
Harrowed Ends

Earth, gems, sand it always called to me maybe just maybe I should share my passion with the whole world. Who knows how my life will work out

Aftodelse · Movies
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3 Chs


One day later

I glanced around, searching for any possible escape route. My eyes darted from one alley to another, but the streets were like a labyrinth, closing in around me. I found myself trapped in a corner, my back pressed against a cold brick wall.

The dog lunged towards me, its teeth snapping just inches from my trembling legs. Fear surged through me, paralyzing my body for a moment. I had to think quickly, find a way to fend off the rabid creature.

My eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for anything that could aid my escape. And then, I spotted it—a discarded wooden plank lying nearby. Without hesitation, I snatched it up, clutching it tightly in my hands.

As the dog lunged at me again, I swung the makeshift weapon with all the strength I could muster. The plank collided with the dog's side, sending it staggering backward. It let out a pained yelp, momentarily stunned by the blow.

Unfortunately it snapped in half and went everywhere. My hands were not unscathed they were bleeding because of the broken part of the plank.

As I stood there, my breaths coming in ragged gasps, a strange sensation pulsed through me. It started as a subtle vibration, like a whisper traveling through my veins. But as I clutched onto the plank, my hands trembling with fear, the sensation intensified.

Suddenly, a surge of energy burst forth from within me, rippling through my body like a tidal wave. In that moment, the world around me seemed to blur, replaced by a swirling vortex of sand. It spiraled and danced, defying gravity, as if commanded by an invisible force.

I watched in astonishment as the sand twirled and coalesced, forming a miniature sandstorm within the confines of the narrow alleyway. It swirled around me, engulfing the rabid dog in a flurry of sandy particles. The dog, momentarily disoriented by the sudden change, faltered in its attack.

But the sandstorm was wild and untamed, an untethered force of nature. It whipped and lashed, its grains stinging my skin and drawing blood, mirroring the pain in my hands from the rough plank. I realized then that this power was as dangerous as it was awe-inspiring.

Fear surged within me once more, gripping my chest in a vise-like hold. The sandstorm, though small in scale, threatened to consume me. I could feel its power, its hunger for chaos, and I knew that if I didn't find a way to control it, I would be swept away in its tempestuous grasp.

The sand kept on getting bigger and bigger slowly it enveloped the dog it tried running away but a tendril pulled it deeper into the sand suddenly a snape happens and it breaks like a twig. It got out one last pitiful yelp before it was buried within the sand.

But the sandstorm was wild and untamed, an untethered force of nature. It whipped and lashed, its grains stinging my skin and drawing blood, mirroring the pain in my hands from the rough plank. I realized then that this power was as dangerous as it was awe-inspiring.

Fear surged within me once more, gripping my chest in a vise-like hold. The sandstorm, though small in scale, threatened to consume me. I could feel its power, its hunger for chaos, and I knew that if I didn't find a way to control it, I would be swept away in its tempestuous grasp.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I focused my thoughts, willing the sandstorm to subside. I concentrated on the image of stillness, of calm, hoping to rein in the torrent of sand. Slowly, almost reluctantly, the swirling particles began to settle.

The sandstorm dissipated, leaving behind a hushed aftermath. The dog's body was nothing but bones and red clumps scattered on the ground. Bile built up and I threw up on the spot.

The air around me was heavy with the scent of sand, and I could still feel its gritty texture clinging to my skin and clothes. The experience left me both exhilarated and fearful, as I grappled with the realization that I possessed a magic I didn't understand.

As the adrenaline subsided, I took a moment to survey the aftermath of my unintended display of power. The alleyway, once dark and desolate, now bore the remnants of a miniature desert. Patches of sand clung to the walls and ground, a testament to the chaotic outburst of magic.

I glanced at my bleeding hands, their wounds a stark reminder of the price I had paid for this newfound power. The sand, once harmless, had become a double-edged sword. It had saved me, yet its uncontrolled nature threatened to consume me.

With my heart still pounding in my chest, I knew I couldn't stay in that alleyway any longer. The echoes of my retching mixed with the silence of the night, creating an eerie backdrop to my thoughts. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, smearing dirt and sand across my face.

As I stumbled out of the alley, I found myself in a dimly lit street. It was devoid of life, except for the occasional flickering streetlamp casting eerie shadows. I needed to find somewhere safe, somewhere I could gather my thoughts and tend to my wounds.

Just as I began to walk, a chilling sensation prickled at the back of my neck. I could sense eyes on me, watching from the shadows. Instinctively, I quickened my pace, but it was too late. Out of the darkness emerged a group of figures, their presence emanating danger.

The gang was a motley crew, their faces etched with hardened expressions. They circled around me, their predatory grins revealing missing teeth and malice. I was trapped, caught in their web like a helpless prey.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" one of them sneered, his voice dripping with menace. "Looks like we've stumbled upon a little rat."

My heart raced as I scanned my surroundings for any means of escape. But the streets were empty, and the gang had me cornered. Fear mingled with a flicker of defiance within me. I had faced danger before, and I wouldn't back down now.

"What's a runt like you doing out here all alone?" another gang member taunted, stepping closer, his breath reeking of alcohol.

