
Harry Potter And The Order of Merlin

This was made by  VashonBeader. There is an ancient Order out there far older than the Order of the Phoenix. What happens if Harry Potter is rescued by said knights? How will this change him? Change his world? Mentions of plural marriage, but none take place. Harry MOD long enough to help. No Sirius' will be hurt permanently in the making of this story. AU. A bit of Dumbledore bashing.

byjeed · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 23

Luna promised that Hermione would be returned unharmed. No ransom demands had been made with this kidnapping, and thankfully no owled body parts either.

The blonde seer beamed when asked about Joseph, but said it wasn't her business to share.

Luna said nothing negative about Kyle. She seemed to know he was dead, but didn't talk about it.

Sir Harry was nearly Rock'd to sleep twice for shouting, but they put him through the typical tests and potions.

It just wasn't fair that he had been separated from Hermione for so long, and now she was missing, and they wanted him for the trials in Paris, and he wanted to be looking for his betrothed, who he wasn't even allowed to carry a picture of in the field, not that technically Hogwarts was a battle field or anything, and while he enjoyed talking to her it wasn't the same, and wish she had just been allowed to come along but it had been just too dangerous and he just wanted her there to give him a hug!

Harry glared at Sir Hector, and a visiting Sir Gerard. Someone had slipped him cappuccino, and they were enjoying the fast-foolish.

They didn't stay long, as their own duties had multiplied. Luna getting poisoned was serious. Three students kidnapped was serious. There was the occasional fight, sure, but nothing like this. Instructors, sisters, and support staff were trying to come up with ways to make sure it never happened again!

At least the young knight wasn't having to fend off Fleur.

And wasn't that saying something that he would rather be in a hospital with a bunch of cranky octogenarian sisters than with a teenage veela who was pursuing him.

Something wasn't right there, he was sure.

His knight didn't tease him about the girl at least. Charles understood all too well. Was that Zora who had visited when Harry was out of it?


The minute that Dame Rebecca heard that her squire was missing she started sending messages and asking for appointments.

The knights had to tread carefully in Britain. She knew that they were not wanted, and someone in power was trying to show them as nothing but brutal, out-of-control people that had high opinions of themselves.

She knew Auror Tonks. While different years, and different Houses, they had gone to school together. Now, they both fought the good fight. With her connections, she was able to meet with Rufus Scrimgeour, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"Director Scrimgeour, thank you for seeing me."

"I was warned that you would contact me. Your school signed a competition contract. I'm sure that you had your very fine solicitors read it."

Andi Tonks had done so, but hadn't she been under an imperious for a time. Too late now.

"Yes, it was reviewed. You are saying that the contract gave someone the right to kidnap students? One of whom is now dead?"

"Kyle Rosier wasn't a student of your school. He was at Hogwarts, and foolishly snuck out of bounds,. On the night of a full moon. Poor boy. His mother is devasted."

"I'm sure." Dame Rebecca took a cleansing breath.

"What of Squire Joseph? Joseph Kerveil?"

"He's safe, and at Hogwarts as well. You'll see your errant squires soon, miss." Smiling at his little joke.

This man was goading her deliberately. But she kept a firm control of her temper.

"Has Professor Babbling been questioned yet?"

"Ongoing investigations are not the subject of rumor and gossip in this country. I really couldn't say. I could tell about the students as you are one of the adult escorts of your school. I hear that you perform escort services in your line."

Miss? Now escort? Why was he trying to push her like this?

"I am happy to hear that my squire is safe. I'd like to visit her, please."

"She has not requested to see you. That will be her choice."

"A safety and wellness check is requested, Director. And while I am here, I would also like to request that I personally be informed the next time that my squire is to be involved with anything. She is my responsibility. And I will remind you of one more thing before I leave."

She stood, and took out a map of Europe. "Rome, Italy is not a part of Britain. See? The Italian authorities will be contacting you if they haven't already. And no contract is going to be accepted as an excuse to kidnap foreign nationals. Just letting you know, sir. Good day."

She turned in a swirl of her half-cloak to leave the office, but he stopped her.

"You're not bad looking, you know, for being one of your Order. I'm planning on attending the Harvest Ball at Malfoy Manor on November the second. How much would an escort like you cost? I have a few galleons to spare."

