
prologue 2

As the dust cleared, Harry rose to his feet coughing out the particles that had entered his mouth. He wasn't as young as he used to be and even when he was fighting against Voldie, he hadn't felt such magical energy nor had a building collapsed on him. He looked at his son, Albus's back as he also struggled to stand. Albus had grown up nicely. He had his good looks and Ginny's eyes. But despite having Ginny's brown eyes, Albus, unfortunately, inherited his myopia. Magically, Albus had a strength similar to his own...at least similar to the strength that he showed to others. But, all in all, Harry was satisfied with his son. But, when his grandson was born, that was when Harry felt the true joy of children.

He had jokingly said that the brat would be called Peter Potter thinking that it would be funny. But, everyone actually took it to be his actual name. Harry regretted giving him such a name considering his surname. But what was done was done and no one actually made fun of him. To Harry, this was an absurdity. But what was, was what was. Unlike most children who showed magical talent at 7 years of age, Peter was a prodigy having awakened at the age of 6. Though not unprecedented, awakening so early was so rare that he may have been the only wizard to have done so in the entirety of Europe in the last 200 years. The pride Harry felt could not be explained with mere words. Peter was perfect in every way. He was a kind and shy child who was intelligent beyond his years. He was handsome physically gifted. To crown it all, his magical talent was at the pinnacle. He was the Potter family's beloved. Albus's wife, Peters mother had died giving birth to him and so her muggle family hated them. Amelia was a talented witch who had gone too soon. But it was too late to regret.

Even without a mother, the Potters and Weasleys showered him with enough love and care that Peter never felt the emptiness of not having a mother. He was everyone's little angel. But looking at his little angel now, Harry felt a forbidding sensation. It was worse than the time he had died. This sensation was now shared with Albus and every other witch and wizard around him. Harry wished for nothing more than to rip these kidnappers to shreds but this was more urgent.

Peter clenched the neck of the wizard tightly. He ordered,

"Speak, mortal! What has caused this to happen to me?"

The speaker did not seem to be Peter anymore. Instead, it seemed to be something far more terrifying than a simple 8-year-old. Even with the ritual's success, the resulting boy should not have had such a presence. Nor would he have spoken such words. It seemed that the ritual had failed and Peter's soul had dissipated and been replaced with that of another being. The wizard who was struggling to breathe with his neck tightened had his thoughts running wildly and had somehow succeeded in identifying the present circumstance for what it was. But he was swiftly losing consciousness due to lack of oxygen. The idiot possessing the ritual object's body did not understand that he would not be able to talk without staying alive. Cutting off his air supply was not helping with that. The wizard started to kick and squirm, trying to bring this fact to his attention. 'Peter' finally realized what his captive was trying to convey. He snorted and threw him across the room.

Even his servants did not have such weak bodies. He was disgusted by such weakness. He was even more disgusted with himself. This weak body and the feeble amount of energy contained inside was of loath to him. But despite having already tried, it seemed that he could not get out of it. If he could manifest his soul form, he would be able to refashion his own body. The energy contained in the air was also a pitiful amount and made him was to vomit. what sort of backwater world had he fallen to? The air was polluted and the energy pitiful. The spirit of the planet was younger than him. The source was all but absent. He needed answers and he needed them now.

As 'Peter' contemplated his situation, the discarded wizard rose to his knees and bowed his head low. No other occupant of the chamber could so much as twitch under the pressure.

"Milord, you are in the body of a young prodigy. We were experimenting in order to imbue his person with a greater magical capacity. Your honor should have slipped in accidentally when the subject had died."

'Peter' scoffed at the answer. Prodigy? This vessel was one of the worst he had ever occupied. But, the information the child had given him was not what he wanted. He wanted to know what sort of forsaken dumpster he had ended up in. He increased the pressure and caused the wizard to bow even lower if that was possible.

"What I want to know is, where am I?"

The old man's eyes shook as he finally understood that this person, no, being was not of this world. He was not just another secluded powerful wizard. He was a being from another world or even dimension.

"We are on Earth, milord. It is located in the Milky Way galaxy of Universe Qero."

The wizards had long discovered the presence of other Universes in the plane. The name of their own had been divined at the cost of the deaths of hundreds of seers. They had not managed to explore out of even their own solar system. But, their knowledge was definitely more advanced than that of the muggles.

Hearing the wizard's words, 'Peter' was surprised. He never would have thought that he was not even in his own multiverse. He pondered on what power would have been able to transfer his soul to such a far distance. One moment he was exchanging lives with Zeus and the next moment he was here. He knew that he would not actually die from the confrontation with his arch enemy. But his revival was supposed to have happened in the pre-prepared body he had ready. It seemed that in order to break out of this universe and return to his own, he would have to deplete all the resources it contained. If the resource of the other universes in this multiverse were as scarce as this, he would have to use them up as well. Multiverse travel did take a lot of energy after all and it wasn't even certain that this was close to his own world.

As such, 'Peter' decided to gather the resources available in his immediate location. He sent out tendrils of energy to his surroundings to feel for the most suitable way for him to drain the world's energy. But no sooner had he 'coped a feel', he was detected by something. He did not understand what this something was. He paused his actions long enough to sense something approaching their location. Something that would be able to harm him. 'Peter' was shocked at the sensation. Then he remembered that he was in a weak vessel. His powers were a fraction of what it used to be.

This pause was enough for the wizards to free themselves from his pressure and attack.

Curses and spells flew at his unprepared person. He would never have dreamed that these puny ants would dare try to attack him. Flashes of light flew at him. Bright lights of all colors assaulted him. These attacks did not harm in the slightest. The modifications the ritual had done to the original Peter were more than enough to defend against weak attacks. But some spells did actually do some damage. They originated from Harry, Albus, and 7 others. But none of the attacks were enough to cause any permanent damage, only a few stings, and bruises.

What worried Peter the most was what he had sensed that was approaching him. For some reason, he knew that whatever it was would cause him a massive amount of damage. It may even incapacitate him if not outright kill!

As he worried about the new enemy, it had already struck. A thick ray of light pierced through the heavens and landed on Peter's body. The wizards paused at the unforeseen attack. Harry knew what it was. It was the newest muggle weapons system. A sort of space laser. It had enough strength to burn a hole halfway through to the core of the planet. This sort of attack would be fatal to any wizard no matter how powerful he/she was. Such a thing had attacked his grandson. Harry had held back when he had been attacking previously. He had hoped to be able to save Peter. But now it seemed to all be for naught.