never let Beauxbatons near Britain ever again." Sir Hector reported. "The aurors threatened to kill me or any other knight if we attempted to interfere with the tasks. They are not joking, and many of them are marked.

"They must have changed the task. Dragons!" The commander spat.

"Cedric Diggory was in the arena when I left. Harry shared out preventative potions to him and the Krum boy." Charles informed.

The knight commander was clearly incensed. "What a mess! And I can't even blame Potter for this one. We knew about Hermione and put some measures in. Where is Dame Rebecca?"

"She was planning on trying to get Hermione out of there the minute the task was done. Same with Rock, now."

"I'll have all but Harry's personal mount returned to school. I know that you've had everything packed but the mess tent. Delegate that, and get all non-essential people out now. May the Lord bless us, Charles, my friend." Sir Romano blessed him.

"Amen. Hector out."


Harry returned as quickly as he could. He still didn't see Neville, so went to help Joseph, as Millicent seemed to be nearly free.

Suddenly, the dragon lunged at Joseph! The Horntail was straining the chain to its limit. It had clearly been suddenly unwound to allow it to get this close. Harry dodged to the side, and pulled his sword.

The strong Squire Millicent finally managed to get the pole out of the ground. With it on her back and running as fast as she could, she impaled the beast!

The dragon roared in pain. It was mortally wounded but still alive. Harry jumped, and found himself hovering. He didn't know that he could partially transform! He had wings! Golden wings!

The crowd booed and jeered as Harry blocked their view of the slaughter with his new ability. But he wasn't idle. Harry used the new appendages to maneuver around the non-fire-breathing menace. It still had teeth and spikes! Joseph shouted for Millicent to get away, the dragon's hind leg was trying to claw her! That gave Harry the perfect opportunity for a death blow.

The sword of Gryffindor caught the morning light perfectly, blinding the beast for just a moment, and Harry swung down as hard as he could, powering his wings for the death blow.

The head landed far too close to the girl still tied to the pole that was inside the dragon. Joseph had finally gotten free. With his ropes smoldering, it appeared he finally got a fireball.

"Milli! Don't be dead, don't be dead." Joseph called. She was rather covered in dragon blood.

"Millicent? Are you alright?" Harry asked concerned. "That was absolutely amazing! You saved Joseph's life; you know. Where's Neville?"

While Harry looked for his godbrother, Joseph tended to Millicent.

She coughed, and wiped the useful fluid from her face, and looked at Joseph in adoration. "I wasn't going to let that monster hurt my best friend."

The veela boy got her free from her ropes, and took Millicent's face in his hands. "I love you Milli. I love you."

Joseph kissed her, and they were enveloped in a golden glow.

When it stopped, Millicent the troll-girl was no longer there. Dressed in flowing white, was a beautiful, beautiful girl with long, lustrous black hair and violet-blue eyes stood in her place.

"I love you, too, Joseph. So much."

They kissed again, totally ignoring the people gaping.

"What? You haven't seen teenagers kiss?" Joseph asked, holding tightly to her hand.

"Milli! You're beautiful!" Harry declared.

"Hey, Potter! No take backs! Milli has always been beautiful, you were just too blind to see it." Joseph stated.

The future queen of England smiled at Joseph, and earned herself another sweet kiss.


Hermione could see Professor Babbling coming in from the doors.

She hoped it wasn't her, but the wards flashed.

Hermione wand was already up and doing the combination stun and bind. But the runes professor had dodged the first and banished the second.

"You don't think that I'm going to be taken down by a little mudblood like you, do you? Why didn't you just die like you were supposed to? You can do so now."

Something nasty and purple shot too close to Hermione's thigh as she dodged, shielding the yellow spell. Then a quick spell chain that the lightning-fast girl avoided.

Hermione let it the shield go, and the chair behind the professor suddenly jumped on her from behind.

Hermione remembered her mother's lessons, and grabbed a book on the table next to her. The squire banished it into the teacher's face with all of her strength, pulled a dagger, and threw it. It didn't kill the older witch, but impaled her shoulder.

