
Harry Potter and the Mysterious Girl

Harry heard a crash downstairs in the kitchen below. He sat up, and listened. Silence. Then he heard voices, talking. Next moment, he jumped as the lock gave a loud click and his door swung open. He went out from his room, headed downstairs.

Harry pulled out his wand.

"Lower your wand, boy, before you take someone's eye out."

Harry knew this voice, but did not lower his wand.

"Why are we all standing in the dark?" Said an completely unfamiliar voice, a womans."Lumos."

The room glowed brightly. People below are crowded to get a good look of him.

"Oh, he looks just like I thought he would." Said the which who was holding her wand aloft. She looks the youngest there. Her bubblegum-pink hair went down just below her shoulders. Her brown eyes are as sweet as caramel. Her smile is warmer than sunshine.

"Wow!" Harry breathed" She's beautiful."

Lupin introduced everyone. When it comes to this girl, he said "And this is Nymphadora-"

"Don't call me Nymphadora, Remus." said the young witch with a shudder.

"What should I call you then," Harry asked "Ms Beautiful?" Words left his mouth before he even realised.

"You can do that." she laughed ,"But Tonks is fine."

Then, she came and helped him pack. Every time Harry met her gaze, he felt something wierd, something special.

After packing, Harry and the whole bunch of people flew to a secret place. On the broomstick, the pink-haired girl gave him a look, which Harry returned one immediately.

In the hallway of Number twelve Grimmald Place, she, to Harry's surprise, winked at him. Harry, not knowing what to do or say, stares.

At dinner that day, the girl was trying to please Ginny and Hermione by turning her nose into a pig snout, and turning back. Harry isn't surprised, he knew she was a metamorphmagus.

Everyone laughed, except Harry didn't. He was busy wondering what she looks like when she wasn't making fancy changes.

The next few days, Harry could not stop thinking about her. He eventually came to a conclusion that he likes her, so he goes to Sirius for advice. Sirius said "Your in love with my baby cousin. Relax around her and maybe ask her out."

A month later, Harry and this girl were together.

Pictures are searched from the internet.

Harry Potter doesn't belong to me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DoraTonksPottercreators' thoughts