
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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242 Chs

Chapter 56

After taking the girls to the house's infirmary and healing their literal cracked heads Harry woke them up to ask them why they were here.

As soon as the exorcist girls woke up they immediately jumped up in a panic and started to look around, they noticed Tsunade standing by the door and hugging Asia to her.

They instantly paled the moment they noticed the woman who had beaten them so fast and so brutally but then they noticed Gabriel and Harry standing at their side and they relaxed a bit.

However, Harry brought their attention to him "It's nice to see you girls again, but I have to say I'm disappointed in both of you, Asia Argento is under my protection and honestly you both should know better to just run your mouths to someone in Yokai faction territory, I have killed beings for far less and the only reason I healed you is that Gabriel asked me to".

Both girls gulped when Harry gave them a stern look and they look down upon noticing the disappointment in Gabriel's eyes, Asia however came to their defense.

She stepped toward Harry and grab his hand causing him to turn towards her "It's okay, Harry I already forgave them, and besides they didn't know".

Harry sighed and then flicked Asia on her forehead causing the poor girl to squeak in pain and hold her forehead with her free hand "You're too nice Asia but you have to learn that you have a right to defend yourself and be angry at people who insult you, these two don't know you nor do they understand what you went through, they're lucky it wasn't Ophis or any of the girls who heard them insult you, they would be dead if that was the case".

Both Irina and Xenovia gulped while Asia somberly nodded but Harry patted her head cheering her up, Gabriel, however, wasn't happy about any of this, she had promised to herself to protect and be there for Asia and she understandingly was very upset so she decided for the first time in her life to be vindictive "I'll be informing Griselda about this... that mouth of yours Xenovia will cause a major accident to occur if we let it continue run uncontrolled".

Xenovia jumped because this was the first time Gabriel had ever sounded angry at someone and this made the exorcist very afraid along with the fact that her adoptive mother will be informed of this accident and she knows that her mother won't show her any mercy.

Harry nodded in agreement but then stared into both girls' eyes "Alright, now that we have that settle I want you to tell me what you're doing here in Kuoh".

Both girls looked at each other for a second and then Irina spoke "Somedays ago someone stole three of the Excalibur blades, Rapidly, Nightmare, and Transparency they were soon tracked here in Kuoh and we got sent here by the church to retrieve them, for this mission we were given Excalibur Mimic and Destruction, we thought we could use the abandoned church in town as headquarters but we found it completely restored and changed...".

Harry closed his eyes in annoyance, something about all of this didn't seem right to him while Irina continued her explanation "We found Asia Argento and that lady in the church, and we... we jumped to conclusions and insulted miss Argento and that blonde lady over there by the door beat us so fast and hard that we didn't even have a chance to draw our swords, we were planning to contact the two devil heirs tomorrow and asked them to not get involved with any of this".

Harry huffed "Of course, she beat you, she's a shinobi and a high-level one too, your lucky she didn't choose to kill you and both of you know that the Yokai faction owns everything in Japan, both of you had no right to go into that temple and start insulting people and no doubt you were also planning to run your mouth to both the Sitri and Gremory heirs sigh... but right now that's not important, Gabriel call Michael, tell him to come to my house now or I will immediately destroy heaven and the Vatican, I'm done playing games with your brother".

Gabriel nodded and immediately left the room to contact her brother, everything about all of this just didn't make sense to her and she wanted to know just what is going on with both heaven and the church.

Meanwhile, Harry rubbed his forehead and Tsunade notice his annoyance, Asia frowned a little not liking seeing Harry this upset, Tsunade then decided to speak "Going by your expression right now, I can tell that something else is going on here".

Harry sighed and got up "Of course it is, I'm dealing with children and idiots here, obviously something just seems very suspicious about all of this, first someone steals some of the most protected weapons the Heaven faction has, that in itself is a big ass red flag".

Tsunade nodded and stepped forward "How protected are these weapons?".

Harry frowned "Like the Jinchūriki were back in the day, their location should only be known to a few and they're protected and monitored at all times but someone went and stole three of the damn things".

