
Episode 1

<p>(The episode with showing the date 'September 9th, 2050 and showing a school)<br/><br/>(The screen shows Harmony is in a classroom and is working with two other boys who are twins)<br/><br/>(Dan and Tim, who has brown hair, brown skin, wearing sun dresses and white boots)<br/><br/>(Harmony is cutting ribbons, Dan and Tim are making a head)<br/><br/>(The head has black hair made of cloth, brown skin that is painted, eyes, a nose, and a smile)<br/><br/>(Harmony puts ribbons on the head)<br/><br/>Dan: I feel like it is missing something.<br/><br/>Tim: I agree, but what?<br/><br/>Harmony: (snaps his fingers) I got it.<br/><br/>(Harmony grabs a perfume out of his bag and sprays it around the head)<br/><br/>Dan and Tim (breathes in the perfume): Perfect<br/><br/>(A woman who has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing a pink work outfit named Ms. Kuon appears)<br/><br/>(Ms. Kuon looks at the head of the homemade doll and gives them a blue ribbon)<br/><br/>(Dan, Tim, and Harmony gave each other high fives)<br/><br/>Ms. Kuon (smiles): Also nice touch with the perfume.<br/><br/>Dan, Tim, and Harmony: Thank you, Ms. Kuon.<br/><br/>(The screen switches to Harmony, Dan, and Tim walking out of the classroom with a bunch of people)<br/><br/>Harmony (holding the head with the blue ribbon on): Sweet, we got first prize<br/><br/>Dan: It's because we are awesome (gives Tim a high five)<br/><br/>Harmony: True.<br/><br/>May (waving her arms): Harmony! Harmony!<br/><br/>Harmony (looks at May): What's up?<br/><br/>May (smiles): There is a new student that seems to be an author<br/><br/>Harmony (looking surprised): Oh! I didn't know you were a big fan of authors.<br/><br/>May (shakes her head): No, not a regular author.<br/><br/>Dan (curious): You mean a magical one?<br/><br/>May: Yeah<br/><br/>Tim: Impossible, there are only regular people here.<br/><br/>Harmony: No, actually there are a few mutants here (confused) But, why would this author come here and (looks at May with suspicion) how do you know?<br/><br/>(May reveals glasses with glowing auras)<br/><br/>Harmony (looking concerned): May, did you borrow that from Comiclover23?<br/><br/>May: I did, it's perfectly safe.<br/><br/>Harmony: (sighs) Fine, why tell me?<br/><br/>May: She likes dancing (looking nervous) and I may have told her that you would give her a dancing lesson.<br/><br/>Harmony (looking shocked): You what?!<br/><br/>May (handing a card to Harmony): And she gave me her phone number to give to you.<br/><br/>Harmony (looking angry): May, I am not a dance instructor, and (arms folded) again what is a big deal about this author/dancer?<br/><br/>May: She said she is Lamita Wells.<br/><br/>(Everybody looked shocked)<br/><br/>Harmony (shocked) Say what? You mean Well as in that woman who caused the supernatural attack back then?<br/><br/>May (nervously smiles) : Yeah, that is her distant cousin. But, she doesn't want to be reminded of that, and she is staying with uncle Neddy and Jake.<br/><br/>Harmony: (about to walk away) Interesting, (looks at May) wait you are telling this like a news report, you joined the newspaper, you liar!<br/><br/>May: Okay, I admit that I actually did it, but it is only temporary.<br/><br/>Harmony: (elbow bump with May)That is okay, I'm just teasing you.<br/><br/>Dan: You two are good friends.<br/><br/>May: Thank you (looks at Harmony so, are you going to help her? She said she isn't sure she will make many friends.<br/><br/>Harmony: Fine, I will help her, but no promises about getting a scoop.<br/><br/>May: No need, I'll do it on my own.<br/><br/>Harmony: Alright. <br/><br/>(Comiclover23 appears in the hallway)<br/><br/>Comiclover23 (while walking): May, there you are, you ran off before I told you that I can't go to the concert with you because my mom and dad are taking me to London back in time.<br/><br/>May: Seriously, I can't go alone, and they would take you on a school night.<br/><br/>Comiclover23: We made a deal that anytime they have free time we go somewhere fun whether it's school night or not.<br/><br/>May: Lucky! Wait, maybe I can get Marcus, he's always open to wanting to go to a concert (runs off)<br/><br/>Comiclover23 (looks at Harmony): Why didn't you say you would go?<br/><br/>Harmony (looking slightly annoyed): She asked me to help a new student learn to dance for something.<br/><br/>Comiclover23: You mean Lamita Wells? That's nice, try to make friends with her, I have the same class as her and she is sweet, a bit strange, but nice.<br/><br/>Harmony: Okay, I'll be friendly.<br/><br/>Comiclover23 (pats Harmony on his shoulder): Good<br/><br/>(Episode ends)<br/><br/><br/></p>