




Matthew ordered pizza and pop since we didn’t have time to eat at the engagement party. He turned his living room into a campsite with blankets and pillows, putting a fake fireplace on the TV. The food and drinks arrived, and we sat on the rug while eating.

/"Have you ever gone camping?/" Matthew asked me.

/"Nope, my parents weren’t the outdoor types. I didn’t even go to an apple orchard until college./" I took a bite of pizza.

/"Next weekend, I’ll take you up to the family cabin./"

I stopped mid-bite. /"Alone?/"

/"Yeah. Is there a problem?/"

/"Considering I’ve never stayed alone with a guy, I don’t know what to expect./"

/"Expect to have fun and don’t worry about anything else. Nora, I won’t do anything you’re not ready for yet./"

/"I sound immature, don’t I?/" I sighed.