
Harem Tower

A VR game with beautiful landscapes and many things to do. Harem Tower is an adventure game where players must clear all 100 floors to win. Each floor adds another boss to the Harem collection.

ElmoreAshmeade · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


The cool, metallic sheen of the surface in the conference room reflected the low light, casting a dim glow over Aaron, Kai, and Drax as they huddled together. Aaron felt the excitement bubbling in his chest, a sensation he hadn't experienced in quite some time.

"Alright, guys," Kai began enthusiastically, his spiky blond hair bouncing slightly with each word. "We've conquered our fair share of challenges so far. I think it's time we explore the different biomes Harem Tower has to offer. Thoughts?"

Drax nodded, the playful smirk on his face betraying his cocky exterior. "I'm up for an adventure. Besides, there might be some lovely ladies waiting for this hopeless romantic in those new regions."

Aaron smiled at Drax's comment, grateful for the camaraderie he had found in these two virtual companions. "I agree. It'll be a great opportunity to test our skills and find new allies. Plus, I've been curious about the icy cove ever since I heard other players talking about it."

"Then it's settled," Kai said, clapping Aaron on the back. "Let's head back to the main hall and get everything we need before setting off."

The trio made their way out of the conference room, their footsteps echoing through the quiet corridor. As they approached the main hall, the hum of conversation and activity grew louder, filling Aaron with a sense of anticipation.

The enormous double doors swung open, revealing a bustling scene before them. Players and NPCs moved about in every direction, engaging in trade and conversation. The chatter was nearly deafening, but Aaron found comfort in the noise, a reminder that he wasn't alone in this world.

"Stay close, guys," Kai shouted over the din, pulling Aaron from his thoughts. "We don't want to get separated in this crowd."

"Got it," Drax replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But if I see a pretty face, you'll have to forgive me for getting distracted."

"Focus, Drax," Aaron chided, though he couldn't help but chuckle. "We've got a mission to prepare for."

As they navigated through the throng of players and NPCs, Aaron felt a surge of determination. For the first time in a long while, he knew he was exactly where he needed to be - with friends by his side, ready to face whatever challenges Harem Tower had in store.

Aaron's gaze swept over the rows of gleaming weapons and intricate armor, feeling a tinge of awe at the array of choices. Beside him, Kai was already enthusiastically picking up various items for closer inspection.

"Check out this sword, Aaron," he said, holding up a curved blade that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. "I bet this would be perfect for slicing through ice."

"Maybe," Aaron mused, still trying to wrap his head around the sheer volume of gear available. "But shouldn't we figure out what we can afford first?"

"Right you are," Drax agreed, leaning on a nearby display case. "Let's see how much currency we've got between us."

At that moment, a stern-looking NPC shopkeeper approached them. "Excuse me, gentlemen, but if you plan on taking any of our merchandise, I must request payment upfront."

"Payment?" Aaron furrowed his brow in confusion. "How do we even pay?"

"Wait a second." Kai fumbled with his inventory menu, discovering a small pouch of virtual coins. "Looks like we earned these from defeating bosses. Aaron, Drax, check your inventories."

"Ah, here it is!" Drax grinned, jingling his own collection of coins. Aaron nodded, relieved to find his own share of the spoils.

"Good to know," Aaron muttered, gripping the hilt of a frost-encrusted axe. His heart raced as he imagined wielding it against the denizens of the icy cove, but then a thought occurred to him. "Hey, um, shopkeeper? What kind of gear would you recommend for a journey to the icy cove?"

"Ah, the icy cove!" The shopkeeper rubbed his hands together, his demeanor shifting to one of genuine interest. "You'll want something durable, yet lightweight, to handle the extreme temperatures and the agile creatures you'll encounter there. Allow me to show you our latest selection."

The trio followed the shopkeeper through the store, pausing at a display of armor specifically designed for frost resistance. Each piece was adorned with intricate patterns of ice, their surfaces glinting like freshly fallen snow.

"Take your time browsing," the shopkeeper advised, standing back to give them space. "You'll want to make sure everything fits properly before venturing into such a harsh environment."

As Aaron and his friends examined the gear, he couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie. They were embarking on this adventure together, facing the unknown as a team. It was a far cry from the loneliness he'd known in the real world, and he silently vowed to do everything in his power to protect the bonds they were forging.

"Hey, Aaron." Kai's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "What do you think about this set of armor? Looks like it could keep us warm and protected."

"Looks good to me," Aaron agreed, trying on a sturdy-looking gauntlet. "Let's get everything we need and head out. The icy cove awaits."

Kai hoisted an enormous ice-blue axe onto his shoulder, the weapon's frosty surface contrasting his muscular build. "This is perfect for me!" he declared, excitement evident in his voice. Aaron, on the other hand, examined a sleek silver dagger with intricate markings etched into its hilt. He appreciated the weapon's subtle elegance and decided it would complement his strategic mindset.

"Drax, what about you?" Aaron asked, turning his attention to their companion. Drax was holding a black bow with a side quiver full of arrows, each fletched with dark feathers. A slight grin formed on his face as he tested the bowstring's tension.

"Always wanted to improve my archery skills," Drax admitted. "Besides, I think it'll be useful in the icy cove."

"Good choice," Kai nodded approvingly. "We'll need a ranged fighter to keep those slippery creatures at bay."

Aaron couldn't help but notice how well they were working together, each playing to their strengths and considering the challenges that lay ahead. It was a far cry from the loneliness he'd experienced in the real world, where social interaction often left him feeling inadequate and disconnected.

"Alright, let's get the rest of our gear and pay up," Aaron suggested, placing the dagger in his inventory. The trio moved through the store, picking up pieces of armor specifically designed for frost resistance, along with various tools they might need for survival in the harsh environment.

"Ready, guys?" Aaron asked as they approached the counter, their chosen equipment in hand. Both Kai and Drax nodded, affirming their readiness for the adventure ahead.

"Here you go." Kai placed a stack of coins on the counter, the currency they had earned from defeating bosses within the game. The NPC shopkeeper gave them a warm smile as he took the payment.

"Thank you, and good luck on your journey," he wished them genuinely.

"Thanks!" Kai replied, mirroring the shopkeeper's smile. With their new equipment stowed in their inventories, Aaron, Kai, and Drax made their way back through the bustling main hall, each lost in thought about the challenges that awaited them.

As they walked, Aaron couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation mixed with a growing sense of belonging. For once in his life, he felt like he didn't have to face the world alone. In Harem Tower, he had found not only an escape from reality but also true companionship - something he never knew he craved so deeply.

With determination and newfound purpose fueling their steps, Aaron, Kai, and Drax strode forward, leaving the warm embrace of the main hall behind them and stepping into the unknown - together.