
Harem Shadow

A sequel of sorts to A Queen Disgraced. Follows a ninja bodyguard tasked with protecting a princess in the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom a while after the two kingdoms combined

Jonas89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Harem Shadow: Chapter 1 - Slapped by a Princess


"The young lady in question is up here."

They were in Provence, one of the two capitals of the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom. It had once been the Sabrina Kingdom's capital and this was the Dawn Goddess Tower on the east side of the royal palace.

The boy named Zweig had never before left the rural Orsini town of Kizaya and he was not used to the knight uniform he was wearing. He and his childhood friend, a girl named Alisha, were being led up a long stairway by his Aunt Risaya.

"Is that so?" he responded absentmindedly.

But he was not tired from the long climb. No, he was too distracted by his aunt's hot ass as she climbed the stairs ahead of him.

Risaya was his father Latva's younger sister and she had turned 28 this year.

She wore a dark red cocktail dress that left her back almost entirely exposed.

He thought the beautiful shoulder blades visible on her bare back were incredibly sexy.

Also, she wore her silky brown hair up like a classy lady, revealing her sensual nape.

Her tight dress was designed to show off its wearer's body and she had the figure to warrant it.

She was extremely tall for a woman and her slim figure was breathtaking from behind. The curves from her hips to her butt were so perfect the boy wanted to call them fine art.

The plump heart shape of her sexy butt wiggled side to side as she boldly climbed the stairs.

It was a truly distracting visual for a teenage boy.

Her dark red dress had a bold slit on the left side of the skirt and the glimpse of her bare thigh drew the boy's eye.

"She is the youngest daughter of Londbardo, grandfather of Sabrina Queen Vishnu, but she is a delightful young girl of about your age."

"Hmm, is that so?"

His aunt's explanation went in one ear and out the other because he was much too busy staring at her sexy ass.

As the name suggested, the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom was formed from two major factions: the former Orsini Kingdom and the former Sabrina Kingdom.

Zweig's group here were from the former Orsini Kingdom.

Zweig was actually the heir of a powerful local family, but that power only applied to their rural area and it was nothing to brag about.

He was much prouder of this young aunt than that limited social status.

She had been away from their hometown for so long he had only recently met her, but he had heard rumors of her actions all his life.

She had served King Selune before his rise to the throne of the double kingdom and she had gone on to become his most loyal of servants in cultural and military matters. She was his primary aide.

She had spawned plenty of legendary stories so unbelievable Zweig assumed they were half-truths, but accomplishing even half of what those stories alleged was impressive enough.

She currently held the rank of baroness and she worked as a secretary/maid/diplomat. It was also an open secret that she was one of Selune's mistresses.

"A lot of Sabrina citizens are none too fond of the double kingdom arrangement and they have put their hopes in this girl. She is quite the girl too, so even Old Belzeia, known as Sabrina's guardian deity, has his eye on her."

(Holy shit, I can see her panty line.)

The cocktail dress was made of a thin material, so when he stared from close enough, he could make out the outline of her underwear on her soft-looking butt.

Zweig was too busy staring and breathing heavily to answer, so Alisha answered from behind him.

"That is a lot of pressure on us, huh?"

"Yes, your job here is extremely important. That girl could bring great fortune to the double kingdom, but she could also tear it apart."

Maybe he was biased after hearing she was the king's mistress, but she was such a sexy woman.

She was at the prime of her life and her amber skin seemed to scatter raw sex appeal that he swore he could smell.

The sweet milky aroma reaching his nose tugged at him like a magnet and he gradually moved his face in closer. Just as his face was about to bury itself in those sexy curves, intense pain shot through his own butt.

"Ow! Wh-what was that for?"

He turned back to see Alisha glaring at him.

She had a medium build, medium height, black hair, and black eyes. Her skin was tanned a healthy brown and her figure was plenty curvy for her age. She was the same age as Zweig and had grown up alongside him. He was the son of a powerful regional family and she was the daughter of one of their vassal families, so they had been raised like siblings, albeit with a difference in status between them. When he had said he was going to move to the capital to work with his aunt, she had insisted on going too.

She had grown out the hair in front of her ears and braided that with colorful ribbons, making for a unique hairstyle.

She wore a cute outfit made by hemming a short green tunic with pink lace. Her belt was tied in a large bow on her lower back, she wore long gloves over her arms, and she wore kneesocks. The socks were held up with pink thread.

Anyone in the know would immediately identify that as a ninja outfit, but it looked so fashionable that most people would overlook that.

Ninja outfits were generally colored dark blue, brown, black, or some other very plain color, but there was no actual rule about that.

Just as knights wore colorful outfits while racing across the battlefield, some ninjas would prefer to look nice when they died. So in situations where there was no need to hide themselves, they would wear whatever colors they liked.

She had pinched his butt.

"Don't speak to me!"

She let go and refused to look at him.

"Wh-what? Don't pinch my ass for no reason."

"No reason? You know better than that, you perv."

He knew exactly what she meant, so his voice cracked from guilt.

"P-perv? But I didn't do anything!"

"You were about to!"

They arrived at the top floor while the children had their fun.

"Okay, okay. You two can flirt later, but try to focus. We've arrived."

Risaya smiled bitterly and led Zweig and Alisha out into the sunlight.

They immediately forgot all about their argument.

"Wow, I never knew you could have such a beautiful garden on top of a tower."

Alisha's eyes widened and she voiced her astonishment while Zweig stared in wonder.

