
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
242 Chs

Chapter 39

Harry instantly arrived in Sakaar after stepping through his controlled space-enhanced dark corridor and immediately noticed how much of a dump this planet is, he couldn't even feel a smidge of nature on this planet and as a Sage that annoyed him quite a bit.

But he didn't have time for that right now, he had to quickly find Brunnhilde and go to Asgard to help his friends.

So Harry then jumped up high into the sky and spread his wings to stay in the air and have a better look at the surrounding area, as he lazily floats in the air as he decides to look around.

As he looks around for a bit, he suddenly notices some kind of coliseum in the distance, his eyes narrow as he senses a lot of darkness and greed in that building, deciding that the coliseum was his best bet to find Brunnhilde he then takes off at high speed towards it.

Meanwhile, in said coliseum, the man known as the Grandmaster was having the time of his life, he had many powerful gladiators facing each other off in hopes of gaining their freedom for his and his public's entertainment, of course, he doesn't plan to ever allowed them to have said freedom since his prisoners make him a lot of money.

Suddenly a boom in heard from the sky, it was so loud that everyone in the coliseum instinctively looked up until they saw a small dot approaching the coliseum at high speed.

Harry soon arrived at the coliseum and then harshly landed in the middle of the arena, his landing is so powerful that the ground cracked and dust flew everywhere causing everyone in the arena to cover their eyes to protect them.

The unlucky gladiators that were currently fighting in the arena were blown off their feet from Harry's landing and landed on the ground some distance away.

As everyone was coughing and trying to keep the dust from reaching their eyes, Harry stood up and with a wave of his arm he vanished the dust, he looked around the arena and frowned not liking the sheer amount of darkness in this place.

He then turned towards the Grandmaster who flinched back at the pure and utter disgust evident in Harry's eyes, suddenly Harry spoke "So much darkness and corruption..." no one knew how but everyone was able to clearly hear his voice.

What Harry was doing is amplifying his voice with magic so everyone was able to hear him "I was sent here by Freya, Queen of Asgard!".

Unknown to everyone in the arena, one particular woman who was seating and drinking in one of the many bars in the coliseum, heard the Queen of Asgard's name being called out, and out of instinct, she stood up from where she was sitting and drinking in shock.

Harry looked around a bit before continuing "Brunnhilde! the King of Asgard is dead, and your Queen is beckoning you back to your home!".

Brunnhilde gasped at the news and looked down in doubt, everyone back then thought that Odin exiled her but in reality, she had exiled herself and ended up trapped here, the death of her sisters during the battle with that monster left a void in her heart that she tried to fill with drink and battle.

Harry suddenly started to float "Brunnhilde, Asgard needs you, as of this moment it's under attack by someone known as Hela, come with me and we'll both help the people of Asgard!".

Everyone in the arena had listened intently to Harry's announcements and many were in shock at the news he brought, no one could have ever imagined that Odin was dead and that someone has dared to attack one of the biggest powerhouses in the universe.

Brunnhilde was in doubt, she was afraid and truly believed that she would die if she faced that monster again, but her queen had trusted this young man to find her and bring her home.

She stared down at the floor but then she nodded to herself, finished her drink, and headed down to the arena to meet this strange and unknown young man that her queen had sent to find her.

Meanwhile, the Grandmaster maliciously grinned at this news and was already planning on taking advantage of Asgard being without Odin to protect it, he had already decided to go there and get as many of those mighty and powerful fighters that live there for his games and maybe he might even bag the Prince of Asgard, Thor himself.

Harry felt a strong wave of greed and darkness and abruptly turned around to where the Grandmaster was sitting, he instantly noticed his grin and something about it pissed him off.

As the Grandmaster contemplated his plans for a future visit to Asgard he failed to notice Harry suddenly lift an arm towards his direction and point a finger at him.

That Grandmaster was so lost in his delusions that he didn't even notice when everyone around him began to panic and move away from him and so when he finally looked towards his uninvited guest he was shocked to watch him pointing a finger at him, said finger, however, seemed to be gathering an enormous amount of green and black colored energy.

The last thing the Grandmaster heard and saw was Harry say "Grand Rey Zero!" before all he could see was a deep green light and then only darkness.

