
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
242 Chs

Chapter 131

Alphamon acted first, she raised her Ouryuken and swung it hard, and a massive wave of green digital energy shot forward and destroyed the group in front of her almost instantly.

A few seconds later, her attack aggressively detonated causing a massive explosion that not only released a big shockwave but shook the entire area, causing the massive opposing army to scream in shock and fear.

This became a signal for the rest of the Royal Knights, who immediately moved and rushed forward from all of Alphamon's side and spread out, while Alphamon raised and pointed an open hand towards her enemies.

A massive amount of green digital energy coalesced on her hand, the energy flared and then became a sort of magic circle in front of Alphamon, "'Digitalize of Soul!'".

From the glowing green magic circle before her, a multitude of energy shots fired forward and barraged the enemies further in front of her.

The barrage of shots mow downed a big number of opposing enemies in front of Alphamon, but when the shots began to explode the casualties just increased further.

Meanwhile, Ominmon Merciful Mode flew further into the enemy's ranks and brandished his fearsome blade, the katana-like blade glowed with beautiful white light as Omnimon MM swung it at high speed as he moved through the army.

Suddenly he took off flying up, while the enemies he ran through died as his powerful white digital energy destroyed everything his katana-like blade struck, and a few seconds later he stopped high into the air and pointed his graceful cannon toward the opposing army.

The cannon harshly glowed, until it fired a massive blueish-white beam of digital energy, that when through the opposing army like a hot knife through butter.

However instead of exploding, it instead, instantly froze everything in its path, even the enemies not directly hit were instantly frozen solid from the sharp drop in temperature.

In another area, Gallantmon Crimson Mode landed in the middle of a big group of enemies and stabbed his glowing white holy lance into the ground.

Pillars of white light exploded from the ground which took out quite a big number of enemies, while Gallantmon CM suddenly began to swing his glowing white sword all around him, unleashing countless glowing white energy slashes at the enemies around him.

Everything around the Crimson Red Holy Knight was devastated in a wide area around him, many members of the opposing army were instantly killed, while others, were sent flying back by the massive shockwave generated by his attacks exploding.


Rossweiss watched and felt every explosion caused by the Royal Knights, and she couldn't help but gulp at the sheer destruction they caused in just a few minutes.

It was something out of legends in her eyes, the fact that only three of them had attacked just yet also shocked her, three, just three of these powerful beings had attacked and they had already caused a massive amount of damage to Loki's army.

An army Asgard and the Einherjars had been struggling with, for weeks was being devastated in mere minutes! "... Just how powerful are those knights?...".

Harry heard Rossweiss's question and smiled "The Digimon are my familiars of sorts, and because of that they have gone stronger, far more so than a regular Digimon could ever hope to become, I can safely say that each of them is only weaker than me by a small margin".

Rossweiss gulped again "A small margin?".

Harry nodded "Yup, I do spar with them often and they're some of the few beings that can actually make me sweat, especially Alphamon, she's my first Digimon partner and my strongest as well, she's as strong as me".

Rossweiss's eyes widen in shock, she immediately turned her head towards Alphamon and watched, as the Black Knight Digimon flapped her golden wings and took off flying forwards while thrusting her massive sword forward.

Her body glowed with green digital energy and ran through her enemies like a comet destroying anything or anyone in her way, it left Rossweiss completely stunned.

Harry chuckled and then went back to watching the rest of his Digimon friends destroy the rest of Loki's Army {... It won't be long before Loki shows up, more than likely with a grand entrance as well}.

Harry knew that the Loki of this world was a show-off and an arrogant prick, something he learned from Hestia and Rhea when he asked them about what they knew about the evil gods of his world.

Loki was on the top of the most hated evil gods in the world, along with Asura, Chronos, and Seth, it surprised him how much the Loki of his world was so different from the one in the Avenger's world.

That one was an asshole but not evil, sure sometimes he made him feel like punching him in the face or the testicles, but he wasn't downright evil.

But the Loki of Harry's world is a schemer, a liar, and a traitor now, no one liked him and much rather not want to deal with him and his arrogant attitude, so Harry knew that he must be planning something.

He knew Loki was plotting something or had some sort of plan for him, the Khaos Brigade wouldn't have allowed him to go to war so openly against Asgard like this unless they thought they had some sort of way to deal with him.

Harry hummed {It makes sense, they have been quiet for a long while and then they suddenly do this?... No, they're planning something and Loki is either the test or the plan}.

