


Doctor’s appointment


Matt took me to the doctor. They had me pee in a cup, which I got urine on my hand. Well, that sucks.

I set the cup on the sink and washed my hands. I opened the door as the nurse bounced in, smiling like Mary sunshine. I’ll never understand why some people act happier than others.

The nurse dipped a strip into the urine and confirmed the pregnancy. Okay, I already did that. I thought they took blood. I guess not.

The nurse had led Matt and me to an examination room and instructed me to change. She left, and I stripped off my clothes while Matt watched. My husband is a perve. I climbed onto the table after putting on the paper top and covering my lap.

The doctor entered, flipped open a file, then closed the door. He set the folder on the counter and greeted us.

/"It seems you’re pregnant,/" the doctor said.

Well, duh.

/"Lie down, and I’ll check your progress,/" the doctor said.