Everyone in the arena panicked the moment they saw Harry fire off an enormous beam of energy from his finger and blast the Grandmaster into nothingness along with his many personal guards, everyone then began to panic and try to run away, not even the remaining guards wanted to do anything with the powerful individual who just killed their boss.

The gladiators who were still inside of the arena with Harry and were now standing up after being blown off by Harry's landing were celebrating the death of the bastard who had kept them imprisoned and fighting for his entertainment for so long.

Harry turned towards the gladiators when he noticed them celebrating and with a wave of his hand the shock collars around their necks fell off, Harry then spoke to them "Go, get those that want to leave and bring them here, I'll take you with me when I go to Asgard, I'm sure they'll be able to help you go back home once I have dealt with Hela".

The Gladiators grinned and nodded, and both turned around and left to free everyone else imprisoned on this god-forsaken planet, they also couldn't help but notice the guards beginning to flee and ignore them so they easily began to free everyone else.

Harry stayed there floating and waiting for them to come back when a voice suddenly called out to him from behind "That was quite the impressive trick, do you think it will work against Hela?".

Harry turned around and saw a woman approach him, he immediately sensed her to be an Asgardian "Brunnhilde I presume?" Brunnhilde nodded.

Harry then landed softly in front of her "You don't have to worry about Hela, I'll deal with her once we're back in Asgard".

Brunnhilde frowned "You think you can take her? I faced her before...and was forced to watch as all of my fellow sisters fell to her, her power even made Odin tremble in fear and you think you can take her? A Goddess of Death?".

Harry narrowed his eyes and stared into Brunnhilde's eyes causing her to take a step back "She isn't a Goddess of Death... if she was, she would have known better than to attack someone I consider my friend and besides Asgardians aren't gods anyways, they don't have even a speck of divinity in them, I proved this when I beat down Odin right in front of Thor and Freya... honestly, I don't even know how you guys came to believe you were gods, to begin with".

Brunnhilde gaped, this young man defeated Odin, and Queen Freya sent him to find her? She must really want her back home "... can you really defeat her?".

Harry nodded "Yes, leave her to me, you just protect Freya" Brunnhilde nodded and a fire was lit inside her, she'll protect her queen with her life, she won't fail again.

Suddenly a lot of different kinds of people -some looked very alien to Harry but he considers them people anyway- began to gather around him.

Harry nodded and spoke up "Alright everyone listen and pay attention! I'll take you to Asgard with me, but there's probably fighting going on right now but it'll be over soon! If you want to help and fight then thank you, if not, hide and wait for everything to blow over, I'm sure Asgard will be able to help all of you go home once everything is resolved".

The gladiators stared at Harry in silence for a second but then they all started to roar, to those who had been forced to fight to survive for so long, helping Asgard seems like a good way to help and thank the one who set them free.

Besides if Asgard needed help then they will fight, might as well put all of that battle experience they got from this place to good use.

Harry grinned and turned to look towards Brunnhilde who nodded at him "Okay! My name is Harry Potter! Thank you for your help!".

With that said Harry then wave his hand and created a wide dark corridor enhanced once again with his powers over the concept of space "Get ready for a fight as soon you step through, Brunnhilde you'll arrive exactly where Freya is, protect her and here these will help you!" Harry took out two swords from his inventory and handed them to Brunnhilde who took them, she was awed at the power and beauty of the swords.

Everyone nodded and with a roar Harry, Brunnhilde, and the gladiators rushed forward through the dark corridor.


While Harry was away on Sakaar looking for the missing Valkyrie, Thor and Loki were both facing Hela, who had appeared in a pillar of darkness.

Thor and Loki stared at their sister as she began to approach, Hela stopped right before them and grinned "I have come to claim my rightful place as ruler of Asgard, bow before your queen!".

Loki turned towards Thor "Is that how I sound to Harry?".

Thor grinned towards Loki "Pretty much".

Loki sighed "No wonder he doesn't like me much...".

Hela was confused, she was expecting fear and despair but these two before her were completely relaxed, her eye narrowed in annoyance "Are you making fun of me?...Why aren't you afraid?".

Thor and Loki turned their gazes toward each other and then Thor decided to answer her question "Once you meet Harry Potter it's very difficult to fear anything else in the universe".