Tsunade nodded in understanding "This church has traitors among them, the fact that these traitors were able to get this level of sensitive information means that there have infiltrated deep within the church".

Harry nodded and huffed "Yes that's right but the fact that these two are here with two of the Excalibur in the location where the thief is supposed to be is the biggest clue, no this isn't a clue... this is a big flashing sign telling us that all of this was planned from the get-go".

Irina, Xenovia, and Asia seemed confused but Tsunade knew what Harry meant "I see... why send just two of their warriors, young ones at that to retrieve the stolen swords while also equipping them with two more of the swords that the thief is already known to be gathering and to the location of said thief no less".

The girls gasped finally getting the applications of what Harry and Tsunade were speaking about, Harry nodded and looked down "They were sent here to die and for this thief to get their swords, these two were specifically chosen to die so whoever is collecting the Excalibur can get two more".

At this point Gabriel had already returned with her brother, Gabriel gasped having heard what they were speaking about while Michael frowned and looked down, Harry, however, continued The question is... how were these traitors allowed so much control and power within the church and I bet my scales that it was the same assholes who got Asia excommunicated who are involved in this too...".

Harry then pointed an open hand towards Michael and his Adamantine Sealing Chains suddenly shot out his back and wrapped and tighten around Michael causing him to grunt and widen his eyes when he felt his power disappear.

Harry stared into Michael's eyes and walked over, Michael could only stare back at Harry with widened eyes "So Michael, how are you going to defend your faction this time? What excuse are you going to give me? Not only did the church send two young exorcists to die but to my country... my faction has to be dragged into this!".

Michael then felt the chains around him tighten and begin to crush him "I... don't know... I wasn't even aware of who they sent... or where...".

Harry frowned "So the same excuse as always... I didn't know, I wasn't aware and I was busy dealing with something else... it's your faction Michael, your responsibility! You can't just go around and just ignore all of this! Wha-".

However, Harry was cut off mid-sentence by Gabriel who shockingly had out of nowhere punched Michael in the face so hard that it left Harry completely flabbergasted in fact everyone but Tsunade who just smirked was shocked, however, Harry then frowned when he noticed that Gabriel was crying and sobbing.

Michael himself was astonished that his little sister had punched him, it hurt, that punch hurt a lot but right now that pain seemed insignificant compared to the pain he was feeling watching her sister cry and sob in sadness and disappointment.

Gabriel couldn't take it anymore, over these wonderful years with the Yokai faction she had learned, experienced, and watched so many wonderful things but what she loved the most about the Yokai faction is how everyone helped and support each other, how everyone trades smiles and greetings.

This is what she wished her faction was like but over those same wonderful years she had come to realize how corrupt and disgusting her faction had become, Asia's exile was the trigger for her to finally leave the Heaven faction after all.

But she never lost hope that someday her faction could become the same way the Yokai faction is but with this... this made her lose all hope "... I hate what the church has become... I hate how angels just stand there up in heaven and just watch from afar... but what I hate most is how uncaring you are about all of this brother, this is why father's system left you and went to Harry, it knew you weren't worthy of it, it knew how disappointed father would be of you!".

Gabriel turned around and hugged Harry for dear life and Harry hugged her back while the poor Seraph continued to cry on his chest, Tsunade sadly shook her head not liking the sweet and caring angel to be this sad, she had become fast friends with Gabriel and this caused her to be sad for her.

Asia and Irina were openly crying, they were sad for Gabriel but they also understood something very important about everything the seraph just said, something has happened to God and he was no longer in charge of heaven and this news broke their hearts.

Xenovia looked down and frowned having come to the same conclusion that both Irina and Asia had come to and she didn't like it one bit.

Michael looked down, it was true, everything that Gabriel just screamed at him was true, he has being very negligent about the church and his father would definitely be very disappointed in him, honestly, he didn't even have a good excuse, he no longer had to take care of God's system since it has bonded with Harry and it's running better than ever, even small miracles all over the world had begun to occur.