So Harry kept a close eye on everything going on around the battlefield while the Royal Digimon Knights destroyed Loki's Army with ease.


Craniummon flew through enemy groups while rotating his duo solar spear at high-speed like a blender, any enemies caught in front of Craniummon's path were shredded to pieces.

Suddenly, he stopped and began to twirl his duo solar spear around his body while it began to glow with black digital energy "'Waltz End!'".

A massive black shockwave spread from Craniummon's Spear and all around his body, the shockwave traveled so fast that everyone and everything caught in it was instantly pulverized.

Meanwhile, Crusadermon blurred in front of a group of enemies and pulled her arms back while her fist was engulfed in pink digital energy, she then whipped her fist forward "'Fist of Athena!'".

The group of enemies was suddenly hit by a sonic boom from Crusadermon's punch and were destroyed in seconds, at this point the army of opposing enemies watched their allies and comrades die in front of them, being unable to escape.

They snapped and everyone began to attack back in desperation, of course as Crusadermon was being hit with light spears, magic spells, and even all sorts of weapons, she calmly stood up completely unaffected by the enemies' attacks.

The ribbons around her body suddenly twitch, and in a single second, they blurred as they moved at an amazing speed, everybody around of her stopped in their tracks.

The ribbons stopped moving and went back to their normal position, Crusadermon suddenly whispered the name of her attack "'Spiral Masquerade...".

The unmoving enemies around her flinched and twitched once, and then exploded in gore, as Crusadermon calmly left the area.

However, the sudden attack from their comrades spurn the rest of Loki's Army to attack the Royal Knights, they ignored the fact that their attacks didn't seem to have any effect on them and just continued to blast them with everything they had.

Massive explosions and blasts engulfed the battlefield, as the roars of the battle overtook the area everything descended into chaos, but the Royal Knights just stood proudly and completely unaffected.

Dynasmon flew overhead as his body engulfed itself with purple digital energy, the energy grew and grew until it took the shape of a wyvern spreading its wings and roaring.

Dynasmon suddenly flew down and crashed against the ground, a massive explosion suddenly shook the battlefield and destroyed everything in a wide area of effect.

The shockwave created by the massive explosion traveled throughout a big area and caused havoc on everyone in Loki's army, many were killed by the force while others were sent flying everywhere.


Rossweiss screamed as she was suddenly shaken by the force behind Dynasmon's attack, Harry snapped his fingers and covered both Rossweiss and Asgard completely with a barrier.

But Rossweiss was to busy being frightened by the explosion she stared at, it looked like someone had set off a nuke here and it left her speechless, Harry just smiled as he watched Dynasmon take off flying into the sky and bombard more enemies, from the sky with energy shots from the palm of his claws.


Gankoomon landed between a big group of frost giants who step back in fright from him, the Royal Knight crossed his arms and stared at the massive frost giants "What? You're just going to step back and run away like cowards?".

His words only served to piss off the frost giants, who despite being terrified, let their anger push them forward, so they launched themselves toward Gankoomon.

The Royal Knight Digimon just grinned and then nodded "Much better! Face your deaths like men! 'Table Flip!'".

Gankoomon suddenly stomped on the ground flipping up a massive flat chunk of stone, the chunk of stone glowed and transformed into Digichrome in mid-air and slammed on top of the frost giants killing them with a wet splat sound.

However his back was left open to another group of frost giants, who attacked him as soon as they got close to him, but someone suddenly yelled "'Judgement of the Blade!'".

Jesmon blurred back to back with Gankoomon and carved the frost giants attacking Gankoomon into pieces with the blades of his arms while moving at high-speed.

Jesmon then sighed "Master, can you not leave your back open like this?".

Gankoomon just smirked, "Why shouldn't I? I know you have my back Jesmon, do you not?".

Jesmon sweatdropped "That's not the point master...".

Gankoomon chuckled and began to walk forward without a care in the world "Let's go Jesmon, I want to end this quickly and get back home to drink sake!".

Jesmon nodded and followed his master and friend back into battle, he might complain about it but Jesmon had a big happy smile on his face that showed he was having fun right now.

In another part of the battlefield, Kentaurosmon galloped through the field and aimed his crossbow at the Niflheimr enemies in front of him, arrows of light blue light glowed as he began to shoot at his targets.

The enemies reacted as fast as they could, some of them got together and raised magic shields in a row in hope of stopping the blue light arrows, while others tried to shoot magic spells at the energy arrows to slow them down or destroy them.