She ignored him completely, and left the room. He just gave her a piece of intelligence that they didn't have before, and it was worth putting up with the insults for it.


"My lord" Severus knelt briefly before standing at the impatient movement. The room was clear, but one never knew who was watching.

"What happened that night? One minute I was near the room with the castle wards, the next I'm in this cell. My wand is missing. Everything magical has been taken."

Severus knew that the knights had obliviated most of that evening from Draco's mind so that he didn't remember Black. And he didn't know that Pettigrew had turned on him.

Severus knew Draco well, and knew that the boy was terribly afraid.

"Where's my mother?" a blue-eyed Draco asked, but the Dark Lord was back, scowling at that pathetic plea, so perforce, Snape ignored it.

"My lord, I was searched well before coming in. I have nothing with me to aid you. The miserable frogs!" Severus had nothing against the French, but was trying to be in character.

It hurt a little to sound so racist, but this was a desperate situation. He had never casually used a racial slur after insulting Lily. And losing her.

"They are going to put me on trial Severus! Me! The greatest Dark Lord ever! As though I was a child caught with his hand in a biscuit box. How I miss Bellatrix. At least Barty is free to aid me."

Severus hadn't known about that. "Crouch? The one who put your son and your followers in Azkaban?"

"No! The son that was smuggled out and pretending to be his father even now! Interfering with the Tournament, making sure that these scum knights are discredited. They need to kill that Veela girl. Narcissa told me that her grandmother is the Queen! She stands in my way. Barty has his own plans of arranging Harry Potter's death as a coronation present for me. Did you know?"

"No, my lord. A most excellent plan. But we must get you out of here. Surely, there's someone here in France friendly to our cause? Someone in the ICW?"

"Don't worry, Severus. Even if they kill me, I have made plans. I will be back, greater than before. You'll see. I punished Lucius for the loss, but you must find my diary. TM Riddle. Yes. Find that, and use the ritual. The details are in the book that the diary is in. Find it, use it and I will be back. I will."

"I live to serve." Severus bowed.

An auror came up to the cell. "Time's up. Say good-bye to your professor Malfoy. He came a long way to comfort you. Not many would do that."

"Good day, Professor Snape. Please give my regards to my parents."

"Good day, Draco. I'll stay in Paris until the trial, and make sure that your barrister finds you. I'll be nearby."

And with that, he left the cell, the auror wondering what a young teenager could have possibly done to be there. It certainly had to be worse that not doing his homework!


"I'll remind everyone that this trial is to be held in confidence until such time the council decides to release this information. This is a most unusual case, and with Headmaster Dumbledore unavailable, it is felt best to keep all of this quiet for the moment."

The trial of Sirius Black was conducted by Madam Bones. With her was Mad-eye Moody, retired auror and his former protégé, Nymphadora Tonks. The younger witch looked ready to kill the clerk for saying her name aloud, and gulped.

There was a reason Black witches were feared, and her lineage was well known in these circles. Tonks was watched.

"We are in conclave met to give Sirius Black a trial he was denied. Yes, he's been dead, technically, for several years. Due to several issues, and the help of a Necromancer, he's been given a second chance at life."

"Then this is dark magic at work! Most foul, and illegal! Sentence him to death and be done with it!" One of the judges protested before the session had barely begun.

"The suspect has been indeed examined for Dark Magic. We'll hear a report on that as part of these proceedings. Now, if I could continue without interruption? Thank you."

The wizard sat, clearly unhappy, but he didn't want to get kicked out either.

And so, the trial went. With veritaserum, memories, and reports. Days of it, but in the end, the verdict was Not Guilty.

Sirius Black was cleared, restored as a member to the House of Black. Harry Potter even made an appearance at the end, hugging his innocent godfather.

Harry put up his own privacy bubble.

"I hope you aren't mad with how I gave the Order the Black vaults, most of it that I could." Harry sheepishly said. "And St. Michael's. Well, and Honeydukes named me Favored Customer. And…"

Sirius drew his godson into a long, warm hug. "We're together. I don't care if I only had two knuts. That means everything."

Sirius would be headed back to St. Michael's for a few tests. The scans detected the residual of dark magic, and the Order had ways of making sure he was completely clean, every whit.