But even he has to admit that he really did mess up this time, he wasn't even aware that the church had already sent these two to retrieve the stolen Excalibur.

Harry tiredly sighed while he hugged Gabriel and let go of Michael "Just leave Michael... and fix the church, find out who is involved in this and with what happened to Asia, and deal with it or I will! I'm done letting the church do whatever they want unpunished".

Michael nodded and turned around to leave but he stopped by the doorway and turned his head towards his still-crying sister, he looked down with a frown for a second but then nodded to himself and quietly left, it was time for him to be the Michael that he was back then during the Great War, it was time for Archangel Michael to bring judgment upon those who dared sully his father's house.


It took a while for Gabriel, Asia, and the Exorcists girls to calm down, though Harry had to let them know the truth about God.

Irina and Xenovia took it pretty hard but Harry let them know that his will and love still exist within his system, Asia understood and accepted Harry's words right away.

She had seen how Harry and the Yokai faction do things and she can honestly say that they were a prime example of how she imagined things would be in heaven, plus she trusts Harry with all her might and knew that he was right.

Irina and Xenovia were still in shock and digesting the information they just received, Gabriel sadly stared at them but then turned around to face Harry "What are you going to do now Harry?".

Harry closed his eye to think for a minute "First I'm taking Mimic and Destruction, no way I'm letting whoever stole the other three Excalibur blades get those two too, do you girls know who's behind this?".

Gabriel nodded and the exorcist silently handed their Excalibur swords to Harry, after hearing that the church sent them to die so the enemy could get the Excaliburs made them not want anything to do with the blade anymore, Xenovia was the one who answered Harry's question "Yes we were informed that Kokabiel of the Fallen faction was the one involved in all of this"

Harry huffed and narrowed his eyes as he took Mimic and Destruction "Of course, it was a Fallen Angel... that's another faction that has been nothing but a pain in my ass".

Harry stared at the holy blades for a while, then he immediately put them inside his Inventory, while Gabriel stared at the two downtrodden exorcists "Harry, can Irina and Xenovia stay here? I don't want them to just wander around town when they're like this".

Harry nodded "Sure they can stay as long as they want, just make sure they don't get into trouble, meanwhile I'm going to let Sona know about this, Asia do me a favor and let Serafall know, I'm sure she's in her office right now".

Asia nodded and left soon after to let Serafall know of the situation, Tsunade stared at the girls for a second before turning to look at Harry "I'm going back to the temple, I left a couple of gels in the middle of synthesizing and I want to finish them before it gets dark".

Harry nodded and Tsunade soon left he then turned to Gabriel "I'm leaving, take care of the girls Gabriel".

Harry walked up to the doorway but Irina's voice stopped him "Harry... I heard that Issei Hyodou has been arrested... do you know why?".

Harry turn around and raised an eyebrow not expecting that question "Well he was arrested for multiple reports of sexual abuse and deviant behavior, at this moment he's serving time in a correctional facility and receiving professional help, but why ask about him?".

Irina frowned but then nodded "He is a childhood friend, I just didn't know what he had been doing all of these years, it's quite sad to hear about this... at least he's getting help, though I'm still surprised he turned out that way, he wasn't like that when we used to play together as children".

Harry nodded "I see, well he'll be released in a few months but he will be sent to an all-boys school and forced to continue therapy, his behavior, and obsession towards women isn't healthy nor normal".

Irina nodded once again and then stayed silent, Harry took that as her being done with her questions and left to let Sona know of the situation and warn the devils to be careful because they had three of the Excalibur swords in town.


Soon Harry reached Sona's home and walked up to the door, he then knocked, and after a couple of minutes Tsubaki opened the door and greeted him with a smile "Oh! Sensei, we weren't expecting you today".

Harry huffed and shook his head amusingly "I keep telling you guys to just call me Harry sigh... anyways something has come up and I need to speak with Sona, is she free?".

Tsubaki giggled and then nodded "Yes, she's in the living room with Rias and her peerage, she has been coming over a lot lately trying to convince Sona to try and convince you to train her and her peerage".