That was all the distraction that she needed. She rolled, pulling the other boot knife and buried it in-between ribs. The professor was dead just in time for her knight to show up.

Dame Rebecca came in, seeing the devastation around them. "Entrail-expelling? Acid blood? Not sure what the remains of that are. Are you okay?"

Hermione nodded. "I don't want to be charged with murder though. Can we take our friend here with us? I'd like to know if she was imperioused to kill me, or just doing it for sport."

"Good idea. Besides, the coroners at St. Michael's will think we've been getting soft. Haven't sent them any presents lately at all."

"Should I put a bow on her?" Hermione's voice was low, coming off the adrenaline.

Dame Rebecca took out a special port-key. Since the wards allowed non-people packages, the 'gift' left just fine.

"Come on. Let's get to Hogsmeade, and get out of this place."


Harry laughed. "Where are all of the squires when you need them? There's a lot of potions ingredients here. Maybe the elves could help."

Bims popped in. "Master Harry? You is needing a bath! Thanks for killing bad, bad snakey with wings."

"You betcha, Bims. Can you please organize some elves? Then do whatever Millicent tells you to with the dragon? I need to make sure Hermione's alright.

Hermione had nearly been killed in this madness!

Harry's face was thunder. "I'm going to the ICW with this. As far as I am concerned, the tournament people tried to kill us all."

Harry pulled out a broom and headed for where he dropped off Hermione.


Hermione rushed out of the front doors. Seeing Harry, she was determined to make sure that he knew the depth of her feelings. And show off her impressive breathing techniques, for the kiss seemed to go on forever.

They kissed for a timeless moment, then Harry remembered that Neville was still missing, and Joseph was hurt, and Millicent was, well. What was that that had happened?

"Hermione? Remember how I said something about Milli getting prettier than she was when we were eleven?"

The witch's eyes narrowed just a bit. "Yesss."

"Well, when you get the invite to be Milli's maid of honor when she gets married to Joseph, just don't be surprised. And don't be surprised that he didn't care how she looked. And don't be surprised that's she's as pretty as a veela. Well, just don't be…"

Whatever else he was going to babble was stopped with a kiss. A good one. Until Dame Rebecca cleared her throat.

"Come on squires. I mean my squire. The commander gave us orders to clear out immediately. You too, Sir Harry. It looks like the dragon tagged you. We need to head to the village and then home.

"Yes, ma'am. Hermione, can you go with Rebecca? I need to find Neville, and my mirror's broken."

"Sure Harry, but just don't forget. Brother Paddy's waiting for us. I can't wait to see him!"


Before Harry could find Neville, Rock showed up with his godbother safe and sound. Harry had sent Soda for Buckbeack.

"Not even a scratch? Way to go, Nev!"

The boy looked ashamed, but Rock put his arm around his shoulders.

"Neville, you got yourself out of harm's way. You have been drilled in this! That was the smart thing to do!"

"Yeah, but I didn't help anyone else, and by the time I could, it was over." The teen confessed.

"But you didn't get in the way, either." Harry opined. "Glad to see you're okay. Truly. Let's go home!"


"Sir Hector? I don't know who I should report to. Dame Rebecca isn't answering." It was one of the top coroners at St. Michael's.

First thing back, they all trouped down to kitting for new mirrors. The boffins were already working on improved shielding.

"She and Hermione are in combat review." Charles informed him.

"Right. Well, we have a serious problem. Can you please come here? Right away?"

"No knight is to go anywhere alone, especially out of our wards. Let me grab my former squire and we'll be there soon. Hector out."

Sir Hector pulled away from the witch in his arms.

"But your contract is up!" Zora complained.

"It is, but not many know it. Until the ceremony in two weeks, I'll continue to get calls. And I need to follow a certain code."

"No kisses?" Zora pouted.

"Well, I've never really done this before, so I should practice to get better, don't you think? But nothing more than kisses."

"Then go and get back. My elf is making you baked ziti with spicy sausage."

"Hey! That's one of my favorites!" Charles said.

"Really? Oh interesting." Zora purred.

Charles pecked her lips. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

Sir Hector was barely out the doors when she heard him shouting for Sir Harry.