They found themselves in an open space with the early summer sun shining down on them. The clear sky was blue as could be without a cloud in evidence. There was dirt, grass, flowers, and even trees. The mountains visible in the distance were colored by green leaves and the roofs of the castle town were colored bright primary colors, making them reminiscent of tropical flowers.

The girl in question stood in that midair garden.

"Is that the last hope of the Sabrina separatists, Dawn Goddess Sieglinde?"

A white table and chairs were set up in that picturesque space and a girl in a white, orange, and red summer dress was elegantly enjoying some afternoon tea all on her own. She looked to be in her mid-to-late teens.

She wore a wide-brimmed hat colored a bright orange with a white lily flower decoration, wavy golden-brown hair spilled down from that, and its great length fluttered in the breeze.

She had a small, oval face with clearly-defined features. Her white skin made her look made of solid marble.

She was so beautiful that Zweig could see why her tower was known as the Dawn Goddess Tower.

He could only compare her to a bright and bewitching tropical flower.

A maid with long lavender hair stood nearby. She was a beautiful woman with a tidy look to her.

The lovely young girl was enjoying afternoon tea in the early morning sun with a beautiful maid serving her, so it looked like a scene from a painting.

The rural boy figured scenes like this were an everyday occurrence in the capital.

The girl held the saucer in her left hand and the cup's handle in her right with the pinky extended. She enjoyed the tea's aroma while glancing over at the guests with pure annoyance in her eyes.

Those bright green eyes left a strong impression on Zweig. A faint smile formed on her alluring pink lips, but there was a hint of scorn in it.

(Wow, it's a real royal girl.)

Everyone who saw her would pick up on one thing immediately.

She had no complex about her bloodline, her intellect, her athletic ability, or her looks. She exuded a pride supported by absolute confidence in herself.

She was exactly the proud and haughty royal girl that so many commoners envisioned. Her noble aura was so plain to see that she might as well have had documentation of her bloodline hanging from the tip of her nose.

She was one of the most important figures in the kingdom.

"My, my. Is this where you were, Lady Sieglinde? I was looking for you."

Risaya gave an elegant smile and sat across from Sieglinde without receiving permission first.

"Yes, the weather is perfect for some tea, isn't it? Mind if I join you?"

The princess seemed offended by the guest's presumptuous behavior and she intentionally wrinkled her brow, but she still gave a command to the maid behind her.

"Feel free. Diana, prepare her some tea."

She knew all too well that this woman had more than just sex appeal going for her.

Risaya did not have quite the looks Sieglinde did, but she had nice facial features improved upon further with makeup.

Her dress was cut low at the chest and she wore a diamond necklace and diamond earrings. Her expensively beautiful outfit was meant to silently state that she was off limits for normal men.

Most any man would want to get at that body of hers, but everyone here knew she was more than just easy on the eyes. That friendly smile was but one side of her. She could do anything if it was required of her.

She was known as the king's aide, but she secretly held another position: top of the Orsini Kingdom's intelligence agency. She was the leader of all their ninjas.

Any man drawn in by her beauty would regret the decision.

She perfectly encapsulated the saying that even the most beautiful flower had its thorns.

The prudent choice was to admire her from afar as someone far out of your reach.

The maid immediately began preparing some tea at her master's command.

She had long lavender hair, she looked to be in her mid-twenties, and she looked gentle and kind.

She demonstrated her skill as a royal maid in how expertly she prepared the tea.

"Oh, prepare some tea for the children too. And add a spoonful of the strongest drink available to mine."

Zweig frowned at his beautiful aunt's unrestrained order.

Being from a ninja village might sound nice, but he had lived out in the sticks all his life and he did not understand his aunt's life here in the big city. That sounded like too much alcohol to him, but that was not his problem since it was not for him.

The lavender-haired maid smiled as she served Risaya, Zweig, and Alisha their tea.

Zweig and Alisha were not offered a seat, so they accepted the cups while standing. The tea was warm and had a bittersweet flavor. Zweig did not know the brand, but he could imagine it was a luxury tea.

"The tea is excellent♪"

Risaya gained the gentle smile of an adult woman after taking a sip.

The haughty girl asked a stiff question of the relaxed lady.

"So, Baroness, what brings you here today?"

"Oh, right, that. I have brought the bodyguards you were asking for."

Sieglinde was clearly unhappy with her presence, but Risaya responded with the confidence of an adult.

"You did say you were sending some of your Orsini people, didn't you?"

The princess set her teacup down on the white table and responded with a distinct lack of interest while brushing her windblown hair into place.

"Indeed I did, Lady Sieglinde. Allow me to introduce them." The femme fatale beckoned over the young boy and girl she had brought with her. "This is Zweig. He will be added as the new lowest ranking member of your bodyguard knights."

The boy in the simple ceremonial knight uniform stepped forward and gave the princess the perfect knight's salute his aunt had taught him.

"I shall serve you faithfully and to the best of my ability."

"He's actually my nephew. Cute, isn't he? Good looking too."

Risaya tickled at his throat like he was a cat.

"S-stop that, Aunt Risaya!"

His dignified mask was stripped from him as he grew flustered, producing bubbling laughter from his aunt.

He knew she had done this to put everyone at ease, but the way she casually stopped her hand on his carotid artery was terrifying.

He respected and loved his aunt, but he never knew how to behave around her.

After being used for comic relief, he glanced over at Sieglinde, but she had not even cracked a smile.

That had a way of sapping the amusement from the scene.