Hela frowned {There's that name again... why does it make me feel so anxious just hearing it...} suddenly feeling a sense of urgency Hela took a step, her instincts were telling her to reach her prize before something else could happen.

However she wasn't expecting Thor to suddenly hit her full force in the face with Mjölnir, the strike was so fast and so unexpected that she couldn't react in time and was sent flying a bit until she recovered in mid-air and landed on her feet not too far away from both Thor and Loki.

Both Thor and Loki were surprised when they saw the bruise on her face heal instantly, Loki spoke up "So that's what father meant when he said that she was stronger as long as she was in Asgard... how annoying".

Thor nodded in agreement but he's already used to fighting beings with powerful healing factors, sparing with both Harry and Wolverine was very annoying but it made for great battle experience "Yes, this will be difficult!".

Thor began to shroud himself in lightning while Loki took out his daggers from his pocket dimension, Thor then suddenly spoke "We have to make time! The palace guards are evacuating everyone in the palace to the Bifrost, we can't let her get whatever it is she seems to be looking for" Loki nodded and got ready.

Meanwhile, Hela held her face in pain and anger, she couldn't believe someone was able to hurt her like this, she turned her head to glare at both Thor and Loki, and in a burst of speed, she attacked them.

Thor dodge her incoming high kick by moving his head away from it but was then punched away, Loki then lunged a slash toward Hela's neck but she stepped back and dodged it, only to have to bend over backward a bit to dodge Mjölnir which was thrown by Thor.

Loki took advantage of her awkward position and stabbed her in the thigh causing her to grunt but she then grabbed Loki's arm and then slammed him against the floor, she was about to stomp on his chest but she was suddenly blasted off of Loki by a large lighting bolt courtesy of Thor.

As Hela landed on the ground she quickly had to roll out of the way when Thor came down and slammed Mjölnir right where she had landed a few seconds ago, the ground cracked, and then a crater formed from Thor's blow.

Hela then pulled Loki's dagger out from her thigh and tried to stab Thor in the chest with it, but his lighting shroud protected and prevented the daggers from touching him, Loki suddenly appeared behind her and slashed her back open causing her to drop Loki's dagger and jump to the side to get away.

Thor then stood up while picking up Loki's dagger and handed it back to his brother, both then stood in front of Hela at the ready, Hela then narrowed her eyes and glared at them.

Hela straightened up and then cracked her neck, as she suddenly disappeared in a blur, Thor was able to see her move but Loki couldn't so he was caught off guard when he was suddenly kicked away while Thor had to block a punch from Hela with Mjölnir.

Hela then began to barrage Thor with punches while he continued to block them with Mjölnir until the hammer couldn't take it anymore and began to crack until it shattered.

This was when Hela was able to go through Thor's defenses and punched him hard in the abdomen, the hit was so strong that it lifted Thor off the ground but before he could fly away, he was then grabbed by the leg by Hela and was then harshly slammed against a still recovering Loki.

Hela then continuously slammed Thor against his brother repeatedly until she got tired and then threw Thor away right beside Loki and walked away in a hurry to Odin's vault, she still had something to collect and her instincts were still flaring for her to hurry up.

Thor tried to get up but since he had to disperse his lighting cloak 'so he wouldn't accidentally kill Loki while Hela used him as a hammer and Loki a nail' he was hurt pretty badly "Loki!" he called out through a cough "Are you okay?".

Loki rolled into his back "Just... peachy! Never better brother...".

Thor grinned "Well if your okay enough to be sarcastic then your okay, cough!".

Loki just rolled his eyes "Where's that stupid dragon friend of yours? We're getting our asses handed to us".

Thor reached into his pouch which was Avenger's standard issued and pulled out four Apple Gel, he handed two to Loki while he eat the other two himself "He's looking for someone at the request of mother, he should be here soon".

Loki nodded and ate the Apple gels instantly feeling better, then he turned and stared at the shards of Mjölnir "She broke your hammer... How are you going to fight without it?".

Thor turned towards where the shards of his old companion lay and stared sadly "Sigh... Harry trained us all to be able to use our full abilities even without our weapons... Well more like he kicked our asses until we could fight fine without our weapons..." Loki sweatdropped when he saw his brother tremble in fear.

Thor recovered from his trauma and then continue "Harry did warn me about over-relying on Mjölnir hmm... Well might as well have him make me a new weapon later but for now, let go and stop our crazy sister".

