
Chapter 13: It's a School Day

I look to the largish building where Lafia just abandoned me with a smile.


I dont like school, and this world really likes messing with me because the school bears a striking resemblance to the one I went to back at home.

It was John F. Kennedy Highschool. It was the public school for the northern part of the town. The image of my old school overlaps the new building as I had a flash of anxiety and dread. School was always lonely. I never had a close friend in highschool.

Things always ended complicated with girls, and guys always avoided me too.

The girls that actually became friends with me would get subject to a storm of passive aggressive harassment. and the longer we stay friends, the worse the harassment would get.

It would get to a point where she has to avoid me to return to a normal life.

Some guys would see how girls would flock around me and try to take advantage of that. But I could never seem to avoid saving the girls they like.

And it would happen like clockwork.

Eventually, most guys saw the pattern and just stopped associating with me...

Well, even if it looks like my old school, it is definitely not my old school. I have no idea what's going to happen to me in there, and if it's like my day so far, it should be pretty fucked. I decided to spend all my points on strength.


*Strength reached Lvl cap*

*Increase Charisma Lvl to increase Strength.

I'm really in a Harem system, aren't I?

However, when my Strength reached twenty, I noticed that my muscles were a lot bigger and bulky looking. To a point where I felt a little uncomfortable.

During the fight with Girilda, I didn't really noticed how my body changed, but I became almost twice my previous size in pure muscle mass.

I spent the rest of my eighty points to boost the rest of my physical stats, hoping I wouldn't be tempted into buying another weird skill later on.

Host stats:

Charisma: 23

Strength: 20

Stamina: 14

Agility: 17

Dexterity: 18

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 7

Health: 35/35

Mana: 1/1

As I raised my Charisma, I noticed two things happen to me simultaneously. My face still mostly looked the same, it was just some how more pleasant to look at. But I also noticed my thoughts change ever so slightly, in an effort to make me a more pleasant person.

Raising my Charisma Stat felt like leveling up my personality and how I thought of myself. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it was odd, like I just took medication. Then the thought also came across my mind. How much would I change if I raise my charisma higher?

I try to ignore the scary existential thoughts and noticed I leaned out a little bit as I raised my Dexterity and Agility, but I was already far out of my original balance.

I think the Ratio of my stats determines what body type I have. I kind of miss my old body. During the fight against Girilda, I noticed I had to work harder to control the increase in strength I had. I missed half of my attacks because I just swung too heavily for my body to control.

"Hello, are you a student here?"

After I played with my Stats, I opened all of my rewards I had left in the notifications.


*Tutorial Part 3 complete!*

*Would you like to Open your rewards?*

*Quest complete!*

*Would you like to Open your rewards?


*100 PPP awarded*

*Quest rewards: 450 PPP from Girilda*

-->> *Congradulations! Over 50 cumulative PPP received from Potential Partner Girilda.*

*Would you like to Open your reward?*

-->> *Congradulations! Over 100 cumulative PPP received from Potential Partner Girilda.*

*Would you like to Open your reward?*

-->> *Congradulations! over 250 cumulative PPP received from Potential Partner Girilda.*

*Would you like to Open your reward?*

-->> *Congradulations! over 500 cumulative PPP received from Potential Partner Girilda.*

*Would you like to Open your reward?*

"Um, hello? Young man?"


*50 PPP awarded*

*50% Off Coupon for Item and Skill purchases related to Girilda.

*New Skill available in Shop! "Masochist's Beast-Mode", available for 2000 PPP.*

*500 PPP Warded*

* "Maschist's Beast-Mode": Transforms user into a Beast-like form where pain feels like pleasure. As Health decreases by 10%, all physical stats (Str, Agl, Sta, Dex) multiplies by a factor of 1. (100%: 1×... 10%: 10× or 1/10) *

See? Another weird skill that I barely have enough points to buy, conveniently so due to a coupon provided by the System. And this skill looks like it'll turn me into a deviant. Still it seems pretty powerful, and it explains why I could handle Girilda after she transformed. I barely even hurt her yet.

But I shudder at the thought of having spikes rip through my skin. I turn to see a woman in front of me, taking a deep breath before hollering,


Her screaming took me by surprise as I fell backwards on my ass. I look up towards the woman who was in a sundress with a white cardigan. She had glasses and a fluffy bob cut. She look almost as taken aback as I was, and she came up to me, lending me a hand to get up.

"I'm sorry about that, I've been trying to get you attention, and I was starting to worry there," she tells me as I get up. "Homeroom starts in 10 minutes, you'll be late at this rate."

"Homeroom?" I respond dumbly as I got up. This place is more similar too home than I like. "I'm sorry, I'm new here. I don't think I have a homeroom yet."

"Oh you must be the boy from the incident at the guild!" She excitedly exclaims, with a sparkle in her eye.

*"???" is interested in you. 5 PPP awarded.

"The incident? You mean it was a big deal?" I responded. Gulp. I hope no one got in trouble.

"Oh no-no-no," She back peddles too quickly for me to believe her. "I just, happened to hear about it because I heard we were getting a new student." She looks to me before continuing. "That being said, I'm Mrs.Gunfire, I'm the Homeroom teacher for class 4E."


