
Harem pirates

The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates

Jonas89 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Harem Pirates 2: Chapter 3 - Where’s the Ghost Ship?

"We missed it again and it's your fault!"

After bringing her ship in so close they nearly collided, Evaline hopped over onto the King of Pirates, raced like the wind through the ship, and burst through the door to the captain's cabin so forcefully you would think she had kicked it down.

The instant she saw Ricardo staring at the map unfurled on the work desk, she held her beloved axe out in front of his nose and spat a complaint.

Overwhelmed by her intensity, he reflexively raised both hands in surrender.

Amanda stood behind the raging bull of a girl, giving the boy an apologetic look.

Ricardo was accompanied by Guest Advisor Rose and his aide Marion.

Marion was well known for her impulsiveness, to the point of being nicknamed the Kamikaze Commander, so her anger flared up and she shouted back.

"Hey, watch how you steer your ship! You nearly crashed into us!"

Evaline's ship had a ram on the front, so a collision would have been catastrophic. It could sink even a large ship.

"Shut up! I have no time for underlings!"

Evaline paid Marion no heed. She barked a command without even looking in the girls' direction. Instead, she placed her left foot on the desk, showing off her beautiful leg as she stepped up onto the desk, grabbed Ricardo's collar, and pulled him toward her.

"I followed your instructions to the letter and we have three failures in a row to show for it! Don't you get that!?"

Her anger was understandable.

More than 100 Etrurian merchant ships passed through the ocean near Brakia every day, so it was physically impossible to guard all of them.

Their only option was to make their best guess of where to patrol, but the SOS had never once come from the same regions that Ricardo had guessed. Whenever the reports came in, Ricardo and Evaline would send out their ships on routes that would catch the enemy in a pincer attack, but they only ever found the wreckage of a sunk ship waiting for them.

More than being too late, it felt like they were being outwitted.

"Your plans are garbage!" concluded Evaline, so she threw her timid fiancé to the floor and held the tip of her axe to his nose.

"I thought you were supposed to be smart. A brainless warrior would do better than this!"

This time, the ghost ship appeared to have escaped on a current other than the one he had expected. He had known the current existed thanks to Rose, but he had never imagined the ghost ship would take it when it passed so close to a whirlpool.

It was his plan, so he understood why Evaline was blaming him


When he said nothing to defend himself, Marion spoke up instead.

"God, this girl sure thinks highly of herself!"

Ricardo's crew was just as upset after failing to save more and more of their own kingdom's ships, but Evaline insisted on rubbing salt in the wound.

"The Jade Sea is a big place, so running across a ship by chance is about as likely as finding a diamond someone lost on the beach. Does this arrogant girl not get that!?"

Marion had held her tongue before since Evaline was Ricardo's fiancée, but she couldn't hold it in any longer. She had never liked how Evaline treated Ricardo, so she really let loose here.

"If you think his plans are so bad, do you have a better one!?"

"Why should I? This is Etruria's problem. I am only here to assist. Why should I work my brains over this?"

"You've always got an excuse, huh? It's a wonder anyone can stand being around you." Marion stomped her feet in frustration. "Prince Ricardo is doing his best. Shouldn't a fiancée have some kind words for him?"

That last comment was the last straw for Evaline. She rested her axe on her shoulder, gave Marion a look of utter contempt, and snorted with laughter.

"Hah! Don't be ridiculous. Results are what matter. If 'your best' ends in failure, it just means you're incompetent. And I am not about to marry someone incompetent. If this failure keeps up, I am speaking with father and having the engagement canceled."

With that said, Evaline twirled around to leave.

"Eva, where are you going?"

"There might be some survivors out there. I will search the area."

"Good idea. Thanks."

With the typhoon of a girl gone, Ricardo got up from the floor and gave instructions to Marion, who was sticking out her tongue at Evaline's departing back, and to First Mate Marshel who was in the wheelhouse. He had those two arrange their own search for survivors.

"Phew…I can't believe this. It is true we're always one step behind."