Suddenly a howl echoed through Asgard and soon. the sound of a marching army was heard, Loki tiredly sighed "I don't like the sounds of that...".

Thor nodded then stood up and then helped Loki stand up too "Me either... come on we have to stop her from attacking the residents while they're being evacuated.

Suddenly a familiar voice made them turn around and what they saw surprised them both.


Meanwhile, in Odin's vault, Hela had finally found what she was looking for, the Eternal Flame.

With the Eternal Flame in her possession, she revived the past fallen warriors of Asgard and her wolf pet, Fenrir.

Having succeeded in raising her army, Hela grinned in victory and walked out of Odin's vault with Fenrir and her army following behind her.

Once she reached the outside of the palace with her army behind her, she was about to declare the throne of Asgard as hers, when suddenly multiple blue fireballs began to rain down on her and her army.

She looked up and noticed a woman floating in the sky, she was wearing a pure white robe, and silver-like armor, and wielding Odin's spear, she was the one raining down those fireballs at her and her army.

So she tensed her legs and jumped towards her, intending to strike the woman out of the sky but the moment she got too close to her she noticed, the unknown lady grinning at her, Hela was then blasted down by her infuriating brother who just shot her with a massive lightning bolt.

As she landed harshly on the ground she had to dodge Loki who was waiting for her to land and tried to stab her in the head with his daggers.

As Hela dodged Loki's attempt to end her life she quickly pushed herself up and was about to kick Loki away but she was suddenly blasted by a maelstrom of water that trapped her inside of it and dragged her away until it implode dropping her on the ground in pain.

Hela stood up and glared at the woman who just blasted her but then Thor appeared behind her in a flash of lightning and trapped her in a bear hug, he then proceeded to electrocute her with massive amounts of electricity causing Hela to scream in pain.

Loki then walked in front of the unknown woman and stood in front of her protectively, the woman giggled in amusement "Loki dear, you don't need to worry too much about your old mother like this".

Loki relaxed "Okay mother but you are teaching me those spells later, they seem fun!".

Freya smiled and patted his cheek "Sorry dear but I promised Harry that I wouldn't teach anyone else what he is teaching me".

Loki frowned "Tch! stupid lizard...".

Freya just rolled her eyes but smile nonetheless, suddenly a howl echoed in the air, and Thor was suddenly pried off Hela by Fenrir and thrown towards Freya and Loki.

Freya immediately healed Thor as Loki stared at the giant wolf "That mutt is going to be a problem...".

Thor now healed by his mother stood up and glared at the wolf and noticed Hela get up angry and with bloodshot eyes "...and that army of hers is on the way too".

Things were looking bleak but the three royal Asgardians were ready to fight to the bitter end, Hela's army then finally caught up with them and got ready to attack them.

Hela glared and walked forwards and once she was ahead of her army, she was about to order to attack but a massive pillar of darkness suddenly materialized behind Thor, Freya and Loki.

The Asgardian royal trio turned around and smiled when they saw the familiar pillar of darkness, suddenly roars of battle began to echo out of the dark corridor, and then an army of all kinds of warriors ran out of the dark corridor and rushed forward towards Hela's army and began to ferociously attack.

Thor, Loki, and Freya were surprised by the sudden arrival of a charging army but then Brunnhilde stepped through holding two beautiful and powerful-looking swords, one is a purple blade with a drill-like aura and the other is a green colored sword with an aura that just screamed danger to the trio of royal Asgardians.

Freya smiled when she saw Brunnhilde confidently walk-in battle ready and with a fire in her eyes that she had been missing for a while, Brunnhilde saw her queen and rushed to her side and then took a knee "My queen! I've returned!".

Freya giggled "Please stand my old friend, no need to bow to me" Brunnhilde stood up and grinned at her queen.

Thor stared at the swords in Brunnhilde's hands and instantly recognized them "Those swords... did Harry give them to you?".

Brunnhilde turned towards Thor and nodded "Yes! He told me their names are Balmung and Tyrfing and that they were powerful demonic swords but they seemed okay to me".

Suddenly a voice was heard from behind them as the dark corridor began to close and disappear "That's because they accepted you as their wielder, otherwise they wouldn't be as nice".

