
Harem Shadow

A sequel of sorts to A Queen Disgraced. Follows a ninja bodyguard tasked with protecting a princess in the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom a while after the two kingdoms combined

Jonas89 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Harem Shadow: Chapter 5 - Squeezed by a Princess

"Place shadows at each of the four castle gates."

Once he learned of Sieglinde's abduction, Zweig gave an immediate order before even asking for details.

Incidentally, the boy was so helpless against the allure of the female body that he was sharing a bed with a beautiful young woman at the time.

This particular woman looked like a strict government official, but he had found her masturbating very intensely in her room while he was exploring up in the roof. He could not bear to let a pretty woman go unsatisfied, so he had befriended her while keeping quiet about the spying on her from the roof thing.

She was skilled as a government official, but she had no athletic ability whatsoever and failed to notice Risull arriving to make her report, so she had fainted from shock. Seeing her passed out with her legs still spread and pussy still wet was kind of sad, but the gravity of the situation forced Zweig to reluctantly but swiftly don his ninja outfit.

"The shadows are already in place at the gates," said Risull expressionlessly but promptly.

In cases like this, it was crucial to act quickly. If the abductee was brought outside the castle, retrieving them grew that much more difficult.

The capable ninja woman had arranged to have ninjas at each gate while she also went to report to her superior.

"But there are too few of us. We should immediately contact the boss to put the castle on high alert and have the patrolmen and knights lock down the gates."

"Yes…actually, no, wait."

Zweig hurriedly stopped his second-in-command as she started to run on ahead. The blue eyes that gave her the Blizzard Eye nickname pierced her young commander.

"In cases like this, a thorough search by a large group is the most effective."

"I know that, but I want to resolve this discreetly. No, I will. I have to."

He was afraid what would happen if word got out that Sieglinde, who was incredibly popular in the Sabrina territories, had been abducted.

The Sabrina loyalists would do everything they could to track down the culprit and baseless rumors would spread like wildfire. The culprit's true identity would barely even matter. A riot would be inevitable.

That would damage the double kingdom's dignity and could even harm Sieglinde's own charisma.

"Do not let word get out. And make sure the others know that as well."

"But there are too few of us to do this right."

Zweig had 12 ninjas under his command. That was nowhere near enough to monitor everyone and everything entering and leaving the castle.

"I know that. Which is why I plan to get Julia's help."


Risull had to know that her young commander was on friendly terms with the Grim Butterflies who acted as Sabrina Queen Vishnu's royal guard.

But given her position, she would not have been pleased with that connection.

"The Grim Butterflies will be able to order the castle's knights and patrolmen to act without needing to give a reason why. They can guard the gates while we work to retrieve the princess."


Zweig hurried to the Grim Butterflies' hangout and asked for Captain Julia's help.

"You can leave it to me."

She immediately took the Butterflies to guard the gates without even asking why.

"I knew I could count on you, Julia. You're manlier than I'll ever be."

That did not seem like the best compliment to give a woman, but he was truly thankful.

The young ninja had gotten his orders out as quickly as possible and, now that the Grim Butterflies were taking over the gates, he had his ninjas return to the castle.

He chose one of the castle's many conference rooms to meet in. Alisha and the rest of his guard ninjas were there. None of them took a seat thanks to the anxious mood.

They wanted to solve this as a small group of elites, so step one was sharing all information they had.

"How was Sieglinde even taken away in the first place!?" he asked.

Risull kneeled on behalf of the entire group of ninjas.

"I am very sorry."

"How could this happen when you were guarding her, Risull!?"

He raised his voice to get after them, but an icy voice cut him off.

"Zweig, I don't think you have any right to criticize them here."

"…! A-aunt."

Shaken by the very last voice he wanted to hear right now, he turned around.

A beauty in a red cocktail dress had entered the room at some point and she now stood there with her arms crossed. The light brown eyes on her graceful face glared sharply at him. If looks could kill, he would have dropped dead on the spot. Risaya usually played the role of the alluring lady, so this was his first time seeing her in her serious ninja mode.

He had badly wanted to have this solved before she heard of it, but with such a serious issue, one or more of his ninjas must have decided it was too much for him to handle and reported to her. No, she had likely ordered them to report to her immediately if anything like this happened.

"Where were you when the girl was abducted?"


He found himself at a loss for words as her sharp gaze pierced him like a blade.

His skilled aunt breathed an icy sigh.

"I'll take that to mean you were with a woman again."

