
Occlumency and Dangers!

AN: Alright so I saw some people were confused regarding the classmate's thing. So lemme explain.

1. Harry potter, Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass were born 3 years before their canon counterparts. That means Neville is 3 years younger than the 3 of them.

2. The next year would be the Canon year for the first book and Blaise and friends/enemies are in their 4th year.

3. The pairing for this novel is Harry/Daphne, Blaise/? ... No harem but there would be a lot of flings for Blaise. Like normal teenagers have...


{3rd person POV}

After reading the letter Blaise panicked for a few seconds before rushing upstairs to his room. Hurriedly pulling up a pair of blue Jeans and throwing a white shirt on him, he ran downstairs to pick up a pair of sneakers.

After being introduced to muggle clothing by Harry last year, Blaise now had a full muggle wardrobe.

After casting another quick Tempus, he picked up the letter and said aloud, "Chaser"


{27th June 1993}


{9:47 AM}


I felt like I was pulled halfway across the world by being tied down by a fishing rod. I felt a phantom pain in my back which was really uncomfortable before the familiar calmness of Oclumency saved me from any more uncomfortable sensations and I noticed there were people beside me.

'Dammit, I am soooo not ready for this encounter this soon...'

I looked at the spectacled clan who were groaning right beside me, leading the gang was a raven-haired man, he had a large scar on his neck and along with his muscular frame looked quite imposing. Beside him stood a redhead with striking green eyes, she was looking at me curiously so I stepped forward and bowed my head slightly.

"Lord Potter, Lady Potter..."

I looked beside him as another man joined the group, he had more visible scars across his arms but he was wearing muggle clothes and showing them off instead of wizard robes like the other two.

"Lord Black..."

I tried to ignore the rest of the gang, especially the last two people after seeing who they were. Noticing the uncomfortable atmosphere Lily stepped forward and said, "Why don't you walk with me Blaise, it's been a while since we have talked." She smiled brightly before clasping her hand and dragging Sirius along with her.


I let out a breath I have been holding and the pain that was slowly spreading across my chest slowly eased as we walked towards the three broomsticks.

"How are you, Blaise? We haven't seen you around this summer?" I could see the concerned expression on her face.

"I'm fine Mrs Potter, me and Mother are on our vacation around Italy, it's fun!" I forced myself to sound happy with Occlumency, and to my surprise, my voice did come out somewhat light.

[Occlumency Tier 2 Subskill Emotion Projection Activated.]

'Huh, what?'

"You have been spending summer around our house for the past 2 years now Blaise, and to be honest all of us have grown quite fond of you, I have watched you for the 2 years now pup and even I can tell that that was a lie, plus your dark circles gave you away..." Sirius said slowly and patted my shoulders lightly.


[Occlumency Tier 2 Subskill Emotion Projection deactivated.]

I stopped using Occlumency and rubbed my eyes tiredly, Blaise had been researching the forgetfulness potion day and night before taking it so my body was indeed quite tired.

"Yeah just having some trouble sleeping, no big deal, I'll survive, I have survived worse" I tried to give them a genuine smile but I noticed their eyes tracking my scar.

"It's ok, I'm ok" I tried again and received two uncertain nods. I focused my attention on the road and on my feet slowly increasing my pace wanting to escape but then calmed down and used Occlumency again.

"So I'm guessing Harry received the invitation too huh!" I asked keeping the atmosphere light ignoring the pain that throbbed as I said Harry's name.

'Dammit what's the matter with me, It's not like that happened to me, are Blaise's memories influencing me...'

"..so we arrived just after you, your letter was passed on to us because Headmaster knows that you spent most of your summer with us, but then we learned what happened so we had to send your letter by owl, I'm glad that the letter made it in time." lily explained.

I nodded slightly, trying to focus on the conversation and ignoring everything else.

"Listen, Blaise, I know what Harry did wasn't right but you know these things happen sometimes, you develop feelings for someone you didn't plan to, and it's not fair to you, I know, but they were clear to you about it, right? they both told you about it, I know it won't be easy..."

I tuned out the rest of his speech as a sudden spike of anger and pain overtook me, "No they didn't..." my voice was barely a whisper but Lily heard me as she stopped and clasped my hand, all three of us stopped.

"What do you mean no they didn't?" Lily's eyes were narrowed as looked alarmed searching my face for answers.

"I saw them..." I whispered, "...two days before they talked to me, on the astronomy tower..." shoving the memory deep into some corner of my mind, I shook my head lightly ignoring both of them and moved slightly.

'Something's wrong... what did that potion do...'

I fully clamped down on my shield's and all traces of emotions were wiped from my face the peaceful calmness returned and I felt the phantom pain retreat.

"No, no no..." Sirius exclaimed and he forcefully pulled me aside towards a nearby alley.

"Wha-" the question was on the tip of my tongue when he continued.

"Let go, let go of your shields now Blaise..." his expression was grave so I slowly stopped suppressing my emotions and I felt the pain return.

He calmed down and before I could ask what was going on Lily came towards us and hugged me.

"Don't ever forcefully suppress your expression so forcibly, or you would permanently suppress them..." she said, at my surprised expression Sirius continued, "... congratulations pup looks like you are a tier 3 now but you need to go through your book to get a handle on the dangers of suppression emotions, or you could end up permanently suppressing your anger or pain or joy or something you hear me?" He asked and I nodded lightly.

"You ok?" I heard Lily ask.

"Yes, Mrs Potter, I'll be ok," I said and once again used Occlumency to calm my mind and ignore the stray thoughts but didn't suppress my emotions again.

"Good," she said looking at my face, noticing that I wasn't completely suppressing everything she let go and took a step back.

"Let's gonna be late" I kept my voice light and started walking towards the pub that was within sight now. Ignoring everyone who was looking at us I walked in.

'Ok let's do this and go back, I need to look at my notes and figure out what happened to me...'

Next chapter