Harry scoffed as Tsubaki let him in and then guided him to the living room "Not a chance like I would waste my time with her, she first has to help them with their problems and then worry about getting stronger".

Tsubaki nodded in agreement, at the moment only Koneko was making an effort to change and grow, however, both Yuuto's and Akeno's attitudes have been getting worse and worse "Yeah I agree, she hasn't been helping them get over their issues, Lady Venelana has been trying to get them help but they're not even trying".

Harry sighed and shook his head in disappointment "Well it isn't our problem anyways, let her deal with the consequences".

Tsubaki nodded and continued to walk Harry to the living room soon enough they reach the doorway and Tsubaki cleared her throat to draw Sona's attention, Sona immediately turned her way and smiled when she noticed Harry standing beside Tsubaki.

Harry waved and smiled at Sona, Rias just looked down while Akeno and Yuuto frowned when they noticed Harry, Koneko just tilted her head but continued to eat her snacks.

Sona stood up and waved to Harry to step through with her hand, Harry nodded and walked up to her "Hey Sona, I'm sorry to intrude on your day off from school".

Sona shook her head and smiled "Don't worry about that Harry your always welcome in my home, what can I help you with, I'm sure that whatever it is it must be important, otherwise you would have waited until tomorrow morning to let me know".

Harry nodded and closed his eyes "Yes, we received two visitors today and unfortunately they brought some very disturbing news with them".

Sona narrowed her eyes because she could already guess that whatever she was about to hear will be pretty bad, she then turns to stare at Rias who flinched knowing that she wasn't welcome when Harry was around but Harry noticed this and raised his hand causing Sona to stop from requesting Rias to leave.

Sona raise an eyebrow but Harry just once again tiredly rubbed his eyes "They might as well stay and listen to this, this new situation can affect them as well and I rather not have them die because they weren't informed and call your entire peerage Sona they have to hear this too".

This time Sona frowned and nodded, this was definitely bad, if Harry was letting Rias and her peerage listen to what is going then the situation must be pretty bad, though more than likely the reason for this is that he doesn't want any unnecessary deaths and so she nodded to Tsubaki to let her know to go ahead and call her peerage to meet at her home.


Soon after, Sona's peerage arrived and everyone greeted their sensei Harry, though that caused Harry's eyebrow to twitch because he knew that they were calling him that to annoy him but he just let it go for now and waited for everyone to take a seat.

After everyone did Harry sighed and then began to speak "Early this morning two exorcists arrived in Kuoh on a mission from the church to retrieve stolen Excalibur swords".

Every young devil in the room widen their eyes in surprise while Kiba glared, Sona stood up "Someone stole the Excalibur swords from the church?!".

Harry nodded "Yes, according to the exorcists the thief is Kokabiel a cadre of the Fallen faction and they tracked him here in Kuoh but that's not all, the church sent two young exorcists with two other of the Excalibur swords in their possession with the order of retrieving the other stolen three for a ten winged fallen angel".

Both Sona and Rias frowned, they understood the implications of Harry's words and they didn't like it, Sona sat back down and huffed "So there are traitors in the church and those exorcists were sent here to die just so Kokabiel could get two more Excalibur swords".

Harry nodded "That's correct, I have already spoken with Michael about this situation, apparently he wasn't even aware that the church sent two exorcists here, first it was Asia's ex-communication and now this happens... there's definitely something going on within the church but for now I'm letting Michael deal with it".

Sona nodded in agreement, while Rias tilted her head "I'm guessing that Kokabiel's targets in all of this are me and Sona, I heard that he's quite the warmonger so he's probably trying to restart the Great War involving us somehow, more than likely he wants to kill us".

Harry hummed but then nodded in agreement "He must not know of what has happened recently nor about the fact that I live here now".

Sona looked up in thought "Yeah that makes sense, then again I don't think that would have stopped him, Serafall told me that out of all of the Cadre, Kokabiel is the more arrogant and battle-hungry of the bunch".

