
Harry Potter: An SI's Story

A World filled with Magic and wonder, that's what the promised world was, a school filled with spells and duels. A villain hell-bent on eradicating your existence tethered to reality by using unspeakable dark rituals. A world where magic ran free, with a wave of your wand you could conjure fire, or water... maybe even wine. But when Alex clicked on the weird game screen in front of him. His mere existence spiraled reality out of control. A massive AU setting! MCXSusan!

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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Exploring the Mechanics! Part -2

{Potter Manor, Unplottable}

{7:31 P.M, 1 August 1991}

The rest of the day passed by in a flash, Alex didn't have much time to explore as they had to go shopping again after going for lunch. The advantage of finishing the shopping early was the fact he now had a whole set of books to guide his magical exploration.

The disadvantage, he was tired as fuck. He collapsed on the bed and closed his eyes, the bed was comforting. With sheets a little too soft for his liking, everything was fluffy.

"How do you like it pup?" Sirius asked, he somehow still looked energetic after prancing around Diagon Alley all day. His red locks were distracting but Sirius had taken the prank in stride as he strutted around as a redhead all day.

"Yeah, I gonna go to sleep, I'm tired!" Alex spoke, he yawned slightly in between his sentences to further sell the ruse.

"What about dinner?" Sirius asked.

"Nah, I wake up early to train, I guess I don't have to from now on. But I'm gonna go to sleep now and fix myself something to eat when I wake up." Alex nodded, he wanted to be left alone for a bit so that he could experiment with his wand and magic.

"Alright, rest up. I'm going home and I'll see you in the morning okay!" Sirius spoke as he left the room.

Sirius walked out and closed the door softly. He turned around to find both Lily and James looking at him with an anxious expression. 

"How was he? Were the sheets okay? Did he say something?" James fired questions one after another.

"Shh Romoe, your date's tired..." Sirius responded back instinctively, then his face turned a bit green, "... never mind I take that back... He's okay, just tired though. He said he normally wakes up to train, what does he train for?"

"Football, Petunia said he plays as a goalkeeper for the academy teams, he's quite good too..." Lily replied. She felt a little guilty about how they treated the Dursleys today, but back then Alex's safety and meeting him were the only things on her mind.

She had hugged him once so she knew he was well-built, at least a lot stronger than Harry and Ron who were also the same age. 

'Should I invite the Weasleys and the Longbottoms to dinner, it would be better if other than Harry, Alex got to know a few other friends before going to Hogwarts...' Lily thought.

While his parents were busy sketching his life path outside his door, in his room Alex sat down cross-legged on his bed. He was clutching his wand. With his eyes closed he marveled as he sensed the mana flowing through his body. 

It was a strange feeling, how just holding the wand enabled him to see a different world.

'Is this how it worked in the original world, Harry should have commented on it at least once then right? All I remember seeing was the screen lit up like Holy Jesus was appearing when he first held his wand.' Alex thought. He focused on the node that was present on his hand.

He had decided to name the different parts of his mana network by himself. The Mana veins were like blood vessels as they carried the mana from his core to the rest of his body. There were around 128 mana nodes present throughout this network, they normally coincided with where his important organs should be. Like his eyes, in his brain, along his spine, and even above his heart.

The two biggest nodes were surprisingly in his palms. Alex assumed it was the result of evolution, wizards are so dependent on wanded magic that even their mana nodes have evolved toward that.

'When I cast the spell earlier, my mana rushed through the wand through these nodes. So I'm assuming the purpose of these nodes should be to release mana.' Alex thought, he tried to move his mana toward the node but it didn't budge. Even though he could see his mana calmly flow he was not able to influence his mana in any way.

With his eyes still closed, Alex waved his wand in the air. He focused on casting the color-changing charm again as he spoke, "Colovaria~" 

His mana moved as soon as he waved his wand, it collected on his nodes along the way and whirled before it was sucked out of the mana node in his palm and went out of his body. Alex opened his eyes and watched a colorless spell slash on the opposite wall.