Thor and Freya smiled widely as Harry finally appeared while Loki became nervous, Harry turned and stared at him, Thor must have noticed his look so he spoke up in his brother's defense "He is on our side, Harry, don't worry".

Harry closed his eyes and nodded, he then opened them "Well as long as he behaves I'll ignore him and the fact that he's out of his cell, anyways where's this all-powerful Goddess of Death...?".

The sheer vitriol in Harry's voice made Thor and Loki jump and automatically pointed at Hela who was looking at everything going in confusion.

Harry turned to look toward Hela and frowned, he also noticed the giant wolf standing in front of her, with a wave of his hand the wolf suddenly inflated and exploded in a shower of gore, which shocked Hela.

Thor gulped "Oh no... he's pissed".

Loki gaped at the brutality and Freya looked thoughtful and suddenly spoke up "Ah! You used a wind spell right inside his stomach and then just expanded it until that happened, that's pretty smart! I'm going to have to try it...

Thor, Loki, and Brunnhilde turned and stared in shock toward Freya, while Harry just grinned and then spoke up "Okay you guys help our new friends deal with her army, I'll handle Hela".

Everyone nodded and began to rush forward into battle, Thor suddenly turned to say one more thing to Harry "Harry she has a very powerful healing factor! Watch out for that!".

Harry nodded and began to walk forward and approach Hela who was still in shock about what just had happened to her pet wolf.


Thor, Loki, Freya, and Brunnhilde rushed forward and joined the ex-gladiators fighting Hela's army, Brunnhilde pulls back her arm and then thrust forward with Balmung.

A drill-like burst of energy suddenly shoots off Balmung towards a group of Hela's soldiers and goes through them, then it explodes some distance away behind them.

Brunnhilde next pull back Balmung and harshly swung Tyrfing releasing a wave of destructive demonic energy that disintegrated a large number of enemies, Brunnhilde then stared at the destruction she caused with two simple moves and excitedly grinned "I love these swords!".

Freya giggled while she waved Odin's spear and released a blizzard freezing another large number of enemies "Focus dear, you can admire your new toys later, we have things to do" she then wave Odin's spear one more time and this time a blast of wind hit the frozen enemies and shattered them.

Brunnhilde hums and then nods to her queen, she then proceeded to continue to destroy any enemy stupid enough to get too close to both her and Freya, while the queen of Asgard blasted her enemies with all sorts of elemental spells.

Thor was pretty much beating his enemies with thunder punches and kicks, eventually, he took off to the skies and then began to rain down a storm of lightning bolts on Hela's army.

Loki was using illusions and his invisibility spell to sneak behind any enemy soldier and stab them right in the back with his daggers.

Meanwhile, Harry stopped just in front of Hela and stared at her with a frown on his face "So you're the so-called Goddess of Death Hela... You don't seem like much but then again Odin wasn't the most powerful either, for fake deities that is".

Hela frowned and glared at the person before her, he looked young but she wasn't fooled, she can tell that he was both extremely powerful and experienced in battle plus she hadn't forgotten what he did to Fenrir either "Who are you...".

Harry tilted his head "I don't feel like introducing myself to you, I'm honestly tired of having to show you Asgardians that you aren't gods, it's annoying to have to do so... ".

Alarm bells went off in Hela's head but she wasn't able to react to Harry's sudden kick to her chin, Harry who was standing in front of her a second ago was now crouching below Hela, his leg extended as he high kicked her on the chin "'Kage Buyo! (Dancing Leaf Shadow!)'."

Hela, as she was kicked into the air by Harry, grunted in pain, while in a blur of speed Harry appeared right behind her and then grabbed her by the waist and flip her in mid-air as he was suddenly shrouded in darkness "'Abyss Liger Bomb!'".

As fast as Hela was kicked up into the air she was then grabbed by Harry and slammed viciously head-first into the ground, a pillar of darkness was released upon impact.

Hela has never experienced such pain in her life, first, she felt her neck and then her spine shattered the moment this man slammed her into the ground and now she felt how the darkness was attacking her from within, she could feel her very soul being damaged by the darkness of this ridiculous attack.

Thor watched everything happen and couldn't help but whistle at the damage caused by Harry's attack.

Loki gulped and was very glad that Harry didn't use that on him, he didn't think he could survive such an attack.