Harry closed his eyes "It's always the arrogant or the stupid who come here to start trouble... in any case already had Asia inform Serafall and I'll be looking for Kokabiel, the fact that I haven't sensed him anywhere nearby means that either he has some sort of cloaking or he's hiding out somewhere outside of Kuoh".

The devil heirs nodded, while Sona spoke up "What about the Excalibur the two exorcists brought with them? I'm sure Kokabiel will be looking for them next".

Harry just smiled at her "I have them, this way he won't be getting them, whatever he's planning involves these swords so by taking them out of the equation we pretty much slow down whatever his plans are".

Sona and Rias nodded but then Yuuto stood up and walked up to Harry "Hand over those swords...".

Everyone stared in disbelief at what Yuuto just dared to do Rias gasped "Yuuto!".

Harry raised an eyebrow "I beg your pardon?".

Yuuto growled, "Just hand over the Excaliburs! I'll destroy them, and then we won't have to worry about them anymore".

Harry stared at Yuuto in silence until he just stood up "Whatever, go sit down and cool off kid, your obviously still being an idiot, and besides I don't take orders from you".

Harry then turned towards Sona "In any case I want all of you to stay indoors, I don't want any of you to get hurt or worse killed by Kokabiel, that's what he's looking fo-".

Harry was suddenly cut off because Yuuto grabbed his shoulder and tried to turn him around but Harry grabbed his wrist and immediately crushed it causing Yuuto to scream in pain.

Sona and her peerage shook their head in disapproval while Rias and her peerage couldn't believe what their friend just tried to do.

While Harry kept holding Yuuto's crushed wrist he suddenly karate chopped him on the shoulder breaking it and leaving Yuuto with widened eyes in lain, his mouth agape in a silent scream but then Harry grabbed his face and then slammed the back of his head against the floor multiple times before throwing him towards Rias's feet where he landed and stayed there barely breathing "This is the last time one of your peerage members does something like this Gremory, next time I'll kill whoever dares to piss me off like this!".

Harry turned around and Rias, Akeno, and Koneko took a step back when they noticed his glare, shakily Rias nodded and then asked Akeno to take Yuuto to her mother for both healing and to keep him out of trouble.

Harry scoffed in annoyance and then turned towards Sona "Anyways... like I was saying, I want everyone to stay at home and avoid going out alone, I'll get this dealt with soon enough but I don't want Kokabiel to hurt any of you, okay?".

The young devils nodded while Akeno teleported Yuuto and herself via magic circle, with that said Harry nodded and left right away, annoyed and frowning.

Watching Harry leave, Sona tiredly sighed and turned around towards Rias "... Really Rias? I thought Yuuto was receiving help".

Rias frowned "He is... he goes to therapy three times a week but as you have seen he isn't even trying, I don't know what to do anymore Sona both Yuuto and Akeno just aren't moving on and now I'm afraid they're going to get themselves killed...".

Sona sadly shook her head while Koneko grabbed Rias's hand and held it tightly as the Gremory heir looked down in dismay.


As soon as Harry got back to the Potter's household and went inside he immediately saw Serafall waiting for him in the living room.

Harry noticed her frown right away so he walked up to her and patted her on the head, Serafall looked up and gave him a smile "How did it go with Sona?".

Harry sighed a bit "I let her and Gremory know about the situation, I also told them to stay indoors while I handle the situation but I did have to beat the shit out of that Kiba guy, the dumb kid actually dared to order me to hand over Mimic and Destruction".

Serafall shook her head "Sigh... I heard that he is going to therapy but he's not really improving or even trying to move on, he's still obsessed with Excalibur, and mom said that Venelana doesn't know what else to do".

Harry just huffed "If he keeps acting like this he's going to be put down like a rabid dog and more than likely I'm the one who's going to do it but in any case, I'm going to begin to look for Kokabiel, want to go with me?".

Serafall nodded and then grabbed one of Harry's hands and held it tightly, Harry just raised an eyebrow with a smile on his face but let her do what she wanted as he headed down to the lab.