Such nice boys. Nice people, Hermione and Millicent too. Zora hoped that Neville would forgive her. She never meant to set up him in any way. What in the world was going on with that woman who was his grandmother?


Dolores Umbridge was fidgeting. Well, more than usual.

"Where is she? She's never late!" Narcissa whined.

"Now, now. She might have had a young man in detention again."

The witches laughed. The number of seventh year boys that Babbling had supposedly seduced was rather unbelievable. But she swore she didn't use potions on them. Well, not love potions.

'Dolores, is it true? Did the Dark Lord truly get his own body?"

Dolores smile was pure evil, but she put her hand over her mouth and then nodded.


"Not saying." The witch said, taking and eating a whole sandwich in nearly one go. Like a frog catching flies.

"Fine, keep your secrets. You provided innocents for my son when he needed it, and now you've done a task we were worried was impossible. Houses Malfoy and Black owe you a debt of gratitude." Narcissa stated.

"Babbling is clearly not coming. Look, do you need anything special for the attack here? I'm making sure that my students are locked in their dorms. Purebloods all." Professor Burbage stated.

"Good precaution. Don't want them hurt, after all. Let's make sure that Slytherin is covered as well. Come to the manor as soon as the attack starts. Don't want to miss the Master's unveiling."

"He will be crowned King of Britain, and we will be his most trusted advisors."

"Almost like Queen Mum."

The cackling was most evil, and loudest from Dolores. The others pretended not to see her eat yet another sandwich in the same toad-like manner.


Sir Harry was there, holding hands with Hermione. She had just finished her first review. Dame Rebecca was with them as well, looking pale and wan.

The young people spoke in low tones on the way to the coroner's office at St. Michael's.

"Hermione, you did nothing wrong." Harry said vehemently. "You survived! That's what matters!"

"I know." She nodded. "But I feel it. Like her ghost is following me."

The coroner bowed to the group, and let them over to the body on the table.

"A cauldron under crossed brooms? Does this mean something?" Sir Charles asked.

Hermione and Dame Rebecca shared a glance.

"It couldn't be. They were wiped out in a ritual over a hundred years ago!" Dame Rebecca said. "An evil coven. Can't remember the name."

"Potentia Vita." Hermione whispered.

"Women's power? Seriously?" The coroner was unimpressed.

"You don't understand. This group would control kings. Make sure he married one of their own. Once they infiltrated a country…" Dame Rebecca went quiet.

"Let me guess. Muggles and muggleborn would just disappear? Perhaps used in dark rituals?"

"Very dark magic, innocent sacrifice. You know how muggles have power plants? They would make connections to demon planes for power. The imperious curse for example can wear off and break when cast by a wizard. A witch using this power? They could stay under for years, and never show any symptoms."

Harry swore under his breath, and Sir Hector slapped the back of his head. Gently.

"Not in front of the ladies, Harry."

"We don't just need pranks; we need a ritual. Don't we? But there's not enough time!"

Dame Rebecca scoffed, and Hermione gave him a pointed look.

"Oh dear, Snuffles. I wonder if they sell it in the herb market." Hermione teased.

"Yeah, well. But I thought that Sir Hector was getting married there soon, and doing a month honeymoon over the weekend so that he didn't get any calls."

Hermione now scoffed. "Won't that be boring? I mean, you can't leave the arena."

Both Harry and Charles choked, and then Hermione reddened.

Her knight saved Hermione from any more foot-in-mouth disease. "How does a working honeymoon sound to you, good Sir Knight?"

Charles glared at Harry and Hermione for just a moment then sighed. It would take at least six months to do the research, prepare the crystals, and all that.

Sir Jerome showed up looking relieved. One of the guards protecting Fleur had been hit with the entrail-expelling curse. He'd been able to put her in stasis, and then she was transported to St. Michaels upon extraction.

It had been close, but she would live.

"Did someone ask for me? Runes and rituals, at you service." Sir Jerome stated, with an elegant half bow.

Dame Rebecca sighed deeply then blushed red herself, and focused on Sir Hector continuing his thoughts.

