
She is my neighbor??

"Great! It all looks like something out of an anime from the type-moon studio, !!!! ... I'm definitely in an anime world!"

"..... now I'm wondering ..... that strange guy gave me the system I wanted? ... I didn't manage to explain him everything I wanted.... I hope it all worked out. Good."

While I was thinking, a nice sound sounded in my head and some words appeared in front of me.


[Installed... installing... full installation]

[ Congratulations on the complete installation of the Harem king system ]

[ Would you like a complete explanation of everything contained in the Harem king System? ]

[Yes. No]

" great!! ..... Yes please".

[ The Harem King System has the following]


Name: Shuu Maiko

Age: 16

Race: +#+$#)#

Titles: [ Here are the titles that the host has]

Reincarnation / Descendant of +$;_)-$(_)/ new writer / Cheat.

Skills: [ are all the skills that the host possesses and can be added more by obtaining them in the system lottery or improving them naturally with practice].

- Lucky [ the probability of good things happening to the host increases exponentially, and increases the probability of getting good items in the lottery]

[you were given this ability as an apology for the error in which you would reincarnate]

Objects: [ here you can find all the objects and weapons that the host has and you can keep them in the store or sell them for lottery tickets].

-Starter package for beginners

-Devil Fruit [ ope- ope Nomi]. [ Also given to you as an apology]

Lottery: [ here the host can exchange 1 lottery ticket for a chance to get some, skill, weapon, knowledge or even people from other worlds at random].

MISSIONS: [ are the missions that the system will give to the host and are based on the host's wishes, the host decides whether to fulfill them or not].

[ Note: the host will receive 1 free lottery ticket every day.]

[ The Harem king System is focused on making the host powerful to fulfill the mission of saving other worlds and making the host the king of the Harem]


"..... everything looks great.... But ..... system... what did you say my name is? ....."

[ Shuu Maiko ]

"..... as the best friend of the protagonist of Nisekoi..... but it's just a coincidence, right? ...."

No, it is not consciousness.. ....The host is ichijou Raku's best friend.





(Time skip 30 minutes later)

It took me a while but I was finally able to accept it,

The System explained to me what happened,

It seems that that idiot who left me here did not know exactly where to send me and decided to send me to a world where many of the animes I know exist simultaneously.... That doesn't seem bad.... The problem was in whose body I was reincarnated!!!!.

"Why did it have to be in this body?" !!!! Why?!!!"

[ That's because in this world Shuu Maiko is descended from a person of great power, and although she never awakened abilities related to her legacy, her potential to become powerful allowed the host and the system to occupy her body without much trouble]

"What would have happened if I wanted to reincarnate in someone else?

[ Probably the body would not support the weight of the host's soul and system causing the body to die ].

"... Well... I don't want to die again..... I like this tough body..... yes..."

"well at least this world shouldn't be too dangerous if Nisekoi's story happens here, ..... at least I wasn't sent to the world of Hundred or Akame ga kill..... that would be horrible..."

"Okay system open my beginner's package please and give me the ope- ope nomi.

[ Beginner's packet opened ]

- 1 golden lottery ticket. [It allows you to obtain in the lottery an invocation, put more simply, you can invoke a character from another world at random].

- Multi-knowledge glasses [glasses connected to all the knowledge of this world, be it from the past, present and future.]

- Anti-evil-spirit medallion [ a medallion that protects from any spirit trying to harm the one who wears it ]

- 5 Senzu Seeds [ dragon Ball]

- Haki Training Manual [ one piece ]

- Credit card [ $50,000 ] [a harem king can't be poor]

- Ope-ooe fruit [ it is a Parametric Type Devil's Fruit which turns the user into a Surgeon, that is, it gives the user the ability to create an "operation room" where the user, within this space, has absolute control over the location and orientation of everything in this area..... but in exchange for this powerwhoever eats this fruit will lose the ability to swim in the sea].


"Great! ..... If there's one devil fruit ability I've always wanted to have it was Law's Fruit by Olive,.... That fruit is very broken! .... But there's the problem that I won't be able to swim...."