Freya shook her head amusingly "Boys..." she then turned to her old friend and grinned when she noticed Brunnhilde's eyes sparkled in excitement. Freya rolled her eyes but was still smiling "Looks like Harry has a new fan now".

Harry let go of Hela and jumped out of the crater he created with Hela's head and back, he stayed floating above it waiting for his enemy to recover meanwhile Hela was in agonizing pain but couldn't even scream since her neck was shattered, so she had no other choice but to suffer in silence while her body healed itself.

Harry stared intently as Hela's body heal itself almost instantly "Hmm.. faster than Logan's healing factor but hers seems like it's connected to Asgard's core... sort of a pseudo sage mode just focused on healing rather than enhancement".

After fully healing, Hela stood up and glared at Harry who was lazy floating above her, she was about to jump up and attack him when she saw him raise a finger into the sky and create an enormous ball of energy.

Harry wanted to see if she could regenerate after being completely destroyed so he used a technique he copied from one of the biggest bastards in the multiverse, known as Frieza "'Death Ball!'".

Harry then waved his whole arm down and fired the enormous ball of energy right at Hela who tried to get away but a shadow clone of Harry appeared behind her and caught her in a bear hug causing her to panic in fear "Let me go!".

But it was too late, Harry's technique hit her and since Harry didn't want it to destroy Asgard's core he made the Death Ball detonate the moment it reach Hela consuming her in a massive explosion.

Everyone had to cover themselves in order to not be blasted off by the explosion, especially Loki and Brunnhilde since they were not used to these types of attacks, Freya and Thor just raised energy shields to protect themselves.

After a while, the explosion subsided and everyone was able to see the aftermath of Harry's technique, needless to say, it was pure destruction what was left after such a powerful technique.

Harry floated down and softly landed on the ground and stared intently into the crater "...So she can survive as long as she's in Asgard...".

Harry watched as Hela slowly regenerated from nothing, she was breathing heavily and on her hands and knees, she then looked up in hate, anger, and fear as she glared at Harry.

She was terrified and in pain, she so hated the one who brought such unwanted emotions to her and suddenly stood up and jumped towards Harry.

As soon as Hela got close to Harry she tried to punch him but Harry easily caught her fist and then slammed her on the ground, she then tried to lash out a kick in retaliation but Harry blocked it with his arm as well and then stomp on her head, burying it into the ground.

Harry then jumped away and landed a short distance from Hela, his hands suddenly went through hand signs in a blur "'Fūton: Renkūdan! (Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet!)'".

Just before Hela could get up she was blasted and dragged a short distance by a highly compressed air bullet that suddenly exploded tearing and spreading Hela's body all over the ground a distance away from Harry.

As Hela's body was regenerating Harry rushed forward and said "'Chaos Eater!'" multiple black-colored energy spirits shoot out from Harry's back and bite down on the ankles and wrists of a now fully healed Hela.

Hela grunted as she felt the strange technique bite and squeeze her limbs harshly, it was then that she felt an agonizing amount of pain causing her to scream as she watched her legs and arms begin to rot.

Harry then suddenly jumped on top of Hela and then proceed to punch her with his fist shrouded in darkness causing even more pain to the so-called goddess of death.

Hela's screams of pain echoed through the now quiet battlefield, the ex-gladiators, Thor, Loki, Freya, and Brunnhilde were able to quickly defeat Hela's army but now all they could do is watch as Harry slowly broke and tortured Hela.

Brunnhilde watched as Harry's techniques were apparently causing a lot of pain to Hela, the one who had slaughtered all of her sisters so easily was now on the floor crying and screaming in pain, it was surreal.

Freya was curious about such techniques, they seemed to be magic but at the same time they were more "What kind of techniques are those?...".

Thor who heard his mother's questions and decided to answer them for her "The technique holding Hela down is named Chaos Eater, it's a technique that can cause damage to the very soul of its target but that's not the worst thing about this technique, no the worst thing is that it rots the body and ignores all defenses and resistances, the fact that Hela has a healing factor is just extending her agony, the other one is just Harry manipulating the element of darkness into his fist, it doesn't have a name but it causes a lot of pain, these are the type of techniques Harry uses against immortal enemies or those that have a healing factor".