The lady killer of a boy had nothing to say for himself.

He had gotten so caught up in his life in the city that he had grown too busy visiting different women's rooms to focus on his duties.

With a commander like him, the ninjas below him would have trouble taking their own work seriously.

"It seems I was too soft on you."

This failure was entirely his responsibility. He had never experienced any real failure before, so it was a very bitter pill to swallow.

Alisha valiantly argued the careless boy's case.

"But, Lady Risaya, the princess said she never wanted to see him again, so what else could he do?"

"You be quiet!"

Alisha recoiled like a whip had cracked right in front of her face.

After silencing the girl's excuses, Risaya brushed up her brown hair and approached her nephew with her heels clacking against the floor.

"Zweig, I will give you a day. You have until tomorrow at dawn."

"Tomorrow at dawn…"

Her slender fingertip tapped on his chest.

"Yes. I cannot suppress this information any longer than that. You have that long to bring her back even if it means crawling through the dirt and mud."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then do your duty," said Risaya while turning her back and starting to leave, but she stopped before stepping through the door. "That girl is supported by General Belzeia, who is known as Sabrina's guardian deity. That old man is a real hard-ass, so he will demand her bodyguards take responsibility. And I will not defend you when that happens."

Risaya was not kind enough to protect a worthless pawn just because they were family.

"I will bring Lady Sieglinde back within the day."

"Hee hee. You had better. I would rather not earn the ire of my brother and sister-in-law."

With that, she exited with her alluring ass wiggling behind her.

Zweig did not have a moment to spare, so he immediately asked Risull and the other bodyguards about the circumstances of the abduction.

They said it had happened on the path between the palace and the training ground.

Zweig had not been with them, but Sieglinde had been accompanied in the carriage by her favorite maid Diana as usual and the carriage had been surrounded by 8 bodyguard knights. Risull had been one of those.

She had not let her guard down. In fact, Risull had detected the presence of a hidden attacker beforehand and warned the other bodyguards.

They had indeed been attacked at the predicted point and thought they had easily repelled the attackers right up until the carriage door had opened from within.

The first one to exit had been the lavender-haired maid named Diana. She had been carrying Sieglinde under one arm and the girl had been unconscious as if drugged.

The maid had taken her master hostage. That had been too much for the bodyguard knights to understand, so their thoughts had ground to a halt and she had easily escaped.

"That maid was a spy…wait, was it a kunoichi technique!?"

Female ninjas were commonly referred to as kunoichis, but ninjas themselves did not refer to themselves that way. In the ninja world, the word kunoichi referred to women as a whole. Specifically, a kunoichi technique referred to sending a woman in before a job.

By having a woman sneak in before a job, they could influence things from within if necessary.

That usually did not refer to anything as violent as this, though. It usually just meant gathering rumors and manipulating information within the castle.

It was a simple trick, but it was a common one due to how effective it was. In a broader sense, Risull and Alisha had been assigned as Sieglinde's bodyguard and maid as a kunoichi technique.

"Yes, that Diana woman…well, I imagine that is a fake name, but we can call her that for convenience's sake. Anyway, she claimed to be from the Night Crows."

"The Night Crows!?"

A stir ran through the room. The Night Crows were an unaffiliated ninja group with no master. With no kingdom to support them, they were a small group, but that meant they only allowed the best of the best to join. In every industry, the private sector was always a harsher place than the government equivalent. When comparing the skills of individual ninjas, someone of Risull's level might be able to hold her own, but the Night Crows would have the upper hand when it came to the average ninja.

Tracking this woman down was not going to be easy. Zweig felt the fear coming on again, but he forced himself to take a positive view.

"Hm. If she's a pro, then she'll be easier to predict."

It was the commander's job to keep his subordinates' morale up. He was not just the average teenage boy. He did not want them to think he had been given his position for nothing more than whose son he was. He had his pride as a ninja.

"We don't know who paid her to do this or why, but she abducted Lady Sieglinde instead of killing her. That means she does not intend to kill her."

Organized crime was focused on profit. And the Night Crews were pros among pros in the criminal world. They even took pride in their work, so that woman would prioritize Sieglinde's safety until the girl had been delivered to whoever had hired her.

"This all ends tonight. We will rescue Lady Sieglinde no matter what it takes. Give me whatever help you can."

"Yes, sir."

He bowed and they all straightened up before swiftly leaving the room.

The ninjas searched intensely through the night, but Zweig worked especially hard. It was a race against time for him.