He leaned back in his chair and spoke more to himself than Rose while looking up at the ceiling in thought.

If they only searched at random, they had almost no chance of encountering the ghost ship. But they were always too late if they waited for an SOS and rushed in to save the merchant ship. Yet when they used a merchant ship as bait and remained nearby, the ghost ship never appeared.

(Is there nothing else we can do?)

He voiced a thought he had kept tucked away in a corner of his mind for a while now.

"It's almost like someone is leaking our plans…"

Searching for an internal reason for defeat was a dangerous line of thought and alarm bells went off in his head, but he was not convinced the idea was wrong.

"Rose, what do you-"

Just as he prepared to ask what his ever-composed advisor thought, Marion rushed back in.

"The Salamander is here. They're using signal flags to ask to come aboard."

Rose's usually expressionless face lit up.

"Scarlet's ship? Let them approach."

A bit later, a redheaded pirate woman strutted into the captain's cabin.

She was taller than Brakia Governor-General Vanessa and she had broad shoulders too. Her chest was big, her waist thin, and her butt large.

She had reddish-blonde hair and large facial features. Her eyes were the blue of the ocean shining in the morning sun and her beauty was one of fierce strength.

She was a bold and powerful woman.

She had a full body befitting her late-twenties age and it was contained by a black corset, a red wrapped skirt, and a pirate hat.

She had once been a pirate, but she now captained on of Etruria's privateer ships. The fact that she still wore the hat was a good indicator of her personality.

"I am at your service, my prince."

After approaching Ricardo, the pirate woman pretentiously doffed her hat and kneeled in greeting.

"The stuffy greeting isn't necessary. I'm glad to see you again, Scarlet."

"As am I."

She grinned and casually greeted the girl standing by his side.

"Hi, Rose. How have you been!?"

"Well enough. I am glad to see you are your usual self."

The girl never said more to Ricardo than was strictly necessary, but she shyly fidgeted here.

Scarlet smiled bitterly, walked over, and held Rose's head to her large chest.


Rose was unsure what to do, but Scarlet rubbed her head affectionately.

Rose's face was always devoid of emotion, but Ricardo saw her eyes grow damp now.

(She really does love Scarlet.)

It was adorable, but he also felt a little jealous.

"You always were such a needy girl."

Ricardo nearly burst out laughing at the thought of Rose being "needy".

She had been as independent as could be while on his ship anyway. She had made no attempt to befriend Ricardo, Marion, Martha, Jimmy, or the rest of the crew, so "needy" did not seem to describe her at all. Yet she looked like a cat basking in the sun while resting in Scarlet's chest.

"Hm? What's that look for?" asked Scarlet after noticing him staring.

"Nothing really. I just thought you look like Rose's mother or something."

"Don't be dumb. I'm not old enough to have a daughter her age. At least say we look like sisters."

Scarlet barked with laughter and let Rose go before plopping down on the guest sofa and crossing her long legs.

Rose stood behind her on the right like it was where she belonged. She kept her spellbound eyes on Scarlet at all times. She probably wanted to make up for all the time she had been unable to see her beloved mistress.

She also wanted to touch Scarlet as much as possible, so she casually placed a hand on the pirate woman's shoulder. Scarlet placed her larger hand over that smaller one as she asked a question.

"Has she been useful?"

"Very. Even our veteran sailors are impressed with her knowledge of the sea routes and cities."

"I see. That's good to hear." Scarlet happily narrowed her eyes. "She has talent, but she's a little too dependent on me. If I didn't order her not to, she would skip meals and she has no interest in looking nice. I keep telling her to enjoy life more. I left her with you, hoping a journey away from me would help, but I was worried she would have spent the entire time pining for me."


Scarlet's tone made it clear she was teasing Rose, but Rose physically trembled with joy that Scarlet had been worried about her.

Once the strange pair had gotten their greetings out of the way, Jimmy entered with some herbal tea. Scarlet took a sip before starting on a new subject.

"Now, let's get down to business, shall we? I hear you are having trouble hunting down that ghost ship."