"As soon as the Tournament is over, we'll be together." Harry stated.

The animagus, now registered with the ICW, grinned widely. He Was Free!

The Knight Commander wanted him keeping a low profile for now until they could come up with a good reason for reappearance. There'd be others out there that could possibly kill him just for the crime of being alive, after all.


Neville didn't know why he had been summoned back to Rome, but was sure that the news wasn't good since he had to report to the hospital.

Rock was on edge, and had been cranky since the previous night at dinner, but wouldn't say what was bothering him.

He had demanded that they take emergency transport back, and that had been that.

The man looked like he hadn't slept well in days, and had been spending too much time bouncing back and forth from Paris to Hogsmeade and back.

Now they were in a waiting room in the hospital.

"Hello, Squire Longbottom."

"Hello Healer Alex" Neville stood. That wasn't his real name, but when Neville was eight, he couldn't say Alexopoulos. It worked.

"I have a surprise for you, so please take a few breaths, and drink this."

Neville recognized the calming draught for what it was.

Alice Longbottom walked in, and next to her in a magical wheelchair was his father.

"Hello my won-won-der-ful boy."

Neville moved zombie like into her arms. His dad didn't say anything, but was just looking at him.

"Mum! Dad!"

Neville hugged first one, then the other, and repeated.

"Healer! Thank you! Thank you!"

"This wasn't just me, young man. But several people. The gold that Alice's godson sent helped a lot. Allowed us to purchase equipment that we've never had before. It's him you should write and thank."

"You don't know who that is do you?" Neville asked, holding his mother's hand.

"No. We just receive generous donations on a regular basis, like it's from a trust."

"It is. And from auctions when he signs autographs. Harry Potter. My godbrother is Harry Potter. And I owe him everything for this."

Losing Hermione when they were children had hurt. Now that Neville was older, he realized what a bad match it would have been. They had little in common. Neville didn't want to learn about muggles, and admitted to himself of a prejudice there. He didn't want to read or study as much as Hermione or even Harry did.

Neville felt that a life with Daphne made more sense. He felt a quiet peace in her presence. They could tend plants together companionably without saying a word.

'I give you Hermione with all goodwill, Harry Potter. I give up Millicent Bulstrode with all goodwill.'

And with that, the first horrible marriage contract was well and truly broken. Not legally, for that was already done. But magically.

"Harry Potter? He's here somewhere, but she wanted to see you first."

Neville gave his mother an extra hug. "Let's track down your godson, mum."


"Commander Chariton, thank you for making time to talk with me."

"We need to install a portal between here and Rome. I feel that I've lived here the past week. You said in your note you had information?"

"Yes, sir. And gold. I remember everything since I was captured, sir. Somehow, and I don't know why, a bit of me stayed with my body."

"They wanted to kill your godson, and you had made magical oaths to protect him. It worked out for you. Do you have the diary and the book it was in?

"Yes, Dolores studied that book like Molly Weasley would a cookbook. It is at the London townhouse along with about thirty mercenaries. There's more in South America we can contact at need as well."


"No, Dolores knew the disadvantage of the slave brand. That night is a little fuzzy for me. Where is Ambassador Umbridge?"

The Knight Commander made a face. "If you godson lives to be twenty-five, it's because of my vows not to strangle him! That boy! He talked about a poltergeist at the castle, and how it should be recruited to help us."


"Precisely. Madam Delacour got to know James Potter during a brief but intense rescue. She recruited the poltergeist. Dolores Umbridge was Kissed during the incident. I presume she deserved it?" The Knight Commander had been told all about that night.

"Innocent blood shed more than once. My dear cousin Narcissa's request to help restore Draco's magic. I'm sorry I couldn't do more to stop it."

"You were not in control, and not at fault. Good to know it was deserved. So, yes, Miss Umbridge was Kissed."

"But the body would die after…" Sirius Black went still.

"My godson put Peeves in Dolores body? My godson is a Marauder! Ha! I have taught him well."

The knight narrowed his eyes at the man. "There's room on my wall for two pictures, Black."

Sirius gulped, and continued his report.


"Wow! So, there's a real princess? Alive today?" An excited second year Ravenclaw asked. "I bet the library has a genealogy book! It might be someone here at Hogwarts."