The more time passed, the harder it was to solve crimes like this. Risaya had given him the most important period of time, so he had to repay her for that.

He had been trained his entire life as a ninja and he used every method available to him in his search. If anyone seemed like they knew anything at all, he efficiently interrogated them for everything they knew. That made them all nice and honest real quick, so they told him all sorts of things.

And once he had what he wanted to know, he would thank them with a healing magic jewel.

After repeating that expensive form of interrogation a few times, he finally managed to track down what seemed like the correct building.

It was in a section of long houses where the castle town's relatively well-off commoners lived. He approached a two-story building with a deep and narrow entranceway.

The windows were too small, so he would have to enter through the main entrance. That design was exactly what would have drawn a ninja to it.

If this was the wrong place, he could always search elsewhere and he had his ninjas surrounding the building.

"I'll go in first," he said.

"That's too dangerous," warned Risull. "The enemy is with the Night Crows, so she must know we have her surrounded. I should be the one to go in."

"No, that's exactly why it should be me. Lady Sieglinde was abducted due to my mistake, so I will take her back myself."

"If you insist."


Risull backed away and Alisha gave him a tearful look.

"I'm going in."

He cautiously stepped into the first floor. He climbed the stairs without making a noise and saw light coming from the gaps surrounding a door.

He readied his short sword in his right hand and placed his left hand on the door. Then he pushed it open.

Just as he was preparing to charge in, he saw something truly unexpected before him.


He had been prepared for possible death, but this was enough for him to come to a stop.


The amused voice that reached his ears belonged to the Night Crows ninja going by the name of Diana.

The thing before his eyes was a beautiful vulva.

After moving to the big city, he had spent his time sleeping with beautiful young women whenever he had a chance, so that was a familiar sight for him.

White thighs were spread wide and yellow panties hung from just the left ankle.

The clitoris was contained within its hood, the flesh between the spread labia looked almost like a butterfly's wings, and the urethra and vagina could be seen within that.

It was his ninja skills of observation that let him take all that in almost immediately.

The sexual flesh was a little wet, but not yet enough for penetration. He always made sure to get a woman wetter before going in.

Each individual part was small but well-formed. The coloration was pale too. Based on his recent experiences, he guessed this vulva belonged to a girl in her later teens. That beautiful flower garden may even have belonged to a virgin.

This came as a shock, but his dick also twitched awake on reflex. When he looked up, he saw a fancy white skirt with orange frills pulled up to the stomach.

The stomach was very thin.

The dress was white with orange decorative bands added on and its chest was pushed out by two nice lemon shapes.

Then there was the strong-willed face.

He saw long wavy golden-brown hair and a wide-brimmed hat with a flower decoration. Below those were green eyes, a well-defined nose, and full lips.

"L-Lady Sieglinde…"

He had run around like a hunting dog to madly search out this girl for an emotional reunion, but now that it had happened, he stared in shock at her beautiful face and her bared vulva.

The usually marble-white skin of her cheeks grew pink and tears welled up in her eyes. Once her full face was flushed, she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"D-don't look! Don't look!! Don't looooooooook!!!"


He had developed a habit of apologizing whenever she yelled angrily at him, so he reflexively bowed his head while still unsure what was going on.

"Hee hee. So the knight came running to rescue the damsel in distress. A scene right out of a bard's song."

The figure standing behind Sieglinde spoke with a sneer.

She wore a mask over her mouth and wore a skintight outfit similar to a one-piece swimsuit with such a high-leg cut that her hipbones remained bare. The entire thing was made of fishnet, so every contour of her body was visible. In fact, her navel was visible and he thought he could even see her nipples and labia through it.

The outfit was about as conspicuous as could be, but it was still probably a ninja outfit.

Just like with knights and mages, ninja women who were confident in their skill liked to wear revealing clothing for whatever reason. Although this woman was a rather extreme example.


The contrast with the modest maid uniform had a lot to do with it, but her kind big-sisterly atmosphere had become something else entirely.

"Come on in, Sir Knight."

"I'm not falling for that one."

"I won't kill you. If I wanted to do that, I would have done it while you were admiring the princess's pussy."

She had a point, so he stepped inside the room.

Sieglinde was tied up in an indecent pose with her skirt pulled up. That had to be humiliating in the extreme for the proud girl.

She was not the type to be captured easily, but the betrayal of her trusted maid must have caught her off guard. It was possible the woman had simply drugged her tea.

He gave her a look that said "I will save you now" and then he faced the kidnapper.