"Unfortunately, yes…"

Ricardo felt ashamed and the redhead pirate nodded back at him.

"I've been looking into it with my own connections, but it seems the ghost ship isn't pirates."

"Thank you for your help. Did you find any clues?"

Ricardo leaned forward and Scarlet spread her arms.

"The opposite. I found no clues at all. I searched and searched, but there are no pirates with any real influence in the Jade Sea right now."

"None at all?"

"All of my pirate contacts say they're having a hard time of it lately. Besides, slaughtering everyone on the ship and sinking it isn't how pirates operate."

Pirates were after money. They did not enjoy death and destruction. People could be ransomed off or sold. And instead of sinking a ship, it was more profitable to steal it and sell it.

"That only leaves one possibility."

"That a kingdom is behind it?" muttered Ricardo.

Scarlet smiled and nodded.

"That's my prince. You had already considered the possibility, hadn't you? It's the only thing that makes sense. This is how a state operates. It's how wars are fought."

"That means it's probably a military action by a kingdom working with the Double Kingdom."

Instead of just accepting her flattery, he continued to work his mind and she nodded again.

"Yes, and this isn't the work of a hired privateer like me. This is their navy. It would be too costly otherwise."

"But we have an anti-Double Kingdom alliance in this region. Could someone really pull this off in secret?"

He was not quite sure what a kingdom gained by making guerilla attacks with their navy.

If they were only interested in causing economic damage, it would be more efficient to hire pirates like Scarlet as privateers.

He could not get a clear image of this enemy who had decided on such an inefficient plan.

While he pondered the issue, Marion rushed in again.

"Prince Ricardo, the South Sea Falcon is approaching from 3 o'clock."

"Eh!? Well, let them approach right away."

Ricardo briefly looked to Scarlet before granting permission.

The South Sea Falcon's Captain Isis and Scarlet had once been rival confidantes to Admiral Sigrain.

They were both very important to Ricardo, but they did not get along in the slightest. He was hesitant to let them meet, but the South Sea Falcon would have already seen the Salamander alongside the King of Pirates. Moving Scarlet to another room to keep them apart would not work in this case.

"A lot of visitors today," noted Scarlet with an amused smile, earning a sigh from Ricardo.

(If Scarlet wouldn't tease straitlaced Isis so much, they wouldn't end up fighting all the time.)

It was not long before Isis entered the captain's cabin.

Her glossy black hair was cut to shoulder length, she had clean-cut facial features, and she had a sharp look to her light brown eyes. She impeccably wore the blue coat and white pants of a naval officer and she wore a crude naval sword at her hip.

As a person, she seemed tough as steel and she had the strict personality to match. She was the perfect navy woman inside and out.

"Captain Isis, thank you for your visit."

"I come bearing supplies on Lady Sigrain's orders. I would also like a progress report."

Ricardo explained their current situation to the strict young woman.

His adoration of Isis came through on his face and in his voice. It was much like how Rose acted around Scarlet, but he was unaware of it himself.

When he was done, he asked for Isis's opinion, but she shook her head.

"You are now a captain with a crew of more than 200. You must carry this weight yourself. I will say nothing about your strategy."

She refused, but he knew that was her way of showing kindness.

But while Isis showed some warmth in her strict treatment of Ricardo, her strict treatment of Scarlet never rose above absolute zero.

"By the way, Scarlet. What are you doing here?"

Scarlet shrugged at the receiving end of Isis's look of open hostility.

"I came to deliver some information. Now, what are you doing here?"

"I believe I already explained that I come bearing supplies on Lady Sigrain's orders. Weren't you listening?"

Isis glared harshly at Scarlet for having to repeat herself, but Scarlet continued shrugging and breathed an exaggerated sigh of exasperation.

"One of Etruria's top navy ships would not come all this way for that. It's so obvious what you were really after, you naughty girl, you."

"Y-you dare call me naughty!? I merely decided he needed these supplies as soon as possible."

Ricardo sighed when the arguing he had expected finally arrived.

Isis and Scarlet were both wonderful woman and he respected and loved them both.