Professor Bagshot smiled at the children. They were soaking up real history, not just which goblin started such and such rebellion.

Minerva McGonagall was waiting at the door with a small bag.

"The audit is complete, and here is your salary, going back to when you started. It will be deposited automatically from now on, unless you make other arrangements at Gringotts.

"Thank you very much! I wasn't expecting to be paid."

"Yes, well, Albus grew up during difficult times, and was always cutting such corners. I petitioned and won forty years of back salary for my 'temporary' duty, which makes me feel much better about my helping during this time, I can assure you."

"I don't think Albus has a mean bone in his body, well not since he and Gellert split up. Such a cute couple, but you know how these summer romances run. Such a shame about the sister, but I'm sure Abeforth blew things out of proportion about it all. Ariana was dangerous after she was attacked. Killed her mother, you know.

Minerva's eyes were wide. There was only one Gellert, and here was a wealth of Albus stories she'd never heard! The man never shared secrets about himself.

"I was just headed to my office for tea. Care to join me?"

"I'd love to. Now, as you know, my family is from all over Europe…"


The Supreme Mugwump Sakura had summoned the entire High Council of the Order. Also summoned included Sir Hector and Sir Harry for testimony.

The petite Japanese witch seemed to glare at Harry for a minute, and he gulped, but she wasn't angry with him.

Harry thought it was about the Japanese Mizuchi dragon he had banished.

"You are without doubt at the center of this somehow, young man. So, some would kill the Malfoy boy and be done with it. Others want to separate the possessing spirit and child. He has clearly been supported by dark magic, otherwise he would have been dead years ago.

"I cannot condone action that will bring death to a child, no matter who his parents are. Necromancers are rare, and to trust this boy's care to the one available to us will have everyone question her integrity regardless of the outcome.

"I beg you give me your wisdom here, as you deal with this sort of evil, and I am completely lost as to what to do."

Sir Romano stood. "The council and I have also debated this situation. The knights on-scene wisely decided to capture instead of just killing the Dark Lord due to his possessing a child. If the agent had been an adult, we would not be here today. It would be done."

The Knights of the High Council stood. "We understand that this decision is not easy. The necromancer could remove the possessing Spirit. If we pursued this course, Sir Harry will be part of the team that will banish it. The outcome for the boy is uncertain as to his magic, as this process will remove ALL dark magic. He may become squibbed. Or he could die. An outcome where he is alive, the Dark Lord possessing him gone, and the boy retaining his magic is not possible according to our Arithmancers and support staff."

A still recovering Luna had burst into tears when asked about the outcome of removing the Dark Lord's spirit from Draco's body. She kept repeating Death, Death, Death. She couldn't come up with any better suggestions than the one they were about to make. He felt bad to have upset the girl, and his thigh still hurt from the sister who chased him from her room in the hospital.

The commander cleared his throat. "Only three times in the last century has a squib been turned away from our school. I will not allow this child there. He would be used as spy or worse in our midst, and we cannot condone it. We hope that his host country will be kind to the boy, but we cannot in good conscious welcome him. Even if his parents asked, which is not likely."

The judges of the International Confederation of Wizards nodded.

Sir Gerard stepped forward. He was a wise soul, and offered a new idea.

"Supreme Mugwump. We were not invited to Britain to deal with their Dark Lord. There is an opportunity. Severus Snape is here, a former Death Eater who has earned our trust. With his help, we could set a trap for the rest of the Death Eaters, and stomp out this threat once and for all."

"NO! The Knights of the Order are not aurors or the World's policemen! It is not for you to decide who is evil or good! You'd kill pureblood wizards! Witches too! No! You can't make this decision for all of Britain. The Wizengamot, or at least some of the top leaders would have to make that decision, boy! Not you!" Elphias Doge, a friend of Albus Dumbledore's, was the new ICW representative of Britain, and invited to this meeting.

Monseigneur Brown looked at him. "You were a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Don't deny it! This meeting is classified. I wish Albus Dumbledore could be here to lend us his wisdom, but don't throw away an opportunity to end the violence that Never Once Stopped!

"I have talked with Cornelius Fudge in the past. Neither he, nor the Wizengamot would take up arms against Death Eaters. They are afraid of them, or afraid of killing family. They would never agree to it." Sir Romano stated.

