
Chapter 48: Partied Out

After dropping Carissa at her residence hall, Bradley headed home. Danny's piece of junk SUV wasn't in the driveway. Good thing because Bradley wasn't sure he'd be able to bite his tongue and not start a fight.

"Hey, man." Jeremy nodded from where he lounged on the couch, one leg draped over the arm. "Good night?" He grinned knowingly.

Bradley grunted and sank down into one of the armchairs. He rubbed his hands over his face. "Not sure good is the word I'd use. Definitely interesting, but things didn't go quite as I had hoped they would."

Jeremy sat up straight, feet on the floor. "Sorry to hear that. You should've been here for the after party. It was insane." He laughed. "I'm still the reigning beer pong champ." He pumped his fist in the air. "And I hooked up with an amazing girl."

Bradley smiled, genuinely happy for his friend. "Good for you, man." He stood. "I need to shower."