(But it always gets awkward when they meet. It's a little better when Sigrain is there too, at least.)

It was terrible luck that both ships had arrived at the same time.

He tried to figure out what to do, but Scarlet decided to provoke Isis even more.

"You are just obsessed with keeping up appearances, aren't you? Just come out and say sailed here all giddy about the thought of receiving our prince's cock."

"Y-you fool! Prince Ricardo is on an important mission, so that would be highly inappropriate. I get the feeling you are projecting your own reasons onto me here."

Scarlet answered Isis with an alluring smile.

"Of course that's why I'm here. Why board his ship if I'm not going to get that incomparable cock in my pussy while I'm here?"

"H-how can you say these indecent things out loud?"

Scarlet's lewd statement made Isis blush and clench her fist until it trembled in anger.

"What, am I supposed to lie? I've got a prince boytoy, so why wouldn't I have fun with him whenever I have the chance?"


Isis did not have an argument.

"Besides, he has more than 200 women already, so you need be assertive to stand out."

Scarlet suddenly sat sideways on the desk, reached out her left hand, and stroked Ricardo from throat to chin.

"What do you think you are doing, Scarlet?"

She ignored Isis's shocked rebuke and peered into Ricardo's eyes with her own damp ones.

"Hee hee. Oh, my adorable prince. Won't you please reward your servant for all her hard work?♪"

She tilted his head up and planted her lips on his.

(W-wait, we're doing this here?)

Scarlet was one of his favorite women and he of course wanted to have sex with her since she was here. He had expected it even.

It would have saddened him to have her go before they could do anything together.

(But it's still midday and Isis is furious. …Not to mention that Rose is here.)

Isis and Rose's gazes hurt, but Scarlet didn't care in the slightest as she ran her hot tongue along his lips.

"Scarlet, there is a time and a place for these things. You can't just act like an animal in heat wherever you go! Have you no shame!?"

Isis's threatening voice washed right off Scarlet as she parted his lips and pushed her tongue inside.

She licked his front teeth and gums and used the hand on his chin to have him open his mouth.

He could not fight the sweet pleasure, so he opened his mouth, allowing her tongue inside where it licked at his upper jaw.


The pleasure of her tongue running along the seam of his upper jaw made him tremble. A moment later, her tongue was tangling with his.

"Nh…nh, mhh…ah♪"

He was at the mercy of Scarlet's skilled tongue, but he still gave a worried glance over toward Isis.

Isis was blushing and angry while glaring at them resentfully.

She started to say something but stopped and her knees were fidgeting together inside her white slacks, so her desire and her pride may have been clashing in her mind.

(She's so cute.)

He was pleased to realize she was jealous.

That captain used to be his superior officer and he respected her a lot, but he also knew he had the greater sexual experience.

She took everything so seriously she had trouble cutting loose and having sex, but her sexual nature could be exposed if you gave her the chance.

(You come on over too, Isis.)

Even as he tangled his tongue with the redheaded pirate's powerful one, he called Isis over with his eyes and the message was apparently received.

The blushing woman walked over with a blank look on her face and she forced her way in between Scarlet and Ricardo. Then she pressed her lips against his.

She was unable to restrain her jealousy, so it was a pretty forceful kiss.

Now both women's tongues competed within his mouth.

(I love them both so much, so I really wish they could just get along.)

When he stuck out his tongue for them, both of them competed to lick and suck it more.

Hot saliva flowed back into his mouth and the women's mixed juice flowed down his throat.

"Nh, hhn…hn."

Isis must not have been able to resist because she straddled his right thigh and pressed her crotch against it like she was riding a cock.

(Isis is always so strict with herself, but as soon her sex mode switches on, she's just as horny as Scarlet.)

Not wanting to lose to Isis, Scarlet straddled his left thigh and rubbed her crotch back and forth along it.

Feeling their weights on his thighs, his hands naturally reached for their chests.


Their softness was evident even through the black corset and white blouse. When he squeezed their breasts, heated breaths left their noses.