"Why the scary look? This is just a harmless prank."

"A harmless prank? This is your idea of a harmless prank!?"

He shouted angrily back at her, but she only shrugged.

"Our higher ups aren't crazy enough to seriously pick a fight with an entire kingdom. I stripped her down for fun, but I have no intention of taking her life or her chastity."

"For fun? Then answer me this: Why did you go to the effort of abducting her!?"

The skilled ninja woman spread her arms and gave a speech to the angry younger ninja.

"We had a number of reasons. The leader of the Persephone Kingdom's ninjas and our own leader are siblings-in-law, so we wanted to help Persephone out. But Persephone fell for a plot by General Shariera and began fighting among themselves."

"Is that so?"

"They apparently tried to resolve that by accepting an adopted son from Ishtar in the west, but they're still effectively done for as a kingdom. And things are looking dangerous enough back in our home kingdom of Ralfint, so we decided it was time we withdrew from this conflict over the double kingdom."

Zweig finally realized what the enemy had been doing. They were withdrawing, but it would be a waste to not show off the kunoichi technique they had set up. This was essentially a demonstration of the Night Crows' power.

"So I was always planning to return this girl unharmed sooner or la-!"

Diana never got the last word out.

A blue shadow had run up behind her.


Risull made a surprise attack from behind.

Zweig's objective was rescuing Sieglinde, so he had no interest in the villain's plan. He had only asked about it so the enemy would get so caught up in her speech that she failed to notice Risull who he had predicted would be preparing a surprise attack.

That pale moon of a ninja woman aimed for the hip. In other words, the kidney. She was going for a one-hit kill.

But the Night Crows ninja twisted the body in her black fishnet outfit to dodge it.

"Get down!" shouted Alisha from behind Zweig.

Just as he obeyed, the short girl blocking the room's only exit threw eight shurikens.

They spun through the room like a whirlwind.

There was no dodging the projectiles rotating rapidly through the narrow room.

But as revealing as either of their outfits was, magic jewels activated to create magic barriers that protected both Risull and Diana's soft skin from harm.

However, that had always been a distraction.


With an earsplitting cry, Zweig wielded his short sword in a backhand grip and jabbed at Diana's stomach while she crossed blades with Risull.

The attack was powerful enough to break through a weak magic barrier, but his short sword only caught a net. No, black fishnet.

She had used a substitution technique.

A half-naked woman landed on the table in the middle of the room.

She looked fully naked at first glance, but she was waring a bra that only barely covered her nipples and panties that only hid her labia. Both were black leather in a bondage style.

"I had hoped to have a little more fun, but you children are so impatient."

"You can't get away, so how about you surrender?"

Zweig swiftly moved between Diana and Sieglinde while calling out to the former. More and more ninjas entered the small room and quickly cut away the captured princess's bonds.

Diana responded with an icy smile as she watched it all play out.

"A ninja does not surrender. That's true even for a soft pet puppy like you, isn't it?"

No matter how much she tried to fake confidence, the room was flooded with Zweig's ninjas. They had already secured Sieglinde, so Diana could not even use her as a hostage.

What could that half-naked woman do now? Zweig was unsure what to do next as the young woman continued to stand so confidently in the middle of the room.

But then a blinding flash of light filled the room and there was an impact so great he thought the floor was going to break through.

(Oh, no. Did she self-destruct!?)

"Fall back!"

All the ninjas in the room rushed out and got down low.

Zweig did the same, but he was barely hurt.

He hesitantly looked up to see the room's roof was gone. Someone had torn it away from the outside.

The half-naked but masked woman stood tall below the starry sky.

"Yes, it probably is time I left."

With a nimble jump, the ninja woman grabbed onto something.

"A flying dragon?"

"Goodbye, boy. Maybe we'll see each other again someday."

She laughed loudly as she left. Zweig and his ninjas had no means of flight available, so they could not pursue her.

But someone did make an immediate move: Sieglinde. Now that she was freed from her bonds, the princess took a running start, used Zweig's head as a stepping stone, and leaped high into the air. She then grabbed at the slender waist of the young woman floating in midair.

"You aren't getting away, you bitch. I will pay you back a hundredfold for the humiliation you caused me!"

The flying dragon initially sank down in shock, but its wings were strong and it managed to rise up with Sieglinde as well.

"Princess! Please let go!"

Panicking, Zweig grabbed at Sieglinde's hips. This buried his face in her butt.