But the light blue arrows however continued forwards, completely ignoring the spells and magic shields, the light blue arrows crashed against Kentaurosmon's enemies and detonated.

However, instead of explosions, the light blue arrows burst out and unleashed a blast of arctic air that froze every enemy in the area, Kentaurosmon then slammed his hooves on the floor and every frozen enemy shattered into nothing.

Kentaurosmon just shook his head "How weak... humph! to think these creatures think they can do whatever they want when they lack the strength to do so, foolish".

A group of enemies roared and rushed forward towards Kentaurosmon's side, the Royal Knight just stared at them with disappointment in his eyes, suddenly someone yelled "'Extinction Wave!'".

A black and reddish colored wave of energy hit the group of enemies and disintegrated them, Leopardmon landed beside Kentaurosmon and lowered his swords "Don't judge them to harshly Kentaurosmon, they're being used and they don't even know it".

Kentaurosmon nodded "True, but that's not an excuse for such foolishness an insult to Harry".

Kentaurosmon took off at high speed while Leopardmon chuckled "Always the judgemental one".

In another area of the battlefield, high into the sky and floating was Magnamon who stared down at his enemies, he suddenly clapped his claws together and gathered his golden-colored digital energy.

A small orb of gold digital energy formed between his claws and as it grew, Magnamon spread his claws apart and then lifted the orb of gold plasma above his head "'Magna Blast!'".

Magnamon threw his claws forward and shot the massive orb of golden plasma toward the ground below them.

The orb flew through the air at a high speed until it crashed into a big part of the army and exploded with a massive force, the plasma immediately destroyed anyone and everything caught in its path.

Around the area surrounding the barrier protecting Asgard a blue blur moved through the countless numbers of enemies, these enemies were trying to rush towards Asgard in hopes of hiding or taking a hostage to force a stop to the attacks destroying them.

But even before they could get close to a barrier the blue blur would cut them to pieces in less than a second, every member of Loki's Army trying to rush towards Asgard was both confused and scared.

No matter what they tried, they couldn't catch sight of whatever was killing them off, all they could perceive was someone moving at a high-speed, suddenly Ultraforce Vedramon stopped above them all and glared at his enemies.

Ultraforce Vedramon then pointed his sword towards his enemies "Cowards! Your evil intent is evident in your eyes! You will never reach the place Harry is protecting! Not if I have anything to say about it! 'Victory Sword!'".

Ultraforce Vedramon blurred from his targets' sights and began to cut them down so fast, that many of them died without even knowing they did so, Ultraforce Vedramon would make sure that anyone trying to get to Asgard would die by his blade, the Victory Sword.


Examon's massive form stayed right above Asgard and stared out onto the battlefield, he quietly watched as his fellow knights destroyed the army before them with relative ease.

To him, it seemed like a waste to go all out against such weak opponents, but Harry's words are absolute and he would never disobey his friend, though that left him with the current dilemma he was facing "... How I am supposed to attack and not destroyed this entire place?".

Examon wondered this aloud and made his fellow knights chuckle, Harry smiled and tried not to laugh since he knew Examon really struggled not to be too destructive.

He knew the pain of being so big and moving around without accidentally destroying everything around him, it doesn't help that Examon is very clumsy sometimes, though that wasn't his fault though.

The enormous Royal Knight Digimon just had a hard time moving around delicately, he's more used to stomping around or slicing through the air on his wings.

He is a dragon after all, so Examon deadpanned and just began to slowly 'to him at least' poke random enemies with his massive spear, said enemies turned into red mist upon impact showing that even though Examon was being careful, it was still very hard for him to hold back.


Harry stared down at the now growing smaller army of Loki, his Royal Knight Digimon were completely devastating the army with ease and even though the enemies were attacking with everything they have, it wasn't doing anything to the Digimon.

Rossweiss was still quite shocked at everything that was going on, Harry understood why though, he had made it a point to not let his Digimon friends get too involved in a battle.

He didn't want people to think of them as beings of war and the reason why the Yokai Faction should be feared, but now that Neo Kyoto's reputation was already built.

Harry had no reason to not let his Digimon friends have some fun now, so today Asgard bore witness to their overwhelming power.

Before today, the Digimon were only known as guards of Neo Kyoto, but now everyone will know, just how powerful they really are.

Suddenly Harry felt a twitch of spatial energy, he turned his head towards where he sensed the anomaly and watched as a tall man, with long white hair appeared with three wolves and a Serpentine Dragon on the battlefield.

