
Harem Overlord System(Re-written)

As a perverted otaku, Mc had a knack for ogling at mature beauties, especially the milf ones, and secretly taking advantage of them whenever he could. However, one day, he got more than he bargained for when he got beaten black and blue by one of the beauties he tried to help. To add insult to injury, on his way back home, Mc got into a car accident at a crossroad. But little did he know, fate had something else in store for him. He met a stunning goddess, who, despite being an object of his ogling, decided to forgive him for his past transgressions. In a surprising turn of events, the goddess gave him a system with its own personality and transmigrated him into the anime world he was watching before he died. Now, with a new lease on life, Mc sets out on a journey of self-improvement. He aims to shed his perverted ways and become a great man with a plethora of women by his side. But, as he quickly finds out, it's easier said than done. Through his trials and tribulations, Mc learns to be more open-minded, respectful, and compassionate towards others. He discovers that true greatness isn't measured by the number of women one has but by the quality of relationships one forms. Join Mc on his journey to self-discovery as he navigates the perils of the anime world and strives to become a better man. With humourous anecdotes and witty banter, this fanfic is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. ........... A/N: While there may be a slow burn when it comes to romance, fear not, dear readers, for this story still boasts a harem tag and promises some steamy moments, just not right off the bat. For those who enjoy a little action to spice things up, don't worry, there will be plenty of heart-pumping scenes scattered throughout the story. After all, the protagonist, Mc, is a man of culture, and he knows what his audience wants. As for the anime world he finds himself in, Mc will be exploring the lesser-known corners of the otaku universe. He'll be delving into worlds that are rarely adapted in fanfiction or not at all, so buckle up and get ready for a wild ride. With a mix of humourous and witty dialogue, this story promises to be a refreshing take on the harem and isekai genres. So sit back, relax, and get ready to join Mc on his journey of self-discovery and, of course, his pursuit of love and happiness with a bevy of beauties by his side. First World: Trinity Seven (Volume I) Second World: Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut (Volume II) Third World: ?? ( Maybe a mix world) if you want support me then visit the link: https://ko-fi.com/abysalyounglord0640 ........ Disclamer: "I don't own anything except the Mc and some 'inserts' characters." ......... Comment on the below links to show your support: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077283168912 Instagram: https://instagram.com/abysalyounglord?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= Join Discord: Abysalyounglord#0640

Abysalyounglord · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

64. White Demon Lord vs Demon Lord Candidate




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking




Arata slid back a few steps and smoke came out from his cross guard, making him wince from the pain he felt in his arms.

"What the fuck, what is this bastard using? Ouch..! Ahh, the attack just hurt my hands a little!" Arata cursed looking at the white demon lord who was flexing his muscle after getting powered up which also made Arata take this fight seriously.


White demon lord charged over but this time his body started to give out invisible pressure, showing that he has gotten serious with the fight.

"Boooom!" "Bamn!"

The attacks this time caused both of them to slide back but they kept going hard at each other.

A few attacks of Arata even took a chunk of flesh from the white demon lord but because of high regeneration, he instantly recovers from the injury.

'These attacks are not doing any harm to this fucker. I need to think of a solution fast otherwise, I might get my ass beaten by this white smokey Demon lord'. Arata thought inside his head at the same dodging the incoming attacks.


Arata attacked in the slashing motion on his opponent's shoulder taking a chunk from there then he made the distance from him, knowing fully well that it won't do any damage to this sick guy.

"Heh! Demon Lord Candidate, these attacks won't do a shit to me or are you just that capable!" The white demon lord snickered and mockingly said to Arata, as Arata's attacks aren't dealing any damage to the white demon lord.

"Huh! I haven't even started with the bug guns yet and if you are in hurry to die then who am I to complain!" Arata felt insulted by his mocking words so he also replied provocatively. Arata is now sure that his normal attacks won't work on his opponent so he needs to attack him with other means.