Scarlet's were bigger, but Isis's standard-sized ones were in no way inferior.

(Kh…they both have such nice tits. But it's more fun playing with them when they're bare.)

He had slept with both of them several times, so they knew what his every gesture meant. They raced to be the first to bare their breasts.

Scarlet pulled down her leather bustier and Isis unbuttoned her silk blouse.

Then they stopped greedily kissing him so they could press their breasts against him.

"Hee hee. Did you have a hankering for some titties?"

"Please devour my boobs!"

With Scarlet on his left thigh and Isis on his right, they both pushed their breasts into his face.


(Ha ha. So many boobs. Adult boobs are the best. They're so big and warm and soft. You only get this from an adult.)

Among the three girls he slept with on a daily basis, Jimmy had unusually large breasts for her baby face, but enjoying these adult ones reminded him that hers were big but still a child's.

"Ahh, ahh, ahn."

Ricardo let his horniness take over as he enjoyed the four plump breasts on his face.

Scarlet feigned calm and dropped another bombshell.

"By the way, my prince, I hear you've already won over Vanessa."

Isis's gaze intensified for just a moment. He felt like he had been caught cheating, so his voice cracked a bit when he responded.

"Eh? What makes you say that?"

"Rumor has it she left your room one morning in a daze and then spent the entire day grinning like an idiot and acting unusual. It's become something of a legend among the Brakian soldiers."


Ricardo feigned ignorance, but he was actually delighted to know the woman had enjoyed sleeping with him that much.

Isis got after him for the self-satisfied look on his face.

"You shouldn't waste your love on a woman like that."

"B-but…she's an amazing person, even if you don't recognize it yourself. I feel…lucky I got to know her better."

Ricardo enjoyed two women's breasts while reminiscing how good another woman had felt, so Isis dropped lightning on his head.

"You are too trusting of women! Sleep around if you must, but please learn to tell which women it would be a very bad idea to get involved with."

"Unfortunately, I imagine our prince would rate women entirely based on whether or not she lets him fuck her."

Even Isis had to nod in reluctant agreement at Scarlet's assessment. Ricardo did not exactly appreciate it.

"Hey, you make it sound like I'm an unrestrained womanizer!"

"Aren't you?" teased Scarlet while poking his cheek with her nipple.

"Okay fine, I guess I am," he grumbled, looking apologetic.

Isis sighed and then pushed her chest against him even harder, like it was meant as a punishment.

"Well, rumors about your love affairs can't surprise me at this point. But what about with Princess Evaline?"

"Eh!? I haven't done anything with her."

He almost looked offended they would think he had, so Isis gave him one of her looks.

"I mean, it's a political marriage, so there's no need to rush. Besides, with the way she acts, I'm sure there's some other guy she likes better."

Scarlet and Isis stopped teasing his face with their breasts to give him looks of exasperation.

(Eh? Did I say something wrong?)

"You know how to sleep with women, but you certainly don't understand them, do you?" said Isis.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm always trying to make you two happy. Same with the rest of the women I sleep with."

He argued back, so Isis gently rebuked him.

"I appreciate that, but what makes you think that obvious virgin likes someone else more?"


He had not expected to be asked for a detailed explanation, so he found himself at a loss for words. Scarlet grinned and gave him some help.

"When a girl acts that way, she's usually trying to get the guy's attention. So all you have to do is approach her and make her cum with the technique we've taught you."

"Women can tell how much a man loves her from the way he desires her body."

Those two were always fighting, but now they were working in perfect harmony.

That frustrated Ricardo, so he pushed all four breasts together from the sides and brought all four nipples into his mouth at the same time.


The two women were more than happy to go along with his nipple-sucking distraction.

With her nipples growing stiff, Isis reached her right hand behind his head. With her nipples puffing out, Scarlet did the same with her left hand. They pushed his head against their chests while grinding their hips against his thighs. And like they had calculated out the perfect timing, they simultaneously rubbed at his crotch and pulled his erect cock from his pants.

Isis's left hand and Scarlet's right hand massaged the balls and stroked the shaft.