Even Diana was panicking now, but when she noticed Sieglinde's fingers were grabbing at her panties, she stripped those off.


The tiny black leather underwear slipped away with a ripping sound and the dragon finally managed to fly away.

Diana ultimately got away, but they had Sieglinde safe and sound. Zweig had just barely managed to save his own skin.

"Argh, I can't stand it! She actually got away!"

Furious, Sieglinde glanced down at the panties she now held and noticed several lavender hairs on them. She had apparently pulled out some of the woman's pubic hair.

That confident ninja woman was now sans panties and short some of her pubic hair as she dangled precariously from the dragon and flew through the city's night. Picturing that scene was enough to make Zweig laugh and he felt no sympathy for her whatsoever.

"Princess, let's get you back to the Dawn Goddess Tower. We have a carriage waiting."


Sieglinde tossed aside the panties and boarded the carriage with barely a word.

Zweig boarded as well on Risull's suggestion, but she only glanced over at him and said nothing.

(Huh? She's gotten awfully quiet all of a sudden.)

That princess had always seemed as bright as the sun, but now she seemed dispirited. This came as a surprise for Zweig.

Once she had settled down in her living room, Sieglinde had a maid prepare her some tea, but it must not have been as good as what Diana had made because she frowned after tasting it.

"Enough. I want to be alone for a while. Everyone leave."

Given the events of the day, even that strong-willed girl was bound to be feeling down, so everyone exited.

"Not you, Zweig! You stay here."

"Of course."

The bodyguard ninja awkwardly remained in the large living room with only the princess in her chair.

She drank some more of the tea while clearly not enjoying it, but then she gestured him mover with her finger.

(Here it comes. She's going to punish me for failing to protect her. And I even saw her pussy.)

He sighed on the inside while recalling that pleasant sight.

That said, it was unusual for her to be more blue than angry. He could guess that, whatever punch or kick awaited him, it would be far worse than any before. He steeled himself as he hesitantly approached.

She must have had enough of the bad tea because she set the cup down on the table, stood up, and approached him. Then she hugged him.

"Th-thank you for saving me."

"U-um, y-you're welcome. I-I was only doing my job. I am truly glad you are safe."

He stammered while she spoke weakly into his chest.

"I was so scared when I realized she was a ninja and had taken me away. And I was so happy when you showed up."

He tensed at the soft sensation of her body against him and, once the powerful emotion passed, she looked up.

Her eyes were damp and carried a dependent look. She really did look like the stereotypical lovely princess right now.

She shined like the sun and looked as beautiful as a rose. It was so different from her usual demeaner that he leaned back from her on reflex.

She gave him a curious look.

"Hm? Why are you tensing up like that?

"W-well, now that you've thanked me, I thought you might hit me for not guarding you better or being so slow to rescue you."

She looked legitimately wounded by his response.

"Mh? Is that how you see me?"

"Well, um…"

He was not sure why she looked so surprised given how she had treated him in the past.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and revealed her thoughts in an almost self-deprecating way.

"There was nothing you could have done. I was the one who kept Diana so close, after all. I failed to realize she was a spy and kept her by my side, so this all goes back to me being a poor judge of character. None of the blame lies with you."

"Is that so? But I did see your, well, you know."

He regretted bringing it up the instant the words were out of his mouth and she blushed so bright it looked like her face had burst into flames.

"Oh, um, that…that was not your fault either."

Her flustered bashfulness was unbearably cute.

His many unfortunate accidents with her played back in his mind.

He remembered grabbing her breasts when they first met, he had seen her butt while accidentally spying on her peeing, he had seen her naked as he watched her bathe from the ceiling, he had touched her lips when they danced, and he had seen her vulva today.

(Every last part of her is so beautiful. Ahhh, I want to have sex with her so bad. No, no. I need to show restraint.)

While the horny boy fought his out-of-control imagination, Sieglinde looked down and stared at something.

"U-um, what are you doing?" he asked once he noticed.

"You are aroused, aren't you?"


He followed her gaze to find she was staring at his crotch.

He had recalled her nudity while feeling her warmth at his chest, which had led to the natural biological response from a teenage boy's body. Simply put, he had a noticeable tent in his pants.


He reflexively apologized and tried to pull his hips back and she smiled when she saw his reaction.

"No need to apologize. This means you were aroused by me, doesn't it? I have heard of this. Men grow down there when they are aroused, don't they? And they want to ejaculate on a woman they like, don't they?"

"Th-that's one way of putting it, I suppose."

