
Harkins [Rule Breaker]

Harry has always had a miserable life. However, it's not all bad, as a bored goddess shows up to make Harry's life a little more exciting.

NotPolarArtic · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


Over and over again. It's always the same. Was I born under a bad star?

This is all bullshit. Everyone always does the same thing to me. Everything always turns out the same way, always, always, always... always... always...

-A long time ago-

That day the wind was strong. It was blowing very hard, making the trees tremble before its power. It was strange to see, for it seemed that the trees would be torn from the ground at any moment.

Down the sidewalk, a boy with a strange and somber aura walks. Part of his hair covers his face, he has very noticeable dark circles under his eyes and he sighs every so often.

The boy is thin, his eyes are black like his hair and he wears the typical uniform of a public school.

"I feel like I'm going to die..." Rubbing his eyes, the boy felt very sleepy.

Well, for him the word "sleep" was out of his dictionary. He always "rested" for a few hours, two or three at most. And then he would wake up to play some rpg or read some digital books. Fanfictions are popular right now. There are authors who are very talented and manage to surpass the original work, then there are the mediocre authors who write their otaku delusions on some free novel page.

He also likes to write his own novels or fanfictions, but he doesn't consider himself a professional. In fact, he believes he is in that large percentage of mediocre authors writing weird otaku crap.

'The world is strange. The world is unfair. If only I could destroy the world, it would be great' Smiling strangely, the people around him looked at him strangely.

The name is of this boy is Harry Perkins, a normal 16-year-old student, although 'normal' would not be the right description.

'Ugh... I have to go in. I know I can, it'll be the same old same old, you're used to it by now, Harry. Get in the school and hang in there'

Harry arrived at the school. He looked at his with dead eyes and then sighed.

After psyching himself up a bit, he walked in and looked down.

At that moment, voices began to be heard flooding the corridors. Everyone was looking at Harry, there wasn't anyone who wasn't looking at him. Everyone is talking about him, everyone is looking at him in that way that terrifies him so much.

'Yeah, I'm used to it now'

Ignoring all the voices and stares, Harry walked into the classroom and sat in the seat furthest away from everyone. He placed his backpack on the bench and looked out the window.

Outside, the sky looked like it wanted to cry, after all, it was cloudy and the wind whipped hard against whatever was clinging to the earth.

"Excuse me, Harry, can we talk for a moment?"

A girl approached, but Harry ignored her.

Still, after being ignored, she continued to insist.

"Harry, please. I want to apologize, why don't you give me another chance?"

These words made Harry sigh. The expression on his face became that of a dead man and the light in his eyes went out.

"Stay away from me. Don't ever speak to me again. I don't want any trouble."

The girl's eyes widened in shock at those words. After that, she smiled sadly. She apologized and returned to her place.

'Every day with that shit. Leave me alone already'

Harry sighed again as the girl burst into tears on the table. Still, that didn't matter to him. She could cry all she wanted, after all, Harry had cried more than her, suffered more than her, been treated like a piece of shit by everyone for a long time. So for him, this was nothing. However, even though he had been treated so ugly, he didn't want to be treated like that again. That's why he walked away from everything and everyone.

You never know when someone is going to stab you in the back. The world is full of hypocrisy and false smiles.

There is nothing in this world that interests Harry anymore. Everything is so... miserable and boring. So pathetic and depressing. So absurd and ridiculous.

It can all go to shit.

I will never trust anyone again, for everyone I have ever trusted has always betrayed me. And yet, those same people seek to apologize to me.

It is too late. Too late.

Maybe if they had realized it sooner, I wouldn't be this way.

So pathetic, so pitiful, so lonely.

But still, I love solitude. It's relaxing, it's peaceful. No one will bother me if I'm alone, no one will betray me.

'What a good life I have, huh...'


Classes are over. Harry is leaving the school, but someone approaches.

It is a girl accompanied by a boy.

Although these people are from Harry's class, he has forgotten their faces. It is better to forget those who have hurt you. It is the best way to heal the broken heart.

"Harry, wait. We want to talk to you."

"We're in the same class now. We'd better get along, okay? Let's forget the past..."

Harry's face turns grim again.

'Forget the past? Yes, I think I've already done that. It's better that way. I still have to get away from everyone, though. So the past won't repeat itself'

Harry ignores them, holds the backpack tightly and with his head down, walks blocking out any sound or image that reaches his brain.

"Harry, please. We want to go back to the way we were. Let us apologize."

"Please, Harry."

Words of apology, so empty, so ridiculous, so hypocritical.... Harry has already lived this over and over again. He's starting to get tired of it. Of this stupid, meaningless life.

That's why Harry turned around and looked them in the eye. "Who are you people, what do you want with me?"

They both opened their eyes and were speechless. After that, Harry left without another word. It was the best he could do not to give them any more attention than necessary.


Arriving home, Harry felt overwhelmed. Not only was school a kick in the butt, so was his "home".

He walked in without thinking so hard, as standing in the doorway thinking wouldn't help him at all.

Almost instantly, a woman came out.

"Welcome, Harry. Dinner's ready, will you-"

"Leave it at the door" Harry just said that and walked past the woman without paying any attention to her.

The woman responded softly with a simple "yes" and then touched her chest painfully.

This woman is Harry's mother.

In view of Harry's attitude, a girl resembling Harry came out of the guest room.

"Hey, Harry, why are you being like this with our mother. She's always trying to do her best for us and you come in here like this-"

"I don't care."

Again he ignored anyone who tried to talk to him. This is his routine, as usual.

Harry went upstairs and into his room after that.

The room was dark, but tidy. There by the door sat a cheap computer. The keys on the keyboard looked quite worn and the screen looked to be a bit old. A few feet away was the bed and next to it the closet.