"If he is your nephew, I assume he must also be a ninja. He should come in handy, so thank you."

Sieglinde gave an elegant smile while giving off a noble aura as she sent an appraising look across Zweig from head to toe.

"A bit of a country bumpkin, isn't he?"

"I-if you say so."

He was unsure how to respond and forced a smile, but she must not have liked that because her narrow eyebrows rose at a sharp angle.

"Enough of that meaningless grinning. If you intend to serve by my side, you must watch your behavior. Got that?"

"Of course! I will be more careful."

He was entirely outranked here, so he immediately saluted.

Risaya smiled bitterly at her nephew and introduced the other person she had brought.

"This is Alisha. Please use her as a maid, princess."

"I still have much to learn, but I will do what I can."

The ninja girl dressed up in fashionable outfit politely bowed her head.

Sieglinde gave her an appraising look as well.

"Hmm, I assume you too are a ninja then?"

"Yes, I have been trained."


Alisha must have sensed the harshness in the princess's eyes because responded hesitantly and half in fear.

Sieglinde immediately put on a cold and cruel smile.

"Aren't you a little fat for a ninja?"


Alisha's cheeks tensed.

"It's like you've got hams for arms♪"

Alisha was far from fat. She had a perfectly average build for a girl her age.

She had been blessed with plenty of curves, so she had a large chest and butt. A middle-aged woman in their neighborhood had recently started saying Alisha looked like she would birth lots of children.

The only flaw was the exceptional beauty of the other girl present. Alisha looked plain when compared to those radiant looks.

Sieglinde clapped her hands together like she had just had the best idea.

"Oh, I know. I will call you Little Piggy."


Alisha was not sure how to respond to the sudden nickname.

"No, no. Little Piggy. Cute, isn't it?♪"

"Y-yes, very cute. Ha ha. Ah ha ha."

Adding "little" would not make a teenage girl any happier about being called a pig.

Alisha's cheeks were stiff even as she forced herself to laugh dryly.

As a ninja, she was far from being some obedient little girl. If Sieglinde were not a princess, Alisha would have punched her right then and there.

(Good job, Alisha. You managed to resist.)

Zweig had noticed she was actually secretly clenching her right fist so hard it was trembling.

The boy had also noticed this princess was not the most pleasant person he had ever met.

She thought Orsini ninjas like him and Alisha were eyesores, but she also could not decline this offer from Risaya, the king's aide. Thus, she was going to be as nasty as possible, hoping to get them to quit on their own.

"I also have one other person to introduce."

Risaya suddenly stood up, pulled a knife seemingly out of nowhere, and threw it toward a tree in the midair garden.


Blood sprayed from what looked like empty air.

Someone had used a magical ninja technique to hide themselves, but the blood spray had given away their position.

Realizing there was no more point in hiding, they dispelled their invisibility magic. A man wearing a brown ninja outfit appeared with a knife stuck into his left eye.

The injured assassin made a suicide charge in the hopes of completing his job. He was willing to die in the process.

That split-second decision and the swiftness of his movements marked him as a top-rate ninja. Unfortunately, a novice like Zweig was unable to react in time.

But Risaya easily sidestepped him while leaving only her left foot and its dark red high heel in his path. He tripped quite spectacularly over it.


He left behind a hopeless scream as he lost balance and toppled over the edge of the midair garden.

"My, my. He's not surviving a drop from this height♪"

Risaya sounded entirely carefree, but that ninja had been very skilled.

Zweig had not even sensed his presence and his movements had been impressive. How easily Risaya dealt with him was a testament to her skill.

They all stared at the woman until an earsplitting explosion shook the air.

"Excuse me!"

Zweig reflexively picked up Sieglinde and leaped away from the explosion. Alisha did the same with the maid named Diana.

"H-how dare you! Let go of me!"

Sieglinde immediately tried to break free of his arms, but she was helpless since he held her from behind. He pushed her down to protect her and then lay on top of her. No actual shrapnel or debris rained down on them, but he stayed low in case an enemy charged them.

Withdrawing was the standard move when something unexpected occurred. Then you prepared for a counterattack and waited. If the enemy pursued, then you could strike back.

Staying put and trying to fight back there would be the height of folly.

He looked up to see Risaya down on one knee looking down at him.

She smiled and mouthed the words "good job" before tilting her head in puzzlement.

"That wasn't my fault, was it?"

"Don't ask me."

Zweig was not sure how else to respond.

When looking up at her like this, he found he could see right up her dress, so he quickly looked the other way.

But while the explosion had been loud, it must not have come from this tower. It seemed to have come from further away and it had not come from the direction the assassin had fallen.

"What do you think you are doing?"

Zweig heard a dangerous voice from below him.

"Please be patient a while longer."

"Where do you think you are touching me?"




He was lying on top of the princess with his arms wrapped around her from behind, but he felt an inexplicable squishy softness in his hands.

(Hm? What is this feeling???)

Confused, he gave a bit of a squeeze to figure out what this was.

"Y-you fool! S-stop that!"

He felt two soft mounds a bit too large to fit in his hands and they were located at her chest. What could that be?

When he finally caught on, all the blood drained from his face and he began pouring with sweat instead.

"He's groping her, isn't she? And not even trying to hide it."

"Yes, he is."

Risaya looked exasperated and Alisha glared at him with a painfully icy gaze.

"N-no! I didn't mean to! My hands just happened to find some convenient handholds in the heat of the moment, and- can I start over?"

Risaya smiled at her flustered nephew and fanned herself with her right hand.