The lively penis gushed with precum and Ricardo soon had to release the breasts to moan.

"Hee hee hee." With the smile of an older woman, Scarlet whispered into her beloved prince's ear. "Well, Princess Evaline can wait. Right now, I think it's about time you put that lovely cock of yours inside us♪"

"Eh? Really?"

He had thought they were focused on lecturing him, so this came as a surprise. Isis whispered in his other ear with a bitter smile in her voice.

"Of course. We are yours, after all."

Ricardo's face lit up.

"That's right. I love you both so much."

Isis nodded gently while looking him in the eye. He felt like their hearts were connected in that moment, so a warm feeling flowed into his chest.

After being forced to watch that, Scarlet decided to tease them.

"Hmph. Quit trying to make this all fancy. Just come out and say your pussy is dripping wet and you want his cock inside it."

"I will offer him my body when he asks for it, but I will not indecently pursue him like you do."

Ricardo moved quickly to stop them from fighting again.

"No fighting, okay? Scarlet, you lie face up on the desk. Isis, you lie face down on top of her."

Scarlet lay on the table as instructed and spread her legs wide. Isis got up on top of her and stuck out her butt.

"L-like this?"

"Yes, that's perfect."

Isis looked back worriedly and Ricardo reassured her while hornily licking his lips.

Right now, he could see Isis's lower body in her white pants and Scarlet's in her red skirt.

(Yeah, this is the kind of view you live for.)

He couldn't help but stare, but then Scarlet gave a shout.

"Ha ha♪ Nothing quite like another woman's nipples rubbing yours♪"

"Hey, stop enjoying that. I am not at all interested in giving you pleasure!"

"Must you be a wet blanket at all times? Besides, I know you're enjoying the nipple rubbing too."

Scarlet placed her arms around Isis's back and held her close. Isis must have been enjoying it after all because she could not stop moaning.

(They're getting that much pleasure from rubbing their nipples together? They must be really turned on.)

Ricardo gulped at the women's lesbian act and worked on first removing Isis's pants and then the white thong within.


Silver threads connected the crotch of the small underwear to her crotch below and she let out an embarrassed cry.

Next, he reached for the sexy black panties inside Scarlet's red skirt. Scarlet helped by stretching her legs out together. Once he got the underwear off of her, she spread her legs wide once more.

The labia with black hair and labia with red hair were both nice and wet.

"Give it to me, my prince."

"Please give it to me first, prince"

With their breasts squished together, Scarlet and Isis sexily wiggled their hips to seduce him.

He had not slept with either of them since he had left on this voyage, so their bodies were starved for sex.

Meanwhile, he had been enjoying himself with Marion, Martha, Jimmy, Vanessa, and more.

(Heh heh. They're both mine, so I need to satisfy them both.)

Unable to hide his arousal in front of those two sexy women, Ricardo licked his lips, approached their labia and started by carefully observing them.

(Maybe it's because her butt and boobs are so big, but Scarlet's pussy is big too.)

Then he reached out both hands and spread Isis's labia with his two index fingers and Scarlet's with his two thumbs.

"Ahh…d-do you have to compare us down there?"

Isis made an embarrassed complaint and even Scarlet shook in slight embarrassment.

"You both have such pretty pussies, so it would be a shame not to admire them."

Scarlet's was rose pink and Isis's was salmon pink. For both, the flesh within was trembling and coated with plenty of syrup.

He brought his nose close and enjoyed the smell. They smelled like the ocean they so loved.

(Scarlet's pussy smells stronger today.)

After that, he finally stuck out his tongue. No, the dirty boy could not restrain the sexual beast within him, so he actually sucked at both their vulvas.

"Ahh, ah, ahh♪"

"Ahn, a little warning…would be nice♪"

They both cried out like a pair of animals.

His tongue mixed together their nectar and rubbed it all over both their pussies.

They moved their hips to push their vulvas against him so they could feel his tongue as much as possible. They eventually pushed their vulvas against each other to reduce the time it took his tongue to move from one to the other, meaning they were essentially scissoring.

