
Harry Peverell (Harry Potter, High School D×D)

Harry Peverell, formerly Harry Potter, got cast out of his family after the fall of Voldemort. His parents, focusing all their time on his twin brother, the 'chosen one,' left him in the care of the child's unwilling aunt and uncle. --------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: NoHarem, Overpowered Protagonist, the Protagonist will have a child or children sometime in the story, a crossover between Harry Potter and Highschool DxD, English isn't my first language, and I wouldn't even call my English any good, so don't expect anything grand. Uploads are whenever I want. --------------------------------------------------------------- I never watched High School D×D; I only read some Fan-Fictions etc. There will be some High School D×D storyline in the future, but only a little and only more of the beginning. Characters could end more on the OOC side. If I write long enough in this story, it will most likely get to Multiverse travel to other animes, novels, or books, but the Harry Potter/High School D×D world will be their home verse. --------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own Harry Potter or High School D×D. The only originals are the OCs and some elements included in the story. The protagonist will be completely overpowered.

LukasS · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

Unfamiliar Space

After ten minutes, Harry slowly regained his bearings and slowly lifted his head with some lingering hesitation.

Three things Harry had never seen before were floating in front of Harry in a blue hue. It seems like a stick with a weird form, a stone, and a thin coat. What truly scared Harry was that the things suddenly appeared out of nowhere and that they were flying.

Magic isn't real. My uncle and aunt told me that fact often enough. Precisely every time something weird happens around him.

Maybe? Just Maybe there were lying?

Harry sees the proof that magic exists right in front of him, so who is he to believe? If his uncle and aunt were lying about magic, maybe they also lied about his parents?

As fast as the thought came, it got crushed by the knowledge that his parents had kicked him out of their family, so there was no way they wanted him. Even going as far as forbidding him to use their surname, Harry just has to accept that he would never get his parents back.

'Why couldn't they just be dead? It would be way easier to cope with dead parents than parents that abandoned you into an abusive household.' feeling disgusted by his own thoughts, little Harry brought his focus back to the items floating in front of him.

Something in them was calling for him. It was such a soothing feeling like something, feeling complete content in the presence of these things.

Slowly reaching his hands to the hovering stick in the air, Harry grabbed it and instantly felt something cool flowing through his body. The stick looked happy, like something the stick lost got returned to him.

Why could Harry tell that the stick looked happy? He couldn't tell. He just knew.

Some seconds later, the wind in the room picked up some speed and instantly surrounded Harry destroying the table he sat at and scaring Harry a step back. The next second you could see different colored sparks leaving the stick. Now knowing that the rod is something like a magic wand out of some movies he sneakily watched when the Dursleys didn't look, he will call it a wand from now on.

Slowly getting down from the high feeling he experienced, he quickly started to miss the warm feeling that flowed through his whole body after the first touch. It was still lingering in his body but not as strong as in the beginning. Not wanting to be long without the stronger warm feelings, he instantly reached out for the stone that flew through the air in front of him. The stone itself was transparent and had a symbol projected within the translucent stone. The Symbol was a vertical line with a circle enclosed by a triangle. Now that he looked at his wand, it had the same Symbol engraved into it.


Ignoring the exciting Symbol, Harry grabbed the stone and instantly felt the nice feeling coming back to him. This time fading after only seconds without anything happening, Harry grew disappointed.

Fastly cheering up because the exciting event was continuing, he lastly reached out for the last Item, the floating cloak in front of him.

After grabbing it, Harry had the urge to wrap it around him.

He didn't resist it and threw it over his shoulder while holding it with two arms around his body. In the beginning, Harry wondered what it did, but when he looked down and didn't see his body anymore, he panicked and threw the cloak away from his body. Seeing his body coming back, he visually relaxed.

Picking the cloak back up, he could finally feel 'it' again, but this time for a longer time.

Finally, after the feeling calmed down for little Harry, he was suddenly oozing out black smoke, and after a short panicking reaction, he stopped his struggle and just let the situation play out.

Surrounded by the black smoke, he suddenly felt something squeezing him, but after only one second, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

Slowly seeing the black smoke that came out of himself fading, he again grew shocked. Everywhere he looked was black, himself floating in a seemingly endless pure black space. He never in his life saw such a dark black before. You could even say it seems unreal, 'out of this world'.

Looking around in the space he got transported to; Harry saw a big black thing seemingly looking at him. It had the same black as the space that surrounded Harry, and he wondered how he could differentiate between these two things. He instinctively knew this black thing was something alive, which scared Harry.

Seeing the black thing do nothing, he slowly looked for more things and found a bright pink form that looked exactly like the black form, seemingly also watching him for some weird reason.

The difference couldn't be more different. The black sends a terrifying aura that scares Harry, and the pink lifeform, in contrast, only sends an excellent and comfortable feeling.

Suddenly there was a tremor inside the black Entity and coming from it was a deep voice broadcasted into the black space, surely reaching anyone in mentioned space.

"Hello, Master. Finally, we meet for the first time."

"M..Master? W..What do you mean with Master, and where am I?" Harry asked, stuttering some of his words. Harry was scared. Really scared. He appeared in a random black space and faced two entities he couldn't comprehend. Who wouldn't be frightened?

'What are they?'

'How long until they kill me?'

'Why do I even care in the first place? Would it be so bad to be dead?'

"Well, that aren't nice thoughts, but not that weird coming from you. Life until now wasn't that good to you. Hopefully, we can help you so thoughts like this will disappear in your future." The pink one said.

"Help? Why would you want to help a freak like me? It would be way too good for a useless thing like me. I shouldn't call myself a human, my aunt once told me. Maybe you mistook me for something else." Harry said after some hesitation. He doesn't deserve any better.

