
Is it karma

Merlin! A voice as loud as the trumpets of heaven resounded in the entire vicinity as the birds flew away in fright .

Merlin! The voice bellowed again this time with a hard bang on the wooden door that moaned loudly with every impact.

Inside the stronghold of the much sorted, laid a slender young man sleeping comfortably with a smile on his face. He couldn't be said to be asleep for his smile grew wider with every passing second.

The wild banging of the door never stopped but in the ears of the body who keeps trying out better sleeping positions, the banging and yelling were a thing of joy, like a melodious rhythm that brought great content to his heart.

Feeling very satisfied, the body faming sleep sat up on his bed and grinned from ear to ear. He finally succeeded in setting things straight! Or rather making his sister break.

Lorielle was furious but still scared of the repercussions of the actions she took but she was mostly furious at the young man behind the door who she knew very well couldn't be alseep with all the commotion! He is probably smiling and getting excited over his success but she so gonna tear him apart.

Lorielle applied more force in her assault, with her thoughts being overclouded by the desire to devour, she failed to notice the door being opened from the inside but still descended on the door which was replaced by the slender body of the young man.


Holding his head and yelling as loud as he could, he was successful once again in putting the loud trumpets of heaven to shame.

Merlin layed on the floor faced down with his hands as a cushion for his aching head.

' how can the fist of a wench be so powerful' Merlin groaned rolling over with his back to the ground he stared at the ceiling for mythical handwritings but at last saw non. 'why is the moments of joy so soon to end? is this karma '

He lifted his body from the ground in preparation to revenge his bleeding nose when he found himself flying towards the window. His mind went blank for a brief moment when the flying sensation took over his mind preparing to stretch out his wings.

Lorielle ran on impulse towards the direction of the flying body which seemed to have a tint of smile on his face which distorted on impact with the window glass which couldn't hold on .

Merlin felt a breathtaking pain run through his body as he fell at a great speed towards the centre of the earth.

Panic gripped Lorielle's tender hear as she unconsciously dropped down to her kneels which felt too weak to hold her heavy body.

'i'm a murderer!!?'