"First day in the big city and you're already finding excuses to feel up princesses? That's my Zweig."

"I swear it wasn't on purpose!"

He did his best to argue his case, but the princess shouted right back at him.

"Th-then how about you let go already!? How long do you plan on squeezing those!?"

He had panicked so badly he forgot he was still leaning over her from behind and grabbing her tits. Worse, he was also pressing his crotch against her nice butt.

Anyone who saw that without context would assume he had attacked her.

"M-my apologies!"

He quickly let go and she immediately spun around.

"Have some shame!"

She loudly slapped him, leaving his left cheek stinging.

"Did you see that reaction? I think she liked it♪"

"Yes, she was definitely into it."

Risaya and Alisha whispered to each other just loud enough for Sieglinde to hear.

"D-do not be absurd!"

She grew red in the face and shouted at them. In this context, she was still very much an inexperienced teenage girl.

"Pant, pant, pant, pant."

Still mad, she held her arms over her chest and tried to catch her breath before yelling at the grinning ninjas once more.

"Don't just stand there! Go find out what that explosion was! Right this instant!"

"Oh, don't look down there. It's dangerous."

Alisha had to stop the princess when she approached the edge of the garden.

There could be a sniper below waiting for her to peek over the edge.

Risaya and Alisha's comments had not just been a way of teasing Zweig and Sieglinde. Although that had certainly been a part of it.

They had been trying to reduce everyone's tension. That way they could react to whatever might happen next.

"Don't worry. We will be back with a report soon."

Risaya accepted the mission.

This was the royal capital, so whether this was a terrorist attack or a surprise attack, the head of the intelligence agency would be the first to learn the truth of the matter.

"More importantly, Zweig, how did the princess's boobs feel?"

"W-well, um, nice and-"

"Do not answer that! Forget it ever happened!"

He obeyed the first half of Sieglinde's command, but there was no way he was ever forgetting that sensation. He thought back on the warmth he felt in his hand. A ninja was supposed to remain calm at all times, but he could not stop his heart from pounding.

Not long afterwards, a blue shadow flew up from beyond the edge of the garden.


The group tensed and prepared to attack, but Risaya stopped them.

"It's Risull."

The tall woman must have run up the side of the tower with a magical ninja technique.

She carried a straight sword on her back and she wore a truly revealing outfit of a skimpy bustier and a ninja miniskirt with a slit on the sides.

She looked around 20 and she was a tall and slender woman with lithe arms and legs. Her skin was as white as fresh snow. She had solid features and almond eyes. Her short hair was blue, as were her eyes. Her cool sort of beauty was reminiscent of the moon. She had the look of an expert ninja and was in fact from Zweig and Alisha's hometown. She had even helped teach them their ninja techniques.

She was far from a kind person, but she had been popular with the younger ninjas because her skill as a ninja was so great.

Zweig and the other younger ninjas thought her icy-cold stare was really cool and had even started calling her Blizzard Eye.

Many of them had wept when Risaya had called her to the capital a while back.

Zweig had been one of them and he could never let anyone know he had snuck into her bedroom the night before she left and stole a pair of her used panties.


Due to the presence of outsiders like Sieglinde or Diana, the blue ninja named Risull approached Risaya and whispered in her ear.

"My, my."

The report put a cold smile on Risaya's cheeks.

"That was apparently an attack on the king," she told the others who were watching on with interest.

"King Selune!?"

Zweig and Alisha's faces tensed at this news.

"That man?" gasped Sieglinde.

But Risaya smiled and waved her hand to fan herself.

"You think an attack like that could kill him? This was just another attempt on his life."

However, her smile did not reach her eyes. Her pride in her master was evident in the way she spoke.

"Karura and her group are apparently engaging in quite the battle on the royal palace's roof. Such a barbarous woman♪"

Risaya made it sound like none of her concern. The split between the double kingdom's two factions ran deep, so it affected the intelligence agency as well.

Risaya was the top on the Orsini side of things, but Karura was the top on the Sabrina side. She was clearly amused that her political rival was having such trouble.

"What do you want to do, Zweig?"

"Join the fight," he replied without a second's hesitation.

"Hee hee. Such a violent boy. Fight hard, okay? Use your youthful energy and leave Karura deep in our debt."

By the time she had finished speaking, Zweig, Alisha, and Risull were already gone.

"Now then, princess. How about we get back to our tea?"

She righted her toppled chair and elegantly sat down.

"Hm, the tea has gotten cold. Diana, make us some more."

Sieglinde also sat back down as if nothing had happened.

"Attack the rebels!"

An attempt had been made on the king's life, so the knights assigned to the royal palace were out in full force, as were the Grim Butterflies, the bodyguards of Sabrina Queen Vishnu.

The rebels were not at all interested in running through the corridors and courtyards flooded with soldiers, so they chose to escape across the roof.

However, the roof was not safe either. The Sabrina ninjas were already up there in great number.

They were being personally led by Karura, head of Sabrina's ninja army.

Failing to stop the attempted assassination beforehand was enough of a failure for an intelligence agency. That the attack came from within the royal palace felt like being directly mocked, so they could not let these rebels escape alive.

There were 7 rebels making a desperate attempt to escape.

There were easily 50 ninjas pursuing and surrounding them.

There really was nothing for a newcomer like Zweig to do there, but the more people they had, the better. He made sure to announce his presence.

"Orsini Ninja Zweig here! I will be assisting you!"

"Oh, the kid Risaya keeps talking about? Work hard out here."