For some reason, she seemed to cheer up all of a sudden.

"This is not the first time you have saved my life and you went through a lot of trouble for me tonight, so I was hoping to thank you in some way. Very well. As a special reward, I will make you ejaculate."

With a look that said she thought this was a brilliant idea, she cheerfully worked at lowering his pants.

"H-hey, wait. Please wait."

"Why are you resisting this? There is no reason to hold back. You saw my genitals, so it is only fair I get to see yours."

"Well…there may be some logic to that, but still."

While he tried to argue, she managed to force his pants and underwear down. His energetic dick sprang out and she backed away as if in fear.

"Th-that is an awfully manly thing for someone as pathetic as you."

Her eyes widened as she kneeled in front of him. She seemed more hesitant now, but she also stared at the penis in obvious curiosity.

"Okay, I will touch it now. Is that okay?"

She hesitantly reached out a hand and then grabbed it tight.


"D-did that hurt?"

Her white-gloved hand squeezed just below the head like she was trying to throttle a wild serpent.

"A-a little."

"Then I apologize. Y-yes, I suppose this is said to be a man's weak point, so as manly as it might look, I should treat it with care."

He wanted to remind her that she had kicked him hard in that very weak point not that long ago, but he held his tongue.

"Hm, it is very warm."

Her initial nerves must have faded because she relaxed her grip and began teasing the penis in her hand like she had discovered a new toy.

"This sack here contains the testicles, correct? What I had heard was true – they really are like little eggs."

She toyed with his balls a little before moving her hand up to the shaft where she began to gently stroke up and down.

"Doing this feels good, right?"


He narrowed his eyes happily and she seemed to be enjoying how she could manipulate him so easily this way. Her eyes shined bright as she placed both hands around his cock like she was holding a precious jewel and then stroked rhythmically up and down.

"Hey, Zweig?"

"Wh-what is it?"

She seemed to be swallowing her shyness as she looked up to the boy who was enjoying the pleasure she was providing.

"Would a kiss to this thing be sufficient thanks for saving my life so many times?"

"Yes, of course."

He would never complain about an offer like that. In fact, it was exactly what he wanted.

Now that she had permission, the virgin princess hesitantly moved her lips in close and kissed the head. Then she gave him a mischievous smile.

"Hee hee. I thought this thing was grotesque at first, but now that I see how it works, it's kind of cute."

His cock appeared to be the princess's new favorite toy. She began licking at the head as if she could not contain herself.


He moaned when she licked up the precum flowing out and the moan caused her eyes to shine bright.

"Yes, enjoy this all you want. This is my way of saying thanks, so I pleasuring you is the whole idea. And feel free to e-ejaculate whenever you are ready."

She stuck out her tongue and licked at the head until her tongue started drying out. She solved that problem by taking the head into her mouth and using the saliva in there to keep her tongue wet as she continued licking.


That strong-willed princess was kneeling in front of him and sucking his dick of her own volition.

She made sure to look up at him and read his reactions so she could figure out what was working and what was not.

She gradually improved and figured out how to skillfully run her tongue along the underside, but as he looked down at her, he grew very interested in her cleavage.

"Um, Lady Sieglinde, can I make one request?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Could you put it between your boobs?

Risaya had done that for him recently and he thought Sieglinde's giant tits would feel even better.

"This thing? Between my boobs?"


"Hee hee. If you insist. What better way to thank you than your very own request?"

She looked unsure at first, she also seemed oddly happy that he was interested in her body. She nodded with a proud look on her face.

Delighted, he reached for the chest of her dress and pulled it down.


The embarrassment must have come rushing back because she let out a cute shriek, but the boy's experience with so many horny young women had prepared him for this. He had her lemon yellow bra off in no time, so she quickly covered her breasts with her hands.

"You just wanted to see my boobs, didn't you?"

"Of course not."

"Don't lie to me."

He had already seen them when he spied on her bathing, but there was no need to reveal that information here.

"But that is fine. You already saw a much more embarrassing part of me, so I suppose I can let you see my boobs now."

She lowered her hands from her chest.

The breasts she revealed were indeed large and his penis twitched and grew even bigger when he saw them.

She held her lemon-shaped tits that had upwards-pointing nipple truly befitting such a proud girl and then she leaned forward to place them gently around his erect cock.

"I-it's so hot. It feels like it's going to burn my chest."

She seemed overwhelmed with emotion as she brought the penis in close and she eventually began to move her breasts up and down.