'I am sure they will take notice of my useless self after some days.'

After these thoughts crossed Harry's mind, the two beings grew angry. How could Harry tell since there were only irregular forms in this space? He didn't know himself.

'How long will it be until I get hit? I should know.'

"Haaaahh, that will be harder than anticipated. Now to answer your questions, first, why would I help you? That's easy to answer. I just want to help my little Master. You know, some hundred years ago on your planet, I gifted three powerful artifacts to three mortal brothers.

These three brothers are your ancestors.

It's easy like that.

Not everything needs a big reason. It was just a time killer for me to watch them walk the planet with the weapons I gave them. I didn't tell them that these artifacts were only strong in their community, the so-called Wizards and Witches. Many beings on your planet could wipe the floor with any of these Wizards, and Witches never forget this fact. There are Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, and many more other powerful races. Even many gods are on your planet. Anyway, the artifacts that were god-grade items in the Wizard community were only weak items for other beings like the devils. The others races didn't bother the three of them. The only ones dangerous were the other magical kind. So it happened that after years of being constantly stolen, all items but one got lost after many years. The thing is that the objects themselves were only meant for the Peverells so that nobody could use them like the original users."

"So that means these items are only available for my family?"

"Yes, you are the only one left with the Peverell name, so you are the sole Lord of the so-called Peverell Family."

"What is with my original family, the potters?" Harry worried about his parents since he was scared of losing the items that gave him such a warm feeling.

'I am sure even they want to gain that warmth.'

"Don't worry. After what your parents did to you, I cast everyone out of the Peverells and made you the sole person in it. If you want to, you could reconnect someone of your family with the Peverells again, but I wouldn't bother with that until you met them all." The black mass said with a grimace.

"Well, now back to the topic. When I created these items, I built a secret function in them. If someone could combine all three and has the Peverell blood in their veins, they could visit me here in my domain, and I would fulfill them one wish. Until now, that has never happened, but I have never stopped watching the family of my masters since then. The things that happened to you made me disgusted, so I decided I would help you with the collecting of the three items."

"I also decided to change the reward and will help you with your life until my will fades."

"Wait, what do you mean will fades?"

"Normally, I can't interfere on planets individually. The three brothers already cost enormous power even though the items were weak. I already regained my will after that spectacle and even could reduce my consumption to a level where it wouldn't even be a problem to create 500 hollows. Still, the will I need for you will be enormous. When I am done with you, I will most likely be again without a will, and this time for way longer if I even gain it back in the first place. The thing is, beings like us shouldn't even have a will. Even 'beings' is the wrong word for us. We are more like concepts that rule all over the multiverse. Since you are here in my domain, I will not lose that much power like when I created the items on earth, I will make you so strong that you will have the chance to stand against everything in life."

"No. I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for something like me!" Harry said with tears in his eyes.

'It actually seems that someone finally cares for me, and even then, he wants to leave me instantly.'

"You should stop to belittle yourself so much, little Harry. Even without the upgrade I will give you, you would gain enormous strength

that could even contend with gods. You are an anomaly in your kind and would be much more powerful than all wizards and witches combined. The problem is that you would only be at your highest potential if you were raised normally, but you, Harry, were bound and abused, so if I don't do anything, you will definitely come out with low strength and a miserable and manipulated life."

"Bound?" Harry asked worryingly.

"Yes, that man that always comes to bring you back bound your magical core so often it would even be hard to call how often he has done it over the years. He left you with abusive relatives to gain your later alliance more easily. He would use you as a Puppet, and you would be dead before you turned twenty. Your wife will seize all your possessions that I can already tell you are many."

"Wife? Who would stoop so low to marry someone like me?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Well, you were poisoned with a Love potion, so no real love was involved."

"Figures, my relatives already told me that I am very unappealing."

"Stop with this self-pity. Your relatives are not good people. Dumbledore, what, by the way, is the old man's name, would never leave you in a loving household since it would be harder for him in the future to control you. But on another note, I am sure you will find someone in the future who will love you." said the black figure with some glances at the pink one.

"Of course, he will." the pink figure chirped.

"Well, now that I answered your questions, we will start with your transformation immediately."

"Wait, I don't want you to die!" Harry said but couldn't muster a word after that, seemingly frozen in space. Slowly you could see a black cocoon forming around Harry.

"Was that really the best option? He was already mentally unstable, and now the first person that somehow cared for him kills himself for the better of him." The pink Entity asked.

"I transferred some knowledge about myself to him, so I don't think so. He will see what I really am and will know that the one dream I had is, for once, to help someone. This dream of me will be fulfilled with him."

"If you say so. How long will it be then? I noticed you slowed down time on his planet."

"In here probably ten thousand years? I remake his entire body to perfection so that even these so-called powerhouses in the universe are nothing against his body, so it will be some time. It would be longer if I gave him instant power, but I decided that his body would just adjust to everything. So as an example, when he is hit with something, it will make him stronger. Since he will most likely travel with 'her,' it won't be that long until he is one of the strongest on his planet. Since I won't give him instant power, I will save some power so I can do the same to his future wife or mate, whatever you call it with her."

"You want to make 'her' stronger?" the pink Entity asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, we wouldn't want a wife that is weaker than him, do we? I try to give him a perfect partner, not a trophy that he can brag about."

"You are not wrong. Well, whatever, I will leave now since I know you have to concentrate on Harry, so it was nice to know you. Hopefully, you will regain your will in the future, and we can talk again. Now that I think about it, I will also sacrifice some of my will for something fun for the Britain wizards and witches. It should make it more entertaining."