"Fine, Sir Jerome is in. I am stating this emphatically. No more delays! My marriage ceremony will be in the chapel tonight then. Everyone in their best. I'll want some of Neville's flowers. And no, Millicent can't be a bridesmaid. We're keeping her transformation as quiet as possible.

With Harry hovering over, his wings blocked the view of the few people left in the stands. And then their mentors got them out of there, leaving the elves to clean up the dragon.

Which they did, and did deliver. Nice people, those elves.

"We should take Remus and his new friend with us too. The healers said it can help them. And they can have time to strategize how to best deal with the werewolf offensive planned." Harry stated.

There were special amulets that could be worn for people like Remus. It allowed him through the wards to visit the school on non-full moon days. And would automatically take them to the animal reserve on those full-moon days an hour before sunset.

"Can we please bring Brother Paddy?" Hermione begged.

"He's no longer under oaths, just like me. We can ask him though. And no. Don't ask. Just don't. Before you ask, just no. No. NOOOOOO!" Charles stated.

"But I thought that you liked the twins." Harry whinged.

"I do. In small doses. Not for six months. And certainly not on my honeymoon!" Sir Hector barked. "No chaos twins!"


"Do you, Charles Alexander Hector take Zora Zabini to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

After the ceremony, friends greeted one another warmly. But briefly. They knew that many were headed to the arena after this.

Luna had become a bit more in tune with the other side since her adventure there. Harry never noticed her wearing the Peverell ring. It wasn't for him, so he didn't see it.

"Blaise approves, and sends his love to you." Luna told the bride.

Zora looked up. "I love you son! Thank you! I love Charles so much!"

"Well see him again one day. And hopefully we'll give him a sister or brother." Charles said with a protective arm around his teary bride.

Harry looked stunned. "You're going to have a baby?"

"Squire, I mean Sir Harry. There are clearly things that you didn't learn at the right time. No, no, I am not going to have a baby. Witches have babies. Now when a mummy and daddy love each other very much…"

Zora grabbed Charles for a searing kiss.

"I don't need a visual, thank you! I just meant. Never mind. I hope it looks like Zora though, or everyone will keep trying to kiss it to break the curse." Harry teased.

"Come darling. Let's go home." Zora's eyes were full of love for her new husband.

The couple moved into their private apartment in the arena, and everyone else had joined by midnight including Remus and company. The supplies were set, elves in place. The main doors locked.

They'd be back in six months and six seconds.

And the clock in real time would have advanced those six seconds.


The Wizarding World's largest library was housed in the Lower School, but unknown to many, was that it was duplicated in the Upper School. When a new book came in for one, it came in here. Used for emergency and specialty training when time was of the essence, it held dining facilities, dorms, single family housing (on the far other side from everyone else) and recreational rooms. Including a heated pool.

Neville and Rock chose to stay behind. Neville wasn't authorized for anything in Britain at the current time, and Rock still had three years left of his contract.

No need to add six months of aging for no purpose. The runes and ritual thing were not his specialty.

Sir Jerome and Dame Rebecca came. The lady knight insisted that her squire's help was essential, as Rebecca had never seen anyone else with Hermione's research skills.

Sir Hector and his wife Zora Zabini came. "We may choose a different last name, but Zora Hector does not flow. No. I was born with this name. Maybe he becomes Charles Zabini. He has no job you know. But I am wealthy enough for two. Or three or more."

Harry knew that Monseigneur Brown would hire the man in a heart-beat for the school. Charles had lots of options; politics, education, security. As long as he was happy. That's what everyone wanted for him.

They divided up the tasks. The ladies with Sir Jerome's help were researching how to break the power connection. And then they would devise a ritual for it.

Harry and Sirius were responsible for getting into the manor. There would be set up before the ritual started.

Remus and Benedict were working on a plan to deal with the werewolves attacking Hogwarts. Thankfully, between Padfoot and a squad of knights, the dementor attack was already thwarted. So much safer to deal with them on the water, than after they had made landfall!

Charles and Zora were working on increasing the world's population by one. They stated flat out there would be no help with any planning until at least a month from now, in subjective time.