The tension built, as everyone remembered the deaths, the disappearances, the destruction that came when the Dark Lord ruled. And realized that while it had lessened, it truly had not stopped.

The Supreme Mugwump tilted her head and looked at Sir Gerard intently. His calm demeanor held her eyes.

"You do not seek vengeance in the death of a Sister of your Order? Someone who was kind and loving to the orphans?"

All of the wizards and witches there who knew Sister Gisele choked on that one, but the knight answered her calmly. "She would find a way to send stingers or worse from Heaven if we thought such a thing. No."

"Justice yes. A trial for the one who murdered her. Yes. A trial for the person or persons responsible for kidnapping our students. A trial for the one who killed Kyle. But that is justice, not vengeance!" Commander Chariton spat.

"Your reports have gone to committee. The Ministry of Magic in London is indeed claiming that the British girl will be used in the competition. No word yet on the boy. The Veela court is dealing with that separately. But we are off topic, gentlemen."

Sir Romano "The only suggestion that we have is to bind Draco Malfoy's magic. Without it, the Dark Lord will die. It's the boy's best hope for survival."

Not a one of them wanted to admit that Harry would be sending that last bit on, with or without permission. It just didn't seem, well, relevant.

At least it didn't involve the internecine politics of the Malfoy/Delacour feud.

The Japanese witch bowed to the council. "I will hear the truth from the boy's lips. After that we will proceed. Draco Malfoy was over the age of eight, and as far as I have heard, never sought help for the possession. If he had, we would not be having this discussion. No, the child is complicit in the possession, and is old enough to stand trial. Realize that children do not have adult reasoning or morals, so we must temper any judgment with mercy due to his age.

"Let us move to the chambers. It is time."

The trial of the Dark Lord began in earnest, and started with three drops of veritaserum.


Sir Harry was in a side room. The banishment was done. Sir Jerome came in, looking very pensieve, Sir Hector was reading quietly in a corner, making notes.

"How is Draco?" Harry said. The procedure to remove the Dark Lord had been very hard on Harry. Harder on Draco, but it had to be done. He understood that the boy was a squib now.

The rings of the House of Black and Heir to the House of Malfoy had fallen from the boy with a large clang and wail of despair that had hurt, despite what the family had done.

Harry toyed with the House of Black ring. So much darkness in their past.

"He's upset, scared. His mother's family kills children like him, and is afraid to go home." Sir Jerome paced.

"Harry, we should make a quick trip to the Ministry of Magic in London. There's a room that I've been told about. Let's make sure that this prophecy orb is black. Please."

"Sir Jerome. You know me, and have mentored me since I was little. I am always aware of magic."

"Yes? And?"

"I'm telling you right now. There's still something. I may have been under a prophecy to help deal with that Dark Lord, but my task is not over. Truly, a part has been finished, but I am still bound. There's something. Something else. Something more."

"No!" Sir Hector looked up, aghast. "My contract is nearly done!"

"As it should be, good sir knight. I'm not blind, and Zora Zabini doesn't look like that patient a witch. You've been a wonderful mentor, Charles. I couldn't ask for better. Thank you."

The boy hugged his brother-in-arms.

Harry continued: "Whatever this is, I have to deal with it. Alone."

"Never alone, sir knight! Never! We are family!" Sir Jerome stated.

"Amen. Et domus sumus" Harry intoned.

And Harry would make the world safe for his family.

And make them regret taking Hermione away from hers.


Fleur Delacour was given permission to visit the boy recovering in the small infirmary in the ICW building.

The space normally serviced elderly witches or wizards who became overwrought in session.

Her beautiful but clearly capable bodyguard stood watch outside the door. More than one wizard tripped from staring at her rather than watching where he was going.

The blond wiped his eyes. "I've supposed you've heard. I'm nothing now. Nothing but a muggle."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I truly am. I wanted to tell you in person, rather than in a letter that I am sorry for the way I have been acting around you. My grandmere is a wonderful lady. She helped me realize that I have been acting very foolishly."

She walked to the rain-splattered window. "She told me that I was using you, and she was right."

Draco just looked at her, not understanding.

"I wanted Harry Potter. I thought by showing interest in you, his rival, that I would make him jealous. My grandmother gave me a list of potential suitors. Wizards she would approve of for a match."