"I-I'm just trying to survive," I stammered, my voice betraying my unease.

Laughter erupted from the group, echoing through the deserted street. They reveled in their power over me, relishing the fear they elicited. But as their laughter died down, a glimmer of curiosity flickered in their eyes.

"Survive, eh?" the leader said, his voice laced with amusement. "Well, let's see just how tough you really are."

Before I could react, they closed in on me, their fists swinging. Blows rained down upon me from all directions, each impact sending waves of pain through my battered body. I fought back as best I could, but I was outnumbered and outmatched.

As the blows continued, a surge of anger welled up within me, fueled by the pain and the injustice of it all. At that moment, something inside me shifted. The sand, still clinging to my clothes, seemed to respond to my mounting fury.

I raised my hand instinctively, and the sand obeyed, swirling and rising, forming a protective barrier between myself and my attackers. Their punches met with resistance as the sand shield absorbed the impact. Confusion and fear replaced their malicious grins.

I seized the opportunity and made a fist and launched forward the sand moved and socked the huge one in the face. Spinning the sand at my heel I launched a kick towards the other balls. He let out a pitiful scream silenced when sand started to choke the life out of him.

My heart pounded in my chest as I realized the extent of the power I had just unleashed. The sand obeyed my commands, serving as both a shield and a weapon. The gang members, once so eager to overpower me, now cowered in fear, their faces contorted with disbelief.

The air crackled with tension as the sand tightened its grip around the gang member's throat. Panic filled his eyes as he struggled to breathe, clawing at the sand that mercilessly choked the life out of him. A mix of fear and awe washed over me, the weight of the moment sinking in.

But as the reality of what I had done settled, I felt a surge of unease. The power I possessed was raw and uncontrolled, a double-edged sword that could harm not only my enemies but also innocent bystanders. I needed to find a way to understand and master this newfound ability.

With a flick of my wrist, the sand released its hold on the gasping gang member, allowing him to collapse to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. The others, frozen in shock, took a step back, their eyes darting between me and their fallen comrade.

Realizing the danger that still lingered, I turned and sprinted away, my mind racing with questions and uncertainty. How had I conjured the sand? What were the limits of my power? And most importantly, how could I control it without causing more harm?

As I ran through the darkened streets, I knew I had to find answers. I needed guidance, someone who could teach me about the magic coursing through my veins. But where could I find such a mentor? Who would understand the unique nature of my abilities?

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the direction I was headed. It was only when I stumbled upon a dilapidated building that reality snapped back into focus.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the direction I was headed. It was only when I stumbled upon a dilapidated building that reality snapped back into focus. The rusty metal door creaked open with a loud screech, revealing a dimly lit interior. As I cautiously stepped inside, the sound of hushed voices and laughter filled the air, mingling with the scent of stale air and worn-out belongings.

To my surprise, the building had become a haven for a group of teenage runaways, seeking solace and companionship in their shared struggle. They huddled together in small groups, sitting on worn-out couches and scattered cushions, their eyes flickering with a mix of weariness and youthful resilience.

As I entered, their attention shifted toward me, momentarily breaking their conversations. Suspicion and curiosity danced in their eyes as they assessed the newcomer, a ten-year-old boy in tattered clothes. I felt a pang of vulnerability, unsure of how they would react to my presence.

A tall, lanky boy with disheveled hair stepped forward, a hint of caution in his voice. "Who are you, kid? What brings you here?"

I hesitated for a moment, taking in their wary expressions. Gathering my courage, I spoke up, my voice quivering slightly. "My name's Harry. I... I ran away from an orphanage. I don't have anywhere else to go."

The group exchanged glances, their skepticism giving way to a sense of understanding.

The tall boy nodded, his expression not moving a inch

"You could stay but." His voice trails off.

"You'll need to do whatever we say to get that".

"Crystal" My response was quick and sharp in hindsight. Agreeing to do anything is a bad idea but I need a roof over my head. This whole street urchin aint working for me.

The tall boy extended his hand, his demeanor softening. "I'm Alex," he said, his voice commanding. "Welcome to our little family, cadet. We stick together and help each other out. It's not always easy, but we make do with what we have."

He turned to the rest of the group and introduced them one by one. There was Mia, a resourceful girl with a mischievous grin and a knack for finding hidden treasures amidst the city's chaos. Liam, is quiet observer with an uncanny ability to blend into any crowd. Emma, a spirited girl with fiery determination and a voice that could command attention. And finally, there was Jake, a street-smart bastard with a quick wit and a sharp tongue.

Alex led me to a corner of the building that had been transformed into a makeshift sleeping area. The space was small, but it was clean and offered a semblance of privacy. A thin mattress laid on the floor, covered with a worn-out blanket. It wasn't much, but it was more than I had ever hoped for.

"This will be your spot," Alex said, gesturing toward the mattress. "It's not the comfiest, but it's better than sleeping out on the streets."

I nodded gratefully, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude wash over me. To have a designated place to rest, even if it was humble, meant the world to me. It was a far cry from the cold orphanage bed and the uncertainty that had plagued my nights.

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