Freya nodded while Loki sweated nervously {I'm so lucky he didn't use anything like that on me...}.

Brunnhilde was in awe and was wondering if Harry would be willing to teach her such techniques.

Harry continued his attack and had even used more Chaos Eater spirits to bite down on Hela, now she had one on her shoulder, thigh, and rib cage, suddenly Hela whimpered in pain "Please... Stop...".

It seems that the so-called goddess of death couldn't take the pain anymore, Harry wasn't surprised, he had suspected that she had never been hurt this badly before or at all, so she wasn't used to pain.

So Harry stopped punching her but didn't let Chaos Eater let go "Why should I? You attacked my friends and threatened Asgard? Why shouldn't I just continue to make you suffer until you break! Until there's nothing left of you but a husk!".

Tears began to drop from Hela's eyes, surprising Harry, as she began to sob "I just wanted to make father proud... I just wanted what was rightfully mine... My father sealed me away and he didn't even tell me why!... All I've ever known was to be a weapon and executioner... I don't want to do that anymore..".

As Hela sobbed Harry stood up away from her and frowned "Sigh... I knew Odin was an asshole but this? I don't know what to do with this... you called yourself a goddess of death and that pissed me off".

Hela turned to look at Harry, tears still falling down her face "Why?... This doesn't concern you, why do you care about that".

Harry then glared at her "My name is Harry Potter, the Master of Death and a dragon god, the fact that you a so-called goddess of death dared to attack people I consider friends is an insult to me".

Hela widen her eyes, now she understood why she was so easily defeated, she was before a real god and the Master of Death that title was known through the universe, but she thought it was a myth, it seems like her arrogance and ignorance have become her downfall "Please... I don't want to die...".

Freya who had finally reached where Harry was and had heard everything frowned when she found out that her dear husband had caused all of this and so she spoke "Harry dear would you please release her?".

Harry turned his head and gazed towards Freya for a minute but in the end he nodded and released Hela from his technique, Freya approached the still in pain and crying Hela "Odin was a good king, wise and strong but he was flawed and he had made so many mistakes in his life... when he died he told me and his sons that he regretted having failed you as a father... I understand your anger but you shouldn't take it out on innocents".

Hela lay there and listened to Freya, she didn't want to fight anymore plus with Harry here she knew she wouldn't win anyways but now what? What more does she have to live for? "But... what do I do now?... Being a weapon is all I know...".

Freya sadly frowned and patted Hela on her head "You poor child, there's more to life than just fighting and killing... oh! I know! Why don't you go with Harry and serve him! He's a god and he doesn't need you to fight his battles for him! You could be his head maid! That way you can learn more about living".

Harry looked at Freya with wide eyes "What?!" it was here that Harry noticed the mischievous grin on Freya's face and understood that she was pranking him {Dammit! I forgot that she's Loki's mother! This is where the cocky bastard got his pranking ways!}.

Hela turned to look at Harry {It's true... he wouldn't need me to fight for him...} Hela then nodded "Okay... if it's okay with Mister Master of Death that is...".

Harry stared at Hela and was about to deny her but then she saw her tearful eyes and flinched then he turned towards Freya and saw that she was giving him a sickeningly sweet smile and so Harry tiredly sigh "Sigh... fine, I do need someone to help Sakuyamon take care of the cabin here and when I go back to my world".

Freya smiled and Hela finally passed out, a tiny smile was evident on her face.

Loki who had arrived with Freya along with Thor and Brunnhilde shook his head "Mother is scary as always, even the dragon god bends to her will...".

Thor and Brunnhilde nodded as they watched Harry pick up Hela in his arms and carry her while Freya patted his head.

They didn't even dare to argue with their mother -or queen in Brunnhilde's case- about this, they knew better than to question Freya, and besides they knew that Harry will be able to keep Hela out of trouble.

This was how Asgard was saved from its sure destruction, Ragnarok was prevented and the people of Asgard celebrated that night.

Harry decided to stay in Asgard for a bit to repair everything that was destroyed but he did let the girls know where he was and that he found a new maid, something Sakuyamon apparently was really happy about, now she had someone to teach the fine art of being a maid and she was already planning on buying all kinds of maid outfits for her future maid in training new friend.

Harry was also planning on forging Thor a new weapon since Mjölnir was destroyed, maybe something with more edge...