"Connect to Superbia Archive, Execute Thema!"

Arata entered into his magus mode for the first time in a fight after getting access to it.

"Realise, Buster Mode!"

Then he used outer alchemic to realise the gun and made his version of Lilith's magic.

"Hoo! Arata-san has gotten quite proficient in the outer alchemic, isn't he Lilith!" Liese commented seeing him forming the gun in a few seconds and looked at Lilith Asami who was responsible for teaching the kinds of stuff related to outer alchemic to Arata.

"Well, that's because of his cheat code of Grimoire which can just bypass all the unnecessary processes and make his work easier. Now all he needs is to imagine the gun structure and material to realise the gun in his hands!" Lilith said sounding very amazed by his Grimoire, Sora. But not particular with Arata as the guy didn't have to do much, to begin with.

Well, Arata does have a creative mind and with him being the demon lord candidate does have his perks.

"Now Mr white ketchup, let this show on the road!" Arata did the cool-looking pose according to him and made fun of the white demon lord who didn't understand much of the word but he did get the meaning so he furiously launch the multiple black energy beams at him.

"Swish!!" "Swoosh!!"


"Meteor Punisher!" Arata smiled with a thrilling expression and launched his attacks to intercept his opponent's attacks which were able to neutralize them.

"Bust Mode: Dragon Descent!" Arata shouted and he launched the white energy beam which transformed into a dragon who travelled into towards sky at a very fast speed and then descended in swiftly above the white demon lord.


Just after the debris got cleared the half body of the white demon lord remained which suddenly started to release white substance and soon it took the structure of the upper body and the upper body got fixed itself.

"What is that ahhh! That's disgusting, with that kind of regeneration ability that he has then can I even kill him!" Arata looked at this process with an uncomfortable face and spat out feeling very disgusted then it sunk into him that killing the white demon lord is not possible with his current attacks which he knows so he can only think of something new or asked for help but that's out of the question after glancing Kosei face who was looking at his fight with a very attentive look.

"Hehehe! Hahahaha! Demon Lord Candidate, you can never defeat me as I am born to become a true demon lord so let me devour you and fulfil my destiny...!" The Last Trinity started rambling his Chūnibyō monologue about becoming a true demon lord bla...bla...bla.

"Ahhh! Shut it, you pitiful being and looking at your misery, I feel that as a fellow demon lord candidate I should free you from your suppressed sufferings. So get ready, The last trinity!" Arata shouted hearing nonsense from him and also he felt some pity for him but not like he can imagine how his opponent's situation. He can only try to end his suffering so after thinking about his troublesome ability to regenerate, Arata came up with an idea.

The white demon lord who was losing his mind and questioning his intelligence, after hearing Arata's words misunderstood and thought that he was being insulted so he increased his magic output and aggressively started to attack Arata.

Well, It's also because Kosei had fed the white demon lord a sweet-sweet candy which temporarily increased his strength.

Arata got entangled in an aggressive assault by the white demon lord who was close to losing his mind and going berserk, so Arata wasn't able to use a long-range attack to keep him busy and use his secret killer moves on the white demon lord.

After getting abused by the white demon lord who lost his mind and went berserk because of Kosei candy which provided increased strength in exchange for consuming consumers' minds.

Arata got a chance suddenly so he used his gun and perform a meteor punisher from close range which pushed the white demon lord to a certain distance from Arata. Arata got one of the shoulders of the white demon lord shredded in the process which regenerated a second later.

"Phew! Damn, what kind of drugs did this guy take, for his strength to increase so much!" Arata took breathing and cursed at him then he hurriedly took his position to counter-attack.

"Mega Buster Mode: Extinguish the light - Meteor Buster!" Arata used all of his magic to form a big ass atomic gun and fired immediately upon completion to not give the white demon lord time to attack again.



The white bust of light formed on tip of the gun and fired towards the White demon lord like a white beam of disintegration, it travelled very far destroying everything in its way.




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