'It's about time. I'll do my homework and get online.'

-Minutes later-

Lord Death has entered the chat room.

Mimi has entered the chat room.

RareKitty has entered the chatroom.

Kyu2 has entered the chatroom.

Prototype Alpha has entered the chatroom.

Harkins has entered the chatroom.

One after another, readers have entered the chat room after reading the new chapter Harry updated in his most recent novel.

[Lord Death: You bastard! How dare you kill her! You are a heartless being.... XD]

[Mimi: This chapter made me cry like never before. I can't wait for the next one already]

[Kyu2: ... Fuck you, Harkins. I hate you, I hate you so much I feel like going to your house and beating you up. But still, good chapter, a few tears escaped me while reading it]].

[RareKitty: I'm speechless. Excellent chapter. You've improved a lot since your last novel. You always write such tragic and interesting stories. I would pay to read more]

[Prototype Alpha: There's something I didn't understand.... How the fuck did you go about detailing a decapitated person so perfectly? It's disturbing when I think about it. Also, I wonder what will happen after the MC saw his beloved's headless body. you left the chapter on the best part!!!! Now I want to see blood!!! I won't take no for an answer. I will pay for that to happen]

Harry's face as he read the chat was the same as always, but he still looked a little amused reading.

[Harkins: Thank you for your support. I will update early tomorrow morning. I have things planned for the future of this work, but I don't want to do spoilers]

[Mimi: What a modest author. Let me give you a kiss]

[Kyu2: There it goes again. You always write this kind of stuff. Maybe you'll become a stalker in the future]].

[Lord Death: Wow, pass context. I went to watch the dinner and they're already fighting. Author, can you do something about them... or them?]

[Mimi: What do you mean by that?! I'm a girl. And so is Kyu2!]

[RareKitty: I don't know. Everyone on the Internet is a man until proven otherwise]

[Mimi: What do you mean by that?!

[AlphaPrototype: I agree. Y... well, I'm going now. I'm going to go play for a while. Are you up for playing Harkins?]

[Harkins: I can't. I need to write more. I have enough inspiration to write two or three more chapters]

[KittenRare: If you're going to write that much, then post the chapters right away. I need to read more :D]

[Harkins: If I don't fall asleep, I'll post one more.]

One after another, the sound of the chat room faded out until everyone was no longer online.

Harry stared at the screen with a dull expression on his face.

'The only reason I live... it's a good reason. But I don't know when my readers will betray me too.'

Putting down the computer and pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, Harry looked at the screen and began typing.


Hours passed after that. Everything was dark and for some reason it hurt.

"Wake up, dear."

Harry opened his eyes and felt chills all over his body.

He quickly saw that he was in a completely white place, with nothing and no one there. Just him and a small golden light.

'Where am I, what is this?'

'You're in Limbo. In other words, you're dead."


Ignoring the fact that that voice had read his mind. Harry touched his head painfully and tried to remember what had happened, but remembered nothing.

"You wonder why you died. Well because I killed you."

"Really?" Harry didn't seem surprised. What's more, he accepted the situation strangely quickly. After all, somehow the miserable life he had was over. Though Harry also wondered how the hell he died, or how the hell he was killed.

The light was there to answer his questions.

The light shone brightly and became a beautiful woman with golden hair and emerald eyes. Her body proportions were those of a model and her face was strangely mystical and beautiful.

Harry didn't care about this, though. He felt that he should not trust this strange woman.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you. But if you want that, I won't refuse, hehe."

"Uh... What are you? You said it was you who killed me. How did you do it? I'm curious about that."

"Well, I just stopped your heart. Right now your mother and sister are crying with your lifeless body in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. doesn't that make you happy?"

"Hm... I don't feel anything about that. I don't care about any of that, I guess."

"Ho~ what a cruel child. You're just the way I like them. Pitifully I can't have anything serious with a human."

"I'm not interested in that. If you brought me here just to talk about such strange things, I'd better leave. I don't know how to leave, though. Can't you send me to heaven or hell at once?"

"Nope, I won't. I brought you here because I have interesting plans. If you let me explain, I'll be sure to give you a new life."

Harry was silent. He thought about it for a few moments and then sighed.

"I'm not interested. I want to leave."

Hearing this, the expression on the woman's face changed. She was now would be and her eyes sparkle slightly.

"Listen, you brat. I am a goddess and I am superior to you. If you refuse to listen, I will bring you back to life, I still have a chance to do that."

"... No."

"Ahg! Why are you so stubborn?"

"That's how the world forged me. That's how I am."

"Wow, how philosophical. Hm... well, your opinion doesn't interest me. You'll do what I say when I want you to" The woman folded her arms and behind her a white throne made of marble appeared. Large walls rose up made of the same material as the throne and some strange lamps began to float around. The goddess walked a few meters and sat on the throne. "Many know me as Kaguya, the moon goddess. Recently I have been bored and that I really like human literary novels, which entertain me a lot. However, it has been so long that no novel has made my heart shake strongly and let me feel emotions. That's why I brought you here, a random writer from the world. I want you to write a story for me. A story full of emotion, romance, tragedy, drama and a good touch of comedy. Everything that makes a play interesting.

Closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Harry thought this was a trap. Although writing something after he died was something he would like to do as long as he had readers to share his works with. If that reader was this strange goddess, well....

"I can't say no?"

"Nope. I've said it before. Your opinion doesn't interest me. You'll do what I say."

"Ha~ Do you have something to write? I don't know... A notebook, a laptop, or a smartphone?"

Hearing this, the goddess begins to giggle softly. She touches her lips and looks at Harry with a flirtatious smile.

"You're not going to write a novel.... you will live that novel. You will entertain me for a long time..... Harry Perkins."