This time his intent was well formed and the wall in front of him turned white from its original shade. 

'I should time the spell as well,' Alex thought as he looked at his remaining mana, the spell once again cost him one mana.

Alex looked around but didn't find any clock in his room.

'Right, wizards have magic, they don't use traditional wands.' Alex thought, for someone who was used to having a smartphone in his pocket the weirdness of not having a multipurpose brick in his pocket was getting to him. Without his phone, it felt a little weird but then again for Wizards, their wand was kind of like a phone.

'What was the time spell called, Tempus right?' Alex pondered as he jabbed his wand forward and cast the spell, "Tempus~"

Alex's mana moved when he jabbed his wand but when he spoke the spell the momentum broke as his surging mana once again settled down.

'My intent was there, so either the wand movement didn't match with the incantation, or one of them was wrong.' Alex thought, with no way to determine the time right now he let this one go. He would have almost a month to experiment with magic.

The interesting thing was that when he moved his wand without the intent nothing happened, only when he focused on a particular thing or effect that he wanted and then he moved his wand, his mana then moved according to the wand movements.

'From what I can see, Intent and wand movement collect my mana while the incantation itself takes the collected mana and forms the shell of the spell.' Alex thought. It was his first theory on his wanted magic worked. Since the game screen itself warned him against letting his magic be dominated by his wand, there should be a way to perform spells without a wand.

'I just need to figure it out with the process of elimination.' Alex thought, he looked at his wand and focused. A popup like he was wearing augmented reality goggles appeared over the wand.


[Holly Wand (Rare) {Compatibility 96%}: A wand crafted by the legendary wand crafter Garrick Ollivander. The wand is 10 and a quarter inches long, and surprisingly rigid. It is made up of Holly wood and has a Dragon's heartstring used as a core.]

[+40% to Dark Arts]

[+10% to Charms]


His wand was powerful, from what he had seen comparing this wand to another Compatibility 95% wand he had found in Olivander's collection. Each percentage point after 95% was a solid bonus. The 95% compatibility wand gave a 35% boost to Charm and a 5% boost to Transfiguration.

So Alex had added the fact that he needed a custom wand to his plans. Most of these plans contained a lot of illegal stuff so he wasn't in a hurry, first, he needed to get used to his mana and magic.

He opened his Spells list and looked at the new tab that appeared in front of him.


[Spells Tab]

[Tier I spells:]

[Color Change Charm]



The list was empty but then again Alex expected it to be, although he knew he had [Gamer's mind] he was expecting it to be under a different tab.

'Skills Tab?' Alex tried and a bunch of notifications appeared in front of him.


[Congrats Yer a Gamer, Alex!]

[There are many ways a Gamer responds to gaining access to a wonderful new world. But most commonly they check their stats and then their skills before they run around finding mobs to kill.]

[Each Skill or Perk that you have will be listed in the Skills Tab]


[Skills Tab Unlocked!]

[+5 Exp]


[Skills Tab:]


[Gamer's Body lv Max{-}: Perceive the changes in your body through a quantified list. Your body can grow stronger by adding points.]


[Gamer's Mind lv Max{-}: Your Mind is immune to all status effects. In any situation you feel naturally calm. Spells that induce psychological effects are nullified. Mind Arts Affinity +10%]


[Mended Core lv Max{-}: Due to the originally damaged core, your Mana was exposed to all kinds of magic. All affinity starts at 10%]


[Wanded Magic lv 1{3/5}: The ability to use a wand to perform magic.

All spell effects +1%

Mana Cost -1%]


[Accidental Magic Lv 1{1/5}: The ability to channel your emotions to perform magic. The greater the emotions and intent the stronger the chance of success.

Chance of desired effect happening: 1% +?%

Mana cost: +100%]



AN - I'm working on a theory for Wandless magic, I'm thinking of two ways to make it happen, the first one is through evolving Accidental Magic.

The second one I'll reveal later!