Once the head of the Sabrina intelligence agency gave him permission to join the battle, he ran toward the enemy. He heard Karura's bitter laughter behind him.

"Now, let's see if you can live up to the hype."

She must have intentionally let him hear that, so he tensed up.

Every other ninja here had to be wondering the same thing as Karura. If he screwed up here, it would damage his aunt's reputation.

Failure was not an option.

Men and women in ninja outfits of various colors fought a chaotic battle on the castle roof.

Shadows danced and sparks flew as attacks were exchanged with lightning speed.

But the Sabrina ninjas did not try too hard to attack the rebels who were fighting for their lives. They kept their distance and fortified their defenses.

This was their home turf and they had the enemy outnumbered, so they could wait for the enemy to tire out and pick them off one at a time.

Zweig, however, was itching to fight.

He wanted to show off his skills to the Sabrina ninjas.

"I'll go in for an attack, so you support me, Alisha."

"Okay, you can count on me♪"

Zweig and Alisha had trained together back in their rural home, so they could pick up on each other's thoughts, making cooperation easy.

Four small throwing knives appeared in the lively girl's right hand like a magic trick.

The four knives flew toward the enemy like a single beam of light.

The rebels easily knocked them from the air with their gauntlets, but by then, Zweig had already rushed in with a short sword held in a backhand grip.

Fighting with a short weapon made defense difficult, so he would focus on offense. He would attack, attack, and attack some more.

It helped that the enemy was already worn out from fighting, but he pushed right through them.

"Whew, not bad."

Someone whistled in appreciation.

His short sword knocked the weapon from his opponent's right arm.

He thought that settled it, but then the enemy's empty left hand jabbed toward his left eye. He saw a dull light glittering at the tip of the fingernails approaching him.

He instantly realized what this was.


The weapon in the enemy's right hand had been a distraction.

(Shit, I can't dodge this.)

He wished he had not gotten so carried away and he said goodbye to his left eye. A single scratch from a poisoned nail would blind it, but taking out this enemy mattered more than that.

The blow he was expecting never landed.

The enemy's fingertips stopped right in front of his eye.

He hesitantly looked over to see a blue shadow behind the enemy.


He saw Risull's icy beauty and the unique Blizzard Eye look of her eyes as she pierced the enemy's back with a short sword of her own.

The enemy ninja's eyes widened and he collapsed to the rooftop.

Amateurs tended to go for the heart or head, but Risull had jabbed her blade into the enemy's liver.

That was the technique of an expert killer. The enemy ninja probably had no idea why he had died.

(Wow. That's Risull for you.)

Zweig felt a cold sweat just from viewing that one-hit kill from so close.

"Thank you."

Thanks were not needed during combat, but the battle was close to over anyway. The rebels' formation had entirely collapsed from Zweig's rush, so Karura ordered a charge and there was nothing more for him and Alisha to do.

"You've improved since I last saw you, young master."

The cool beauty sheathed her short sword and rubbed his head with her left hand.

She had taught him when he was younger, so he was honestly delighted to receive her praise.

He had always wanted to be like Risaya and Risull, but Risull had felt like a more achievable goal.

He felt something bittersweet inside him, but the carnage around him was reaching its peak.

The rebels were falling left and right.

No one even considered taking prisoners. You never knew what a ninja would do as long as they were still breathing.


One desperate enemy broke free of the one-sided slaughter and made a run for it.

But instead of escaping, he made a suicidal charge toward the living room where the king was. Did he have another bomb on him?

It seemed unlikely the king would be killed after all this, but they wanted to avoid any more damage to royal palace if possible.

Someone wielding a long spear stepped out in front of the rebel.


It was a flashy woman with hair the red of burning flames. She was wearing bright golden bikini armor.

She was tall for a woman and had broad shoulders, but her powerful presence was her most notable feature.

(What…is this? Killer intent!?)

Killer intent had been swirling around this deadly battle all along, but this was on another level altogether.

The woman raised her giant weapon with a cruel smile on her face.

Her beauty only made the smile more terrifying. She looked like a man-eating tiger.

(The Golden Lioness!?)

That phrase passed through Zweig's mind.

A moment later, the rebel's torso was bisected top from bottom.

Her great strength was nothing at all like ninja trickery. This was the overwhelming force of a warrior.

"Thank you, Julia."

"You owe me one, Karura."

The wild beauty laughed loud, turned around, and entered the palace.

"Julia? Oh, is she the rumored leader of the Grim Butterflies?"

Even Zweig had heard of that fierce Sabrina commander.

Countless legendary tales were told of her feats, including how she slayed Orsini General Chandler at the Battle of the Soul River.


Zweig decided he was better off staying as far away from her as possible.

He had been fairly confident in his skills as an individual fighter, but that pride had been shattered by this first day in the capital.

There were so many people here he could never hope to defeat, including his Aunt Risaya.

(I was so ignorant of the larger world.)


Zweig had only been meant to meet Sieglinde today and his bodyguard duty would begin tomorrow, so he was now resting in a room within his Aunt Risaya's mansion.

It was late at night.

He awoke due to an unusual dull pain and warmth in his lower body plus slight difficulty breathing.

The first thing he saw in the dim light were long eyelashes and almond eyes.

He tried to cry out in surprise, but his tongue refused to listen.

Because something warm had tangled with his tongue.

"Nh, nhh…nhh."

He felt soft lips push against him while a hot and wet tongue licked at his lips. It felt so nice he stopped resisting altogether.