Soon both reached the lab and Harry called out to the ever-helpful Jarvis "Jarvis, do you mind giving me a hand with something real quick?".

Jarvis's voice suddenly echoed throughout the lab "Of course Lord Harry, how can I be of help today".

Harry smiled at the AI, even now he still can't convince Jarvis to just call him Harry but that just proves that Jarvis is far more than a simple AI "We have a fallen angel possibly hiding here in Kuoh, can you scan the town for any fallen angel energy signature and see if we can find where he's hiding".

Jarvis suddenly created a perfect copy of Kuoh town with hard light projections "Very well sir, give me a second, scanning...".

Both Harry and Serafall stared at the hard light copy of Kuoh town while Jarvis continued to scan the town "I'm sorry sir but I'm unable to detect any fallen angel energy signature in Kuoh".

Harry scratched his chin in contemplation, Serafall then spoke up "Hmm he must be hiding behind wards and barriers if we can't detect him, especially you Harry".

Harry nodded "Yeah that was what I was thinking too, that or he might be hiding outside of Kuoh, the fallen angels might not be able to get into Kyoto but they still try to get into Japan, we can't just raise barriers like the ones in Kyoto on every town and city of Japan, that might overwork the leylines and that's a big no-no, that's why the girls immediately hunt down any fallen angel found in Japan".

Serafall nodded in agreement plus having barriers and wards put up all over Japan like the ones in Kyoto will severely make it harder to move around by anyone, not a Yokai or allied to the Yokai faction and that could be problematic as well.

Harry then spoke up to Jarvis once again "Jarvis extend the scan to the towns surrounding Kuoh, see if we get a hit".

Jarvis immediately began to scan "As you wish sir, give me a minute, scanning...".

Jarvis scanned every town and city around Kuoh for any fallen angel energy signature "Once again I'm sorry sir but I could find any fallen angels in the towns surrounding Kuoh".

Harry frowned "Well damn... what to do, what to do...".

Serafall looked up in thought for a minute while Harry himself was trying to think of some other way to find Kokabiel, suddenly Gabriel came in into the lab and tilted her head in curiosity as she watch both Harry and Serafall lost in thought while holding hands.

She then suddenly smiled and walked up to Serafall and hugged her from behind scaring the poor magical girl maou "Dear sweet merciful Ereshkigal! Gabriel! Don't sneak up on people like that!".

Harry smiled when she saw Gabriel not give a damn and continued to cuddle with Serafall who just huffed but let her do what she wanted, over the years of living in Kyoto they had become good friends, and even though Serafall still considers Gabriel her rival she likes to have her around.

Gabriel herself has always liked Serafall and had been very persistent to have her become her friend, that persistence eventually paid off when Serafall just gave up and began to hang out with Gabriel.

Though Gabriel was the one who always initiated the hugs and hangouts, Serafall was often seen being the one to give a cuddle or two to Gabriel, secretly but secretly both vowed to help each other join Harry's harem and had already talked to Harry's girlfriends about joining.

The girls had accepted them right away since they had known Serafal and Gabriel for a long while now and were happy to have them join the sisterhood of Harry Potter's harem.

Gabriel then spoke up as she continued to hug Serafall "Sorry Sera, I just needed a hug...".

Serafall sighed and nodded since she had heard from Asia what had happened during the meeting and about Gabriel's outburst against Michael, she felt bad for her friend but she was honestly glad that Michael was finally punched in his perfect feminine face for once.

Gabriel widely smiled when she saw Serafall nod and she hugged the tiny maou even tighter to her, she then looked up towards Harry "by the way what are you guys doing with Jarvis?".

Harry smiled and answered Gabriel's question "We're trying to see if we can locate Kokabiel but Jarvis can't seem to detect any fallen angel energy signature in town or the surrounding cities and towns".

Gabriel nodded in understanding "Hmm... more than likely he's hiding under very powerful wards and barriers, Xenovia and Irina did tell me that he had magicians and other fallen angels with him when he stole the Excalibur swords from the church".

