
Harry Potter: An SI's POV

Afterlife wasn't something that he had thought a lot about, was there a heaven or hell, he didn't know. And while the mystery behind his death remained unsolvable for now, he had a lot on his plate. Going to bed one day and waking up in the body of a baby wasn't a pleasant experience, all he did was say 'YES' to a glowing blue screen should not carry so many punishments. He still couldn't categorize if he was in heaven or hell, considering he was the twin brother to Harry Potter.

Ivan_Carrick · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Another World!

{Some Unknown Time and Space}


[You Died]


[Would you like to play a game?]



As far as dreams go, this was definitely the weirdest one he had ever had. A blue screen, like the one normally shown in futuristic augmented-reality games, was floating in front of him. Everything else was pitch black. He could feel his body but the light that the screen was emitting behaved strangely.

It didn't illuminate his body even if he could feel his hand passing through the screen. As he moved his hands in front of him, another peculiar thing he noticed was the lack of air. He whipped his hand around and came across an uncanny lack of air resistance. 

As his brain tried to wrap around what was happening he read the message that was displayed on the screen. 

'I died?'

Several questions kept popping up but his head felt a little muddy. Still, it didn't stop him from trying to see what happened. He remembered going to sleep after a full day of work and then...

'I died in my sleep? Did someone kill me?' 

Even if he didn't want to think about it his thoughts went through a trough. After staring at the Yes and No questions for a moment he tried to click on the 'Yes' button, but his hand went through the screen. 

'How am I supposed to select Yes?' He thought but the screen blinked out of existence leaving him in neverending darkness. He didn't have to wait though as another screen with similar aesthetics appeared in front of him, the words on it didn't make much sense in the beginning but as he read through the whole list only one thought was left in his mind.

'No shot...'



[Congratulations on your successful Transmigir#@!$!]

[Error Meta Knowledge score greater than 100]

[World Matrix destablizing]

[Timeline dismantling]

[Mending Fractured Timeline...]

[Simulating Early Life... Simulation Failed. Meta Knowledge scores greater than 100.]

[Congratulations on your successful Transmigration.]

[Congratulations you have successfully taken over the body of Rigel Charlus Potter, twin brother of Harry Potter, the supposed Boy-Who-Lived. Keep in mind that your identity in this world is quite sensitive and each of your actions could lead to disastrous consequences. Hint! To better understand your current situation, speak or think the words 'Status'.]

[Good Luck]



{Godric's Hollow, Unplottable}

{31 July 1980}

"He's okay Lils, come on hun don't worry about Rigel." A somewhat rough voice spoke, the rough voice had a hint of tenderness hidden.

"Whaaa~" Rigel shouted as a suffocating feeling suddenly overwhelmed him after he finished reading the last screen. He tried to look around but everything was a mess of colors. He could see several blobs of light as they took most of his visual senses. Someone roughly swung him around and as a sense of powerlessness enveloped him he tried to shout at someone to put him down, "Bwaaa Waaaa Waaaaa~"

"It's alright, daddy's got you..."

His arms felt weak and he couldn't do anything as he was quickly laid onto some warm blankets, at least he wasn't being swung around which Rigel greatly appreciated. He tried to lift his arms but they didn't feel super heavy, his head was muddled and he grew tired of all the wailing that he did. 

Although he was very afraid of where he was, the fatigue overwhelmed him and he closed his eyes. Sleep claimed him soon as he drifted into the night.

James Potter was still looking at Rigel's face, his gaze stuck to the two beautiful green eyes that were now hidden. The rise and fall of his eldest's chest was mesmerizing as he stared at him in a daze. Wailing once again erupted as little Harry was carefully laid onto another towel as well. A feeling of happiness and concern once again erupted into his mind as Marlene carefully gave Harry to a tired Lily who was already drinking a pepper-up potion to power through.

He had known for a while now that he was going to have twins, but feeling Rigel's weight in his arms was a surreal feeling. As he looked at his eldest once again, the conviction to hide once again was reaffirmed in his mind. 

"They both are okay," Marlene whispered getting a wide grin from James in return, "I'll give you both some space." She whispered and then walked out of the room. She had already cleared the spells and the water batch with a couple of spells.

"James look at Harry's eyes," Lily whispered. He took a couple of steps toward his wife and looked at the green eyes that were peering at Lily. Harry's hands waved around for a bit before he finally settled down like Rigel. At first, he was worried that something was wrong but Lily didn't seem to be worried so he didn't try to freak out.

He looked down at Rigel once again, there was a small tuff of black hair, not unlike his own coming out on top of Rigel's head. He walked over and sat down beside Lily who due to the effects of the pepper-up potion didn't seem to be too winded. Still, he knew that she was going to crash hard in a couple of hours. 

The small family sat in complete silence, both of them lost in their own thoughts. The wording of the Prophecy echoed in their mind as they tried to make some calculated assumptions about what their next step could be.

"I think we need to hide James," Lily spoke up after a bit, her face was set in stone, a declaration of determination that James echoed quite easily.

"Yeah, I talked to Dumbledore about putting the house under Fedilius Charm. No one would know where we are and we can make sure that both Harry and Rigel are safe." James replied. As the happiness over the birth of his sons faded slightly, he couldn't help but think about the lines of the Prophecy.

'Two sons born, as the seventh month dies...'

'To the youngest brother, who death defies...'

'The world at crossroads, a power uncanny...'

'Death and destruction, the heir to the destiny...'

'One death, one faith, Two wands collided...'

'The world 'might' crumble, as the true heir arises.'



AN - As you can tell, a lot of shit happened. I'll explain more in the next chapters but just think that due to MC's extensive knowledge about the Meta world, a small change was made to the timeline, how much would this affect the world? Who knows!

I read the story Harry Potter: Ero Edition and I kind of liked the evolving and changing world in that story so the name of the main character is a little tribute to that!

P.S- Yes this is a new Prophecy which would be the main catalyst in changing the timeline so that MC's Plot armor would be neglected... at least according to the system!