He observed the blue hair and blue eyes of the person stealing his lips and finally realized who it was.


Once he was freed from the kiss and managed to suck in some fresh air, he shouted their name.

"Risull!? What are you doing!?"

Icy-faced Risull booped the tip of his nose.

"You need more training if I can get this far before waking you up."


It was true he was a failure of a ninja if someone could sneak into his bed and kiss him without waking him, so he burned with shame.

At the same time, he brought a finger to his lips which still smelled of Risull.

(That was my first kiss. But it was with Risull, so I'm not about to complain.)

He refocused his mind and asked the older ninja a question.

"Um, so what did you need?"

"Whenever a new male ninja joins us in the capital, I just have to try him out for himself."

"T-try him out how?"

"Oh, come on. When a woman sneaks into a guy's bed in the middle of the night, she's only there for one thing."

"Y-you're kidding, righ- ahh!?"

He arched his back from a jolt of unexpected pleasure.

"Does it look like I'm kidding?"

Risull's expression remained entirely serious, but her hand was stroking Zweig's dick.

"Ahhhh…n-no way."

While writhing in pleasure, he looked down at his lower body in shock.

He was entirely naked.

All his clothing, even his underwear, had been stripped from him.

He had been called a genius ninja back at his rural hometown, yet she had snuck up on him, stripped him naked, and even kissed him before he detected her presence.

She may have been one of the most skilled ninjas he knew, but he still felt pathetic.

"I also pulled back that pesky foreskin."

An icy smile flashed on her face as she gestured toward his penis. It no longer looked the way he remembered it.

The rock-hard erection was to be expected, but the foreskin had been pulled back from the head. The tip was throbbing with pain.

"Ah, ah, ahh."

He could not even speak.

He felt like he was having a bad dream…or a wet one. He had long been attracted to this ninja with moonlike beauty, so he had of course imagined her in the nude before.

But he had never imagined that stoic woman would do something like this.

"Based on this beautiful pink color, I can surmise this penis has never experienced a woman."

"…That's right."

When she lifted his cock up between her fingers and closely observed it, he did not have it in him to resist.

With that weak point in her hand, even a genius ninja boy was no more than a pathetic virgin.

"Hm, but that's not too surprising. You're close to Alisha, but she is almost certainly a virgin herself."

She smiled coldly, like a cat playing with the mouse it had caught.

"Young master, you really should spend some time training yourself in the sexual arts and not just the ninja arts."

"The sexual arts? This isn't some bawdy bard's tale."

"You would be surprised who has mastered the sexual arts. Even the most pure-looking woman out there is likely having the time of her life once night falls. And women of the royal court in particular treat sex like some kind of game."

Plenty of women had used their sexual skills to marry up in the social hierarchy.

"You live in that world now, young master, so you must learn some basic survival skills. Those women will be all over you like a pack of wolves on a lost lamb."

"Wh-what kind of survival skills?"

"I will provide you with the experience you need to hold those she-foxes at bay. Wouldn't you like some lessons in the sexual arts? They happen to be a specialty of mine."

Her face remained cold, but she whispered sweetly to him while tweaking his nipple with her left hand and rolling his balls around like a pair of walnuts with her right hand.


He cried out in pleasure and arched his back.

He had never known his balls or nipples could provide this kind of pleasure, so his mind was melting as he answered her.

"P-please teach me."

"Hee hee. That's what I like to hear. You stay like that and I will take care of everything."

He was like a fish laid out on the cutting board. The young woman was clearly using this as an excuse to have her way with him, but he was perfectly fine with that.

The virgin boy could not imagine what form that would take, but he could guess he would experience more pleasure than ever before in his life. The mixture of hope and arousal was so great his vision blurred like he had a high fever.

Risull got up, pressed her stomach against Zweig's penis, and then placed her crotch on it.

She also untied the front of her blue bustier, revealing her left breast.

Her pale skin looked bewitchingly seductive in the dim light.

The nicely-large mound looked incredibly soft and it still had a compact enough size to not get in the way of her ninja-ing.

The nipple at the tip was sticking out stiffly, but it was small and lightly colored.

She had the beauty of a drawn blade and she frowned as he stared in awe.

"Do I frighten you, young master?"


She did, but she frightened him too much to say so to her face.

She breathed a melancholy sigh.

"So many people fear me based on my appearance, but I'm really just a normal woman."

He was pretty sure normal women did not sneak into a man's bed, strip him nude, and kiss him.

"For example."

She took his hands and placed them on her breasts.

They were the perfect size to fit in his hands, they were sweaty, and they seemed to suck at his hand.

"I'm nice and warm, aren't I?"


They were not as large as Sieglinde's he had felt during the day, but they were still plenty big and incredibly hot.

They felt so nice in his hands he ended up gently massaging them and pinching the small nipples sticking out.

"Hee hee. Looks like you're a fan."

"I am."

He lost himself in massaging the boobs in his hands.

"Ahn, yes, you can touch them all you like. Hee hee hee♪"

Her skin looked as hard and cold as the moon, but the breasts in his hands were warm and soft.

He enjoyed how they changed shape as his hands moved, but another idea came to mind.

He wanted to suck on them.

Unable to resist the urge, he gulped a few times and hesitantly looked up at her face. She realized what he must have wanted, so she nodded.

Like a dog released from a "sit" command, he began sucking at the delicious melons in front of him.