"Also with the credit card my money problems will be solved for a while, the Haki manual will be very useful to strengthen this body, but above all the glasses will be very useful to investigate this world further!

"I guess I'll eat the ope-ope fruit first... I hope it doesn't taste as bad as the manga says."

I took the fruit and bravely ate it in one bite.... The result was..... I regretted putting the fruit in my mouth.

That shit tastes horrible!!!!!!!!..... I once drank milk that was expired but the taste of that milk doesn't compare to this!!!!! It's 10 times worse!

I squirmed on the floor for a while trying to forget the horrible taste of the fruit and after a minute I finally made it.

"... that..... was horrible..... how come people eat something like that by their own will?!!... I know, it gives them incredible powers but ..... is not worth the taste!!!!...."

I stopped complaining and tried to use the power of the fruit.


When I said the iconic words that Law said when he used his powers a transparent dome began to cover the whole place.

"It works!!!!...."

I noticed a bottle of water on the table next to my desk and decided to try my new power with the bottle.


When I said those words the bottle disappeared from. Where it was and appeared in my hands.

"Yes! ..... works perfectly!!!!..... I will have to practice more with this power... I will leave the golden lottery ticket for later, first I will get used to this world and then I will be able to invoke someone else".

"If that's what I'm going to do, it would be useless to call someone else if I don't get used to living here first."

"Let's stop thinking about things like that! I'm in an anime world! That by itself is a dream come true! .... Let's go out and see our new World !!!!!."

Excited about my new life I left the room where I was, to go explore my new world and when I left my new home I noticed something important.

"…. Now I live in an apartment building ..... that's new ..... well, I'll think about that later, for now I'm going to go out".

I went in the direction of the elevator and entered the elevator, but as the doors were about to close a voice shouted to stop the doors.

I listened to the voice and stopped the doors, thanks to that the owner of the voice managed to get into the elevator .....

But that didn't matter much... the important thing was that I recognized the owner of the voice.....

"Thank you for stopping the doors Maiko-san... Haaaaaa ( sigh ) .... I was late again....."

I was incredulous to see who was in front of me, I said his name because of the surprise .....

"...….. Kobayashi-san???....."

"Yes, it's Maiko-san?..."

It's Kobayashi-san from the anime Kobayashi-san Maid no dragon!!!!!

I knew that in this world there are multiple anime and manga stories going on simultaneously but ... because she is my neighbor?!!!!!.

"Maiko-san?.... you're good??"

Damn it, while I'm surprised she's watching me!

I have to calm down and act like everything is fine! ... calm down...

"…. No..... it's nothing Kobayashi-san...what happened this time?...are you late for work?...."

Well it looks like I managed to fool her,!!!

Congratulations, by using lies you get the title LIAR.

[Liar: this title is obtained by people who. Are good at lying,

they could give you truth serum and you will continue to tell lies without others knowing if what you say is a lie]

",ha,ha,ha,ha,...( nervous laughter)... yes.....I drank more than I should have and fell asleep...what about you Maiko-san are you late for class?"

She's right! If I'm Shuu Maiko now, that means I have to go back to high school now!!!!!..... Shit! ... in college I had a very free schedule.... I'll have to get used to coming to class early again.

For now I'll have to make up an excuse to miss class today..

"....no.... I'm not going to class today Kobayashi-san... I woke up with a toothache and I'm going to the dentist for an appointment"

"I'm sorry to hear that,..... it must be hard for things like that to happen when you live alone...."

"Ha,ha,ha,ha...( nervous laugh ) if it's a bummer...."

She said I live alone?... where is my family in this world????.....no..... I think that's better.,.... It would be weird to call another woman I don't know mom.

We talked for a while and before the elevator reached the second floor I asked Kobayashi-san a question,

A very important question, and if he was right in what I was thinking, it would mean that I could soon fulfill one of my many dreams.

" Kobayashi-san..... have you thought about hiring a maid? I think she could help you with the housework..."

"... I have thought about it but I don't have enough money to hire a.... ( I also prefer the Victorian Sirvietas and they charge a lot)...(whisper)"

The last part he said as a whisper, but I heard him clearly.

That means that he still hasn't met Tohru....