Rossweiss gasped, which caught Harry's attention and made him realize who this person is "So this is Loki...".

Rossweiss nodded but frowned "but, something is wrong... Loki isn't one for direct confrontation, he's a schemer so he's the type to hide in the shadows and plot... why would he show up now that his army is obviously losing".

Harry nodded agreeing with Rossweiss "More than likely, he has some sort of secret weapon or something that makes him feel pretty confident right now... either way, we should go see what he's doing".

Rossweiss nodded and both she and Harry took off flying towards Loki, though Harry was keeping a close eye on everything just in case.


Loki looked around with a frown at how devastated the army provided by the Khaos Brigade is "Tch! I really shouldn't have expected much from a bunch of mortals, fallen and devils though... my fellow frost giants were killed off as well".

Loki narrowed his eyes, and glared at the strange and massive metallic creatures who were finishing off his army "Rizevim Livan Lucifer... it seems you were correct in assuming my father would call for aid to the Yokai Faction, and Harry Potter".

Loki looked up and watched Harry Potter arrive right in front of him, besides him was Rossweiss, he didn't know what she was here for, but it didn't matter to him at the moment.

No, right now his full attention was on the dragon god before him, he sensed his children actually stepping back from him and even he couldn't blame them, for even he, a god felt a tinge of fear.

Loki however, wasn't about to show fear to the being before him, not when he had the secret weapon Rizevim had given him to deal with someone like Harry Potter.

Harry stared at Loki for a few seconds, he didn't know what it was but he sense something rather disgusting to him in his person, he then moved his gaze toward Fenrir, Skoll, Hati, and Jörmungandr.

The serpentine dragon seemed rather nervous, while the wolves looked afraid.

Harry then spoke "Jörmungandr, why are you siding with Loki? You're an evil dragon but dragons wouldn't let their pride make them into servants".

Loki grinned "They're my children! I created Jörmungandr so I control him!".

Harry however ignored Loki and stared at Jörmungandr, who blinked and then gazed towards Fenrir, Hati, and Skoll {I see... he's trying to protect his siblings, say what you will about us dragons but we are loyal, even those called evil dragons}.

Harry moved his gaze towards Loki "And you? I'm pretty sure the Yokai Faction and I have pretty much killed a lot of the Khaos Brigade, how are they this active?".

Loki grinned "You did kill a lot of leaders and devastated the Hero Faction, but the true leader of the Khaos Brigade still lives and he has been bidding his time and building up the Khaos Brigade once again".

Harry narrowed his eyes "True leader huh? I can't say I'm any impressed with what he's accomplished here today, this army is done for".

Loki frowned "Indeed, but they were nothing but fodder, bait to draw our pray and you came here Harry Potter, you who has been nothing but a thorn in the Khaos Brigade's side".

Harry sighed "Right, look just give up or I will kill you... I have no interest in your grandstanding and plots, nor do I care about the Khaos Brigade's plans for that matter, they will all die eventually".

Loki sneered at Harry with nothing but contempt "You lizards... always so arrogant and so disrespectful to your betters, especially when you're nothing but reptiles! I hate all of you!".

Jörmungandr lowly growled, and Harry just grinned "More like you envy us, despite you being a god you're pretty weak yourself, poor Loki, always playing second fiddle to Thor...".

Loki roared and waved an arm wide, a massive magic circle appeared in front of him, but Harry suddenly appeared in front of him in a flash of twilight and spartan kicked him in the chest.

Loki gasped in pain and was sent flying black and crashing against the ground where his body, created a long trench, Harry turn his head towards Jörmungandr and began to hiss in Parseltongue $Jörmungandr, leave here and head to Neo Kyoto with your siblings, join the Dragon Faction under me and Ophis, and both you and your siblings will be protected$.

Jörmungandr stood up straight as he understood Harry, he then nodded and quickly wrapped his siblings with his body, Harry then immediately teleported them to Neo Kyoto {There, that should cut off Loki's link with them, the wards in Neo Kyoto will prevent him from summoning them too}.

Loki exploded out from the ground and held his chest in pain, he actually coughed a bit of blood which made him panic a bit "... I'm bleeding... I didn't want to believe it but... you damn Lizard can actually harm gods!".

Harry turned his head back to Loki "It's amazing how arrogant some of you gods are, do you really think you're untouchable? Powerful? Omnipotent? Let me tell you that your not!".