"Hee hee, hee hee hee♪ Oh, young master♪ Ahn♪ You're so rough♪"

She was normally so calm and composed you had to wonder if she had ice in her veins, but the warm blood seemed to start pumping through her as he massaged and sucked at her tits.

He lifted them up and alternately sucked both light pink nipples.

The nipples started out small, but they gradually grew larger and stiffer.

Her moans also grew louder.

"Ahh, ahh, ahn♪ Oh, yes, you're good at this♪"

She wiggled her hips in a delighted way as the boy had his way with her breasts.

Her crotch was pressing down on his dick through her thin panties.


Precum flowed out and his dick twitched while he continued playing with her boobs.

She finally embraced his head and pushed him away.

(But I want to suck her tits some more.)

She must have known what he was thinking because she smiled bitterly.

"How about we move on to the next stage?

He had the face of a dog in heat as she had him lie back down on his back, straddled his head, and lowered her face toward his lower body.


He found himself looking up at her beautiful body from the ankles up.

She licked her lips and pulled up her ninja miniskirt to reveal the blue underwear within.

The crotch was noticeably discolored from the liquid seeping out from within.

"Hee hee♪"

She seemed to be enjoying the thrill of seducing a virgin boy.

She was known for her icy, moonlike face, so he had never imagined such a warm and sexual look there.

Enjoying his intense gaze, she pulled the miniskirt up so it wrapped around her stomach.

Then she spread her knees wide and sat down as if to take a piss. Her crotch lowered right in front of his nose with only a small piece of fabric to cover it.

Her panties were soaked and, when she placed her hand on it and pushed, he could see her blue pubic hair through it.

"Young master, are you more interested in these panties or what is hidden within them?"

How was that even a question? He was dying to see what was inside. However, something seemed off about the way she asked the question, so he looked up at her face.

"About three years ago, on the night before I left our hometown, you snuck into my bedroom and stole a pair of my used underwear."

Her words felt like a sledgehammer to the head.

"Y-you knew?"

"I did. I taught you your basic ninja skills, if you recall. Hee hee. I knew you took them, but I let you get away with it. What I don't know, however, is how you used my gift afterwards♪"

The look on her face said she could make a very solid guess.

"So let me ask again: are you more interested in my panties or in the pussy within?"

"Y-your pussy. I want to lick your pussy."

"Hee hee. That's a relief. I was worried you might be an extreme underwear fetishist."

She smiled in front of the shaken boy, grabbed the crotch of her underwear, and pulled it to the left.

A feminine scent filled his nose.

Then she sat down while grabbing his cock in both hands.

This was known as girl-on-top sixty-nine.

He reflexively grabbed her hips, placed his thumbs on her labia, and spread them.

A hot liquid dripped out and onto his face.

Even that cool beauty was extremely aroused right now.

The virgin boy was also so aroused he thought his mind had turned to porridge. He simply obeyed his male instincts and viewed the female reproductive organ in front of him.

It looked so raw he found it hard to believe it was part of that pale moonlike woman.

Salmon pink flesh was twitching and soaked with a whitish sticky fluid.

But it was also breathtakingly beautiful.

"C-can I lick it?"

"At this point, I'd be upset if you didn't. Besides, you've dreamed of doing this to me, haven't you?"

It was true he had fantasized about her pussy on numerous occasions. He had practiced this in his imagination enough times that his body easily began to move.

He held her thighs and pulled her in closer while burying his face in her dew-wet flower petals. Then he licked up that feminine nectar.


A single lick was enough for her to arch her back and tremble with his erection still held in her hands.

His first taste of a vulva reminded him of salty ham rubbed with yogurt.

The one lick gave him enough courage to start sucking as if trying to get all the love juices out of her.

"Ah, ahn, ahn, ahn, yes, there, right there…yes♪"

He knew nothing about the vulva's structure, but she kindly told him where it felt the best and he focused his attacks there.

When he licked at her clitoris, she trembled more than ever while emitting even more love juices, so he immediately knew that was a weak point.

"Ahh, yes, yes, yes♪ Ah, ahhhhhhhhh!"

He felt like a cunnilingus master, but that was an illusion. Most of Risull's pleasure was coming from her moving her own hips to press the best parts against him herself.

He was enough of a sub to love following the young woman's instructions while she sat on his face.

"S-suck on my clit!"

He brought that bean-like clitoris into his mouth and sucked as told. Meanwhile, she pressed her honeypot against his nose and grinded her hips against him.

His face ended up all sticky, but he did not mind at all as he rolled her clitoris around with his tongue. Eventually, waves of convulsions ran through her from her butt to her thigh while she moaned even louder.

"I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming! The young master is making me cum! The very same young master who stole my filthy underwear is making me cum!"

Hot love juices sprayed from her vagina and she tensed while still holding his penis tight.


He called her name in surprise at her sexual display and then she went limp.

"Pant, pant. Okay, I'm more than ready now. It's time to actually do it."

Her Blizzard Eyes shined bright as she lovingly stroked the penis in her hands.

The young mast rose toward the sky while waiting impatiently for the moment to come.

He was finally going to have sex.

He gulped in anticipation, but then he sensed a new presence in the room.

"Hold it right there, Risull."

He struggled in shock at the familiar girl's voice, but he could not move with the woman lying on top of him. Risull must have noticed the girl's presence earlier because she did not seem remotely surprised.

"What do you want, Alisha?"

Alisha was curled up in the shadows in her green ninja outfit.

"U-um, Risull, I've heard all about how you sneak into unsuspecting boys' bedrooms to prey on them. You're nothing but a predator!"