Feeling mischievous, Ricardo bared their clits, causing the two sensitive red pearls to come in contact.


Their bodies trembled like a jolt of electricity had run through them.

"Ah, ahh, s-stop Don't rub me there."

"What? You're on top, so this is all on you. You're the one pushing your pussy against mine. Ahh♪"

Once they started feeling that pleasure, they could not bring themselves to stop. Isis and Scarlet pressed their vulvas together hard enough for them to seemingly suck wetly at each other.

Ricardo kept his head in the middle so he could enjoy the differences between their sexual flesh using his tongue and his nose. He made sure to lick everything from their outer labia to their clits.

"Ahh, ahhhhhn♪"

They were now tightly holding each other in unrestrained pleasure, rubbing wet pussies and hard nipples together.

And once their clits both ended up in the boy's mouth at once, they held each other even tighter and shouted at the top of their lungs.


Two types of love juices sprayed out, soaking Ricardo's face.

(They should be ready now, right?)

He got up, wiped off his mouth, and readied his rock-hard cock.

Realizing he was preparing to enter them, the women lifted their sweaty asses and begged him.

"Hurry…put it inside me."

"I-I'll go crazy if you tease me any longer."

Their vaginas were opening and closing like a fish's mouth.

He could tell his dick would be swallowed inside the instant he brought it close.

But who would he put it in first? He had a plan.

First, he only rubbed their vulvas with the penis head. Then he gradually increased the pressure, pushing the head inside a little more with each pass.

"H-hurry. I need it deep inside me now!"

Once Isis could stand it no longer, she tearfully begged him. He was sorely tempted, but he resisted.

Women apparently felt a sense of fulfillment once they had a penis deep inside them, but that did not mean it provided the greatest pleasure. They seemed to feel it even more when he teased this shallower region.

(There's so much to learn about women's bodies.)

He enjoyed the differences between the two vaginas as he pushed just the head into each one in turn.

(Scarlet's is a little wider and Isis's is tighter and harder.)

Suddenly sensing someone's gaze on him, Ricardo looked up. The short girl in a maid-style dress was staring straight at him with eyes like glass beads.

Feeling mischievous again, Ricardo informed the two horny women.

"Um, are you sure you want to do this here? Rose is watching."

"I don't mind. Show her that a man can be fun in bed too."

"No, no, no…don't look…"

Scarlet was amused and Isis embarrassed, making for two very different reactions.

(Come to think of it, Rose was watching the first time I did it with Scarlet.)

Turned on, Ricardo started thrusting deep inside the two honeypots.

They were full of hot nectar and they squeezed tight like they had been waiting for this.

"Ahh, ahhhn♪"

They moaned happily now that they could finally enjoy that beloved penis in their vaginas.

(Khh…this is so good. Not only are they beautiful and talented, but they have the best pussies too.)

He wanted to ejaculate just from penetrating them, but he kept fucking each one in turn.

When having group sex, he always felt bad having to make the women take turns since he only had the one dick, but the women appeared to enjoy sharing the experience with another woman in a different way than they enjoyed the one-on-one experience.

When they saw the pleasure on the other woman's face as the penis plunged inside her, they would feel like they were looking in a mirror and their own body would react.

Seeing each other's pleasure increased their own pleasure as well.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!"

The duet of moans caused his dick to grow larger and larger. The head swelled out and mercilessly stirred up their honeypots.

(Ah, I'm about to cum.)

Just as he felt his urge to ejaculate growing, Scarlet asked a question.

"Ahhn…so who has, ah…the better pussy? Me or Isis? Ahn♪"

"L-like I always say, you can't rank pussies like that."

He felt like the semen had risen all the way to the tip while he enjoyed the differences between Scarlet's sucking pussy and Isis's squeezing pussy, but he still managed to explain himself.

"I-it's like fish. Bream, flounder, mackerel, and salmon all look and taste different, but it would be wrong to say any of them were better than the others, right? I love all of you, so it's the same here."

