
Harry Potter: An SI's Story

A World filled with Magic and wonder, that's what the promised world was, a school filled with spells and duels. A villain hell-bent on eradicating your existence tethered to reality by using unspeakable dark rituals. A world where magic ran free, with a wave of your wand you could conjure fire, or water... maybe even wine. But when Alex clicked on the weird game screen in front of him. His mere existence spiraled reality out of control. A massive AU setting! MCXSusan!

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Hogwarts Express! Part-2

{Hogwart's Express, Unplottable}

{10:12 A.M, 1st September 1991}


Alex waved goodbye to the Potters from the window for a couple of seconds before he settled down. His trunk was already deposited on the top shelf opposite from where he was sitting courtesy of the Levitation charm.

What he found interesting was that the Levitation charm didn't have a restriction on the amount of weight he could lift. The charm used to fail only when he tried to lift a larger object but ever since it leveled up to level 9 those restrictions were lifted as well.

'The reason we start from a feather was most likely because it is easier to imagine a feather flying or gliding in the air. If we had started with a heavier object the success rate would have gone down.' Alex thought he was looking forward to classes but not of typical wanded subjects.

He had already learned what a first-year should know in the spells department, he was now looking forward to theory and other fields, the problem though was that his most anticipated subject was taught by a professor who hated him.

His hand dipped into his inventory as he pulled out a book on spell theory from his storage. He wasn't as careful about hiding his inventory simply because they were in a world of magic. Anything he would do could have an explanation so he wasn't worried that much.

'I just need to be careful about Voldemort and learn as many spells as I can.' Alex thought, his plan was to lie down and level up a lot at the beginning of the year.

The door opened and he looked up from his book to see Harry peering into the compartment, his eyes instantly went to the book that Alex was reading and he rolled his eyes and came into the compartment.

"Come on, you could have waited one minute of your time." He dragged his trunk into the compartment and then flicked his wand, casting a levitation charm. 

The trunk was a little wobbly but it easily slotted beside Alex's trunk. He audibly crashed onto the seat in front of Alex and then looked outside to see where the Potters were. Alex on the other hand got more engrossed in the book he was reading. 


'''Chapter 3: Mana Core and its importance'''

'''...spells are formed by using your magic. Continuously casting the same spell would tire you out quicker though the difference would not be so noticeable when your reserves get higher with age. What really affects any form of offensive spells is the time lag it takes from channeling one spell to another.'''


'''...Please consider the above diagram as it demonstrates the general area where 128 mana nodes are present in a wizard or witch's body. Each of these nodes contains a set amount of mana that is in your body and the magic contained in them is used to power spells.'''


'''...While each spell uses different mana nodes to cast, the amount of time you need to wait before casting the same spell again depends on your mana core and how quickly it can fill your empty nodes. The biggest difference that you would notice between your peers is a result of the efficiency of your core.'''


'''A core could be trained to control your whole mana faster depending on how many times you have used it, so draining your core daily in the early years of development is standard practice. The more you use magic, the easier it comes to you.'''


'''Chapter 4: Wands, the greatest creation of the Third Century'''

'''...There was a time when Wizards used magic before the creation of the first wand by a French wand crafter named Baptiste Joachim. Before that, the magical arts were more medium-based rather than channeling-based, in that era Alchemy and Rituals were the main ways to perform magic. The creation of wands and other chanelling tools that quickly followed, not only gave way to an era of spells. But it also simplified the ways in which our magic grows...'''

'''...Spells didn't exist before the 3rd century, magic casting as it is today was referred to as Primal magic as no set ways to control your own mana existed. Rituals, the primary ways to perform magical feats were then designed to dig into your own core and harm yourself stifling your potential in exchange for stronger and faster bodies...'''


"...we are moving." Harry's words brought Alex out of the book as he looked up. He noticed that the train had started with a jerk and after reminding him, Harry went back to waving at the Potters. Alex sighed as he put his book away and waved a couple more times outside the window. 

Beside Lily, he noticed there were now 3 more people, the red hair of two of them was a dead giveaway that the Weasely family was here as well. He looked back at the compartment and only two of them were there, he was expecting Ron to barge straight into their compartment by now.

After waving for a bit the gate did open as a sheepish-looking Ron dragged his trunk through. Harry immediately jumped to his feet as he flicked his wand and Ron's trunk floated above Alex's head.

"Ron," Alex greeted as the redhead stared at Harry in awe at performing a spell. 

"Hey, Alex. Enjoyed the rest of the summer?" Ron asked as he plopped into the seat beside Harry.

"Well yeah, what about you, the twins gave you any trouble." Alex teased as the redhead flinched slightly, likely going back to a prank that he had suffered in the last month.

"Yeah, let's not talk about that..." Ron shuddered slightly before he nodded to Alex and turned to Harry, his expression turned excited as he softly shouted, "Did you read? Did you read it?"

Alex wanted to interject that both his questions were the same but he left the two boys to converse about quidditch. He knew what Ron was excited about. Chudley Cannons won their first game of the season.


Ron's excited expression still reminded him of his past life, football was his only passion. Passion was a strong word but he understood the agony of supporting your club while also hating your club.

'I wonder if I could become the owner of Manchester United. The club was owned by the Glazers in 2005 so I have a chance... now how do I get 800 million pounds.' Alex thought, his mind delving into fantasy for a moment before he shook his head. 

He picked up the book again, but this time instead of reading he thought about his plans. His goal wasn't that different from Voldemort's, while he didn't want to rule Britain, he did like power and money was an important point of power.

The Potter vaults should be flush with cash but he needed a different source of income, and while understanding runes and creating a magical factory sound like a fine option, he knew where the real money was. 

'Organized crime and gambling...' Alex concluded, while gambling wasn't something he could feasibly do without underhanded methods. Simply because he was too far back in time and didn't remember any notable events where he could legally gamble some money. 

Before all of that, another thing he needed to address was the trace on his wand, he didn't know if there was a way otherwise he would have to wait till he could figure out wandless magic to move on with his plans. He looked at Harry and Ron animatedly talking about the chances of Chudley Cannons, who won their first game in 7 attempts, winning the league.

He sighed at their stupid discussion and opened his book once again. He could deal with more structured thoughts, speaking of that, where was Hermione?


'''...While Rituals used to sacrifice, either from yourself or from someone else, Alchemy was more pure or lighter than the two arts. Alchemy was the process of transmuting one thing into another, and as all the ingredients were magical in nature, it could be used for both offensive and defensive purposes depending on the intent.'''

'''...Astronomy was an important part of this trifecta as a lot of rituals and alchemical results differed based on the positions of the Sun and Moon. That was the primary reason that wars were only fought in day time in ancient times as Night and Dawn were the two times when the weapons used in that time were supposed to be recharged...'''

Alex was enjoying himself as he read through the book, the book was called 'Magic throughout the Ages'. It was a book on the history of magic that he had picked out of curiosity from the limited section of the Potter Library. Most of the books in there were theory and history books so he simply picked this as exploratory reading material. And although the book was a bit boring at first, the picture it painted was fascinating.



AN - Brief Introduction to Rituals and Alchemy, we'll explore this in depth later in the story, though Potions would come before these two subjects!

A new week starts, any Powerstones would help! Thank you! 

+1 chapter if on any day the powerstones for that day cross the 200 threshold!