
Harem Overlord System(Re-written)

As a perverted otaku, Mc had a knack for ogling at mature beauties, especially the milf ones, and secretly taking advantage of them whenever he could. However, one day, he got more than he bargained for when he got beaten black and blue by one of the beauties he tried to help. To add insult to injury, on his way back home, Mc got into a car accident at a crossroad. But little did he know, fate had something else in store for him. He met a stunning goddess, who, despite being an object of his ogling, decided to forgive him for his past transgressions. In a surprising turn of events, the goddess gave him a system with its own personality and transmigrated him into the anime world he was watching before he died. Now, with a new lease on life, Mc sets out on a journey of self-improvement. He aims to shed his perverted ways and become a great man with a plethora of women by his side. But, as he quickly finds out, it's easier said than done. Through his trials and tribulations, Mc learns to be more open-minded, respectful, and compassionate towards others. He discovers that true greatness isn't measured by the number of women one has but by the quality of relationships one forms. Join Mc on his journey to self-discovery as he navigates the perils of the anime world and strives to become a better man. With humourous anecdotes and witty banter, this fanfic is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. ........... A/N: While there may be a slow burn when it comes to romance, fear not, dear readers, for this story still boasts a harem tag and promises some steamy moments, just not right off the bat. For those who enjoy a little action to spice things up, don't worry, there will be plenty of heart-pumping scenes scattered throughout the story. After all, the protagonist, Mc, is a man of culture, and he knows what his audience wants. As for the anime world he finds himself in, Mc will be exploring the lesser-known corners of the otaku universe. He'll be delving into worlds that are rarely adapted in fanfiction or not at all, so buckle up and get ready for a wild ride. With a mix of humourous and witty dialogue, this story promises to be a refreshing take on the harem and isekai genres. So sit back, relax, and get ready to join Mc on his journey of self-discovery and, of course, his pursuit of love and happiness with a bevy of beauties by his side. First World: Trinity Seven (Volume I) Second World: Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut (Volume II) Third World: ?? ( Maybe a mix world) if you want support me then visit the link: https://ko-fi.com/abysalyounglord0640 ........ Disclamer: "I don't own anything except the Mc and some 'inserts' characters." ......... Comment on the below links to show your support: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077283168912 Instagram: https://instagram.com/abysalyounglord?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= Join Discord: Abysalyounglord#0640

Abysalyounglord · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

60. Eternity Library




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



Royal Biblia Academy,

Training Field,

Evening time,

"What a great evening is today, it's the perfect time to bring out the long-lost library of alchemy!" A young man with clear deep ocean-looking eyes fluttering his hair in the wind looks very handsome.

Not far away from him are standing the unique beauties of Royal Biblia Academy, also known as Trinity Seven and with two extras, one demon lord candidate and another one, sister of one of the trinity.

"Ummn! What are we doing here? Yui-san, do you know anything about it!" The twin tail girl asked with a confused expression but still have a camera ready on her hand which was mostly used for casting logos art than taking photos.

"Selina, you don't have to feel impatient when the time comes and you will know by then!" Yui Kurata mysteriously replied to Selina as she didn't want to spoil the fun that her husband has planned to show them.

"It's better to be good I don't want my rest time to go to waste!" A girl with a ponytail hairstyle with little bangs hanging on her forehead interjected in the conversation and her hand a shining marble-like orb to which she was meticulously polishing it.

"Now...now, don't be a party popper! Kosei got us all here so he should have something good in his mind, right!" Another girl with little tall stature in the group, wearing her usual loafer with a slit above the leg making it easier for mobility purposes, came behind the ponytail girl and patted her shoulder to calm her down.

"Well! It is something, all right but it is mainly for Arata, as I want to check how much he has made progress on his training and you should all know that I won't be here after three days from now so I don't have any idea if he gonna be able to take care of future troubles which will be coming shortly after a year." Kosei Hesperia wanted them to know that he was being serious about leaving and he also wanted to know how much more he need to upgrade Arata so he won't die when the big boss start to emerge from their slumber.

Akio Fudo, Lieselotte sherlock, Levi Kazama, Selina Sherlock, Lilith Asami, and Mira Yamana have nervous expressions after looking at Kosei's face who was being serious as they thought what he said previously is a joke but it looks like he was being serious so they again contemplated what they wanted to do as Kosei has asked them if they want to follow along with him.

Arata was very happy at the moment and thought that he will be free from hell like training in three days as for Arin Kannazuki, she has the same expressionless face.

Yui Kurata doesn't have to think twice about this as whoever Kosei goes, she will follow along with him and Kosei never plan to leave her alone.

Kosei looked at the atmosphere which shifted toward something serious so he coughed loudly to get their attention.

"Where do you exactly want to go that you making sure Arata is strong enough and what kind of enemy will he be facing in the future that you have that troubled face!" Levi asked with intrigued expression.

"How about we discuss this later and do what we came here for!" Kosei said as he decided to explain a little with the headmaster Biblia's presence so he won't have to explain again.

After that, he called out to Lilith and ask her to show him her Grimoire, The Hermes Apocrypha.

"What do you need my Grimoire for!" Lilith asked with confusion and curiosity.

"Well, you should have heard the name, The Eternal Library. Right!" Kosei didn't reply to her but asked in return and Lilith who heard the name became shocked and showed a bewildered expression on her face.

"How did you know about that library and what are doing now, have to do with the library!" Lilith asked after calming herself and remembering that even she got to know about Eternity library by chance so how did Kosei get to know about it then again became confused as to what connection does it have to do with what he was doing currently.

Not just Lilith but also the rest of the trinity got surprised, as there aren't many people who knew about it.

"Ohh! About that, Hmmn! How should I say? Let's just say that I am bringing everyone inside the eternal library to tour around!" Kosei said with a cool and nonchalant expression like it was nothing to him.

"Are you serious?" Lilith could help but ask looking at him sceptically.

"How are we going to do that, care to tell!" Mira asked sarcastically.

No one believed Kosei and waited for his reply to Mira's question.

"Hmmn! Well, the master of the Eternal library made a key which can access the Eternal library. The master of Eternal Library, Hohenheim was also the founder of Outer Alchemy so if you want to get the key then you have to master the last crest of Outer Alchemy and that's why I asked Lilith to show me her Grimoire!" Kosei explains a little about the Eternal Library and the master behind it.

Lilith who knew about the founder of the Outer Alchemy wasn't surprised but was amazed by the last part and looked at her Grimoire which holds the key to getting access to the Eternal Library.

"So my Grimoire hold the key to access the Eternal Library!" Asked Lilith again feeling that her Grimoire holds many secrets that she didn't know.

The rest of the girls also feel surprised about it and wonder how that is possible. If they knew the master of Eternal Library then they won't have questions like that in their heart.

Kosei can guess what kind of fellow that person might have been when he was making something which whom he should have never interfered with.

Kosei didn't want to comment on someone's hobby, as everyone has their way of living and has something they want to achieve.

Arata who was feeling very curious about all of this came near Kosei and looked at Lilith's Grimoire.

At that time, Kosei already infused his new stream of energy into Lilith's Grimoire, Hermes Apocrypha.

The blinding light suddenly engulfed the three, to which Kosei had warned Lilith before this but Arata who didn't know felt like he was stabbed by something in his eyes.

"Ahhhhhh! My eyes! Fuck...!" Arata screamed after feeling stabbing pain then he also shut his eyes tightly.







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