Harry nodded "I see... but to think that I can't even sense him anywhere closed by, I wonder how they did it?".

Serafall and Gabriel wondered how Kokabiel was able to pull that off but then Ophis appeared out of nowhere and hugged Harry from behind, she happily hung from his neck as she then spoke up "I sensed one of my snakes closed by... Kokabiel more than likely used it to empower whatever they used to hide themselves...".

Harry, Gabriel, and Serafall jumped up a bit at Ophis's sudden appearance but then Harry suddenly had a realization "Kokabiel is a member of the Khaos brigade then".

Ophis nodded and both Gabriel and Serafall frowned, they knew Ophis was the leader of the Khaos brigade but since choosing Harry as a mate she's been more than happy to just live and hang out with them so they had forgotten that little fact.

Harry then spoke up to Jarvis "Jarvis, scan for any energy signature identical to Ophis, if they're using her snake to hide then her energy must still be leaking out".

Jarvis immediately began to scan both Kuoh and the outskirts for Ophis's energy signature until he got a signal, suddenly the hard light copy of Kuoh began to move and zoom in to an abandoned storage building just outside of Kuoh town "I have found an energy signature identical to Lady Ophis energy".

Harry, Gabriel, and Serafall stared at the building with frowns on their faces "Well then how about go visit our uninvited guest... and rip each and every one of black wings".

Both Serafall and Gabriel nodded, they wanted to help Harry plus both didn't care much for Kokabiel or the Fallen faction anyways.

Ophis then let go of Harry and floated in front of him "Do you want me... to take the other snakes from the rest of the Khaos brigade?..".

Harry smile and patted Ophis "Nah, it doesn't matter if they have them or not, they're all going to fail their plans and die plus this way they'll still try to go through their plans under a false sense of security and we can stop them".

Ophis nodded and then floated up to Harry and gave him a kiss and then began to leave "Then... I'm going to go... and cuddle with Asia, take care and come back home soon...".

With her saying that she left and Harry couldn't help but smile, Ophis has always mimicked whatever the girls did with him in order to learn but lately, she's been doing things like this on her own and that tells Harry that she's learning how to think for herself.

Harry turned towards Serafall and Gabriel but sweatdropped when he noticed them pouting in jealousy, he expected that from Serafall since she's very open about her feelings but Gabriel was a surprise.

Harry chuckled and shooked his head, he sighed and then gave both women a soft peck on the lips which made lit them up crimson red "Come one let's go deal with Kokabiel and teach him what happens when a fallen angel dares trespass into Japan.

Both Gabriel and Serafall snapped out of their trance and nodded, the trio of a Dragon God a Seraph, and a Maou then left to pluck a crow.


It didn't take long to arrive at the abandoned storage building, now that he was close to it Harry noticed that he could now sense Kokabiel and quite a few fallen angels along with some humans in there "Hmm so whatever they're using doesn't completely mask their presence but damps it in a way that doesn't allow energy leaks to travel far".

Serafall nodded "It's only the fact that Ophis is connected to her snakes that allowed her to still sense them being used".

Gabriel then looked around "We're lucky she's on our side now, otherwise I don't think we would have been able to find them in time".

Harry shooked his head "Well I would have just mobilized the Anbu Corps, my Digimon friends, and the girls to search the entire area, I'm sure we would have found them by nightfall".

Gabriel and Serafall nodded because they knew that if Harry mobilized everything Kyoto has to offer then there's no one or anything that could hide in Japan.

Harry then suddenly snapped his fingers and a massive barrier appeared covering the entire area surrounding the abandoned storage building ensuring no one can escape.


Inside the abandoned storage building the fallen angels and mages began to panic when they felt their connection to their teleportation magic circles being cut off however their leader Kokabiel maliciously grinned and stood up "Looks like we have some uninvited guests... let's go and see what they want".

Kokabiel had no way of knowing that he was about to walk to his death nor about the amount of pain he was about to go through.