
Chapter 26: Football and Fights

Bradley sat on the packed bleachers and cheered along with the crowd as the Harmony Falls Hawks scored the game's first touchdown. The noise was deafening as people shouted, whistled, and stomped their feet. Beside him, Jeremy stuck his fingers into his mouth and whistled around them, the sound loud enough to nearly pierce an eardrum. Bradley leaned away to avoid any permanent damage, then shoved his friend, laughing.

Garrett sat on Jeremy's other side, followed by Tiffany, then Carissa, and finally, Danny. Bradley had hoped he'd be able to snag a spot right next to Carissa, but thanks to an accident on the way to campus, he'd been late arriving. Now he was stuck all the way at the end, the farthest possible seat away from Carissa. At least they'd be at the bonfire together later. He could talk to her then.