"I bet my name wasn't on the list even before I lost my magic." Draco stated glumly.

"You are correct."

"What am I going to do? I don't want to be a muggle! If I get anywhere near my mother, I'm dead. I'm sad about it, but I am not stupid."

"Draco, the Dark Lord. Did he really possess you?"

"Yes. I still have his memories. Some are just monstrous, but he knew a lot about magic."

"Right now, you are not welcome at Ecole Merlin. But you could start trying. Maybe writing down information that the knights could use, you might earn a chance to go there."

"Why would I want to go to that school?"

"It's not muggle. They train squibs how to do jobs for the magical world. Do you want to live in the muggle world? Act like them? Dress like them?" Fleur's lip curled.

She could dress and visit the muggle world, but she would not want to live there herself.


"Can you keep a secret, and will you?"

At his nod, she continued. "I don't know how, but Sirius Black is alive. He's a relative. He could protect you."

"Hey! That gives me an idea! Kreature!"

"Unworthy Master calls! AARRGG! What happened! You nothing but a squib!"

Kreature pulled a huge knife from somewhere and was about to attack Draco, but Fleur transfigure it into a flower, and it hit his chest in an explosion of petals.

"Begone from here, vile being, before I kill you myself!" Fleur threatened, and the elf popped away. "You need to get that thing's master to order it not to kill you! That was very scary."

She took several breaths before continuing.

"You have to have at least a little magic to call an elf." The veela pointed out.

She handed him a thick letter. "I wrote my thoughts for you to read. I don't want you to feel alone, Draco. I'm sorry for what I did, and now, I guess I am offering true friendship. It's all I can offer if I want to walk this path."

Draco nodded. It was more than he might have hoped for.

"I'll think about what you said. I can't go back to Hogwarts; I can't go home. I don't know where I will go after they're done with me here."

Draco turned back to the window to watch the rain, and the girl left with a soft farewell, grateful that he had at least listened.


The Knight Commander met with Monseigneur Brown, Sir Jerome and Sir Harry in his office at the ICW Headquarters.

"I approved the mission, and it was carried out. Not necessarily as planned, but close enough. The objective was met, the goal to defeat the Dark Lord Voldemort is complete. Well done."

He handed each of them a gold star.

"There's a nest of mercenaries out there still, waiting for the Dark Lord's orders. They're in a townhouse in London. One that Harry Potter now re-inherits. Aren't you glad you filled it with doxies and things?"

"No. NO!"

"Oh yes!"

"Sirius has turned over the keys and passwords for the gold that the Dark Lord accumulated under his tenure in his body. I don't feel comfortable letting the British government know about a bunch of unmarked Death Eaters sitting around, waiting for Saturday after Halloween to attack Hogwarts. Much less trust them to deal with them."

"Why can't Sirius just send them home? Or give them a portkey to Azkaban or something." Harry asked. "Just have him get a pair of muggle contacts colored red and a voice changing potion."

The commander took a spare Star of Merit out of his pocket and handed it over.

"What's this for, sir?"

"Being a stinging pain in my thigh for the next nine years and three quarters and thinking not just outside the box, but outside the tesseract." Commander Chariton felt another headache coming on.

"Thank you, sir." Harry smiled sweetly, holding it up to Sir Jerome and Sir Hector, for just a moment a young boy showing his achievement to proud mentors.

Harry stopped and took a deep breath. And then another.

"Sir? You know how we promised no vengeance and stuff. But what if the mercenaries stormed the wrong castle."

"Potter!" Sir Romano growled low.

"Yeah. What if they attacked Malfoy Manor sir? There's going to be a ball there, after all. You know who Malfoys associate with."

The commander plopped in a chair, and held his head in his hands.

"Give me that Star back!"

Harry laid it gently on the desk next to him, looking sad. What had he said wrong?

"Oh, pick it back up, Potter. I cannot order or condone this. However, Sirius Black was once an auror for Britain, and Amelia Bones is here. I'll summon Mad-eye and Tonks."

"Can you think of anyone else to add to the party?" The Knight Commander asked.

"Yes sir. You have Sirius. You'll need the other marauders. Peter and Remus and Fred and George. What's a party after all, without party favors?"

Harry's evil grin summoned groans from all of the other knights in the room.