The look of ecstasy on her face was incredibly erotic.

Her smooth breasts looked like marble with blood flowing through it and she used those to massage the erection between them.

"Kh, my nipples are rubbing against it…nhh."

It was bringing her pleasure, so she must have been very sensitive.

Watching her was enough to know the rumors of large breasts having poor sensitivity were untrue.

He could not help but reach out and pinch those pink strawberries.

They were stiff and squishy at the same time, so he enjoyed teasing them between his fingers.

"D-don't pinch those…kh, I can't, nhh, move when you do. And then I can't express my thanks…ahh."

He felt like the sensitive princess was going to cum just from him teasing her nipples.

Part of him wanted to test that theory, but he let go because he was afraid of satisfying her with that and having her end the thanks there.

"Pant, pant. I can't let my guard down around you for a second, can I? You always try to do such dirty things."

She apparently did not define her own actions here as "dirty".

After refocusing her mind and resuming the titjob, she noticed the head poking up from her cleavage, opened her mouth wide, and stuck out her tongue.

Drool dripped from her tongue and onto the penis head. Then she licked the tip.

"Ahh, it's so hot and it just keeps getting bigger. And it's throbbing so much♪"

She looked almost feverish as she let drool drip down and licked all over the head.

The shaft was warmed by her soft skin and the head was sucked at by her wet mouth.

Sweat beaded up like jewels on her boobs and her saliva mixed with that. The mixture acted as a lubricant, allowing her to speed up the titjob.


Zweig clenched his teeth.

Risaya had said titjobs were not just for women with big tits, but there was definitely a barrier that technique alone could not pass. With tits this big, a titjob looked and felt so much nicer.

"Lady Sieglide, I-I'm going to cum!"

"You mean e-ejaculate?"

"Yes…here it comes!"

With that announcement, he exploded in her tits.

The first shot slipped between her full lips that were hanging open as she moaned.


Maybe it was some kind of female instinct, but she immediately placed her mouth over the erupting fountain.


She apparently had no idea what to do about all the male fluid that continued to burst out into her mouth. She had not closed her mouth tight, so it flowed back out and dripped onto her slender chin, her throat, and her chest.


She seemed truly surprised and dumbfounded.

"Pant, pant…are you okay, Lady Sieglinde?"

"Y-yes, I am fine. Just a little surprised. I had no idea semen came out so forcefully or in such great quantities. It is also so hot and has such a powerful smell. …Having this all over me is making me feel funny."

She looked intoxicated and wiggled her butt around, a sight powerful enough to blow through the last of Zweig's self-restraint.

"Lady Sieglinde!"

He pulled up the princess kneeling before him and placed her upper body face down on the table and her butt sticking out toward him.

"Hey, what are you doing, you scoundrel!?"

He ignored her and pulled up her long skirt while holding her upper body down.

She wore yellow stockings held up by garter belts and he saw lemon-yellow panties beyond that.

The crotch was already wet from within.

He tried to remove them, but he forgot to remove the garter belts and he could not lower them past the garters on her thighs.

Several sticky strings connected her vulva to her panties.

She was clearly more than ready to accept a man inside her. The young women he normally slept with would have been insisting he put it in them already, but the proud virgin princess did not know how to seduce him despite all the desire built up within her.

He figured giving into his animal lust and plowing that pure princess would be the kind thing to do, so he lifted her left leg and spread her butt that was as smooth as a freshly peeled boiled egg.

"Ahh, stop that, ahn…do you really think you can get away with this?"

She desperately tried to wield her authority as he stared at everything from her asshole to her labia, but her soaking flower garden was twitching and working to seduce the male.

When she was this wet, no oral was necessary.

He could not wait a moment longer, so he brought his erection, which was so hard it was difficult to imagine had only just ejaculated, to her wet labia.

"Ahh, wait, I said wait! Do you know what you're doing? I am in the line of succession to Sabrina's throne. Do you understand the weight that position holds?"

Their sexual flesh seemed to be melting together, so he swore it was going to slip in without him doing anything.

He rubbed his dick against her vulva while asking her a question.

"If you absolutely insist you don't want this, I will stop here. So what will it be?"

Stopping now would be one of the hardest things he had ever done, but if she tearfully refused, he was prepared to do so.

She instead responded with a flare of anger.

"You stupid boy! Why would you back down now!? What kind of man doesn't go all the way after coming this far!?"

That seemed to contradict what she had been saying before.

"Umm, so you're saying…?"