"What an awful thing to say. All I'm doing is teaching the young master what he needs to know to protect himself from any other woman who try to seduce him."

Alisha puffed out her cheeks at that. She clearly had some choice words she wanted to use here.

But when she did speak, it was not at all what Zweig had expected.

"Fine, but I'm helping him too."

"But you…"

"Yes, I am a virgin. But some other girl might use her virginity to seduce him, so he needs to be familiar with virgins and not just – how to put this politely? – filthy skanks."

The older ninja let that comment slide and decided to accept the novice ninja's suggestion.

"Well, you can't continue much longer with your kunoichi training until you lose your virginity anyway, so have the young master take it tonight. Really, you should have had him do that ages ago. Is that fine with you, young master?"

"O-of course."

Zweig was shaken. He had been friends with Alisha for as long as he could remember. He thought she was pretty cute, but he had been around her for so long he had never really thought of her in this light before.

And if being a virgin was a problem as a female ninja, he was willing to help out. What are friends for, right?

But he also felt that was not a good enough reason to take a girl's virginity.

"Thank you for doing this for me."

He had trouble keeping up with the rapidly changing situation, but Alisha cheerfully thanked him and quickly reached below the short hem of her ninja outfit and stripped off her white and pink striped panties.

Then she mounted Zweig's erect cock.

"Hold on, Alisha. What do you think you're doing?"

Risull tried to stop her, but not even a master ninja could move all that well after being brought to climax with oral sex.

"Then I will take your virginity, Zweig. And you can have my virginity in exchange."

Her eyes shined bright as she forcibly lowered her hips.

The penis head entered her slit.


She wrinkled her brow and clenched her teeth.

Her sexual flesh was warm and soft, but it was insufficiently wet and provided a lot of resistance. And with Risull's butt on his face, Zweig could not see much of what was happening.

He simply felt a bizarre sensation like his hard flesh was forcibly tearing something open and then her hips finally reached his crotch. His erection was fully within her.


Silence followed.

Alisha's body had tensed up and her vagina was squeezing his dick like she was trying to crush it.


Her body shook and then a yell exploded out of her.


Then she began to cry.

"You should've expected this." Risull brought a hand to her forehead in thorough exasperation. "You dumb child. Surely you've heard that losing your virginity hurts, so why would you do that without any foreplay at all? Are you insane?"

With a sigh of resignation, Risull stood up from Zweig's face and circled behind the sobbing girl.

"So are you satisfied now?"

She grabbed Alisha from behind and yanked her upwards.

The union of the two virgins came apart.

"Hmm, now his dick has blood on it. But I'm always up to try something new♪"

Once his penis left Alisha's vagina, Risull brought it to her own nectar-dripping honeypot.

His erection was swallowed smoothly into this vagina.

"Ahh," moaned Zweig.

(Th-that feels so good.)

"See? This is much better than a virgin, isn't it?"

Zweig could not help but nod.

This was entirely different from how Alisha's vagina had squeezed him so tight he thought she was going to crush his dick. Risull's soft flesh squeezed him just right.

And the incredible warmth of her vagina made a nice contrast with the icy beauty of her face.

"Virgins aren't all they're cracked up to be."

Risull was right. Hers felt so much better than Alisha's had.

When she moved her hips in a circular pattern, it felt so good he was afraid his dick would melt away.

"Yeah, well, I'm not a virgin anymore."

Alisha had been curled up in pain after her ill-advised sudden deflowering, but she suddenly got back up and leaned over Zweig's face.


His eyes widened when she stole his lips, took his hands, and brought them to her breasts.

Her breasts felt nicely plump even through her clothing, so he naturally began groping them.

"Ahn, Alisha, you were supposed to do that part first. Ah, then it wouldn't have, hh, hurt as much, ahhh!"

Seeing the boy you were fucking enjoying a kiss with another girl could not be fun, but Risull chose to enjoy her situation with the confidence her greater experience brought.

Her vagina squeezed his cock sometimes rhythmically and sometimes arrhythmically.

Zweig's childhood friend was kissing him while he was joined with the young woman whose underwear he had once stolen.

The luxury of it all felt unreal.

(I-it's so good. Girls' bodies feel so good.)

He was so aroused he lost himself in exchanging saliva and groping her breasts. At the same time, he enjoyed the sensation of Risull's adult honeypot.

Enjoying his childhood friend and childhood crush at the same time made him feel like his body would melt away with happiness.

To redirect his attention to her, Risull sped up her hips to stroke him with her rough vaginal walls, causing his dick to swell out.

"Oh, it just got bigger! Cum inside me, young master!"

Alisha did not like that he was about to cum inside another girl, so she sucked hard at his lips.

"Nh, nhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

His childhood friend held him and sucked at his lips while his penis explosively grew within his childhood crush's pussy.

The twitching of his cock spread into Risull's body and Alisha seemed to sense it too as she kissed him.

It gave him the odd feeling of being inside both of them at once. Then he exploded.



He sprayed lots of hot liquid inside the cool young woman's vagina and she achieved climax as well.

"Yes,! Yes! Young master's cum! It's squirting up into my womb! There's so much! It's flowing back out!"

Her vagina squeezed with the same rhythm as his dick's throbbing, so it felt like she was trying to milk the semen out of him.

Alisha did not like that Risull was experiencing so much pleasure, but she kept sucking at his lips like she could sense his arousal.

The saliva in his mouth and the semen in his dick were sucked out by two different people.