Harry appeared right in front of Loki in a flash of twilight and appeared in front of Loki again, he then grabbed him by the face, and Loki grunted and grabbed hold of Harry's wrist.

He growled as he tried to get Harry's hand off his face but found himself unable to even move one of his fingers, suddenly Harry lifted him into the air and slammed him into the ground.

The back of his head crashed against the ground and cracked the ground, Loki saw stars but growled in rage, he pointed an open palm towards Harry and tried to blast his face off with a spell.

But Harry just slapped his hand away from his face and began to repeatedly slam Loki's head on the ground, until he grew tired and threw Loki to the side like a piece of garbage.

The God of Mischief rolled on the ground a couple of times until he came to a stop, he then quickly stood up and glared at Harry while blood began to drip down his face from his head.

Rossweiss floated down beside Harry and stared worriedly towards the beat-up Asgardian God "Lord Loki! Please stop! You can't hope to win! Even you know that it's impossible to beat a dragon god, much less one like Harry Potter!".

Loki just sneered "Be quiet valkyrie! You have no right to question a god! and even dragon gods have a weakness!".

Loki suddenly took out a dagger from his robes and held it tightly in his hand, Rossweiss stepped back in fear as she felt the dark and hate-filled aura in the dagger.

Harry raised an eyebrow and stared at the dagger in curiosity, Loki smirked when he noticed Harry's gaze "Surprised! I must admit I am too, never thought Rizevim Livan Lucifer would be able to get the blood of Samael! But he did it just to counter you and any other dragon willing to go against the Khaos Brigade!".

Rossweiss gasped "S-Samael? The Dragon Eater? But how!? He's sealed in the Land of the Dead, in Cocytus! How did the Khaos Brigade get a hold of him?".

Harry frowned as he heard the name, he didn't know who that was, but his title intrigued him, Loki shrugged "Who knows how they did it?" Loki then maliciously grinned "But that doesn't matter! with this we can kill Harry Potter!".

Loki blurred out of sight, Rossweiss's eyes widen in worry and fear, and she immediately turned around towards Harry "Harry! Get away!".

But it was to late, Loki appeared in front of Harry and aimed to stab him in the chest with the dagger, Rossweiss gasped and teared up a bit thinking the worst.

But then she heard Loki growling, she then saw the God of Mischief begin to struggle as if he was trying to push something with all his strength.

Rossweiss turned her gaze towards Harry's face and saw him deadpanned at Loki, she then took off running to their side and saw what had happened.

Harry had caught the dagger with two of his fingers and kept it away from touching his chest, Rossweiss gaped while Loki just snarled "How!? You should be unable to even touch this dagger dripped in the blood of the dragon eater!".

Harry frowned "I don't know who this Samael is, but I will admit that this thing does have some very nasty curses and poison but you and the Khaos Brigade made a couple of mistakes".

Harry flexed his fingers and then snapped the dagger into pieces, Loki's eyes widen in shock, and took a step back in fear, Harry just continued to deadpan at Loki "First of all, Dragon God isn't my true race per se, that just what everyone calls me in this world and I never bothered to correct anyone".

Rossweiss stared in disbelief at what Harry just said, meanwhile Harry looked down at the pieces of the dagger "I don't blame the beings of this world for not knowing though, for a long time dragon gods were the pinnacle of what a dragon can aspire to become.

Harry returned his gaze towards Loki, the God of Mischief flinched the moment Harry gaze landed on him "I didn't even know there was something beyond a dragon god, not until I learned about it from one of my girlfriends... out there in the multiverse exist a kind of dragon far beyond what a dragon god is".

Rossweiss listened intently while Harry just continued to speak to a now terrified Loki "I'm what's known as a true dragon, also known as an elder god dragon, primordial dragon, and whatnot... as a true dragon I can't die and even if I did, I would just be reincarnated somewhere with all my memories and power".

Loki gaped as Rossweiss just stared at Harry in awe, Harry shrugged "I'm a being far beyond the understanding of this world, a true dragon, is the highest-ranking being in existence.

They're nigh-invulnerable and nigh-unstoppable avatars of nature that serve as the pillars of all creation and there are only six in existence, lucky for you and everyone else in this world the other five are in another world.

We are a rowdy bunch after all and we tend to cause a lot of destruction and chaos by just hanging out".

Loki trembled and shook his head "You're lying! There can't be anything more beyond a dragon god! You cold-blooded lizards shouldn't have this much power! You can't be beyond us gods!".