He decided to cruelly ask for clarification, so she shouted back while blushing bright.

"I'm saying you can put it in me! No, I'm ordering you to! I'll allow it in this case!"

She too must have been horny and unable to wait a moment longer.

Since he felt the same, he moved his hips forward.

"Then get ready!"

The head spread her female hole and her body tensed.


She rarely let any weakness show, so this really was not her day.

She tried to escape the pain, but her position made that impossible.

Her flapping hand slapped at the table and then she managed to squeeze at the tablecloth.

He mercilessly thrust deep inside her and found she was just as wet on the inside as he had guessed, but she also squeezed just as tight as a fist. It felt like her vagina was doing everything it could to crush his penis. But despite it feeling like she was trying to tear apart that hard flesh, he pushed all the way inside her.

"Ah, nhhhhhh."

She groaned liked an animal, suggesting it really did hurt.

And while it hurt her far more, it was hurting him a little too.

He had experienced this before with Alisha. A virgin would want to eliminate the foreign object inside her and squeeze as if trying to crush the penis.

"I-is it inside?"

"Kh…yes, all the way."

"Th-then hurry up and finish this."

Her reaction made him feel guilty, so he moved his hips to at least finish quickly.

But she immediately cried out in protest.

"D-don't move. Just finish it quickly."

Her instructions were contradictory.

Instead of rushing things, he left his dick inside her stiff virgin flesh and waited for her body to relax. He figured her tensed vaginal muscles would eventually grow tired and loosen up.

Meanwhile, he reached around her and massaged her large lemon-shaped breasts.

They were still coated with semen after the earlier titjob, so massaged them as if rubbing that in.

"Ahh, your smell is soaking into my body."

To distract herself from the pain, she took his cum-covered hand and licked off his fingers.

Meanwhile, her tightness relaxed.


He could feel her inner flesh now. It had a unique wriggling, like tons of worms crawling around.

It felt so good, like it was going to lead him to ejaculation in no time, so he could not help but start moving his hips.

"Ahh, wait, don't move, ahhh, I said wait, ahh, that's so rough, too rough, ahhhh."

She arched her back and writhed around, but he could not stop himself now.

He was fully focused on thrusting into her virgin flesh. He would not let her vagina tighten back up after loosening.

"Ahh, you just got even bigger!"

Women could apparently sense even slight changes in a penis inside them. She was still in pain, but she seemed to be waiting for this moment.

He felt another form of desire boiling up within him.

He wanted to make this princess his. He wanted to dye her in his colors. And he would do so by filling her with cum.

"H-here it comes."

She easily detected the throbbing of something flowing through his swollen cock.

Her eyes widened as the penis throbbed powerfully within her.


He let out one last moan as the hot substance burst from the tip.


"Ah, ahh, there's so much of it. I don't have room for it all…ahh!!!"

She arched her back as if pushed by the erupting semen.

Her body stayed like that, but she gradually went limp and collapsed onto the table as his dick also went limp.

"Pant, pant, pant."

He lay down on her back.

Eventually, the exhausted princess asked a question.

"A-are you done?"


His penis had remained stubbornly inside her even after going limp, so now he slowly pulled it out.

A white liquid flowed back out from her labia. It dripped down onto the panties stopped at her knees and gathered in a puddle there.

He was used to that sight, but the red mixed in with the thick white was new to him.

He had not cummed inside Alisha her first time, so he had not seen this then.

"Kh, I can't believe this. It still feels like that ridiculously big thing is inside me."


"Don't apologize. I asked you to do it."

Just for fun, he reached a hand down, scooped up some of the white liquid flowing from her labia, and rubbed it onto her white peach of an ass.

"What are you doing???"

"Nothing really."

He started to pull his hand back, but she quickly stuck her butt further out toward him.

"Go ahead. I was just thinking it was a shame to let your stuff drip down to the floor. And it feels nice when you rub it into my skin."

"You are into some pretty kinky stuff, huh?"

"Hmph. You just don't understand women." She continued to complain while he resumed rubbing his semen into her butt. "What is a Sabrina royal like me doing having sex like this? I had always dreamed of offering my virginity to my husband while in my wedding dress…but I was careless. Something came over me and I ended up doing it with a mere ninja like you."

She spoke her thoughts aloud while her warm body was surrounded by a very male smell.

"You do know what happened here must remain a secret, don't you? This only happened because I was rattled by today's events, so it will not happen again. Do not get the wrong idea and let this get to your head."