Sir Charles threatened anyone who came near their apartment before that month was up with instant annihilation. He probably wouldn't really do anything, but this was a knight who had taken out a chimera. Did they really want to risk it?


Benedict paced. They were working in a small room off the men's quarters. The elves had provided a lovely tea.

Both men had gone without food in their past, and the good meals, and little snacks were much appreciated.

The new werewolf looked at the tea.

"You know, if they are as well taken care of as we were by Fenrir." As in not at all. "They'll be hungry. We could use that portable swamp concept. What about a portable picnic that become some kind of trap?"

Remus had enjoyed each and every minute with the twins and Peter. Pettigrew couldn't come with them. But Fred and George working with unnamed boffins had come up with some absolutely amazing ideas.

"They smell food and are lured in." Remus was thinking.

"What about a recently abandoned camp? Food cooking over the fire, chairs knocked over. That sort of thing." Benedict suggested. "Like an animal had attacked, and they ran away."

"Good! Good! But an animal that wouldn't eat the roast lamb or whatever on the fire." Benedict was trying to come up with something.

Remus paced, and remembered collecting spider silk for money.

"Acromantulas don't eat meat. Not cooked anyways." Lupin said. "And they definitely live in the forest there.

"A portable camp that has spider thread or something showing that is what attacked? Very clever." Benedict smiled in approval. He pulled out copies of books that he had in his trunk at school. One was on enchanting that Remus had never seen before.

While the younger man looked at that, Remus looked at the schematics of the swamp.

"We know how this works, Rowle. What we need is to adapt it. See? Look at this." Remus pointed out. Benedict shared his book.

They had a place to start.


"Millicent! How wonderful to meet you." Queen Ifeoma greeted her future granddaughter in law.

After the hugs and pleasantries, Milli just had to ask a very important question.

"Don't we need permission or approval of the Wizengamot or something?" The young lady asked. "I mean, there hasn't been a queen in forever. And shouldn't it be my parents?"

"Good questions. Magic chooses. Your parents would no be a good choice, for one because they don't want the job, and another because of politics. But as for acceptance, that is not up to the people. They can choose to support you or not, but you are queen."

"And the crown that Narcissa Malfoy had? She was going to give it to the Dark Lord?"

"That had been the plan. So, while she is arrested for her crimes, you will be busy being crowned. We don't have much time. Fleur is here to help as well. We need to get you ready for Saturday."

Millicent looked at the window, and shed a single tear. "I really wanted to be a knight."

"My darling girl. It's not every princess who slays a dragon that she has been fed to. Your training will hold you in good stead, and help you understand the dangers faced of those who stand against the dark."


"Are you sure that you can do this, Harry?" Padfoot asked.

Sirius had decided that the Dark Lord needed a big, big snake after watching memories that Snape had provided for Padfoot's charade. So that became their project.

"No. But I am going to try. Just please make sure that Professor McG doesn't mail me back to the Amazon or whatever if I get stuck."


"She mailed Snuffles to Newt Scamander! His wife thought I was adorable and nearly gave me away to a grandchild! I think it was the stunner, but I couldn't shift! I was stuck as a niffler."

Sirius choked down laughter. "What if you're a little bitty garden snake."

"Then you'll enlarge me a few times, and change my color. Do you think any of these people actually study snakes? What's it called? Herpetology?"

"Bellatrix did that as a child, even tried to convince us she spoke snake. She was caught out. It was parseltongue potion. She's the reason I know about it. Mum was most distraught. She'd hoped one of us would inherit the gift."

"Good. This means you're an heir of Hogwarts too. I think Susan Bones is as well. We need to replace the governors after all of this."

"Less talky, more snaky."

"Yes, my lord. Anything you say, my lord." Harry teased, but then concentrated. He looked at the book's pictures of a boa constrictor. Closed his eyes, imagined its skin, its tongue.

Suddenly, there was a nice size lizard in the room. With spikes.

"Well, It's a reptile." Sirius said, snaping a shot. "Not quite a snake thought. I'll call you Spikey."

It took a bit, but Harry changed back and looked at the picture of himself.

"Ha, ha. Very original. Alright. Give me a minute. I'll try again."