Harry just shrugged "You can believe what you want, but the fact of the matter is, that you or anyone in this world can't kill me, it's impossible and the fact that I destroyed your little toy should be proof enough".

Loki looked down and began to mutter to himself, it seems that Harry's words broke something in him, Rossweiss was just stunned by everything she just learned {A-a true dragon?...}.

Suddenly Rossweiss felt some very heavy footsteps, she snapped out of her stunned state and looked around, she watched as the Royal Knight Digimon stood around them and watched over what was happening.

Loki suddenly looked up, but now he had madness clear in his eyes, madness that exploded, Loki, the God of Mischief began to laugh.

A broken and craze-filled laugh that slowly grew to a cackle filled with insanity, Harry shook his head and sighed "And that is why I never tell anyone about this except my family... some people just can't handle the truth, besides it was rather stupid for you to think you were fast enough to stab me too".

Rossweiss nodded, she herself was having a hard time wrapping her head around what she just heard, but she also understood what Harry was saying so she chose not to repeat to anyone what she just heard here today.

Harry stepped forward the cackling Loki and as soon as he got close to him he backhanded him on the face as hard as he could, Loki's head turned into red mist, and his body collapsed on the floor where it began to disintegrate into little particle.

Harry looked down "Don't worry Loki, soon I'll send the rest of the Khaos Brigade to keep you company".

Harry then looked up, Alphamon nodded and began to report to him "All enemy forces have been destroyed, the area has been cleared and a few surrendered, what do you want to do with them?".

Harry smiled at Alphamon "We'll leave Odin to decide what to do with them, maybe they'll be executed or interrogated, who knows?".

Alphamon nodded and smiled at Harry with her eyes, the rest of the Royal Knights raised their weapons towards the sky or their claws and roared in victory.

Harry smiled at his friends happy that they had a chance to stretch and have some fun, he knows that they loved to safeguard Neo Kyoto and the Yokai, but things do tend to be a little boring at times so he knew his friends really enjoyed this little battle.

Harry then turned his head towards Rossweiss who was staring at the Digimon celebrating their victory "There, problem solved, what do you think Rossweiss?".

Rossweiss turned her head and sighed a bit while rubbing the big ball bun that was her hair on top of her head, Harry almost laughed because she seemed to have gotten used to her new hairstyle made by Crusadermon.

Rossweiss then slumped a bit "What do I think?... I don't really know Harry, I definitely learned a lot today and some of what I learned is pretty much beyond my pay grade but at the very least we don't have to worry about Ragnarok anymore... though what Loki said did raise more questions and concerns".

Harry nodded and turned his head towards the destroyed dagger, he had already purified the poison and curse on that thing, but the fact that the Khaos Brigade were able to get their hands on something so volatile just made things more bothersome.

Harry sighed "Yes, I want to learn more about this Samael, who is he, what is he and why do I feel so much hatred from his aura alone but we should go back to Odin first and report back".

Rossweiss nodded "Yeah... we definitely should report this and maybe give warning to the rest of the factions... I'm afraid that with this the Khaos Brigade's threat level has increased".

Harry nodded and then turned to talk to his Digimon friends "Thank you guys, you can go home now and relax".

The Royal Knights nodded and began to disappear in bursts of digital energy one by one, Alphamon was last and before she disappeared she said one more thing to Harry "Do call us again if you need more help, Harry, I'll see you back home!".

Harry nodded to Alphamon and gave her a smile as she disappeared in a burst of Green Digital Energy, Harry turned his head towards Rossweiss and gave her a small nod "Let go back to Odin and the others".

Rossweiss nodded, Harry then waved his and created a Dark Corridor beside her, now knowing what it was Rossweiss didn't hesitate to immediately walk through it.

Harry watched her do so and then walked over to the Dark Corridor but stopped right in front of it and lightly turned his head to the side "Devil, make sure you report this to Rizevim, he will die along with the rest of the Khaos Brigade and there's nothing he can do about it, he better enjoy what little left of his life he has left...".

Having said that, Harry walked inside the Dark Corridor which dissipated soon after, a silver-haired devil appeared out of nowhere and sighed, he was clearly sweating something fierce.

But no one could blame him, Euclid Lucifuge was detected by Harry Potter and the only reason he was left alive, was to deliver a message.

He had made himself invincible and undetectable with the use of some very advanced magic, but that was useless for a being like Harry Potter.

Euclid nervously turned his head towards the destroyed dagger with a frown on his face "I have to report this to Lord Lucifer... we might have made a horrible mistake today...".