*4th Potential Partner found. "Mrs.Gunfire"*

*10 PPP awarded*

"Here, come inside with me. I'll get you started on your classes and see where you'll have to go from here." She starts walking towards the school building, gesturing for me to follow her in.

Well, time for school I guess.

-Around two and a half hours Later-

Ring! Ring!

"Okay class, that's the end of the third period! remember, we have a quiz Tuesday on Gemetric proofs on bisecting quadrilateral. Make sure you study!"

"Hai~" the class says together in unison.


So school wasn't too bad so far besides a minor hiccup.

I didnt really know what I expected it to be, maybe Hogwarths or something from a book or anime, but it turns out school is still school no matter where you go.

Apparently things like that do exist, but thats because the people who live here are essentially immortal. Since the majority of the children in the world are adults, they have a separate education system from those who haven't lived through their first life.

People who respawn are stuck in a state of being a child and an adult mentally and physically, so they need time to adjust as they develop back into adults.

Other kids pretty much go to a normal school.

Even though I technically died once, I never actually reincarnated. On top that, I was still 16, so they decided that I should be around kids my age.

I think back to highschool before. Honestly, it wasn't the worst. Some teachers made life Hell for me, but they didn't exist here and I'm new, so no one really knows me yet.

I mean, it turns out everyone here is pretty wild anyways.

~Around two hours before~

"Arlight class, we have a new student here. He's not from around here, so I expect you all to help him out."

"Mr. Gibson, what do you mean he's not from around here? Is he from another branch?" asked a girl with long braids.

Mr. Gibson was a lanky man, hunched over slightly at around 5'11. He wore a stripped collared button up which were tucked into his tan khakis. He fixed his tie and adjusted his glasses before continuing.

"Well no, He came a really long way to get here. Our friend here is the first transmigrater we got here in the last thirty years. And after a certain incident at the guild, We discovered something amazing about him! Come 'ere, Dean, why don't you introduce yourself?" Mr. Gibson says with a smile.

I twitched at the way he put me on the spot. I really didn't want to announce to the world about my status of being the first Magical Boy in recorded history.

"Hi, I'm Dean, and I'm... the first Magical Boy, nice to meet you..." I say deflatedly.

"Cheh" a boy in the back scoffed. "What the crap was that? Where was the enthusiasm? Are you sure you're a Magical boy?"

He stands up with passion. He's a thin boy with fluffy blond hair and bangs that swoop across his forehead.

"I'm a boy but I'm proud to be called a Magical girl. I'd kick the ass of anyone who would call me a Magical Boy. It's a slur for people who are uncomfortable seeing me as who I am, and the contradiction I represent."

He pauses to look me dead in the eyes.

"It's a word that cowards use who are afraid to confront who they are. And you can't even call yourself that with confidence?" He questions angrily before continuing,

"People like you make it harder for Male Magical Girls everywhere to accept their divine femininity, and it promotes discrimination from other Magical Girls." He snarls, scrunching his normally pretty face. "It's just so regressive to call yourself that, and it does no one any favors."

"Now now, Evone I'm sure that's not what Dean here was trying to say at all," Mr. Gibson soothes, trying to placate the angry boy that is now named Evon. "Like I said, we did discover something amazing about him."

"But he called himself a Magical Boy. And you know that it's a slur-" Evone fights back.

"Evone stop. Dean's abilities here are slightly different than yours. If he calls himself something. maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt before claiming he's making slurs," Mr Gibson cuts off.

Really? When did I decide to call myself a Magical Boy? Please, someone tell me, I'd like to know.

But Mr. Gibson's intervention did little to quell Evone's indignation. Only silence it, as I feel hole burning onto the side of my head as he glares through me.

Mr. Gibson continues, "Dean, you can take the seat next to Amelia here," Gesturing to the girl with the long braids.


*5th Potential Partner Found!*

*10 Points awarded*

She looks up to me, making eye contact with me for a brief moment before looking away towards her notes.

I took the seat next to her and I sighed.

~Two hours later~

... "Hai~" the class says in unison.

"And since that's the end of third period, I'll see you all tomorrow!" Mr Gibson finishes, before collecting his stuff to go.

I see everyone else get up around me. there's still another 4 hours before school is over, so I start getting confused. I asked the girl next to me, Ameila, for answers.

"Hey, where are we going? school isn't over four a couple more hours yet, right" I asked.

"Well first, we have lunch," She responds, picking up her notebooks.

Well, makes sense I think, my stomach growling a bit.

"And second," She continues, "Is the practical portion of school. We just did the General Education."

She picks up her last notebook before making her way out of the classroom. I quickly gather my things before trying to catch up to her.

"What do you mean physical portion?" I frantically call out, wanting answers.

"It means I get to kick your ass after lunch, Magical 'Boy'" a voice answers menacingly behind me. I turn to see Kyle looking at me fairly upset. He gets close to me, before saying, "You better be ready. Or I might just really kill you."

Everyone stares at us until Evon turns to leave the class. Everyone else follows suit until it's just me in the class room.

God damn it, drama on my first day.

Next chapter