The elevator doors open and she runs out.

"Good luck at the dentist Maiko-san, I have to go!


"System... are you thinking what I'm thinking? ...."

[ Are you thinking of hiring a "Maid Dragon", Host? ]

" Of course I am! .... But not only her, I think Kanna, Lucoa, and Elma will need a place to stay..... and I will gladly give them accommodation".


[New Mission]

[DRAGON MAID,A True King of the Harem can easily get a dragon Maid,

prevent Kobayashi-sa from finding Tohru and offer Tohru to become your Maid].

Reward: 3 lottery tickets.and 1 silver ticket

Time limit to complete the mission: 36 hours.


[DRAGON HOUSE, A Harem King can easily gather beautiful dragon girls,

fill your home with beautiful dragon girls, and eventually make them your partners]

Reward: 3 lottery tickets.

No time limit.


"The time limit is the time I have until the day comes when drunk Kobayashi-san gets lost in the mountains and finds Tohru ... right?

[ Correct ]

[When time runs out, Tohru and Kobayashi will have met and it will be impossible to alter that event.]

"...perfect!!...I still have time..... but first I will go and investigate what this world has to offer me,... "

"now that I have a system to fulfill every man's dream I will make a harem of beautiful women and live happily with all of them!

And with my mission to make a harem in my mind, spit out the street to investigate this new world.


(Time skip at night)

"All right.... This world is a l... I found many important things in my research today..."

"First, this world is huge! It's almost three times bigger than my original world!

I also found information about places, names, cities, companies and schools that I had only heard about in the anime and manga.

When the system told me that this place was a mix of many worlds I was not exaggerating ..... this place is huge!

Right now I am at home and I have to say that it is very spacious, it has 4 bedrooms to sleep a big kitchen 2 bathrooms and a big living room.....

This place looks like a luxury house... but taking into account that this world is huge, maybe my new home is not very big.

Well for now I understood that I am Shuu Maiko, I am 16 years old, I study high school in one of the 3 schools of this city.... If you heard right... 3 schools..... the cities in this place are so big that it is necessary to have more than one school in each city.

I am the best friend of ichijou Raku and there is still 1 year left for the events of the anime Nisekoi to begin.

I also discovered that in this place, famous works like Fate, Pokémon, One piece and others, do not exist.

This world has advanced a lot with respect to technology but there are still places that have not advanced as much.... The greatest proof of the advance of technology ..... is ..... The damned NerveGear that will go on sale in 1 year!!!!....

How does something like this happen!!???.... nothing makes sense in this world anymore!! .... I feel like hitting the idiot who left me in this crazy world.... But looking on the bright side this world has many beautiful girls..... and I have the advantage of knowing what will happen, that means I have a chance to conquer their hearts.

"....haaa( sigh)...I just have to accept my new life here."

"Well..... I'm going to sleep, so many things in one day give me a headache"

And so I went to sleep ..... fart I wanted to but couldn't because my neighbor was making a lot of noise yelling things while you could hear him typing on a keyboard ... I thought he would calm down in a while so I waited ..... and waited .... But, the damn sound kept coming back to !!!!!.

"I got tired of it !!!! ..... I'm going to complain !!!!."

I left my home and went straight to knock on the door of the apartment next door.

*Knock, knock, knock

I waited for someone to open the door, and when the door opened I got another surprise,.... My night just turned out to be different than I expected because the person who opened the door for me was a young girl with long, shiny black hair, red eyes, and a beautiful, lovely figure.

I was not surprised by her beauty, what surprised me was that she was my neighbor .....

"you need something or you will just stay quiet in front of my door"

Her sharp and mocking words confirm my suspicions ..... is she..

She is Utaha Kasumigaoka... one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen.... And one of the most beautiful girls in anime.

And now she is my neighbor .....

And right now she's looking at me with an annoying expression that doesn't hide her beauty... seems to get tired of waiting for me to answer why I sigh and close the door.

At that moment I understood that I made her angry.


It is the first time that I write such a long chapter !!!

I hope you like it, this story is an experimental idea, and I'm not sure what to do with this story

hope you like.

Next chapter