"My, that is a very you answer. B-but how about we make this a sudden death match? Nh, whoever's pussy makes him cum is – ha ha – the better woman♪"

Once Scarlet said that, Isis started focusing on winning the challenge too.

(If you say that I can't cum in either of you!)

He was shocked and reluctant, but it did nothing to stop his desire. He kept enjoying their pussies while mere moments away from cumming.

(The last time I had sex with them was that foursome with Sigrain there too, wasn't it? Who did I cum in last then? O-oh, no. I can't remember.)

This was not like his foursomes with Marion, Martha, and Jimmy. When these women attacked him, he felt more like a doll made of flesh.

They would mount him, suck him, and stroke him. And they would make him cum over and over again. It was a pleasurable hell for him and it always ended with him passing out.

(O-oh, no. I can't last much longer.)

His dick was throbbing as he moved between hot, mature honeypots.

He wanted to enjoy them as long as possible, so he looked around the room for a distraction and noticed the girl still silently standing there.

Rose's glassy eyes were focused on them.

(What does it feel like to see your beloved mistress enjoying some guy's dick?)

He felt a desire to show Rose that, no matter how much she adored her, Scarlet belonged to him.

That desire may have led him to prefer when he was inside Scarlet.



All of a sudden, Scarlet cried out extra loud and her vagina squeezed tight around his penis.

(Eh!? Scarlet just came. …And she didn't give me any warning first. That's cheating.)

Male and female bodies were well made, so when one or the other came during sex, it made the other more want to cum as well.


He tried to fight this surprise attack, but the relentless squeezing and rhythmic moving of her vaginal flesh was too much.

(No…I'm gonna cum.)

He fought it to the last moment, but that probably only amounted to a few seconds at most.

It felt too good to even pull out, so his cock started throbbing along with the vagina's orgasmic throbbing.


All he could do was obey his male instincts and thrust hard inside her while the very tip erupted, like a drawn bowstring launching its arrow.


The horny beast's orgasm reached an even higher level when the hot man juice sprayed all through her vagina.


Satisfied after his ejaculation, Ricardo leaned forward and pressed his cheek against the back of Isis's uniform.

"Prince, does this mean you enjoyed Scarlet's more than mine?"

Just as he was getting comfortable, Isis looked up with tears in her eyes. Even he had to panic when he saw that.

"N-no, that was just random chance!"


It was not often a woman's pride was wounded quite this much.

And in this case, a single penis would be more convincing than any comforting words. His instincts told him as much, so he pulled out of Scarlet.

"Don't worry. I can keep going, so I'll cum inside you this time."


Scarlet let out a happy but somewhat reluctant sigh as it left her.

At Ricardo's age, he could cum repeatedly in a single session, so he was still hard. His dick was covered in semen and love juices as he shoved it inside Isis.


She arched her back in pleasure. She gave the action the elegance of a wolf howling toward the moon.

(I can't shame Isis here!)

Feeling duty-bound to do this, Ricardo grabbed his former boss's ass and pounded away at her.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah…ahhhhh…"

Before, he had been pulling out after each thrust, but now he kept thrusting into her.

Isis moaned loudly as she was driven toward climax much faster this time.



She howled at the top of her lungs while her vagina squeezed with a wild rhythm.

(Oh, w-wow. She squeezes so tight when she cums.)

Delighted, Ricardo came again.

Isis screamed with pleasure and arched her back as she was pumped full of just as much man milk as Scarlet had been.

(I did it. I satisfied Isis too.)

A mixture of male and female juices flowed out of Isis's spread pussy and dripped down onto Scarlet's labia.

After cumming inside and satisfying both of them, Ricardo sank down into the space between their bodies.

But their threesome was not done yet. After a short break, the young male and the two mature females were back at it.

"I've made up my mind. I will return to Brakia for a while."

The horny boy made a sudden announcement after pumping an obscene amount of semen into the two women who represented the Jade Sea.

"Very well," responded Rose who had silently watched all of the sex those three had.

But the heat of the room must have affected her because her voice sounded a bit damp, almost alluring.